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Chamber Pros understand the value of sponsors and memberships, especially if they have ever facilitated a conference or annual event.

For 4 years, Chamber Chat Podcast was supported by my own pocket for most of the first 2 years, and then by some advertising revenue for the years 3 & 4. The podcast is now at a place where I need to bring on some additional help to allow for the show to grow and to free up some bandwidth for me to take on new projects.

Over the first 4 years and 200+ episodes, the podcast has developed quite a strong following as a free podcast show. Chamber Chat Podcast will always be a free program for Chamber Champions to listen to, however I am exploring new ways to add revenue to allow the show to continue to progress.

Below are some options if you feel so inclined to become a regular supporter/sponsor for the podcast. There are suggestions based on the number of listeners at your Chamber. I figure many will be single listeners at the $5/month options, but you may see value in having your Chamber sponsor the show as a resource for all of your staff. You also may be a Super Fan and want to give more. If you are interested in contributing a different amount, please reach out to me at brandon@chamberchatpodcast.com and we can get you set up for a custom amount.

Whatever option you choose, or even if you can’t financially support the podcast right now, thank you for being here and for being a regular listener. The show wouldn’t be what it is with out YOU!

Suggested Sponsorship Amounts

Thank you for being a great Chamber Champion! Your support will allow for the show to remain free, especially for those who are not currently part of their state or regional associations.