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Category: Sponsorships

Improving Corporate Sponsorships with Bruce Rosenthal

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your hosts Brandon Burton. And it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Our guests for this episode is Bruce Rosenthal. Bruce is a corporate partnerships strategist, consultant, and educator. He specializes in associations and not for profit organizations, Bruce is dedicated to boosting revenue enhancing member value and promoting organizational sustainability. The Bruce, I’m excited to have you with us today here on chamber chat podcast that bio as concise as it is, I’m hoping pique the interest of everybody listening, that how we can bring more revenue into our chambers, but wanted to give you an opportunity to say hello to all the chamber champions that are listening and to share something interesting about yourself so we can all get to

Bruce Rosenthal 1:53
know you a little better. All right, thank you, Brandon, and excited about being here. So So an interesting fact that I’ve worked throughout my career for nonprofit organizations. Though, when I was when I was growing up, my dad and his brother had an insurance agency. And when I was in college, I was here in the Washington DC area. And they were in the Chicago area and, and my uncle was a senior partner in the firm invited me over and said, Bruce, we have an idea, all the kids are going to go into the insurance business. And I was here as a sophomore in college and all the political buzz and everything in DC and I still to this day, hope I wasn’t too rude to him by saying I’m here on spring break. But I’m going back to DC and I don’t think I’m going into the insurance business. So sorry to all of you who are thriving based on doing great things for businesses in your communities. I didn’t go into business, I went into the not for profit. But for the conversation today how we can take what I’ve learned over the years to help your your chambers grow. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 2:53
it’s always fun when somebody has a great idea for you. And here’s your path for you. Right. Right. Right. Great. Well, tell us a little bit about your company Rosen Bruce Rosenthal associates with the work that you do kind of we know nonprofits and associations, but kind of in a nutshell, what do you do these give

Bruce Rosenthal 3:15
you the brief history, it does go back about 15 years, but it’s not that long a story. I was working for National Association on not a sponsorship project. But the association completely revamped its sponsorship program because I realized the times were changing and needed to keep up with the trends and the revenue was really important. It was about 15 18% of the revenue the association was bringing in. So they did that complete revamp one of the components of the new sponsorship program was the senior level staff person to run the program. So the CEO asked me to be that person, I said, Be glad to run the sponsorship program. Got all signed up and got my desk set up. That was 2009 2010 just as the economy tanked. So we had some companies that were that were top level sponsors and a new program pricey a sponsorship program around and I knew there were some companies where we’re gonna get it going to get no new business from our members in the next couple of years because of the economy. So in hindsight, the good news is that kind of set me on the path, what are the real value propositions? What are companies really looking for? Why do they sponsor and the good news is we were able to keep all of the companies in the fold as the economy, the economy slumped, and then came back. And what we realized as part of that process is the companies were really interested less than less than that transactional, or as the CEO said to me at that time, when we want to move their program from the transactional to the transformational, and kind of the standard gold, silver, bronze logo, visibility, recognition, shout out from the podium. In fact, there was one company at that time when I was asking him for their their logo for our newsletter, and he said, Bruce, we’ve been a sponsor for 20 years. Everybody knows who we are. We don’t need our logo on your newsletter, and we definitely don’t need their logo next to five other sponsors. is in your newsletter. So, so we created a program that was that we’ll talk about today, there was much more what I call it marketing agency approach to really sitting down with companies. What do you need? How can we be helpful? Our association has audiences, we have communications channels, we have education opportunities, how can we truly partner with your company to be part of that process?

Brandon Burton 5:22
I like that, yeah, this is going to this is going to be one of those episodes where people are going to want to go back and listen to again, or take notes and present their board and say, here’s a new strategy of how we might want to approach sponsorships going forward. Right. So actually,

Bruce Rosenthal 5:39
just to put a cap on that, Brandon. So when I left that association, about seven years ago, I took what I had learned and in those six years building and revamping the program and and now is you net noted in the bio working as an advisor, an educator to Association on how I can take what I learned in that kind of deep dive with one association and now with seven years of experience with a whole range of organizations, different sizes, inside staff, on how there are opportunities for all of them to grow sponsorship revenue. Right.

