Brian Williams, founder of Northshire Consulting is our guest this week. Brian specializes in Multiple Employer Plan (MEPs) which allows for a business organization such as a Chamber of Commerce to pool their member businesses together to fund a MEP 401k plan. In this episode, Brian explains the origins of MEPs and the advantages for member businesses, their employees and the benefits for the Chamber.
In the past, we have seen association healthcare plans. These multiple employer plans are similar in nature. They provide a huge benefit, especially for smaller businesses to join the Chamber to take advantage of such plans. This also creates a “stickiness factor” that allows for the Chamber to retain members much easier because the can see the tangible value that they receive with their membership. For this same reason, MEPs can serve as a great tool for attracting new members.
If you would like to connect with Brian about what he has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, please see his contact information below:
- northshireconsulting.com
- chamber401ks.com
- bwilliams@northshireconsulting.com
- 800-498-1876
- Facebook or LinkedIn
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