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Category: Podcast Episode

Lessons Learned in 2019

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In this episode, I take a moment to reflect back on the top 10 take-aways that I have learned this year while hosting Chamber Chat Podcast. The top ten lessons are listed below with links to past episodes and other pages that explore these ideas on a deeper level.

  1. The Chamber community is full of great people who are willing to help others be successful!
  2. The importance of travel events/intercity trips to learn from other communities. The Chamber Chat Podcast can help with some of these benefits by learning how other Chambers/communities are doing things.
  3. A Chamber can and should be much more than a networking business community. (see episode 44 with Libby Spears and episode 46 Roy Williams).
  4. The importance of staying true to your strategic plan. (see episode 40 with Henry Florshiem).
  5. Digital is important, but print is still very relevant. (see episode 31 with Justin Starlin and episode 15 with Layne Mullin). Community Matters, Inc. can help you with your Chamber publishing. Learn more at
  6. The importance of great community partnerships. (see episode 18 with Jenna Armstrong and episode 3 with Becki Womble).
  7. The importance of talent & workforce development. (see COY finalist series episodes 24-35).
  8. There is no such thing as too much non-dues revenue. (see episode 17 with Kevin Hodes) Swypit has a great Chamber affiliate program to help with your non-dues revenue. You can learn more at
  9. The future is bright for Chambers that stay relevant tech/automation. (see episode 5 with Tony Felker, episode 16 with Frank Kenny, and episode 45 with Jonathan Packer)
  10. Every Chamber should explore the option of producing their own podcast and several have already reached out to me about how to do this. If you would like to learn how to produce a podcast for your Chamber, please visit to receive a free how-to guide to get started with podcasting.
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Take the Stairs

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Take the Stairs, by Rory Vaden is a great book that highlights what successful people do to be successful. I love the title and the lesson that the title carries with it. We need to be willing to do the short-term hard things in order to see the long-term rewards.

In this episode, I share some of the points that resonated with me as I read the book. I was first introduced to this book when Rory Vaden spoke at TCCE about 5-6 years ago. The book is not directly written for Chamber professionals, but he obviously has a message that relates to those in the Chamber industry that want to be more successful.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

You can find Take the Stairs on Amazon and I am sure at other book stores as well. I would encourage everyone to read this book and more importantly, apply the principles that are taught!

In this episode, I mentioned the work of a Dr. Daniel Amen about overcoming automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) in order to become more positive. You can find out more about his work here on his website.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.Image

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Aligning Your Programming & Advocacy Efforts with Mirinda Rothrock

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Mirinda Rothrock, President of the Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about why it is so vital to align your programming with your advocacy efforts.

In this episode, Mirinda shares how you can show the value of your advocacy efforts to your members through your programming. She shares a great example from her community regarding a minimum wage increase and how the Chamber collected data, worked as the voice of business in opposition to the minimum wage increase, and how they are now focusing their programming on how they can help the business community adjust to the coming changes.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

Through some job specific programming, the Chamber is able to reach other employees at a business beyond the primary rep or owner which allows that member business to better recognize the value that the Chamber provides for their business.

If you would like to connect with Mirinda about what she has shared in this episode or about how she aligns her programs with advocacy efforts, you can reach out to her by email at

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Integrating TRACTION Into Your Strategic Plan with Charlie Moore

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Charlie Moore, President and CEO of the McLean County Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to discuss how your Chamber can implement TRACTION into your strategic plan.

In our discussion, Charlie addresses some resources to help with implementing TRACTION. These resources are:

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Charlie about what he has shared in this episode or about integrating TRACTION at your Chamber, you can find him on the Chamber website at His email address is

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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What Needs to Happen in Your Community? with Roy Williams

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Roy Williams, President and CEO of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to discuss a more broad topic that will be different for each community. Roy talks about some of the programs and initiatives that have been developed at the Oklahoma City Chamber that stemmed from asking the question “What needs to happen in our community?”

In our discussion, Roy covers: community initiative campaigns, their Forward Oklahoma City Fund, CVB, EDC, All Sports campaign, their PAC, Innovation District, Criminal Justice, and their MAPS project to touch on just a few.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Roy about what he has shared in this episode or how they went about implementing some of these programs at the Oklahoma City Chamber, you can find him on the Chamber website at His email address is and phone number is 405-297-8939.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.Image

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Step by Step Member Experience with Jonathan Packer

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Jonathan Packer, Senior Vice President of Customer Experience at the Austin Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to discuss a step by step membership/customer experience from first exposure to the Chamber, to joining the Chamber, to becoming more engaged, and eventually retaining members year after year.

Jonathan covers their strategy there at the Austin Chamber and shares some of the technology that they use to help with this experience.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Jonathan about what he has shared in this episode or how they went about their digital transformation plan, you can reach him by email at

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.Image

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How Your Chamber Can Add Value to the Marketplace with Libby Spears

See where you can listen to Chamber Chat Podcast

Libby Spears, founder of Bravo, CC is our guest this week to share ideas about how your Chamber can add value to the marketplace. Bravo, CC is a communications and consulting venture, that works with professionals and organizations across the world to stand out in a crowded and competitive marketplace.

One of her key take-away ideas is that the Chamber should be the go to resource in your community for professional training and development.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Libby about what she has shared in this episode, you can connect with her at where you can find her contact info, you can opt in to her email list, or you can connect with her on social media through there as well.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Chamber Relevance into the Future with Rob Bradham

Rob Bradham, President & CEO of The Greater Dalton Area Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week. Rob talks about things that Chambers should be thinking about in order to stay relevant with the generational shift that is taking place in the workforce. Some of the areas he addresses are being on the tip of the spear to solve the problems in your community and to give more of a purpose to membership for the younger generation of decision makers that are in your community now.

As Rob shared ideas from the Dalton Chamber’s strategic plan, the areas of focus to stay relevant centered on the areas of:

  • Community Pride
  • Downtown Development
  • Economic Development
  • Educational Outcomes
  • Entrepreneurial Growth
  • Housing
Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

In the area of Entrepreneurial Growth, Rob briefly shared the story of a young man named Tripp Phillips who is from Dalton. Tripp landed a deal on Shark Tank with Kevin O’Leary for his company that produces water soluble Lego brick glue.

If you would like to connect with Rob about what he has shared in this episode, you can reach him by email at

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

Chamber Travel Events with Bob Quick

Listen on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher

Bob Quick, President & CEO of Commerce Lexington, Inc. is our guest this week. Bob covers an interesting topic around his experiences with Chamber Travel Events. He specifically talks about four travel events that Commerce Lexington participates in which are:

Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

Bob has great insight about the importance and impact of these Chamber Travel Events. If you would like to connect with Bob about what he has shared in this episode, you can reach him by email at or phone at 859-254-4447.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, consider delegating to an award-winning publisher and Chamber partner like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.