Brandon Burton 6:10
So our topic for discussion today is you might have guessed it, it’s around improving corporate sponsorships. Bruce and I were talking before we hit record, were just a little bit about the uniqueness of chambers of commerce and, and we’ve all heard the line if you’ve seen one chamber, you’ve seen one chamber but I think one thing that is common amongst all chambers is that chambers rely on sponsorships to help fund their organization and their mission and envision to move things forward in their community. So it’s gonna be a lot of value in this discussion today. And I’m excited to dive into it much deeper as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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All right, Bruce, we’re back. So we’re diving into corporate sponsorships today and for chambers in particular to improve these opportunities for sponsorships. So what are some of these lessons, I guess that you’ve learned through your own experience, but also working with organizations on their sponsorship programs? I’m sure there’s been some things that have lights that have gone off in your own mind. Some notes that you’ve taken and experiences that are valuable to share.

Bruce Rosenthal 9:17
You know, the first thing so So back when I was working with that association, the economy tanked. I wasn’t sure if we were gonna keep these companies in the fold. So I brought in a consultant, I said, Could you interview our top 10 year long corporate partners, and all of the things we talked about today can be scaled. So some organizations might have two sponsors, some might have 10 or 15. So everything I say I might throw out some numbers, but that everything can be easily scaled up or down. So I brought in a consultant and she interviewed the top 10 corporate partners, and she came in to do this presentation and I was sitting next to our CEO and and some other senior staff folks. And she said the good news is all of your corporate partners said exactly the same thing. And I’m thinking that is great. You She said, however, what they are looking for is not what you’re offering. So I have interviewed along with my team, hundreds of companies over the last 15 years, and whether they are sponsors of small organizations, large organizations, whether they sell, technology, insurance, marketing, whether it’s a bank, whatever it is, they all pretty much have the same three reasons that they sponsor organizations. And those three reasons are, of course, they want new business. But that’s not the only reason. The second is they want some sort of brand elbow room. So not necessarily exclusivity, they don’t necessarily need to be the only sure insurance company that’s sponsoring or the only marketing agency that’s sponsoring the chamber. But they want some sort of recognition that among all of the the insurance companies of all the insurance companies that might be involved with the chamber, there’s something different or special about that one, that’s a sponsor. And the third one, which is really key is they want to be positioned as a knowledge leader. So they want to be known for their expertise. So going back to the comment I made earlier, there was a company that came two years ago and said, We don’t need a logo placement. Everybody knows who we are. It was a bank. And it was one of six banks, who was a sponsor of the organization. What made that one bank different? And it wasn’t just around the money, it was, how could they help members more how, what are some case studies of how they help members finance a new building, for example. So those three, those three value propositions are closely related. Because if we can actually start with Thought Leadership, and help organization help sponsors be on an education panel, or a podcast or webinar panel, or, or develop an article or white paper for Chamber members, if that company can be positioned as a thought leader, that checks off the box, the brand visibility, because they’re being known for something, and that will eventually lead to business development. And because that will differentiate them as having expertise doesn’t mean everybody’s going to buy from them. But as I’ve talked to companies, and ask them how they measure success, and how this plays out, they’ll say, Oh, so many people went to this webinar, we followed up with that, we were able to schedule 10 meetings, and that led to three contract proposals. And that led to one signed contract, that one contract paid the cost of the sponsorship, that was our win. So companies have three those three reasons. Among those reasons, I did not mention logo visibility, recreation, or a shout out from the podium. So I think the two challenges and what many of us in the association and chamber nonprofit world have done for years as we’ve gone out to companies with a kind of a prospectus of gold, silver bronze sponsorships for our conference. And we’ve said two things, we need money. Well, spoiler alert, that companies in many cases don’t care that we need money, because that’s not one of their main drivers. And we’ll talk about one exception to that later. But for the most part, they don’t need money. And we’re trying to sell them. Visibility recognition is shut off from the podium, and most of them don’t need that. And I would think, especially within the chamber area, whether it’s a small town is bigger city, probably these companies are fairly well known and don’t need another logo placement. So we’ve been trying to sell them something. And this has been for decades, or a bigger exhibit booth. The other challenge with what we’re trying to sell them as we’re usually selling them, or in many cases, we’re selling them a conference sponsorship. And there was a company I was interviewing, interviewing a couple years ago. And they said, Well, you know, the reality is Bruce is a fantastic conference three days, we get a lot of leads, a lot of folks come by our booth, we get a lot of business cards, it’s three days, our company markets 365 days a year, right? So even with a little pre and post conference visibility, how can we work with the association throughout the year doesn’t mean every day. But Can there be something like a podcast in the first quarter and a webinar on the second quarter and an article in the third quarter and the conference in the fourth quarter? Because as we all know, kind of the the the marketing maxim is that people need to see a message seven times before it resonates. So we need to help companies get visibility as thought leaders throughout the year and that’s when the companies began to really see the

