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Category: DEI

Mason City Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Robin Anderson

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Robin Anderson. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now, your host, he just launched a chamber podcasting course. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:23
Hello, Chamber Champions, welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it is my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business in Washington State to learn how Holman Brothers has provided value for him.

Kris Johnson 0:47
Well, Doug and Bill at the Holman Brothers have been a key ally in growth for my professional career working at three different chambers, a local chamber, a regional chamber, now a statewide chamber. And they’ve been the ideal solution, whether it’s a comprehensive training program, whether it’s working on individual sales growth, quarterly check-ins with the team, the ability to grow members has meaning more assets for the organization, more assets means we can do more things to serve our members. They’ve really been the perfect solution for us, a trusted resource partner and a growth partner for us all along the way. So hats off to Doug and Bill for their great success. They’ll be a great partner for you as they are for us.

Brandon Burton 1:28
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Guest Introduction

Our guests for this episode. This is a 2022 ACCE chamber the year finalist series that we’re putting out right now but our guests for this episode is Robin Anderson. Robin has served as president and CEO of the Mason City Chamber in Iowa since 2001. As a native of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, She’s a graduate of the University of Iowa and holds a master’s degree in servant leadership. prior to sending her role with the Chamber she spent 20 years in the banking industry serving as both a local bank president and as a regional executive overseeing operations for Bank of America’s 21 I will locations she earned both professional designations of IOM from the US Chamber and CCE from ACC. Rob Robin is a past chair of MIT American Chamber of Commerce executives, the Iowa chamber Alliance and the Iowa Chamber of Commerce executives. She was selected as a fellow with ACCE educational attainment division and is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100. Robin, I’m excited to have you back with me on chamber chat podcast, you were a guest last year if anybody wants to go back, it was episode 129 as the Mason City Chamber was a chamber, the year finalist last year as well. So this is exciting to have you back. But why don’t you take a minute to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Robin Anderson 4:01
Sure, well, hello, everybody. Um, as was mentioned, I’m a recovering banker. But now I have actually spent more time in the chamber industry than I did in banking. And I’m looking forward actually, I’m a little ambivalent that I’m going to be retiring at the end of 2022. So I’m looking forward to a new chapter in my life.

Brandon Burton 4:32
Yeah, I can imagine that. He’s saying that. There’s a little bit of looking forward to it. I know you’ve got plans, I’m sure. Well, tell us a little bit about the Mason City Chamber, size staff budget just to give us an idea before we get into our discussion.

About the Mason City Chamber

Robin Anderson 4:50
Sure. Um, we are a chamber of 4.5 FTE. We have four full timers one part Heimer and we frequently have an intern as often as we can attract one anyway. And we serve a nine county region in north central Iowa basin city, although we’re a small community of less than 30,000 people were that tally seat Trade Center sort of place for North Iowa and we have about 650 number of businesses from this region and our budget is around a half a million.

Brandon Burton 5:42
That really helps to kind of give us a perspective. As we get into our discussion today as a chamber the year finalist, I like to focus our discussions on the the two programs that were submitted on your chamber the year application, and we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as you get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

All right, Robin, we’re back. As I mentioned before the break, we’ll address the two programs that you guys put on your chamber your applications here. I’d like for you just to maybe just from a high level just mentioned what the two programs are and then we can dive in a little bit deeper on some of those details.

Robin Anderson 9:05
Sure. I think we are not unlike a lot of other chambers in that we are very much focused on workforce attraction and retention. So both of our programs have to do with that. The first one is called Building community with an emphasis on the unity and we have positioned our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative as a workforce attraction and retention strategy. And the other program is a chamber initiative also for workforce attraction to use historic, architecturally significant proper Eddie, as short term furnished housing for college intern.

Brandon Burton 10:08
Right, so maybe let’s let’s dive in a little bit deeper on that one, since that’s the one you just mentioned. So this historic property tell us the history of it, and how the chamber came about this and kind of the solution you guys did.

Robin Anderson 10:22
Well, Mason City has a growing reputation as a destination for architecture. We have the last remaining Frank Lloyd Wright hotel in the world that was restored about 10 years ago. And we also have the largest collection of Prairie School homes that are unified by a common setting in the world. So as a result of those things, Conde Nast Traveler, has twice named Mason City, on its list of the world’s best cities for architectures. So that puts our teeny Mason City Iowa, alongside Dubai and Paris and Miami and Seattle, and Istanbul, and Tel Aviv. So it’s pretty remarkable. So when historic property was flooded, and was in the theme of buyout, there were a lot of people in the community saying, wow, you know, how could we let this home be demolished. And the reason that this house is not the primary school style that we’re famous for, it’s actually a combination of Art Moderne and international style. But what makes it really unique is, it’s the first architectural styles that place the garage at the front of the house. Previous to that time, garages were behind the houses, and you access them through an alleyway. And at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, they heralded this motor home as the house of the future. And it really sort of signifies the American middle classes growing love affair with the automobile where we put our garages right out front. And this house actually even had a double garage, which in 1939, was pretty remarkable. So anyway, this is the house that was flooded. And we just saw a need to find a way to save this house. But then how are you going to cashflow it long term. And one of the things that we’ve been hearing from our employers is that we have no residential hotels like a Residence Inn, within 100 miles of Mason City. And we have no apartments that were available for short term rentals. So when businesses wanted to attract a college intern, their pool was really limited to people who could arrange for their own housing with families, or friends. And so they’ve been we’ve been talking for a while about how do we get some short term furnished housing? Well, this house has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. And so we decided, you know, I wonder if we could rent out these room to interns or medic healthcare, students who are in town on rotations, and that we actually hired MBA cohort to do a study a feasibility study on this for us, and they found that yet, today’s students if they had access to short term furnished housing, at a nice price, would not object to sharing a laundry room sharing the kitchen and sharing bathroom. And so that is sort of what we put out there. Sadly, we received our occupancy permit on March 30 of 20. At that time, a lot of businesses stopped having in turn, a lot of medical school rotation sort of stopped. And so we had a period of time where just the caretaker was living in the lower level apartment, but now I’m happy to say we’re full and for the summer, we could have filled this house with interns several times, and we also since we were able to start accepting interns a little over a year ago, we’ve actually had several businesses who have hired their intern full time, because they had such a great experience living in the house, and also participating in our college Connections program, which we run in tandem to the housing project.

Brandon Burton 15:31
That’s awesome. I don’t know if enough time has passed it to really tell if if it really is a spike, obviously, it would be a spike in the summer for interns to come. But if it’s something that you can keep full throughout the year as well, do you have any kind of feedback yet, as far as the demand throughout the rest of yeah,

Robin Anderson 15:48
we’ve actually, we have one of the rooms that one employer has reserved through December of 2023. And we have other employers who are interested in just renting their room so that they have it there for insurance, because we had a lot of disappointed people who couldn’t get in the house. And we’re also looking, there’s another historic property in town that we’re looking at doing the same with the same thing with because this seems to be a model that works. And I think this could be a model that could work in other communities.

Brandon Burton 16:31
That was my next question is, if this isn’t, it sounds like a good business model that a chamber could adapt or even spin off, you know, onto another nonprofit at some point?

Robin Anderson 16:41
Well, exactly. Because, you know, a lot of communities get behind the saving historic homes. But the problem is, there’s not, you can’t just run them as a House Museum. You know, there’s just not enough revenue, you know, people might be interested in seeing one. But that is not enough revenue to keep something going. And so we really feel like, as long as you can get it done without debt, you should be able to generate enough revenue from rental of the rooms to pay utilities, taxes, and

Brandon Burton 17:28
on what a neat story to for those interns that stay there to be able to talk about their time doing an internship and staying in this historic house and Mason City, like they’re gonna remember that. And it’s a lot better than staying at a residence. And even if you guys have one in town,

Robin Anderson 17:41
well, exactly. And that was kind of what we thought to we thought. And we really prefer rather, you know, we could fill it with all med students and rotation, we could fill it probably with all student teachers, we could, you know, kick of engineering engineers, whatever, but we really feel like they’ll have a richer experience. If there’s a mix in the room or in the house. And that at least last summer, we had a really good mix. And then when we did as the students moved out, and we did exit interview, they really did enjoy not having everybody be exactly like them. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 18:27
That’s great. I love that, that that program. So let’s shift gears over to building community. I’d like to play on unity and community and tell us what how did that program come about? What’s it about? I know it’s workforce related. But let’s dive a little deeper into that program.

Robin Anderson 18:48
Well, it is I’ll start by giving you a quick demographic. And that 2010 census, Mason City was about 94.6% Caucasian, and in the 2020 census were 93%. Caucasian. Though we haven’t made a lot of progress in terms of diversity, we also 40.3% of our labor force in our county is age 55 to 64. And our population is shrinking. So when we look at our talent pipeline and our workforce for the future, it’s very worrisome. So the quickest way for us to deal with this is to recruit people to our community, who don’t look like that. And despite the fact that we don’t have much diversity, we really feel like we are a welcoming community. So we have positioned our DEI efforts as a workforce attraction strategy. And we’re doing diversity, equity and inclusion training with our employers, and actually certifying them as an inclusive employer. And then the trip chamber provides them with our building community. Little logo that they can we, we have door claims and or window claims, but also just a little bugs that they can use on their website or on their employment application material. And we have steps that businesses can take to be more inclusive no matter what size they are. And sort of another part of this strategy is we have a community concierge program. And that is led by the Chamber supported very heavily by our members, we give customized community tours, we provide lower pieces in the form of a video brochure that can be customized for one, applicant. And then we provide follow up services. So if somebody moves to our community, who’s that engineer, and they’re Lebanese, and they want to know where they can go to get this Lebanese ingredient, we know where they can go. And we provide that follow up as long as they needed until they get really integrated into the community. And so again, it’s sort of like the intern project. We’re not doing anything huge. We’re just trying to chip away at this workforce attraction problem, one person at a time.

Brandon Burton 22:20
So it helped me understand and maybe maybe I do understand, I just needed a little clarification. But so is the basis of this program to educate the employers about, you had mentioned the DEA and AI, training and everything, but for them to be more diverse in seeking talent, or are you doing that and then still, proactively looking for and trying to draw the diverse workforce into your community?

Robin Anderson 22:52
All of those things? Okay. You know, and I, and I think we’re, you know, just like everybody else, you know, workforce attraction, and retention is not one thing, it’s a million thing. And we really take the public position, that workforce attraction and retention is everybody’s job. Because if we can’t get the workforce that we need, we, you know, we’re short on physicians right now. Well, that’s a quality of life issue. You know, if you don’t have enough doctors in your community, that’s an issue for everyone. And

Brandon Burton 23:31
let’s be honest, with today’s workforce, it’s all a quality of life issue, right? If you can go to a restaurant and get served, it’s a quality of life issue.

Robin Anderson 23:41
Yeah, I mean, it’s everything. So we’re really that’s why. And our chamber is sort of known for using art to solve public problem. We’ve launched a sculptural walk public art program, we’ve done murals on the backs of ugly downtown buildings, too. And so what we’re doing what we decided to do to sort of launch this effort was do a community mural. And then also sort of reinforced that with billboards with a mural image, so that our whole community knows that we all need to be more welcoming not just employers, but neighborhoods and restaurants and schools and everybody this is everybody’s job and it really is a unity thing. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 24:45
I love that and it is such a unifying force to once you can get everybody on board with it. I love those. The videos you talked about to personalize these messages, this video brochures because that in If anybody listening if you’re not doing that, that is a almost becoming a standard in the in the industry as far as workforce and talent attraction is to be able to customize these packages to be able to say, Okay, you’re a Muslim, here’s the mosque in our community, here’s the, you know, grocery stores, what the, that you know, how you would fit in in our community, and really help them feel comfortable. So, Robin, go ahead.

