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Published June 29, 2021
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Lindsay Keisler brings her experience into our discussion this week to share how sometimes thinking like a rookie although on the surface seems like a big disadvantage can actually be leveraged into a great strength.

Lindsay is the President & CEO of The Chamber of Catawba County where she has served in various roles before taking on her current responsibilities.

As a young Chamber executive, Lindsay admits that she had insecurities and even some imposter syndrome when she first started until she learned to turn her open-minded rookie mentality into opportunity.

Lindsay shared some of the advantages of being a rookie that can even be adopted by more seasoned individuals in the Chamber industry if they are aware of this type of mindset.

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A rookie is willing to take risks. A rookie needs to ask a lot of questions, rather than telling others “how it is”. A rookie brings a fresh set of eyes and is willing to make a change. A rookie also has to leverage the knowledge and skills of those around them.

“When you {think like} you’re green, you’ll grow. When {you think like} you’re rip, you’ll rot.” -Ray Kroc

Lindsay also referenced a report titled The Demographic Drought that you can access here.

If you would like to connect with Lindsay about anything she discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see her contact information below:

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