Brandon Burton 14:31
value. And I liked the point about being a thought leader and correlating that to the logo on the newsletter. The logo on the newsletter almost cheapens the experience of being a thought leader. Because if you’re coming to the table as being that thought leader, the assumption is everybody knows who your company is, anyway, that’s why they’re asking you for your expertise on whatever the topic may be. And just throwing a logo on a newsletter without any context around it doesn’t really it I don’t know, I think I think it cheapens the experience a little bit.

Bruce Rosenthal 15:03
Right. But I and and I think right, and the key there is use it in context. So yes, sure. After you’ve done the webinar and the podcast and all of that, then to say, oh, and the logo. Oh, yeah, that would be a good add on. So it’s a great add on in context. But yeah, if most of the benefits are logo visibility, recognition, that’s when companies are like, we don’t need that. And the other challenge now it’s it’s a very competitive environment out there. And there was a corporate sponsor that I was talking to, recently for an association client. And and they said, actually, you know, I think in that case was like a $30,000. Sponsorship, they said, we get more business leads from $3,000 of Google ads, that from a $30,000 sponsorship. Yeah. So the game changer in the last few years, especially with the pandemic, people can sit in front of a zoom screen and get a message anytime they can. People see Google ads. So So that’s part of the competition. And I think often we’ve not thought about this as competition, we thought, well, we’re the only chamber in town or we’re the only whatever Association around, companies really want to come to us. And to some extent, that used to be true when I was working at that association, 10 years ago, and a company would come to us and said, well, we want to be positioned as knowing about, you know, how to finance buildings, or how to create websites, or whatever. And I’d say, Well, here’s the list of all the things you need to do. We have a webinar series, we can get you on the calendar in six months. And we have a conference, if you submit this five page proposal, maybe we can get you on the program. And now that post pandemic lockdown, we all know how to sit in front of a zoom screen and sign up for a webinar and check that little box on the webinar sign up that says you can use our name to contact us afterwards. All of a sudden companies are like, well, we’d like to affiliate with your chamber, we’d like to be part of your program. But if you’re going to make it too difficult, we as a company can go out there and put out our webinar in the next six weeks. And then we can you know, have access to the registration list and all that. So when companies are making choices than doing it on their own versus going through the chamber, that’s we need to think about what is the value proposition that we’re offering to those companies? Right?

Brandon Burton 17:24
So on the topic of competition, are there other areas of competition? You mentioned Google and the technology side, Google and Facebook, and where you can purchase ads for a fraction of what it might cost to sponsor a major competition?