Robin Anderson 25:27
Well, I was just gonna say in chambers, ours is so well positioned. Because all these businesses that provide all these services are our members. And so nobody knows where all these resources are better than chambers.

Brandon Burton 25:45
Right? Even better than Google. Oh,

Robin Anderson 25:50
better. We can give personal testimony.

Brandon Burton 25:53
That’s right. So Robin as a as a chamber, the year finalists, I see all the finalists is kind of setting a standard of sorts for chambers to look towards, and to kind of try to elevate their community, if you will. But I wanted to ask how do you view the role of your chamber in your community?

Robin Anderson 26:17
Well, we are sort of a poker and a broader I, and I think City Hall would say that too. You know, there’s a lot of people that kind of get hung up, and you can spend a lot of time wringing your hands and naming all the problems. And I think what we’re best known for, is actually doing something. And, you know, these Synopsys are examples of things that we do that might be small, but at least we’re moving forward and making a difference. And it can be paralyzing when sometimes, you know, we could look at our demographics, and be paralyzed and spend a lot of time talking about how terrible this is. But that’s not going to help us. And, you know, but it’s easy to get caught up in that, oh, this is terrible. This is terrible. And small towns like ours, across America, are facing these same issues. So we’re just trying to dig in. And, you know, we’ve really encouraged our city, when interest rates are low, this is the time to invest in infrastructure and invest in things, and down the road, you know, we’re going to be glad we did. And that really is a role of government. And now because of funding that’s been provided to government, this really, really is the time to position ourselves for the future. So I think the fact that we get the best business minds in the community, on our board, and we really utilize them, not for attending our golf outing, or networking events, or those kinds of things. When we get them around the board table, we really talk about what issue is facing, you know, what are the issues you’re facing as a business? And what can we collectively do to make it better, has really made a difference to us, and I think has really helped to muscle build our organization?

Brandon Burton 28:56
Yeah, I think that’s so key to use some of those more influential people in your community for things that really matter. And it not that a golf tournament doesn’t matter, but on a scale of importance in a community, there’s probably some heavier topics, some more impactful things that you can, you know, utilize those individuals in to leverage their influence and and people they know and everything else. So I think that is a great, a great piece of advice, which was going to be my next thing I was going to ask if you have any tips or action item, maybe that a chamber listening could do to help take their chamber up to the next level?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Robin Anderson 29:38
Um, well, I think the best advice that I have is I’ll leave you with a quote. The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But most of all the world needs dreamers who do and And I think chambers are in a great position to dream. But we’re also business people. And we do. And so that’s sort of what we try to live by around here. That’s great.

Brandon Burton 30:17
I love that. Very good, very good piece of advice. So thank you. So I like asking everyone I have on the show. And I don’t know if you remember your response last year when you’re on. But I’d like to ask how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Robin Anderson 30:34
Well, I think to stay relevant, we really do need to keep changing. And I am amazed when I look at the horizon initiative, at how clairvoyant, many of those items were, that I think one of the things that we learned coming out of COVID is customization, that our businesses, you know, the email blasts are in the past. And we really need to be customizing our messaging and directing it to the people who care about that particular thing. And that’s going to take investments in technology. And that’s going to take critical thinking, and it’s going to take change, we are going to be able to do things, the way we’ve always done them. And that’s one of the things as I look toward retirement. I think, you know, there’s probably a lot of things I’ve been doing the same way for, you know, the past 20 some years. And I think it’ll be really good for our chamber to have some new blood and some new ideas and some new eyes and ears that can take our chamber to the next level.

Brandon Burton 32:05
Sure, I think that is, it is always a good thing, I think to have a new perspective that that comes and and whether it’s a change in the chamber executive or or even just as your board turns over year to year that brings perspective as well. But it is important to keep changing and customize that messaging. So thank you. Robin, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you, especially over the next six months before you go off into retirement. About anything that you’ve mentioned today or how you guys are doing things that Mason City Chamber what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect with you sure,

Connect with Robin Anderson

Robin Anderson 32:47
um, email is still the best way for me or if you’re at ACCE convention, you can hit me up there. But my email address is

Brandon Burton 33:07
Right and I will get that in our show notes for this episode as well. But Robin It’s been great having you back on chamber chat podcast, great circumstances to have you back as a chamber the year finalist again, and I wish you guys the best of luck this year as as chamber the year.

Robin Anderson 33:24
Thank you very much. We’re going to try hard.

Brandon Burton 33:27
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Entrepreneurship Attracts Diversity

I recently interviewed Bill Sisson on the Chamber Chat Podcast and in our discussion, he mentioned something as we were wrapping up the interview which caught my attention.  It was off of the planned topic that we were discussing, but he mentioned that entrepreneurship attracts diversity.  I had never thought about entrepreneurship in those terms before.  We ended that podcast recording and I continued to ponder that statement over the next couple of weeks.  

Entrepreneurship Programs

I realize that for a long time, Chambers of Commerce did not have a unique selling proposition for entrepreneurs.  Chambers did not have the toolset to dedicate to such a small segment of their business population.  Besides, an overwhelming percentage of entrepreneurs fail or are forced to close their business within the first two years.  Why should a chamber pay much attention to a small business who is here today and potentially gone tomorrow?

If we have learned anything over the past couple of years through the COVID pandemic, we should apply those lessons going forward.  One phenomenon that we witnessed has been titled ‘the great resignation’. During the pandemic, for a variety of reasons, employees of many industries decided to call it quits.  At least that is how the news is presented to us.  As you drive around town, you are likely to see help wanted or now hiring signs in store and restaurant windows.  Chambers have been a great resource to help find this needed workforce, but what about the people who resigned?

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Great Resignation

One of the influences which led to the great resignation is that the federal government issued very large stimulus checks while at the same time, people were not traveling for work or leisure and their overall expenses went down significantly during the pandemic.  Some of these newly unemployed individuals were now seeing their situation as a great opportunity to take their newfound free time and seed money to make their dreams come true by starting their own business.

I am staging this article in this way to stress the influx of new entrepreneurs in your community.  If it is true that most new businesses fail within the first two years, then shouldn’t your chamber do something to help these businesses overcome those odds so they can build something of value to your community, be a part of your organization, and employ more individuals?

Who Are Entrepreneurs?

As we take a closer look at some of the people who decide to go out on their own often do so out of necessity.  I have heard some entrepreneurs joke about starting their own business because they were unemployable themselves.  This necessity may be due to a handicap.  Maybe the entrepreneur is a single mom who needed more flexible hours to still be there for her children.  These entrepreneurs could be people who have felt marginalized throughout their employment history and were tired of being looked over for a promotion or even to get hired.  Some entrepreneurs don’t have the “needed experience” to get a traditional job.

As we consider the reasons why someone may have taken the entrepreneurial journey, we find out that they are disabled veterans, they are young professionals, they are within the LBGTQ community, they are of minority races, they are women owned businesses.  Each of these entrepreneurs fit into any chamber’s diversity, equity, and inclusion outreach programs.

Possible Direction

So, what can you do with this information?  First, I would encourage you to ponder this idea and to look deeper into your community.  Reach out to a half dozen entrepreneurs in your community and ask them questions about why they decided to go the entrepreneurial route.  Then, once you have more specific data for your community, I would encourage you to research what some other chambers have done to build strong entrepreneurial programs.

One example that comes to mind is Greater Fort Wayne, Inc.  I interviewed John Urbahns in 2020 and 2021 as an ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist.  One of the programs that he highlighted in our interview as their entrepreneurial bridge program.  This program took applicants to both be mentors and mentees.  In other words, a more established business owner would essentially sponsor an entrepreneur in their community, not for just a year or two, they would make a 5 year commitment to mentor their entrepreneur to help them succeed.

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I could go on and on trying to explain how this program works and why I think it is so great, but it might do the program better justice if you check out the interview and learn about it directly from John.

By using the example of this entrepreneurial bridge program, if you were to introduce 10 entrepreneurs to a program like this each year, by the 5 year mark, you would have 50 entrepreneurs learning the ins and outs of business from a successful business owner in your community.  Do you think a program like this could help to break down some barriers?  Do you think the success rate of these entrepreneurs would go up or down if they were part of a program like this?  Overall would your community be better or worse off by implementing a bridge program?

More than anything, I want us to learn from the lessons that were presented to us through the pandemic and the subsequent movements around race and inequality.  I know your chamber has probably already taken a deep look into your organization to see what changes can or should be made.  I just want to present ideas for you to conduct your own R&D (ripoff & duplicate) because I believe a stronger, more influential chamber leads to a stronger community.

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Wisdom from the Wild with Julie Henry

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_0371.jpg

Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Julie Henry. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

Feel free to join our Chamber Chat Champions Facebook Group to discuss this episode and to share your own experiences and tips with other Chamber Champions.


Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now, your host, he’s always intrigued when he sees a snake in the wild. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. It’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Matt Morrow President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri to learn how the Holman Brothers provided value to his chamber.

Matt Morrow  0:45 

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Brandon Burton  1:06 

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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Julie Henry. Julie is president of finish line leadership and author of wisdom from the wild the nine unbreakable Laws of Leadership from the animal kingdom. Former Zoo and Aquarium senior leader, Julie has worked with over 55 organizations across corporate nonprofit government association and community sectors. She holds a Bachelors of Science degrees in both zoology and education and Masters of Arts and Communication and an executive program certificate in sustainable business leadership. She is dedicated to helping people deal with change lead teams and build resilience using insights from wildlife and wild places. Julie has presented over a million people across 32 states and six countries in settings ranging from auditoriums and ballrooms to boats, beaches, forests, theaters, boardrooms, and even underwater while feeding sharks and moray eels. She lives in Sarasota, Florida with her two children whom she lovingly describes as her zoo animal and her wild animal due to each one’s natural inclination towards life. Julie, I’m happy to have you with me today on Chamber Chat Podcast, if you would take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little bit better.

About Julie Henry

Julie Henry 3:06
Oh, it’s so great to be here. Thank you so much for the invitation. I love talking all things, wildlife and wild places, and especially if you can help somebody think about something a little bit different. I’m happy to do that. And something interesting about me is if you ask me what my favorite animal is, it’s not actually in the book. It is a giant squid. And I think giant squid are fascinating because, um, you know, they get in battles with sperm whales. And we didn’t even know that we didn’t see one alive for a long time out until like, the past 10 years alive in his natural habitat. So it was a it was a conundrum, you know, an animal of legend that we kept searching for. And I love that.

Brandon Burton 3:41
Right. Wow, that is a good insight. There might be another chapter in you somewhere about.

Well, I’d like for you to take a moment to share a little bit about your background about your organization Finish Line leadership and and your relationship with chambers of commerce throughout your work just to kind of show the relevance to why we’re having you on Chamber Chat Podcast today.

