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Published February 12, 2019

Bruce Hillegeist is the energetic and very likable President and CEO of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce in the Northwest Houston area. In this episode of the Chamber Chat Podcast, Bruce shares his passion for Chamber leadership as he talks about various tips and strategies that have helped him to become the well respected and loved leader that he is.

Some of the main take aways from this episode are some phrases that Bruce firmly believes in.

“Chase the relationship, not the money.”

“We are better together.”

“See challenges as opportunity.”

“We (the Chamber) do what most people think just happens.”

“We will never know enough.”

Bruce has a genuine care for his staff, their Chamber members, and his community as a whole. As you listen, you will feel of his love and passion for the Greater Tomball Community.

If you would like to contact Bruce about anything that was shared in this episode, he can be reached by email at bruceh@tomballchamber.org or on his cell phone at 281-782-1408.

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