Bruce Rosenthal 17:40
Competition? That is a great question, Brandon. And when I started a consulting seven years ago, and I would do competitive in that analysis for Association and organization clients, and you know, I would come up with a list of your five, six other associations that are kind of in the similar space to you. And now I’m coming up a list 40 5060 organizations, and because I’m looking at it from the company standpoint, and what I saw, and some of this comes about when I interviewed corporate partners, and I’ll say, where else are you exhibiting? Where else are you sponsoring? Where else are you advertising? So I’m hearing that not only similar organizations, and then also organizations in other trades and professions? So again, kind of back to the example of the insurance agent who might be interested in sponsoring the chamber. Are there other places in time zero retail association in the town or the state where that company might be interested in sponsoring, so all of a sudden now the retail Association is a competitor to the chamber? Or is there a Healthcare Association where the company could say, well, we wouldn’t have access to all these prospective buyers of our insurance product if we sponsored the Health Care Association or the hospital association. So there are those associations. There are an increasing number of for profit, especially on the state and national level for profit entities that are putting out webinars doing expos doing podcasts. And some companies are going that direction and reaching out to those entities. And I think among the biggest competitors, kind of the example I mentioned earlier, companies just doing their own webinars, yeah, within their own and that, you know, they used to be called kind of, you know, user group meetings and they were very techie and but now companies are realizing something that I learned from a an association Education Director a few years ago, the idea of educating the sell, not selling to educate so if companies either through the chamber or on their own can educate members with the idea that then they will gain some sales leads, that tends to be more successful than going out there and saying, Oh, we’re gonna go out there and get x number of sales leads. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 19:54
and I think this hits on an important point because there’s a The money for these things for sponsorships versus advertising could come from very different budgets. But when you look at a company like I’m thinking an example of a hospital, a hospital may be a major sponsor for a chamber for their annual banquet or just overall with their, you know, the highest tier membership program, but their your, your top sponsor, talk to your sponsor, but they could also use that several $1,000 and do a health fair in the parking lot of their hospital and it’s their own thing, and they draw their own crowd in. So being able to differentiate what’s your value proposition as a chamber? What sets us apart? Why do you want to associate with us as a chamber? What making it clear what the mission is of your chamber, the advocacy efforts that you’re involved with all the different benefits? Beyond, you know, you get your logo here, or we have this networking mixer in this, like, really, you got to set yourself apart? Because those dollars are competitive on where they’re going?

Bruce Rosenthal 21:05
Yep, absolutely. It’s, it’s, and I think that’s a good way to frame it, Brandon, that’s to start off by saying, yeah, there’s nothing wrong with our chamber. But let’s think of our chamber is not, not sole source, not the only game in town, there is competition. And let’s just embrace that, and have conversations with companies. And I found a great starting point and a great differentiator, instead of as we’ve done for many decades, and you know, chambers are special and unique and in a variety of ways. From the company standpoint, it’s just another organization asking for money. So, again, no disrespect to chambers, but from the when I talked to companies, and they say, we get 612 15 Different prospectuses to sponsor conferences, every mods, and they put them all in the same category. And unfortunately, sometimes that category is, is the Delete box or the wastebasket, because it just they all begin to look the same. And so many of them start off with, we need money, our members will be eternally grateful, because in London, right, our registration fees, and again, companies, it’s like, well, how does that help my company? So I think one great strategy, as organizations chambers, think about revamping your sponsorship program, schedule a meeting with a few of the companies that have been sponsors in the past, or who are bigger exhibitors that your conferences and events and have a conversation with them and not to sell anything. And I found by scheduling those calls with companies and starting off by saying, I have no prospectus here. I’m not selling anything today, I want to talk about your company. And all of a sudden, and I do a lot of these on Zoom, but all of a sudden, they become available. Yeah, cell phones go down, the pins go down. It’s like, read Bruce, that’s, let’s talk about that. And just ask questions. You know, what are your company’s business goals? What are your marketing goals, and to try to focus it not on tactics. So if the company were to say, as some will, oh, our tactic, we want an email list of all the Chamber members? Well, that’s a tactic. That’s nice. Let’s put that to the side for a minute. Tell us about your company’s goals. Because what we want to do is position and this can work whether the chamber has one staff person, or dozens of staff, people or anywhere in between, to help the company solve those problems. Because if we can come in as a problem solver, and not just someone else asking for money that we grew that month, that becomes a differentiator. So I’ve had companies, including companies that sponsor nationally and internationally say, we have been sponsoring, you know, we sponsor 50 Different organizations every year, nobody’s ever asked us what our business goals are. And in some cases, these are companies that are $100,000 sponsors, and that’s when you begin to think, are they going to continue being a sponsor, because, again, the competition, the other competition, that kind of ties in with social media is that companies can create their own lists now. So one of my colleagues was talking to a company and, again, we’ll scale this up to the national level, the company had a online community of 10,000 members of that association, that they had just nurtured over the last six, mostly since COVID, over the last couple years, by putting information on LinkedIn downloads of white papers, webinar attendees, and the company said, Well, now that we think about it kind of begs the question, do I need to be a sponsor of the association? Because I already have a list of 10,000 professionals in that space. So I think, again, I think that can be scaled down to the local level and chamber level also, companies can create their own lists, and they can reach me they can reach and teach through social media and zoom without the chamber being involved. Oh, no, I think it’s also important to add to that, that the big one of those those key value propositions that associate the Chamber’s have to offer is the brand affinity. So while those companies can go off out and do their own webinars and offer their white papers to do that, to co brand that to do it in conjunction with the chamber, I think is a huge plus and a great reason that companies would want to affiliate. Right.