Julie Henry 4:10
Yeah, thanks. I appreciate that. You know, when I spent the first 10 years working for organizations working for other people in nonprofit and corporate settings, and then when I launched my business in 2008, my sister in law actually said to me, you need to join the Chamber of Commerce. And I said, Well, why I don’t understand I just never had really been involved in chambers of commerce. And she said, Well, you need to it’s, you know, community, it’s its growth, it’s networking. It’s everything, and especially if you’re going to run your own business, and I said, Well, okay, and, and so I checked it out and immediately, I was really interested to get involved in many as many ways as possible. So that was putting my hand up and saying, Yeah, I want to join this committee, and then it was sure I’ll serve on the board and then it was, yeah, run this committee for green business. leadership because to me, Chambers of Commerce are such a necessary part of our community to provide a gathering space, a convenient space for people to talk about things that are hard and challenging and business as well as to support each other. And then over time, they became my clients hired to help them with facilitation to find new executive directors, I’ve been helping recently with the leadership programs that many of them have in the local area. So I’ve, I’ve been on both sides or every side of the coin, and I continue to think that they provide a very valuable and necessary role in our communities.

Brandon Burton 5:38
Absolutely. I appreciate you sharing that background. And it is very fitting to you to have that such close contact with chambers of commerce and several communities. And to be able to integrate that with the lessons that you share in your book today, which is going to be the topic that we’ll cover is diving into a little bit more of your book of Wisdom from the Wild, which is the nine unbreakable Laws of Leadership from the animal kingdom. And we’ll dive into this discussion as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Wisdom from the Wild

All right, Julie, we are back. You know, I’d like to say that it would be an understatement to say you hit a homerun with this book, you know, a lot of people, they, they talk about writing a book, and then when it comes down to it, they balk, you know, then they never actually do it. And sometimes, you know, if they’ve already put out information about it, they kind of find themselves in a pickle, you know, because they they’re not going forward with what they said they would do. And I’m saying all these things on purpose to dry out these these metaphors, these analogies there throughout life. All right, as we talk about hitting that home run or boxing or being in a pickle, a lot of these analogies are sports related. A lot of them are baseball related, I would say that wisdom from the wild, it covers a lot of the blocking and tackling of leadership. So there’s a football analogy there. But we don’t see a ton of analogies from nature in our everyday lexicon and conversations. However, I will say my oldest, my oldest child, he’s about a year and a half he’ll be leaving the nest and spreading his wings. So he’ll he’ll be getting out there in the world. But we could uh, we could either stick our head in the sand and pretend like these. These laws of nature don’t exist in leadership and have those parallels. Or we could talk to Julie and we could read her book and see some of these parallels. So Julie, I’d like to hand it over to you and share maybe what was your driving force behind writing this book writing wisdom to the Wild and drying out these lessons that you’ve noticed in the wild in creating those parallels to leadership?

Julie Henry 10:08
Yeah, you know, and I’ll the first thing I’ll say is that I find nature the great equalizer, because it doesn’t matter if you live in downtown Tokyo or rural Oklahoma, or if you have a Harvard MBA or if you’re 16 years old, and you haven’t graduated high school yet, you can walk outside and think about, hmm, I wonder why that’s happening. Or let me learn more about that. And you don’t have to pose in nature, you can just be yourself. In fact, nature demands that your yourself doesn’t let you

Brandon Burton 10:38
be natural. Yeah.

Julie Henry 10:41
Like it’s gonna call you out. If you try to hike a mountain in high heels, you’re not going to go very far. And so I think nature is a way for people to have leadership conversations that strips away the need to know the answers already, because nature is about being curious and asking questions. And that’s really what life is about, let alone leadership. And I also will say that when I was in college, you know, my dad was a leadership development guy, he ran his own business, my mom was a teacher, and I was a science kid. So somehow, it’s going to stitch them all together. And my college professor gave me a project and said, teach people about coral reefs. That was my project. And I thought, well, not everybody’s going to be interested in coral reefs, what if I use the analogy of a business and talk about how coral reefs operate together, just like a business does with different departments, etc. And that was in 1996. So it’s only grown since then. So when I worked in zoos, and aquariums, I would always invite companies in, like, come to a retreat here, this is an interesting place. And let me help you think about your communication challenges through the eyes of you know, a pelican rather than, like the top 10, you know, communication laws. And then when I flipped it, and I was working as a consultant, I would be, you know, literally 1500 feet underground in a limestone mine, working with people that work in shift work, and it’s 11 o’clock at night, and they’ve been there for 42 years, if I can tell them stories about, you know, a sea turtle, then suddenly I’ve got their attention. And that’s important. So it was for all of those reasons. And we learn everything else from nature, architecture, our medicine, music, everything, why not leadership?

Brandon Burton 12:18
Yeah, I love that. And I’m hoping after you, after people hearing this discussion, and and chamber leaders reading your book, hopefully, they can come out of it and say, I really need some coral reef time, or, you know, through this pandemic, you know, I was, I was quite the sea cucumber, you know. So, these things will make more sense as we get on with our conversation here. But you have your book broken up into three main sections. So you talk about change, teamwork, and resilience. So I think for the chamber for chamber professionals listening, change, teamwork and real resilience are three areas that they need to be hyper aware of all the time, because starting with change, you know, those changes always happening. But I’d like to focus on maybe one of these topics of change, where we you talked about not being distracted by fear? What lessons did you learn from nature that correlate to leadership revolving around fear?

Julie Henry 13:20
I’m glad you picked that one. Because I think change, of course, is ubiquitous, right? In every part of our life, let alone as a leader, but also, it’s your great calling. And as a leader, if you’re not leading change, then I don’t know what you’re doing. You can’t just No, no leader that I’ve ever talked to, I said, I just kind of want to manage the status quo, like, do you? Or do you want to innovate and serve your community better? I think it’s the latter. But in order to do that, you are going to be confronted by either your fear of the unknown, or people around you who have, you know, I don’t know, maybe brainstormed many, many times on giant post, it notes, all their ideas, and then they never get taken. So they’re afraid to do it again. Or they’re new at the organization, and they don’t want to commit their ideas. Or maybe you’re trying to change the membership structure of your chamber. Oh, my gosh, that’s so hard. I’ve been in those conversations, like, how do we restructure to better serve our members? And how do we price it and how do we market it? I mean, your listeners know exactly what I’m talking about. I know they do. And there’s innate fear, both on oh my gosh, are people going to like not join again? Because we’ve changed the membership structure. And who do we make more angry? Right, right. So think about the animals that scare us. Universally, right? Snakes, and spiders. Those are the animals that come to mind. And the thing about spiders is, I love spiders, love spiders. I find them totally fascinating, but even me, I can still be startled if I turn on the light and there’s a giant spider the size of my hand next to the light switch as has happened before. That still startles me So even if you’re totally comfortable with leading change, and you’ve been down that road, you can still be startled by fear. And it’s important to understand and recognize that fear is just a part of being a human. And you’ve got to validate that and call that out, and you cannot ignore it or sleep, sweep it under the table, if you want your change to actually stick when you’re on the other side of it.

Brandon Burton 15:21
I love that. And I think, you know, nature for us fear is something It’s a survival mechanism. You know, we have that fear for a reason, and it’s to survive. So when you see that, that spider or snake for me, I like snakes, I’ve had pet snakes, I’m fascinated by snakes. But if I’m out for a run, and there’s a stick in the road that kind of looks like a snake that catches me off guard, I’m going to stop, because I don’t know what kind of snake it is. But then I get curious, sometimes it’s a stick, sometimes it’s a snake, and I’ll stop and watch it for a bit. But it goes back to being curious. So don’t let the fear stop you from being curious. kind of lean into it and see what you can learn from it is what I understood.

Julie Henry 16:04
I love that. Yep, I call it fear is nature’s yellow light. Just slow down.

Brandon Burton 16:09
Yes, absolutely. So you talked a lot about teamwork. And there’s a I want to move on to the teamwork section. Because there’s a couple topics on this that I wanted to have you highlight and talk more about, but one of them is the the chapter is titled, there’s no one size fits all approach to teamwork. And in the chamber world, everyone has heard the saying that if you’ve seen one chamber, you’ve seen one chamber, meaning that no two chambers are alike. Talk to us a little bit about this and how that relates to leadership and specifically with chambers.

Julie Henry 16:46
Yes, I think that chambers are one of the most unique organizations that I’ve been involved with and worked with. And sometimes that’s a great thing. And sometimes that’s a challenging thing, especially when it comes to communicating, you know, your relevance, or why should people should get involved sometimes, like I did, I had, I didn’t understand it, you know, long time ago when I was first getting involved. And there are some animals that from the outside look a little unusual. In fact, one of my favorite animals about this is naked mole rats, and naked mole rats, when we first discovered them, literally, the people thought they were mutations because they’re super funky looking. And they have big teeth, and they look basically naked. They’re hairless, almost mammals, they live underground, they live together. And we just ignored them for a while until we rediscovered them in the 50s. And then came to understand that oh my gosh, they actually live in colonies like bees. And they’re super effective at how they’ve divided all of the labor, if you will, between these animals. And they’re basically blind, but they communicate by your trails of urine and stack up together, keep their body temperature regulated, even though they’re mammals, I mean, so, you know, I love naked mole rats, and I champion them. And I tell people, when your team seems a little unusual from the outside, or your organization does, I want you to lean into that and champion your naked mole rat team, you don’t own explanation, anybody and you’re probably super highly functional, even though you may look kind of strange from the outside, but embrace that and own it. And don’t ever shy away from it. That’s why I love that you call your listeners chamber champions, because I want them to champion the fact that they are also naked mole rats,

Brandon Burton 18:28
yes. Love that. can bring it full circle, I love it. And I think that’s so true that as we look at, you know, especially working with maybe people on a committee, you know, they might bring an idea or an approach. It’s like, man, that’s really weird, you know, and you can kind of put it aside and say, That’s weird, and stay away from it. Or you can, again, be curious and lean into it and say, Well, what, what is there that we can learn from this? And are there things that we can implement and become stronger for it and maybe attract other people to come along our mission with us? So I’d love the lessons from the naked mole rats. So the other chapter that I wanted to touch on under Teamwork was, especially I think, important during these times were in chambers all over focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion. And you have a chapter titled, surround yourself with people who are not like you. And you talk specifically about a termite meeting giraffe and giraffe meet the termite. And I’d love for you to share more about that story and maybe, you know, make those correlations to what we see in the real life today.

Julie Henry 19:43
Yeah, you know, if you thought about a termite giraffe, they may not even seem like they even live in the same habitat, let alone need each other but they do because you know, the Africans van it’s pretty hard place to survive. There’s not a lot of water out there and you’ve got to work together and so they while they’re not actively Working together, they’re participating in helping each other survive. So the termite is breaking down vegetation as they’re, you know, chewing it up, basically. And, and that is attracting the giraffes to come over and basically eat that vegetation. And then they’re laying their own feces and urine. If you Well, there’s a lot of conversation about this on this podcast, I apologize, hopefully.

Brandon Burton 20:24
We’re not advocating for chambers here. Just to be clear, right? Now, we’re not

Julie Henry 20:30
gonna remember this, because we’re talking about it. You know, so, you know, for me, I remember the first board I was ever involved in, I remember, in this giant, long, giant board, it was 40 people long meeting, it was eight hours long. And I remember thinking, Oh, my gosh, this is super stressful. And I don’t know, really how I’m participating, etcetera. And the formative thing for me was the fact that I think towards the end of this meeting, one person basically said one sentence and summarize the entire eight hours, we call the meeting to order, we took a vote and we finished it. And that is not how I operate. As you can tell, I have a lot to say, and I communicate with my words all the time. And immediately, I thought, oh, my gosh, he’s different than me. And I need to be with him on all of these projects, because we’re going to be better together, and the outcome is going to be even stronger. And that’s an uncomfortable thing, too, though, right? Because I’m like, What are you thinking? You’re not talking? I’m talking all the time? And what are you thinking, but I had to lean into that. So that’s, that’s, that’s one way of looking at it. And then the diversity, equity inclusion is, of course, the other part of that, because, you know, people who are not like us are, sometimes they scare us, because it makes us try to think differently, or just acknowledge that we don’t know all the answers. But remember nature’s about curiosity. And if the termites and drafts need each other, then you need also a termite to your giraffe.

