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Chamber Chat Podcast and Swypit have partnered together to offer a credit card affinity program for Chambers of Commerce. There are 3 simple steps to how this affinity program works:

  1. You sign up with Swypit to handle the credit card processing for your Chamber. Swypit is know for their exceptional customer service and will get you the best rates possible.
  2. You promote Swypit to your Chamber members as a way to help them to become more profitable through Chamber member group rates.
  3. As you continue to promote and refer Swypit to your members, your Chamber will receive residual income through the life of your relationship with Swypit.

As an added bonus, Kevin Hodes, the owner of Swypit will hold an RSVP Q&A on an annual basis to help your members learn how Swypit can help them become more profitable.

The presentation below explains more about Swypit and the affinity program that is being offered, including an example showing the potential non-dues revenue.

The video below is by Swypit founder, Kevin Hodes as he explains the 3 things that he hates about the credit card processing industry and what makes Swypit better than the rest!

Listen to Kevin Hodes on episode 17 of Chamber Chat Podcast at