Brandon Burton 25:28
And I think that goes right along with asking the right questions. So when you’re talking to these corporate sponsors, or potential past sponsors, or potential sponsors to be able to ask the right questions, see what their motives are See, those top three reasons of why businesses sponsor, where do they fall? And then what aligns best with their needs. Now, I’m curious, as far as a, for lack of a better term, a sponsorship package? Do you go in with a package? Or do you assess the needs and then create a sponsorship opportunity to fit the needs? Or what? What type of approach should chambers considers they have these conversations? And just how do they start the conversation at some of these businesses? Yeah, great, great

Bruce Rosenthal 26:17
question on what to offer. So I don’t do packages we. So I often start and chamber can do this on their own with their their staff, or they’re more thinking about what do we have to offer? What are the different communications channels? Do we have newsletters, conferences, podcasts? who are who are our audience? What who is our audience? And also can that audience be segmented? So if it’s a company that wants to reach folks based on a certain type of business, do they want to be retailers? Do they want to reach construction firms or whatever it is, because what I also find that in many cases, companies, and this is also an interesting model to think about on the national level. And Association says we have 20,000 members, you can reach 20,000, folks, we have 10,000, folks that come to our conference, and then I’ll talk to a company and they’ll say, Well, based on what we’re selling, we really want to reach 300 people, how do we find those 300 Out of the 10,000 at the conference with a 20,000? Membership. So this is a great example, I think it’s for chamber, smaller chambers, when you can segment the membership to reach the folks that each company wants to reach. But I usually start by thinking what are all the things that we could offer. And then to have that exploratory call with a company or two. And again, this is where it can easily be scaled. If you have a small staff reach out to one or two companies among if you have a larger staff, it’s like, well, let’s talk to a couple of companies a week, and to have these exploratory calls. And then kind of to go back to the office and sit down and say okay, so based on what the company said their goals and objectives are, what do we have to offer the word fulfill those goals. And that’s a very different approach than usual. Here’s a standard gold, silver bronze, because again, I’m talking to more and more companies that say as soon as they see gold, silver, bronze, delete, yeah, because it means everybody’s getting the same thing. So this model, which I think a lot of businesses should be able to appreciate, is much is very much what I call a marketing agency model. Because if any of us goes to a marketing agency, either the chamber or one of your members goes to a marketing agency, and says I need help marketing agencies don’t have gold silver bronze packages. And from a couple experiences I had with a marketing agency, the marketing agency asked me questions for an hour similar to these exploratory calls we were talking about a few minutes ago about what is your product? What is your service? Who is your competition? What are you trying to accomplish? Who do you sell to? Do you want to reach a segment of the market? And then at the end of that conversation with a marketing agency, I said, what can you do for us? And they said, we will schedule a meeting for you next week, because we’re going to take all this information, and we’re going to think about it. And we’re going to come back to you with a series of solutions, services, or what we would call in the chamber space benefits. What can you offer and it’s going to be different for every company that does they can complicate it. In a way when I talked to associations that implement that model, they actually find it easier than having 20 companies that all they everybody gets a logo placement and everybody get this there. It becomes very assembly line ish, which is a lot of moving pieces. And kind of back to your comment earlier. Brandon is logo placement even worth it? Maybe not. So sometimes you come up with here are two or three big things we could do with the company during the year as part of the customized year long. So there’s kind of the two key things companies are looking for customized in many cases year long. And if we can come back to them with solutions, that’s when we see sponsorship fees, that in some cases are 510 times more than what they paid in the past because also sometimes in the past I see paid for a lot of pieces. So I think also if one, were going to talk to a company, as a company been an exhibitor and an advertiser and bought an ad and our gala program, what are all the things they spend money on, and realize that well, that’s kind of the minimum of what they would pay. And if they actually came in with a solution to their challenges, we can probably charge a lot more.