Brandon Burton 21:55
Absolutely. And one thing that came to mind is you were giving your response there is, so there’s the diversity, equity inclusion, part of it of, you know, trying to figure out those people in your community that you may have not even noticed before, you might not have noticed that they were part of your community, you might not have noticed that they had a business in your community, because of whatever the type of business it is, or the person that’s running it, their background, or whatever it may be. There, I can guarantee their segments in any community where you have not noticed certain people or certain types of businesses. And if you can kind of open your eyes as a giraffe, like what purposes is giraffe have to look way down on the ground, there’s a little termites that are going around feces and stuff down there. Whereas, you know, in the chamber world to be able to look a little deeper within your community. And on the Diversity Equity inclusion topic, we always talk about who’s missing. And rather than just who’s missing, I would say, Who Have you not noticed, and try to notice a little bit more. And then I think there’s another part of it when it comes to networking, I mean, chambers, editorials for having networking events, and you’re making introductions, and if we can help certain businesses, see other businesses that they may not realize they’re connected, but to be able to help build, you know, build that bridge between their two businesses and say, here’s why you need each other, here’s how you can be stronger together, and help form those solid relationships. I think really reemphasizes that a whole story of the termite giraffe. So So as we move on to the resilience section, there’s a couple in this as well, that I wanted to touch on. So especially coming through this COVID pandemic, resilience has been a key topic of how do you, you know, first of all stay relevant, how do you adapt to that change? But then how do you thrive through it? And I think that boils down to resiliency. And your chapter titled you’re wired not just to survive, but to thrive. And you talk about sea cucumbers. Help us make that connection there.

Julie Henry 24:14
So before I answer that question, I just want to say that the reason why I’m so passionate about everything in this book, and everything we’re talking about is because I didn’t just think of these examples, and suggest to your listeners that maybe they should consider this. Everything we’re talking about is absolutely true. That’s why I call them unbreakable laws, like termites and drafts, they need each other spiders are needed and sea cucumbers are wired to when they are threatened. Ie they’re living on the bottom of the ocean floor. Here comes this predator are about to get eaten. Their mechanism to survive is literally to eat visceral, which means to throw up their own guts, right? That’s Crazy, this animal that is trying to eat the sea cucumber will either swim away or potentially eat the guts of the sea cucumber. Now, if that happens, this sea cucumber, which basically looks like a sausage on the ocean floor, it doesn’t actually look like it’s capable of much. However, it is related to sea stars. So probably most people listening know that a sea star can regrow its arm if it gets cut off, or eaten or whatever. Same thing with a sea cucumber, it can regrow its own guts, that is a biological fact and absolute certainty. That’s how it’s wired to survive, but also to thrive. So if a relatively innocuous animal on the ocean floor can survive a huge threat literally within inches of its life. Those times when you are afraid of change, or leading your team down a road, that you’re just really not sure if it’s even the right road to go. But someone’s got to make a decision. And that’s you. And you literally feel sick to your stomach. The awareness and the recognition that you’re wired to get through. This brings not only great comfort, but also should build your confidence and let you lean in a little more and totally erase it pastures is syndrome, anything else that we talk about, like, it’s your biological fact that you’re gonna get through this and you’re gonna thrive on the other side, it’s going to be uncomfortable, I can’t imagine what it feels like to regrow your guts, but you’re going to do it

Brandon Burton 26:31
just that image of regrowing your guts. So, I see the parallel to again, through the pandemic is you know, initially when everything shut down there was that kind of wait and see phase where chambers and businesses just kind of like okay, let’s let’s take the temperature, let’s see what’s going on here. And once we realize this is gonna go on longer than what we expected. It’s not just two weeks, this is gonna go on much longer. He saw businesses he said chambers that had to do layoffs. He said chambers that had to tap into their reserves that they’ve you know, saved up for decades, possibly those reserve funds. You said chamber offices that had to shut down their physical location and everybody was working remotely from home. And I don’t know that looks a lot like you know, getting rid of your your insides and in still figuring out how to pull it back together, how to regenerate how to get back into the office, how to rehire how to get your funding backup, all while at the same time remaining relevant and serving their their membership base that that needed them so badly at that time. So I think that is a an excellent parallel to the sea cucumbers. It probably one of my favorite chapters was was the last chapter the book, as you talked about resilience, and it’s titled even cheetahs slow down. I know. Well, I’m gonna, I’m gonna let you talk about that before I share any of my thoughts, because I think we may touch on some of the same things.

Julie Henry 28:16
This is the last chapter of the book. But the pivotal moment when I realized after 25 years of having the idea in college was time to write the book. Because I had talked to so many people at that point and felt that way myself, that it is again, a biological fact and unbreakable law that even cheetahs slow down. But if I were to ask your listeners to think in their head, when I say the word cheetah, what do you think of? Now? Chances are, you’re thinking about the fact that it’s the fastest land animal. And if you were to Google cheetah, you’re pulling up all of these images about how fast they run. And that’s what they’re talking about. Okay, well naive. How many of you have ever been to a zoo or even been to Africa and seeing the cheetah running? Probably not many people actually seeing the cheetah running unless the zoo has, you know, structured it for an event or for you know, interaction? Most of the time, they are hanging out and resting and relaxing. And they are not, I think overthinking when they’re resting and relaxing, right? So we glorify the idea of being busy with effective leader in our culture. And that’s why we are so fascinated by how fast this cheetah goes. But that cheetah goes for what less than a minute, and then they rest. And they don’t think about oh my gosh, I wish I would have jogged left instead of jogged right. And I don’t know if I can do it next time. And I’m not sure I have the courage and maybe I should ask somebody else what they think no, they just rest. Okay, what do we do? Well, I will rest on the weekend or everybody else leave at five. I’m going to stay and do the event tonight. Okay, well, first of all people are watching you. You can’t Don’t just burn yourself out and expect everyone else not to do the same thing. But the thing is, nature’s going to slow you down one way or the other, you have a choice, you’re going to be proactive and say, Nope, here’s what I need. Here’s how I manage my energy. resilience to me is about managing my energy. It’s not false positivity. It’s not Yeah, I’m good. I can totally do those three events on Friday night, and I’ll just bop around, can you No, you cannot, okay. And it’s also going to happen to one way or the other. So reactivity, proactivity, completely your choice. But you need to slow down, if you want to lead and have the impact you’re designed to have. And if you want to have other people around, you also do the same thing.

Brandon Burton 30:43
I love that. And I think for chamber leaders all over, I see them running constantly, whether it’s just in the office or at an event, but even after hours, you know, if they go out to eat with their family, they’re seeing people in the community and they’re constantly thinking work, they’re thinking the connections are, you know, trying to further the mission of the chamber, which it’s all you know, they good and honorable desires. But to avoid that burnout, and to really perform at your highest capacity, we need that that downtime, that respite time. And that’s, you know, for leaders, specifically, as you’re talking about in this book, but I’m thinking even your your membership salespeople, you know, they, they need that, because if they have any kind of commission structure, to their to memberships there, I mean, I’m a salesperson, you I understand sales, like you run, you run, you run. And I had this discussion this week, because of this book with with a sales rep that I said, you know, what, you’re running constantly, and you need to, you need to rest. And sometimes I think resting it, maybe you talked about not thinking about second guessing and everything. But I think some of that resting can come in the form of planning to some degree, not, not the big strategic plans, but maybe planning out your next day, or what you’re doing next week. Kind of on, let’s say lower level, brain power, but it’s not the high stress kind of brain power that you need to rest and to be able to perform it that the best of your ability. So I love that chapter. And, and especially, I think that was fitting to be the last chapter in the book, because you read through it, and you get all these great ideas about being a leader and like what you need to do to be like a sea cucumber, or a pelican or coral reef, or all these different things, I am gonna hit the ground running, and cycling hit, but I also need to rest. So it’s a good reminder.

Julie Henry 32:44
I’m still getting, you know, think of it like a bell curve. We spent all this time preparing and thinking and strategizing. And then we’re doing doing doing doing and then we just fall off a cliff. But it’s really a bell curve, like how do we ramp down? Like, are you checking your email, right, exactly. Soon after we get off this podcast like? Or can you take five minutes and like write down what you learned and reflect on it? Like you need to have a bell curve of your energy management, and then you’ll go back up. But it’s not a cliff. It’s a bell.

Brandon Burton 33:10
I love that those emails will wait for five minutes, they will I promise, they’ll still be there in five minutes. So take that time and jot down some notes. I love it. So Julie, as we start wrapping things up here, I wanted to ask you, if you might have maybe one tip or action item that you could share with chamber champions to help take their organization up to the next level.

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Julie Henry 33:34
You know, the one thing I would say to chamber champions is to pick one part, whether from well, you know, from this whole conversation or when they’re looking out, we tend to have all of these ideas and visions. And as you’re saying they are unique, because most of the time if not all of the time they’re living in the community that they are supporting. So they’re always on right. But what’s one action item that you can stop doing one action item that you can do a little more of and one action item, you can start completely in the next quarter. I like quarters because I think that’s a doable timeframe. Because you can see and measure progress. And the key to this is not only do you write down your goals, but just like I talked about with a mangrove method of change, you need to write where you are right now. So for example, if you want to stop checking emails immediately after every meeting that you get out of and you want to spend five minutes just thinking and decompressing before you check emails, then you need to write down. Alright, now I’m checking emails after I know it sounds silly, but I’m not kidding. Like if you want to run a marathon faster, the first thing you do is time how fast your mile is right now. If you want to lose 10 pounds, the first thing you do is get on a scale and see how much you actually weigh. So when we try to measure change in our personal leadership style, we go at it like that. I want to become a better leader. I want to become a better chamber professional. Oh my goodness, what does that actually mean? We have got to get specific and measurable. And it’s deeply personal. It’s deeply personal. And so pick achievable goals for you that makes sense to you. And maybe you won’t even end up on your annual review. And that is okay, is your personal journey.

Brandon Burton 35:19
That’s right. I love that. So one thing to stop one thing to do a little more of, and one thing to start brand new. I love that, too. So I know, chambers are always looking to the future says, as you look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see their future and purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Julie Henry 35:37
I would love chambers to continue to champion to use your word here. Their integral role of being a neutral place for people to convene, and have conversations that need to happen. So my analogy for this is when I used to run the Green Business Leadership Council, which was a committee of our local chamber was really important for me to create a space in which businesses felt safe, not necessarily comfortable. That’s always my marching order, right? But safe to come to the chamber and say, Gosh, I’m really struggling with how to do sustainability, my business right now, or I’m not sure if I should make this investment in, you know, the change in my restaurant or operations. But I know it’s better for my customers. But it’s not better for the bottom line right now. What are you doing? So how can people work together to affect change in the community, collectively? And I think chambers are unique in that position, because where else can businesses go and not feel like they’re either baring their soul or they’re going to get, you know, called on the carpet by somebody else? And maybe they don’t want to tell their customers yet or their stakeholders or even their employees, yet, they just need to have some thinking time first. And chambers are a convenient space. From my experience, in my opinion, it’s such a needed one. And so look to the future, what are the big things happening in your community, that you can step up and say, yeah, come talk at our place, like literally, here’s the space, or here’s a, here’s a neutral facilitator, or here’s a neutral listening person like that is so needed in order to continue advancing the communities, especially from diversity, equity, access inclusion, you all have these big hard topics that are happening. chambers have a unique role. And I know you can do it even better than you’re doing it now.

