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Published January 21, 2020
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Jodie Perry, President and CEO of the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about a very comprehensive community development project that her Chamber recently took on after a leadership visit to South by Southwest in Austin with 15 leaders in their community. The community development project is titled Mansfield Rising.

You can see the marketing material that was produced for Mansfield Rising which shows the scope and goals of the project by clicking here. You can also follow the hashtags #sxsw419 and #mansfieldrising to see how Jodie and her team are leveraging social media in this campaign.

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If you would like to connect with Jodie about what she has shared in this episode or their Mansfield Rising project, you can reach out to her by email at jperry@richlandareachamber.com, phone 419-522-3211, Twitter @chamberjodie. You can also look up her presentation at ACCE in 2019.

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