Brandon Burton 30:20
So when I think of a chamber making this approach, and this is going to come to the responsibilities, I guess, with the staff members or board members who might be involved, but so over the last, we’ll say, I don’t know, six or eight years, there’s been a big trend for chambers to go to a tiered dues membership model. So you’ve got your basic membership that gives you access to certain things, you get the next tier and you get other benefits, and it keeps going up see gold, silver, bronze, yeah, like you’re talking about. And these chambers typically will have a membership director that’s there. They’re doing a membership sales are attracting new businesses. And I know there’s other chambers that take an approach specifically for sponsorships where they’ll do what they call a one ask. So once a year, they’ll go out to some of the bigger players in the community. And typically, it’s the chamber CEO or Executive Director that will go and meet with these, these larger companies and potential donors and have that one on one conversation and say, here’s everything that we have to offer. In our case, I’m not really sure how to ask this question, because I’m thinking there’s just such a variety of how chambers approached us and come to it. What’s the least messiest way to way to approach membership and sponsorships? In at the same time, or should it be separate? Or is there a way to do it together?

Bruce Rosenthal 31:59
Well, there are probably ways to do it together. And each chamber does their members the best. And if it’s a company that kind of makes it as a joint decision, but a couple thoughts come to mind. One is that I also often find with the big year law, corporate partners, useful to find out when they make that decision each year. Yeah. So whether it’s 10,000, or 110,000, or a half a million, that I’ve had experiences of going to companies and saying, oh, based on our organization’s fiscal year, here’s where we want to talk to you. And the company says, Well, I wish we had talked two months ago, because we set our budget two months ago for the coming year. Let’s talk next year. So if it’s going to be a bigger sponsorship discussion, I think useful to find out months or even what the company’s fiscal year is, when do they actually put pencil to paper and start? We’re working on the budget.

And I think the there was another thought I had as part of that, which I don’t recall right now. So it will come back to me. So

Brandon Burton 32:55
maybe it had to do with the membership side of it with aside from the sponsorship?

Bruce Rosenthal 33:01
Yeah, I think, again, it depends on each organization and how you’re approaching that. But I think it’s again, asking companies the question about what what are their? Well, I think you also mentioned kind of going in with with either packages I go in with with no paper, I can tell them nothing about the benefits, even if they start to say what is the circulation of the magazine? How many people attend the conference? It’s like, well, let’s talk about your business goals. And we will get back to you. Because I think once we start going down that rabbit hole of talking about for tactical things, we lose the discussion. I think the other conversation that can be a little different for her chambers is there is kind of this other pot of money, which which some companies have the chambers have been asked accessing. And that’s one of the corporate social responsibilities. So that’s hospitals, for example, that are supporting the chamber, not because they think they’ll get more patients or doctors to come to the hospital, because they believe it’s the right thing to do for the community. And so I think, you know, when you’re reaching out to companies and asking questions, like What is your decision making budget here? But also asking him Do you have a separate department that’s in charge of corporate social responsibility, because all of us are going on to those marketing folks. And whether it’s with that insurance brokerage agency or, or with the hospital, and we’re all going to the marketing folks ask them for money from from their small pot at the same time. And the opportunity with this what’s often called Corporate Social Responsibility, money that hospitals in some larger businesses have retail stores and others is that it’s everybody’s not asking for that money at the same time. So it’s a little easier to being lost in the shuffle there. And it’s a somewhat different criteria. The marketing folks are back to thinking what is the ROI am I going to get X number of new contracts or X number of new customers? If I support the chamber in this way At, or the hospital is like, well, we’ve seen the Chamber’s impact statement. You guys are doing great stuff. We want to support you. So I think it’s different conversations but similar, because I think there is always an advantage in having these exploratory calls, and showing empathy and interests. And wow, tell me more about those goals, whether they be sales goals or intellectual responsibility. Tell me about your goals, what’s working, what’s not working? What are the barriers? And that’s what I just find that I’ve had companies, I’m shocked, I’d never heard of this in the sales. And because we’re still basically kind of selling sponsorships, where companies will say, at the end of the call, wow, this was a great call, can we schedule another call, we didn’t get to cover it all in a half hour. And then I talked to kind of folks that are have expertise in sales, and they’re like, schedule 15 minute sales calls, you should be able to get it all done in 15 minutes. So I think when we bring companies in, and this is where we kind of shift from, I have a slide in some of my PowerPoints is that the word partner is a noun and a verb. And we often talk about corporate partners, oh, they’re our partner. But do we truly partner with them using partners as a verb, so when we can bring companies in. And we did talk about things since the beginning of this conversation about the revenue, which is definitely important, but there’s also a huge component around member value. So another way to kind of shift the way we’ve done things in the past, is to actually start with not even a conversation with companies. But what is the chamber need? What are our members need, and I have not found any association and the surveys back this up, including associations with 100 200, staff, people, nobody has enough staff time expertise or money to meet all of the members needs all the time. Right? So do Chamber members need to have new information on cybersecurity? Are women in leadership capacities, or D AI are? And then to go to companies and say, Well, you know, our members really need information about cybersecurity, could we partner with your company, to take some of your company’s expertise, not a sales pitch, and we don’t want to hear about your specific products, position, your company has that knowledge leader around cybersecurity, and do a series of webinars, podcasts, white papers, something as the conference during the year, and really position your company for success. So then you’re bringing in not only the revenue for the chamber, you’re bringing in information for members. So then you kind of tie that into membership recruitment, when you’re going out to recruit members, oh, we have this great year long education program around cybersecurity, because we heard this as what businesses in town really need, or whatever the topic is, but actually start with what do members need? Can we find companies with that expertise? And that’s where I find calling companies and not saying, Oh, our convention is coming up, or a conference or Expo is coming up? And in 60 days, do you want to gold, silver bronze sponsorship a calling and saying our members really did it for information on cybersecurity, I looked at your company’s website, I did some research, did some work on my end. So that your company as you know, some white papers and some videos about cybersecurity, can we talk? Those are the calls that get returned? And those are the meetings we can put together.