Brandon Burton 37:23
Absolutely. I love that, that look of the future. So Julie, I want to do to give you an opportunity to share any contact information with chamber champions, anyone who might want to reach out and connect with you or find your book. What’s the best way for them to reach out and connect?

Connect with Julie Henry

Julie Henry 37:41
Yeah, my website is They can get on there shoot me an email. My email is also It’s not all that creative, maybe. Yeah, you know, they can get my book anywhere their favorite local bookstore can order it if they don’t already have it. Or an Amazon has been in some airport bookstores with their you know, traveling again, and having some fun that might see it there as well. I’m on Instagram and LinkedIn both that Julie C Henry, and I would just love to you know, hear about what you’re doing and hear your plans for the future. Because it’s all exciting to me.

Brandon Burton 38:17
I love it. And we’ll get your contact information in our show notes for this episode as well. But I will say as you mentioned, finding the book in some airports and things like that it so it’s a leadership book, but it doesn’t feel like a leadership book, you know, says you read it the stories that you’re reading, they’re they’re real stories, they’re real parallels to life. And and that’s what I love about these analogies that I talked about at the beginning is the more familiar you are with them. You don’t need an in depth explanation to understand that an ostrich ostrich sticks its head in the sand to understand that metaphor, right? So the more familiar you are with these stories and the examples that Julie shares in this book, I think the better the leader you will be and being able to make those parallels in your life. So thank you, Julie. It’s been great having you on chamber chat podcast today that you provided a lot of value for the listeners and I hope everyone picks up your book and, and learns more about being a great leader from these laws of nature. Thank you.

Julie Henry 39:21
Thank you. It’s an honor to be on. And I hope everybody takes five minutes and goes outside today and asks a new question that you’ve never asked about nature and how that can help you be a better leader.

Brandon Burton 39:31
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What Makes a Chamber Board Successful?

What Makes a Chamber Board Successful?

Have you had any formal training on how to develop a strong, diverse, effective chamber board?  My guess is that most chamber executives who are reading this blog post have not been trained on board development.  Many find themselves in the chamber industry by happy accident.  What makes a chamber board effective anyway?  While I am by no means an expert on board development or management, I will share what I have learned from experienced chamber professionals and non-profit board experts.

When it occurred to me how many chamber leaders find their career in chamber work by accident, it prompted me to do a survey to ask chamber leaders about their experience working with boards before starting with the chamber.  The results were interesting.  Only 27% of chamber leaders surveyed had worked with a board previous to entering the chamber world.  37% had no experience working with a board at all while another 37% had served on a nonprofit board.  I think we could all agree how the perspective changes from serving on a board to being on the other side as the chamber executive.

Survey results about board experience.

To start, it may be helpful to understand what an effective board is.  I would argue that an effective board is one that will engage in meaningful discussion which leads to action.  These outcomes of these actions should support the mission of your organization and further build your community.

Chamber Board Selection

As I recently attended the MAKO (Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma) Chamber Conference, Dave Adkission was one of the speakers.  Of the many topics that he covered in his talk, he spent some time talking about the unique qualities of a Chamber leader.  He shared how you are often the only person in your city or town who does what you do.  You may have colleagues in neighboring towns but you are typically the only Chamber Director/President/CEO in your community.

Dave also talked about how as a Chamber Executive you have a new boss each year, of course referencing your board chair.  With this understanding, it is not very common in the workplace to have a say about who your next boss will be.  However, in the chamber world, you can be intentional about building your board of directors with people who share a similar vision for your community.

When it comes to board selection, you may be tempted to look to those business leaders who can be a strong source of revenue.  You probably want people on your board who are well connected.  Oftentimes the people who make up a chamber board are some of the most influential business people in your community.  This can lend more credibility and influence to your organization as a result.

On the flip side, by having your board filled with high level business leaders, there is a good chance that their time and resources will be stretched thin.  They are probably serving on other boards in your community.  They are most likely being asked for money from other organizations.  They will likely notice that they are being asked to participate on various boards because they are well connected and have access to money which can change their perception of your organization.

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You want to be very intentional about recruiting for board service as you build relationships with other leaders in your community.  Be mindful of what mindsets and skillsets are missing or underrepresented on your current board.  Have discussions with some of these leaders who you think would be a good addition to your board to plant the seed or idea in their mind about the value or perspective they can provide.

Developing Board Diversity

In the past, at least in the United States, most chamber boards were composed of older, white males.  As demographics change, as social justice and awareness are more front of mind, it is important that chamber boards reflect the makeup of the community which they serve.

With chambers having a sharper focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, we are starting to see more of this shift in board seats.  As there are more women owned businesses, having the voice and perspective of women on your board is important.  As you develop your chamber board, notice if your community tends to have a younger demographic, you may want to recruit board members who represent your younger business owners.  Your community may have a larger makeup of hispanic, African-American, Asian, or Pacific Islanders.  This should be reflected on your board.  

As a chamber leader, you are expected to know your community and to have a pulse on what is important to them.  Should you focus on having more veterans on your board or people from the LGBTQ+ community?  Although the development of your chamber board should be very intentional, you should be careful not to recruit board members simply because the check a box. Each board member should bring specific skillsets to make your board whole.

It is important as you recruit new board members to work towards filling seats with the people who can help move your community forward and not just who has the money and influence.  Ultimately your chamber should carry the influence in your community that you are looking for.  You should be leading the way in showing what is important to building a stronger community and why each segment of your population is vital to this vision.

A while back, I had Matt Morrow on the Chamber Chat Podcast.  Matt is the President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri.  Matt talked about the lessons he learned from a book titled “The Wisdom of Crowds”.  The main takeaway message was that more often than not, a diverse crowd of people can, together, come up with the most correct answer to problems than any one person or any one demographic can on their own.  This is because the diversity brings different perspectives which help point to the most correct answers.

Setting Clear Expectations

Communication and expectations are key to a functional board.  It may be tempting to complain about an underperforming board member.  You might get frustrated when the ball gets dropped on certain action items that come out of a board meeting.  Are certain members always late to your board meetings or not engaged?  These board members may not clearly understand what is expected of them and how important their role really is.

From their perspective, they may be complaining to themselves, a spouse, another board member or a co-worker about how unorganized and unproductive the chamber board meetings are.  They may not have clearly expressed what their expectations were from you as a chamber leader.

Either way, if the dysfunction is coming from the chamber side or from the board side, this will quickly result in a disengaged board.  Have open and honest communication about expectations.  Be intentional with the onboarding process for new board members so they clearly understand the importance of their role.  While in your board meetings, try to spend the bulk of your time in discussion about things that really matter for your community.  You will likely have some of the most influential leaders of your community in the same room so don’t waste their time.  Find out how your board members prefer their communications.  Do they want detailed drafts for each meeting or a simple outline? By defining expectations up front will save you a lot of frustration later.

Along with clear expectations, always be mindful of your board member’s time.  These are often busy people who live by a schedule.  Be as concise, yet thorough with communications and meetings to keep up the level of engagement.  As soon as you notice any disengagement, have an open conversation to assess the load your board member is carrying and encourage adjustments with assignments as needed.

Board Unity

It is not abnormal to have very strong personalities among a group of business and community leaders.  This is not a bad thing at all.  Oftentimes, these strong personalities are what land these individuals in the positions of influence where they currently reside.  However, some personalities can be like oil and water as they repel each other.

Be intentional about creating opportunities for board members to break down barriers and to get past personalities.  This could be done by providing opportunities for these individuals to serve directly with each other and to learn from each other’s experiences and skillset.  This is often facilitated through board retreats and training.  

If you can build buffer time around your board meetings to allow for your board members to socialize for a few minutes before or after board meetings, you will see more ideas generated once they are outside of the formal setting of a meeting.  A good signal of board unity is when you see several board members linger after a meeting to continue discussion ideas or even just getting to know each other better.

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Continue Your Chamber Board Development

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I am not an expert on nonprofit or chamber board development.  However, I have learned a lot as I have worked with chambers over the past 15+ years and as I have been interviewing chamber leaders on Chamber Chat Podcast for over 3 years now.  

One of the best people I have interviewed on the podcast about this topic is Hardy Smith, author of “Stop the Nonprofit Board Blame Game”.  I would encourage every chamber executive to read this book.  You will learn key insights about managing your board that you have never thought of.  

Book cover-Stop the nonprofit board blame game.

I would also encourage you to continue learning from others, whether that is through conferences, regional chamber meetings, listening to podcasts, reading blogs, or by reaching out to others directly who you admire and feel like you can learn from.

Chamber service and board development is a continual iteration as our tools become more refined and as the world continues to evolve.  

Please join our email list to receive new blog posts are they are released. You will stay in the loop with any announcements related to the podcast or the Chamber world in general.

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Breaking Down Barriers with Ralph Staffins

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Ralph Staffins. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

Feel free to join our Chamber Chat Champions Facebook Group to discuss this episode and to share your own experiences and tips with other Chamber Champions.


Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now your host. He believes with a little creativity there’s always a way, he’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:22
Welcome, Chamber Champions. Thank you for tuning into chamber tap podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it is my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Matt Morrow President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri to learn how the Holman Brothers provided value to his chamber.

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Brandon Burton

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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Ralph Staffins. Ralph is the president and CEO of the Brunswick Golden-Isles Chamber in Georgia. But before that in 2018, under his leadership, the Covington Newton County Chamber of Commerce was awarded the four star accreditation by the US Chamber of Commerce. And prior to serving in Covington. Ralph served as the executive director for forward McDuffie in Thompson, Georgia as the economic development director. Ralph was named president and CEO of the Brunswick golden Isles chamber in June of 2019. And he currently serves on the coastal pines technology book College Board. Georgia economic developers Association Board of Directors is twice served as chair of the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce executives and serves on the Board of Governors for the Georgia Chamber. During his time in the golden isles, Ralph proudly led the Brunswick golden Isles chamber to earning its five star accreditation with the US Chamber of Commerce. In 2021, Ralph was recognized by Georgia Trend magazine as one of the top 40 under 40 in the state of Georgia. Ralph graduated from the Georgia College and State University in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in political science, and earned a master’s degree in public administration in 2008. Ralph is designated by the International Economic Development Council as a certified economic development professional, and he makes a great impact in any community which he serves. He’s married to his lovely wife, Rachel and has four beautiful children. Ralph, I’m excited to have you with me today here on Chamber Chat Podcast if you will take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Ralph Staffins 3:42
Yeah, Brandon, thanks for having me today. I’m excited to be here with other chamber professionals listening, as always like to learn from others as well. I guess the most interesting thing about me as far as a chamber professional golfers, I’ve had the opportunity to live all over the great state of Georgia, and I’ve never done anything other than economic development in my career. As a young professional, I’m still learning balancing work and, and life and you said I had four kids. And that certainly keeps me busy on top of leading such a great organization down here at the beach in Georgia.

Brandon Burton 4:16
That’s right, I’ve got four kids myself, and it keeps you running all different directions. You know, every day after work, it’s seeing who’s got basketball or volleyball or you know, all these different activities. Well, it take a moment to tell us a little bit about the Brunswick vowel chamber just to kind of give us some perspective before we get into our conversation, maybe the size budget staff, that sort of thing.

