Matt Mahood, President & CEO of the Silicon Valley Organization (SVO) is our guest this week to share with us a very successful partnership program that they have been a part of in their community to help serve some of their underprivileged youth. Their program, Strive San Jose, convenes the education sector, business, and government to help create, guide and influence the talent pipeline to ensure a talented workforce that will allow their businesses to continue to innovate and grow.
In its first six months, the program launched an internship program that placed 41 local high school students into paid summer internships with 31 SVO businesses, representing 13 industries, and generating $50,000 into the local economy. Since the program’s inception, they have expanded to include four school districts in total serving over 1,500 underserved youth in the past three years alone
If you would like to connect with Matt about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can find his email below.
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