Brandon Burton 38:11
Right? I like that question. A lot of great points there. One I wanted to circle back with was on the corporate social responsibility. For chambers listening. I know there’s been buzz lately, about chambers having foundations, a lot of chambers have established foundations. And that’s where you can really tap into some of those buckets of social responsibility for these companies where it’s not coming out of marketing funds, it’s a totally different bucket. But having, especially if a foundation is something new and there is buzz in your community about the foundation and the work that it will support, it’ll be easier to open those doors to be able to have those conversations. And in the end, it’s all supporting the mission of the organization. So

Bruce Rosenthal 38:56
Right. That’s, and that’s that’s a good point, just to underscore that, that every relationship that we’re talking about with companies, whether it’s from their marketing, budget, sponsorship, or corporate social responsibility, should always kind of meet the two major criteria in alignment with the Chamber’s mission in meeting the needs of members. Right. And it doesn’t work all the time. If a company says, Wow, what we really want, we need an email list of all your members, and we want our logo front and center on the Chamber’s website for the next year. It’s like, sorry, that that’s not going to work. Yeah. Let’s talk about some other things or less. Or

Brandon Burton 39:31
here’s what it’ll cost to do that right. Well.

Bruce Rosenthal 39:35
Sometimes we get on a slippery slope if we compromise ourselves. So I think it’s also fine in some cases to say this doesn’t look like it’ll work right now. Maybe we can get together in another few months and talk again. Because it we definitely want to make sure and I think also because sometimes boards are a little skeptical. What about sponsors? Are we endorsing products? Are we aligning with the wrong companies? It’s like, No, we have a set of guidelines and you Here’s how we can work with companies. And I think also by having these exploratory calls with companies and then going back to the companies with ideas, yeah, we’re sure that they’re in alignment with our mission and our members needs. Because we’ve developed it. We as chamber leaders have developed that not going to the companies and saying, What do you want? Because then they start telling you what they want. And then we’re like, Oh, what do we do now? Because we can’t do that. So when we can go to companies, and I think we there are even ways I turned it around if a company does come and say, We want to list your members. And I try not to say no, but I’ll say, well, that’s interesting. Tell me about your objectives and goals around that. Not I mentioned, you want to list but why do you want to list and I’ve had a number of instances where where I’ve realized as part of the discussion, they really don’t want to listen to everybody that just kind of what they’re used to asking for. They want to reach a segment, or they want to be positioned for their expertise, some something and I’ll say, well, well, what if we help you do a webinar? And we’ll only introduce Chamber members who are whatever retailers are in the health space? How would that work for your company? And more than nine times out of 10? They’ll say, oh, yeah, that’s a great solution. And they’ll never ask about the mailing list again. Yeah. So if we can find when we can find out what a company’s goals and objectives are. And then find ways to work with in the context of the Chamber’s mission and member needs. So offer solutions. That’s the real though I always look for the win, win win. Members. First, it’s got to meet the needs of members, chambers, Max, if it provides more revenue for the chamber, and then when we can position, the company, the sponsor is the third when then that’s when it’s successful. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 41:40
Now, this has been some gold nuggets all over the place. So as we, as we start to wrap up here, Bruce, I wanted to ask for chambers listening who are interested in taking their organization to the next level, what kind of tip or action item might you leave with them and trying to accomplish that goal? I’d