About the Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber

Ralph Staffins 4:39
Yeah, so we represent Brunswick-Golden Isles and many other communities. It on the coast. So our community is the economic hub in Southeast Georgia. And so we have a lot of members outside of our immediate community. But if the brothers would go now this chamber was actually a result of The merger between the St. Simons Island chamber and the Brunswick chamber about 20 years ago. And so we represent roughly about 1200 Members, we have a budget of almost a million dollars a year and we have six employees as well.

Brandon Burton 5:16
All right, well, that definitely helps to kind of set the stage for your resources that you’re coming from and and I think that’s important so as other chambers listening, they’re bigger or smaller can see kind of take a pulse as to what you’re able to do with with the Chamber your size and kind of adapted to their chamber and where they’re at at the time. So our topic for our discussion today where we’ve titled this breaking down barriers and it’s really much more than that and I’m excited to to hear Ralph from from you as to the the perspective and background there the golden isles, the Brunswick golden Isles chamber as to how you guys are being more intentional around this topic, and we’ll get into this discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Breaking Down Barriers

All right, Ralph, we are back. As I mentioned before the break you guys there at the Brunswick-Golden Iles Chamber being very intentional with how you’re going about, you know, some some things that have been kind of contentious and you know, a lot of tension throughout the country, especially as it comes to race relations. But if you would tell us a little bit of the background in your community why this is a topic that we’re talking about today. And how you guys addressed it?

Ralph Staffins 8:49
Absolutely. Well, and I’m sure the listeners know, they would probably be living under a rock if they didn’t know about the mod Aubrey murder in our community. As COVID was going on, all across the country, our country faced riots in issues from Portland all the way to Atlanta. And we actually had a incident in our community where a young man was shot in one of our neighborhoods, young, young African American gentlemen. And so it was just like the perfect storm with George Floyd and all these other things going on. And I tell people sometimes, you know, we were fortunate that COVID was happening because it slowed the news down and slowed everything down a little bit for our community to be able to to catch up, but I am so proud of our community. Right And last week, actually the hate crimes trial wrapped up. And so we are completely through the judicial process of this tragic incident happened in our community. And so we’re thankful for that. But we’re very proud that we came through this entire process peaceful. We didn’t have rioting or looting both, but that was because our community came together. And I’ll tell you, it was the business community, the Chamber business leaders in the African American faith leaders who have such strong existing relationships as to why that was able to take place in our community that they always say silence is deafening, right, you’ve heard that saying, the silence of our local elected leadership, it was deafening. And there was no reaction whatsoever. And so we came together as a business community and a faith community and started meeting and having conversations. And while we as business leaders and the face side of the house, too, we couldn’t guarantee an outcome. But we knew something was going wrong with this process. And we did come together and promise our community that we would ensure that it was done aboveboard. And that’s really all they wish they could ask for. And so we welcome people to our community to protest and to be heard, we asked him to do it peacefully. And when you add brothers and sisters locking arms, because of the relationships we already had, it allowed us to keep it peaceful in our community.

Brandon Burton 11:27
Yeah. And I think communities across the country and in I imagined in some other countries as well, they’ve all been much more hyper aware even of these challenges in communities with with race in regards to race relations. And I think everybody’s trying to be more intentional with how they go about being inclusive. And, you know, whether it’s just a general membership or board selection, things like that. I think there’s definitely a balance of being inclusive. And also making sure that, you know, people are not being put in positions or businesses aren’t being highlighted strictly because of the race background. Yeah, there’s so much more that you want to highlight what the good things are they’re doing. And it’s not just because it’s an African American based business or anything like that. How have you guys gone about intentionally being aware that drawing the proper attention in your community?

Ralph Staffins 12:38
Absolutely. I tell people all the time, this was a tragic incident that happened. There’s no way of getting around that. But it is changed our community, including our chamber. Moving forward, right, the tragedy would be to have something like this happen, and just go back to the way you’re doing. Yes. And so I told you this all kind of transpired and unraveled. During the height of COVID pandemic and lockdowns in our community, unlike most in the country, was very fortunate our economy had a hard hit, because we’re a tourism based economy, but we had a immediate rebound from that little dip. And so our community was wide open. There was no doubt about that. But but people were still being costs. Our workforce wasn’t 100% back even though we had record numbers of tourists in our community. And you couldn’t go into certain businesses because of the the restrictions and the Coronavirus. And so what we did is we decided we were going to start a new part of our organization, we started a 501 C three Foundation. And that foundation focuses on three main things. It’s leadership development, workforce development, and diversity, equity and inclusion. And I say it all the time, leadership development and workforce development go hand in hand, and the D comes in to support those right? We want to make sure our programs as we’re developing the leaders of tomorrow, and the future workforce of our community looks like our community. We want to make sure people of black and brown skin have the same opportunities to advance their careers and become part of our workforces. Anybody else. And so that’s that’s kind of what we did. It’s a reaction to it. And I can give you an example, a lot of chambers, I would venture to say most chambers have leadership programs, leadership, whatever your county is, right? Yeah. And our leadership program historically, did not have much diversity in it. And so through our foundation, we set a realistic goal of having 33% of our leadership class, which is almost the makeup of our community to right, as far as diversity goes. And we even took that one step further. We said, doesn’t matter if you’re white, African American, Hispanic, it didn’t matter. We do not want cost to be a barrier to you being able to better yourself and workforce and leadership development. So we raise scholarships and our leadership program cost $1,200 A year to go through. And a lot of small business employers can’t afford that kind of investment. And so we want to make sure that cost could be a barrier. So we, I literally made two phone calls and hesitant scholarships, I needed. This community rallied around not only redefining our leadership program, but ensuring that there was access to that program. And we went from having we take 30 people a year into the program, and we went from having 32 applications, maybe they haven’t 52 applications this year, and the second year going through this, this process.

Brandon Burton 15:45
So how did you go about communicating that, as far as you know, trying to attract the diversity to the leadership group, as well as the scholarship opportunities?

Ralph Staffins 15:54
Absolutely. Well, we invited folks to the table. Okay, so I need to say this, I understand these kinds of conversations are uncomfortable, right? Nobody likes to have these conversations. It doesn’t matter. Your ethnicity or socio economic class. They’re not comfortable conversations. And we are that we invited all of our minority businesses to the table. And we had conversations, we invited that African American faith community I talked about earlier, to the table. And we identified 75 young leaders in those communities. And we just invited them to apply.

Brandon Burton 16:37
And what kind of feedback of the 75 young leaders he identified? He said, total was about over 50 applications. But obviously, they weren’t all, you know, from the That’s right, those he identified, did you get other feedback? I guess the purpose, what I’m asking is, as far as, you know, a starting point for building relationships. Even if they didn’t apply, did you get positive feedback from those who you’d reached out to and invited and identified?

Ralph Staffins 17:10
We absolutely, we absolutely did. And not everybody can make that kind of time commitment from their job to be away from their job to be a part of progress. So that that did cause the application number to be lower. But we have so many people out of that first 75 or so young people we identified as part of our our chamber in different ways. Now, they didn’t have to go ship, Glenn is what we leadership, Langley County. But now they’re in committees. They’re part of our young professionals, they’re part of our ambassador program. One of that 75 is already on our board, went through the leadership program, and immediately showed so much potential, and his employer encouraged us to add him to, to our board. So it’s the last thing any community will want to do. And I think anybody listening would agree with me is to look over your shoulder and be worried about the next set of leaders coming up. Right. And we don’t want that. So we’re going to make sure our leadership program is state of the art but more than that, we’re going to make sure it looks like our community. So we’re empowering leaders in every neighborhood and every type of business, whether it’s small or big in our community.

Brandon Burton 18:25
But there’s you know, the the quotes out there have never let a good crisis go to waste, and not to make light at all of robberies, death, but it definitely came in a time of crisis. It came at a time where you know, emotions were very sensitive, were raw, and to be able to not let his death go unnoticed. And to have a mean something by be able to be able to, to reach out and and involve others and like you said, having them more involved with the Chamber now where they weren’t before. And it’s it was a matter of bringing that to the focus to the attention and being able to say we want you to be more active in our community. At least that’s how I see it is kind of taking that approach of we want to include you we want people of every walk of life to be part of our community to make it

Ralph Staffins 19:25
great. Absolutely. It changed our chamber down to our DNA. And that’s, that’s just me being honest, we, we do things differently. We have conversations we weren’t having before. And we are better as a business community and as a chamber because of it. And that just many of your listeners might not know my area, but we’re diverse in many different ways. It’s not just religion and race. We socio economically we have the richest zip code and one of the poorest zip codes in the state. of Georgia, all here in the same place, we actually have a four mile causeway that separates those two zip codes. And so that’s why I told you we were positive emerge chamber, there were two chambers for a reason, right? We had a diversity does is passed, color of skin or your religion, it’s Island and mainland. Yeah, Richard for and so we we want to make sure that we are doing the best we can and developing the workforce a for employers but b we also want to help in generational poverty, that’s something that we at least in the south face a lot is this generational poverty, and we are certainly part of a task force that’s helping to, to erase that from our community.

Brandon Burton 20:45
I love that. And that you do have some obstacles a lot of other chambers don’t have with the mainland, and the island is a real divide, you know, geographical divide between the two. But you know, working to bring them together as one. And I can imagine by having this new group of leaders being brought up, it’s going to bring a whole new perspective going forward at the chamber to insights and feedback that you wouldn’t have received otherwise. So I see this as being a really long term play of really seeing that the growth and development of the chamber there.

Ralph Staffins 21:27
It really is. And truthfully, we also have a youth leadership class. And so we’re also talking about high school, right, we changed the way we did that program to it’s not exactly like our adult leadership class, but it’s, it’s diverse, and now you’re having to apply for and it’s not just a counselor, telling us who we’re going to get. We’re getting private school kids and in inner city kids, and we’re putting together because those relationships in the future are going to be important for them.

Brandon Burton 21:53
For sure. So with the schools, how are you? How are you working with them to get that set up? Do you? Are you working through the counselors through administrators? How do you How are you initially setting up that relationship?

Ralph Staffins 22:05
Well, yeah, you know, like all things, it always flows down from the top right. So I would encourage anybody listening to this, your superintendent needs to be your best friend, that school board needs to know you just as well as the city or county commission does, right? It’s, we’re facing as a country, a workforce crisis. That’s the result of this pandemic, let’s be really honest. We’re not in a depression. We’re not in a recession, we are facing a workforce crisis like our country has never seen before. We are a microcosm of that here in the golden isles, we’ve got a 2.4% unemployment, right? In 1800 open jobs so that I can point people to right now, those numbers just don’t add up. No, not at all. And while we are increasing our population, being tourism community being a place where people like to come and retire, right, we’re not attracting workforce aged people as fast as we’d like to. And so we recognize that that 1200 to 1500 kids, we graduate every year out of our K 12 program. That’s our pipeline, until we figure out how to attract new, new young people to our community. And so we’ve got to make sure those kids are understanding what the workforce of the future is going to look like in our community specifically. And so we work really well with our school system for a lot of workforce type things, and we marry him with our Technical College. And we actually have a four year school here in our community as well. And so there’s a seamless transition for our kids, no matter what, whether they want to go to a technical school, or a four year education. And we at the chamber in the business community, we just want to make sure that they’re aware of all of their options, and where the jobs are. And so we actually just got done with a new program we installed called our teacher externship. And so we sent a bunch of teachers from I mean, even kindergarten, we even had kindergarten teachers, Brandon going into industry to understand that it’s not smokestacks and Miss indigenous anymore. It’s it’s high paying jobs and no debt out of the technical college, for the for the young people. And so it’s it’s relationships, everything is, you know, comes down to relationships. And so if I could give any word of advice to the listeners, it’d be to make that superintendent your best friend, because it’s whether it’s a leader, Youth Leadership class, or workforce pipeline, it all comes down from him or her and their willingness to partner with the business community.

Brandon Burton 24:36
Absolutely. And, and I think just having discussions too, I mean, just recently, I had a discussion with my oldest child, he just turned 16. And we’ve talked about his future and say, Okay, do you see yourself living in our community in the future? Yeah, 10 years from now, are you going to be here? Are you going to be living somewhere else? It’s like, Well, geez, yeah, I haven’t really thought of that. But I know a lot A lot of youth as they’re growing up, they can’t wait to get out of mom and dad’s house and, you know, go to college and start a career. And I don’t know, maybe it’s just an assumption, but it seems that a lot of youth seem to look outside of their community for their future. So what can we do to develop that future vision within our own community to keep our youth there and for them to see a future there in your community? I

Ralph Staffins 25:23
think it’s all important. So, absolutely. Is them understanding the careers. And it’s not just them, let’s be real honest, as parents, too, right? We got to make sure the parents and the students, I understand that there are incredible jobs in our community, and

Brandon Burton 25:40
we live at the beach, right? We have

Ralph Staffins 25:42
quality of life. Let’s show them where the jobs are, and show them that it’s you can play with computers and technology and make a lot of money in our community. And then maybe they’ll go to college, and maybe maybe they’ll go to technical school, but hopefully they come back. It’s that brain drain that our community has got to continue to work on slowing down.

Brandon Burton 26:04
Yeah, I think that’s absolutely right. And, and you see chambers all over doing this now, as you know, showing those opportunities to the upcoming generation in showing that you can have a great career here. This is a great place to live. You’re familiar with it, you got family here, you’re showing all those highlights as to why it’s great to stay

Ralph Staffins 26:25
in your community. And I will I want to add one more thing. Yeah. I will say it’s, it’s more than just putting programming in your own community. I’ll give you an example. We want to build a new technical college building in our community $38 million. Once it’s all said and done. Our chamber spent the last two years working on that at the state legislature. In fact, we pulled all of our partners in this community together, and we all we could the chamber convinced them, we’re going to say our number one priority for our entire community is this new building. And I was actually there, the first four days of this weekend Atlanta, doing work in lobbying to get that financial commitment from from the state of Georgia. And so, you know, I see a lot of chamber professionals that I’m friends with good folks. And they’re good at events, or they’re good at workforce development, or they’re good and Governmental Affairs, but those things all just bleed together. Opinion. So even if you’re, you’re you’re not, it’s not your strong suit to do one of those things. Get out there and do it. Ask somebody how to do it if you don’t know and make sure those things are seamless, because because if they’re not, and we keep doing great workforce programming, but the kids don’t have a technical college to go to here. They won’t be back, right? Example.

Brandon Burton 27:42
Yeah, that’s a great example. So as we start to wrap things up here, I wanted to ask what might be one tip or action item that you would suggest for a listener that they could do at their own chamber to help take them up to the next level.

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Ralph Staffins 27:59
And I’ll say this, I think we were fortunate to get it done while we had to be stuck in our office. But it’s a 501 C three, I think every chamber should have a foundation. So that a they can get tax deductible gifts, I promise you those Chamber Champions, and those past board members, all those folks. They sit in December and try to figure out where they’re going to give their money to give them an opportunity. They spent all that time being on your board and becoming your chairman, I promise you we’ll see more funding. And the second thing is your have access to grants that the C six designation won’t let you get to, in fact, we sat in a meeting this morning, they all did a site visit for a huge grant to help us with the workforce development process, new program. And so it’s not that hard. Get your attorney that works. Work does work for your chamber already. And I’ll tell you something else, I think that’s I didn’t realize was going to be a huge benefit of starting a foundation. But it’s allowed me to get my former chairman, plugged back into the chamber. I know that everybody hears it, it’s I just need a break from the chamber. But after a year or two, they fell out of the loop. And in so this allows them an opportunity to stay plugged into the chamber and those past chairmen are always the ones who are connected to the money in the community.

Brandon Burton 29:24
Yeah. So for anybody who’s read Dave Atkinson’s book, horses versus chess, he dives deep into this the importance of having a foundation and for all those things, Ralph is just talking about to be able to have it as another source of income, but also a source of work and being able to provide maybe it’s scholarships in your community or different things to be able to help further develop and advance your community. So great point.

Ralph Staffins 29:53
And I’m a big believer that chambers should not be event planners. And I know that a lot of my rule rather Don’t have to play in Christmas parades and things for their their cities. But I don’t think that’s our role. Our role is to advance business. And my motto is we’re not doing if it doesn’t advance our mission, or make us money advance our mission. And so this foundation allows you to meet your mission through new grants and new fundraisers that you weren’t tapping into before. And if not, you’re going to ask your chamber champion for more money again.

Brandon Burton 30:26
Absolutely. So I like to ask everybody that I have on the podcast this question, as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Ralph Staffins 30:40
So I truly think that we, as chambers, and chamber professionals have got to get back to our roots. We were designed, we were formed to be the voice of business. Because when I go to Atlanta, or I go to DC, and I tell him 1200 members and 45,000 employees feel this way, that’s a whole lot more powerful than the chamber feels that way. And so and I also think that we’re going to have to be more regional, we got to be at least in Georgia, we’re very territorial, right, we have 159 counties in this little state. And each one of them has a chamber, that that’s, that’s not going to work, we’re wasting resources duplicating efforts. And I really feel like and I’m already seeing it, chambers and are going to have to become more regional. If there’s a big city and a couple of small counties around and make one change, figure out how to combine efforts. And we’ve done that here in southeast Georgia, we we do a huge legislative event every December and this year was we decided to make it a regional event. So we had legislators from all over the region come and talk and we invited their chamber to come back community because we had the big facilities, we ended up with five 600 people instead of the 400 we normally have. And so and those smaller chambers, members got to hear what was going on where they generally don’t have that kind of and so start off with events, make events regional. And ultimately, I think we’re going to have some combination of chambers in the southeast George’s Regional Chamber, for instance. Right? Well, from that here, but I do think that’s that’s the future, you’re more powerful when you have a bigger voice. And you certainly don’t duplicate efforts and resources and waste resources.

Brandon Burton 32:29
Yeah, I think for advocacy, especially to be able to make things more regional and and there definitely is power in numbers, like you were saying, I see the value and having a, you know, the local identity with having the the county chambers to be able to say, hey, we were late with the local businesses and local issues. But as far as you know, advocacy and being able to get the attention of elected officials, you know, for sure, combine, combine your resources and make a louder noise. So, great advice. Well, I wanted to give you an opportunity to put out any contact information for listeners that might want to connect and learn more about how you’re doing things. They’re at the Brunswick gold Niles chamber, what would be the best way for someone to reach out and connect with you.

Connect with Ralph Staffins

Ralph Staffins 33:17 You can you can also follow us on Facebook, we really believe in marketing here at our chamber. And so we we do get a lot of stuff out. And so you can check out our website. But our our Facebook pages is up to date constantly, as well as our website, but our, our Facebook pages as scrolling accomplishments. And I think that’s a good way. But please, you know, if you’ve got a question about something we’ve talked about today, I want you to call me, I’m happy to help any way I can. Our office number here is 912-265-0620. As for me, I’m happy to help as the chair of our state association and is on the Georgia Chamber board. I think it’s my duty to help others especially in the state of Georgia, but I’m happy to to help this process any way I can. One of the best things I did during COVID is we started a support group can during COVID. And we I was able to mentor chamber presidents from all over the country. And it was just an amazing, amazing process and I still try to stay connected with those folks as much as I possibly can.

Brandon Burton 34:26
I love that I love hearing chambers supporting each other. That’s awesome. But I’ll get your contact information in our show notes for this episode. So in case anybody’s driving or out walking the dog while they’re listening, they can access it at But Ralph it’s been a pleasure visiting with you and I appreciate the examples you shared about how you guys are doing things there at the Brunswick gold Niles chamber and you know, hopefully provided a lot of value for people listening as well. So thank you.

Ralph Staffins 34:59
Thank you for having me. You need to.

Brandon Burton 35:01
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How to Increase the Quality of Your Networking Events

People at a networking event.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Typical Chamber Networking

Chambers of Commerce have promoted networking opportunities as a key selling proposition to prospective members for decades.  Many businesses are sold on the idea of networking events creating leads which will sustain their business.

What typically happens, and you can ask your members, is everyone comes for the happy hour drinks, and they bring their business cards, and they are super uncomfortable.  They might stay for a little while with the hopes that the evening will take a turn for the better but ultimately end up leaving early.  Oftentimes, they feel as if they were a target for other networkers to try to sell them the whole time.  I know this is the case because I hear it from Chamber members everywhere I go.  These members are so uncomfortable and disappointed with their lack of real connections made from these networking events that they stop attending all together.  Once this happens, then one of the big outward facing benefits that your Chamber provides is no longer of value to these types of members.

As I meet with member businesses as I sell advertising for Chamber publications, I often joke that I feel like a bartender…everyone is very open to share their experiences with me (good or bad) about their Chamber.  These discussions are very insightful and they have no idea that I host an industry wide podcast or that I write this blog, but their honesty is very revealing.

Directories, magazines, maps, and digital…
Consider Community Matters, Inc. for your next chamber publication.

Your Impact is Much Greater than Networking

Before I go any deeper into increasing the quality of your networking events, I want to make mention that I am a big believer in the positive work that Chambers do to strengthen and develop their communities.  I believe that networking is often done because this offering is the easiest to explain to a business owner the value that the Chamber can provide for their business.  It is a starting point!  

If you can create a high quality first experience for your members, then it will be much easier for them to understand your greater mission.  You will be much more successful at having your members catch your Chamber’s vision and join in with your cause.

Has your Chamber participated in leadership trips?  Think of the connectivity that is created with group travel.  You want to try to stimulate these connections among your members too.

So, how do you create a great first experience with networking for your members?

It Starts with an Invitation

I recently read a book by Jon Levy called “You’re Invited: The Art and Science of Creating Influence”.  In the book, Jon explains that for years he has hosted very exclusive dinner events.  He invites people from all walks of life, who have never met each other to his home.  His guests only use their first names as they converse with each other.  They also prepare the meal, eat, and wash the dishes together.  At the end of the evening as these groups of individuals have created and shared a meal with each other, and shared laughs and stories, they then go around the room and share their last name and who they are.  

You're Invited Book

Jon has had olympic athletes, scientists, authors, garbage collectors, doctors, celebrities, coaches, influencers, and some of the biggest names in society as guests of his dinner parties.  Once the true identities are shared, shock fills the room as the other guests learn who they have been sharing their evening and experiences with.

Jon has created an alumni group of all of his past dinner guests and he still brings them together and has built a rather large following with one invitation and one dinner party at a time.

Marjorie Hinkley shared a great thought “There isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their whole story.”  I think this quote resonates well with the idea of truely getting to know a person before casting judgments or trying to sell them your products or services.

Marjorie Hinckley quote

Imagine Your Networking Event

I believe that Chamber networking events could be done much better with more intentionality.  I will share a thought of how this might look…

  • You could start by identifying a segment of your membership to focus on for a specific event.  This could be those who are connected to the real estate industry, or hospitality, or tourism, or retail.  
  • You look through your membership list and find some options for activities that this segment of members could participate in together.  For example, painting at a board and brush member business or being taught by a chef at a local restaurant how to cook the perfect steak.  You can and should get very creative with the event ideas. 
  • Set some rules for the event to make it more into a game.  It may seem counterintuitive, but one rule might be that you are not allowed to talk about your business for the first 30 minutes or hour.  This will create some tension but it will also allow for the attendees to fully engage without the fear of becoming a target.
  • Create and send out physical invitations that create a little bit of mystery which will insight curiosity.
  • Assuming that the event goes well, you could solicit feedback and suggestions from your guests for future events for guests from other segments of your membership.
  • You could take this to another level by capturing some of these positive outcomes and testimonials that come as a result of your event to show how creative your Chamber is.  This will show how much you really do care about being a convener of leaders and influencers in your community.
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Consider Diversity in your Segmentations

As you look forward to future events, I would encourage you to think out of the box when it comes to the segments of your membership.  With diversity, equity, and inclusion being top of mind for so many, it would do your Chamber well to purposely think about who is not being represented.  Most Chambers do well with segmenting and focusing on women owned businesses and young entrepreneurs.  You could host an event for veteran owned businesses or black owned businesses.  The key is to get the right people into the right room, while creating an experience that builds relationships beyond the superficial business card exchange.  

Nobody likes to be sold to, but everyone appreciates being noticed.

Stronger Relationships Create Greater Purpose

I have a theory that has me believe that if you can create a high-quality early impression for new Chamber members, they will be more willing to hear what else you have to offer to support their business.  This in turn will lead to higher membership retention and overall growth and these business owners tell others how great your Chamber is and why they need to join.

Just today, I had a Chamber member who is also an ambassador tell me that she invited one of her business neighbors to the Chamber’s annual banquet.  The neighbor told her that they were not Chamber members so she replied by saying “Well, then you need to join.  It is the right thing to do.”  This Chamber ambassador then confided in me that she was so disappointed that she didn’t have any better reason to give this other business to join the Chamber other than it is the right thing to do.

Flex Your Influencer Muscle

Many of your members may not be completely convinced about why they are a member of your organization or how long they will continue to be a member.  Once you can give them a solid, compelling, great experience, they will never have to question what they get from your Chamber ever again.  They will also become an advocate for your organization if you create a believer out of these members early on.

We all understand the great power that comes with a group of like minded individuals who get behind a cause.  Before a person can fully support a cause and join a group, they need to have a strong enough why.  Chamber networking events are the visible, outward facing membership offering that most people can relate with.  Now we just need to use a powerful enough hook to help them catch the Chamber fever.

What creative networking events have you tried?  I would love to hear what you are doing and what works.  You can email me at to tell me your stories.

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Lessons Learned to Start 2022

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes, 30 seconds.

As we are starting a new year, we are still in the midst of this worldwide COVID pandemic.  I thought it would be helpful to share some tips in the written form to help you shortcut the work at your Chamber by sharing some lessons learned over the past 3 years of producing the Chamber Chat Podcast.  

What Have We Learned?

Many Chambers are operating with fewer staff at the moment.  Many have shifted what their working environment looks like by allowing for more work from home opportunities.  Depending on where you are located, there may still be restrictions on the number of people who can gather at events.  Each of these challenges present unique obstacles but I believe they also provide opportunities for growth.  

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, states that “Inside every problem lies an opportunity”.

Chambers have had to take a strong look at their value propositions and mission statements.  As Chambers have done this, they have found ways to prove and show their relevance more than ever.

I have now been working in the Chamber world for over 15 years in the Chamber publishing space and 3 years with Chamber Chat Podcast.  Over this time, I have learned a lot about what Chambers do, how they operate, the impact Chambers have in their communities, and I have also learned that many people in any given community don’t even know that their local Chamber exists or have any clue as to what a Chamber of Commerce does.  I am working on a new project that will address this, so stay tuned for more details to come on this front soon.

2019 Lesson Highlights

At the end of each year while producing Chamber Chat Podcast, I have recorded a summary episode that highlights some of the key lessons that I learned that year that relates to the Chamber industry.

In 2019, some of the key lessons were: 

  • A Chamber can and should be much more than a networking business community.
  • The importance of great community partnerships.
  • The need for talent & workforce development.
  • The importance of staying true to your strategic plan.
  • The future is bright for Chambers that stay relevant.

You can access this episode and it’s show notes and the other lessons learned at

2020 Lesson Highlights

In 2020, as the pandemic hit and Chambers were stressed in new and complicated ways. As a result, several new lessons rose up to the top.  In fact, I covered 20 lessons learned in 2020 for that year’s summary episode.  Some of those key lessons were:

  • Trim the fat by burning sacred cows.
  • Chambers need to be agile to make quick pivots.
  • Set aside reserves in your budget.
  • We learned how to go virtual and how to use new digital tools.
  • Many Chambers saw podcasting as a way to stay connected with their members and community.
  • Probably the number 1 lesson from 2020 was the need to be flexible!

Lessons from 2021

As the “new normal” sets in, additional lessons need to be applied, which should help to sustain Chambers moving forward.  Because of the timely relevance to these lessons, I will expand more than just a few highlighted bullet points.  You can also access my lessons from 2021 at

Finance & Membership Models

Many membership organizations have had to really evaluate their overall structure.  Everything from finances to membership models to strategic partnerships were on the table for discussion to keep their organizations in operation and to provide the needed service and value to their members.  Some organizations saw the value in merging with another similarly aligned organization, possibly a tourism or economic development organization.  Some Chambers even came together to create more of a county-wide or regional organization.  There is value and strength in coming together. However, going back to one of the lessons from 2019, a Chamber must stay true to their strategic plan.  

Some Chambers did not see the need to merge with another organization but they saw the need to create a triage for their business community whether or not a business was currently a dues paying member of their Chamber.  As recovery from the pandemic started to pick up steam, some Chambers saw value in creating a free membership offering.  I like the idea of how these Chambers are setting up these freemium models, but I would personally like to see the data from this model being implemented at other Chambers before applying it to my own.

In my opinion, Chambers are all about advancing their communities. This is accomplished through advocacy, networking, and connecting the right individuals for a stronger business environment.  Doing these things will help to strengthen all areas of their community.  

Online Communities

So, when more people are less involved in their communities, how does a Chamber go about doing this great work? 

Well, one answer might be through creating strong online communities as a starting point. Online communities might serve as an on ramp to get others involved which can then transition into more in-person relationships.  In today’s world, a Chamber would be doing a disservice to themselves if they are not utilizing the power and leverage of an online community. 

Keep in mind that with many generations living and working in your community, they each prefer different methods of communication. Some really like in person events. Some will never attend an event but they will engage and support the Chamber in big ways through their screens.

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Online communities can be set up on platforms such as Facebook.  My word of caution is that you create a strategic plan for your online community BEFORE you launch it.  This will help you in creating community guidelines and will guide you in the creation and frequency of content.  This strategic plan should also create a road map for the member experience.

Preparing for the Future

Futureproofing is the next lesson that I will address.  When COVID first reared its head, almost everyone caught off guard.  Consumers made panic purchases of obscene amounts of toilet paper, business owners who were solely brick and mortar didn’t know if or when they would be allowed to open their doors again.  Chambers adapted quickly to keep their business community apprised of government mandates and regulations, but at the same time were needing to cancel most of their non-dues revenue generators.  Chambers were not prepared for this major disruption.  

Moving forward, I would encourage Chambers to think and to prepare for worst case scenarios.  How will you continue to serve your members if you had to shut down again?  How will you bring in revenue if you are unable to gather and if businesses don’t know where their next dollar will come from?  This idea of futureproofing can be wrapped in with the previous point of creating a strong plan for an online community.  This can allow for you to pivot quickly and to deliver content and information to the people who need it the most.

Your Role as an Influencer

Casey Steinbacher’s e-book “From Relevant to Essential” laid out a great argument that shows why Chambers need to understand their role as influencers in their communities.  I would encourage everyone to read this book for the full effect, but in a nutshell, we live in a world that is very different than it was 20 or 30 years ago.  The newer generations engage in different ways and they tune into different voices.  One of the main points of her book is to urge Chambers to embrace their role as influencers.  

We don’t normally think of Chambers as influencers, but why are Chambers so great at conveening people and organizations for a greater cause…because they are influencers.  Why do businesses join their local Chamber and ask for input on staffing, marketing, accounting, etc…because they are influencers.  

Most Chambers turn to social media to flex their influence muscle.  I find that many people turn to social media to tune out and they are not usually in the mindset to engage with Chamber content as it comes across their feed.  Podcasts however, offer a much more intimate way to share information, and establish or reinforce your influence in the community.

Strategic Partnerships

This year as I did the Chamber of the Year Finalist interviews, each Chamber talked about their response to the COVID pandemic.  Almost every Chamber shared how they created a strategic partnership with either their local Small Business Association, local banks, or other similar organizations to help distribute financial resources and relief to the businesses in their communities.  

Boost your Chamber’s efficiency & revenues with digital certification of origin and movement documents, powered by essCert – the leading choice for 400 Chambers & 50,000+ satisfied Chamber members.

These types of partnerships can open doors to new services and opportunities. These opportunities will help Chambers better serve their business community going forward.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We have seen people and organizations of all types recognize the need for more focus and attention on diversity, equity and inclusion.  Unfortunately it took the murder of George Floyd for the many of the racial injustices to rise to a higher level of importance.  On the positive side, this extra focus on racial equity also allowed for a greater focus on other areas of diversity.  It opened our minds to new ideas on how to be more inclusive to people who have traditionally been left out of our organizations for a variety of reasons.  We also realized the need to provide more equitable opportunities for everyone in our communities.  I believe we still have a long way to go with diversity, equity and inclusion, but we are going in the right direction.

Horseshoes vs. Chess

Anyone who listens to the Chamber Chat Podcast on a regular basis will know how much I love Dave Adkisson’s book “Horseshoes vs. Chess”.  This book is what I describe as the best portrayal of what a Chamber of Commerce is and should be as well as what a Chamber Exec is and should be.  

We are often asked what Chambers of Commerce do.  Horseshoes vs. Chess helps to answer that question in a way that ordinary (non-Chamber) people can understand.  

In the book, Dave shares an analogy about Chamber work compared to the games of horseshoes and chess.  Some people look at Chamber work the same way they look at a game of horseshoes at a picnic.  You don’t have to know much about the game, you can just toss your horseshoes towards your stake and if you get close you get a point.  

Dave shares how Chamber work is really much more like a game of chess.  You have different pieces that can do different things and you need to understand the role of each piece.  One piece may be education.  Another piece might be workforce development, and another tourism, and another economic development, etc.  The idea is that you must know what each piece is capable of doing while also understanding that you can’t move all of the pieces at the same time.  I think this analogy is perfect and it should resonate with most Chamber professionals.

Make Pivots

The final lesson that I will share from 2021 is that I need to make some pivots.  I am coming up on the third anniversary of Chamber Chat Podcast. While I still plan to continue with the podcast, I do have some other new and exciting opportunities and projects that I am working on that I hope to reveal very soon.  Hopefully you and your Chamber have noticed areas where you can grow and improve as well.  In the end, it is about providing the best value and the highest level of service possible.  

I wish you all a very successful 2022.  I am sure it will be full of new lessons that will help us move closer to our potential.  Keep up the great work!

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