Bruce Rosenthal 42:02
say that for action steps, the first would be have conversations with companies. And based on your size and capacity, it could be reaching out to one or two companies start with the ones who have been supportive, or have had the, you know, bought the most number of ads during the year, whatever it is, however, you know, money’s always a good metric, the companies that have spent the most with the chamber, and it could be in terms of membership, as well as sponsorship and advertisers. And, and schedule a time to talk with them. And you might even start by saying we’re not selling anything today. Oh, and by the way, what’s what’s your budget year, we want to have this conversation when you’re working on your next budget, and have that conversation. And yet I find it as a huge differentiator, because most organizations aren’t doing that. And and then to kind of regroup internally and go back to the company and say, Well, we have some ideas and hard thing is often how do you price it but you know, look at what the company spent in the past. And, and you can probably increase it a significant amount. So I’ve seen organizations kind of on the national level, again, it can be scaled down. But companies, companies that have gone from a $5,000 conference sponsorship to the next year, a $40,000 year long partnership, because it has achieved. And I looked at one of the questions I may not have mentioned in these conversations with companies, ask them how they measure success. And they may be able to tell you, they may not. But again, I think it shows interest in empathy, because I’ve worked with companies like banks, where they say, Wait, if we get one new financial stake, this is finance financing as a result of his partnership with the chamber. that’ll pay the whole annual fee right there. Yeah. And if it’s a smaller marketing agency, they’re gonna say, wow, we’re gonna design a whole bunch of websites for local businesses to be able to pay for this sponsorship. So understanding who they want to reach and how they measure success. And I think most companies would be glad to answer that question. How do you measure success? And success should be in terms of, again, kind of objectives and results in that? You know, success is now we want the email list. So we can mail up, you know, 3000 brochures to your members or 500 brochures, who remembers that’s a tactic but, but what is kind of a business ROI success, and I also find companies are measuring a lot more than they used to. Yeah. And then they’re tracking every lead from the first conversation, the first touch point, the first downloadable white paper through the months until there’s a sale. So companies to a greater extent, I think this was partly just because we’re more data focused and things became more a lot online during the pandemic. Companies are measuring so I showing interest in empathy and saying, how do you measure how can we you know, if we have this Congress, if you become a sponsor, we come back over the months to talk about a renewal. What will be an indication of success for you and how can we help you with that? Right.

Brandon Burton 44:56
I like that. I like that question. With Bruce I A final question I like asking everybody that I have on the show is, as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Bruce Rosenthal 45:10
I think for chambers and other nonprofit organizations, there’s a huge interest that companies have and companies are. Yeah, I think the opportunity for chambers that embrace a different sort of strategy for working with companies is has a lot of potential because I’ve talked to a lot of companies, and this is really over the last seven or eight years. So it’s not even specific to the pandemic, is that I’m talking to companies of all sizes, and they are saying, we are not cutting our sponsorship expenditures in the coming year. However, we’re cutting the number of organizations we sponsored by 30%. So again, that’s I don’t think there are too many companies that are going to be successful by cutting marketing budgets. So companies have a huge respect and want to support organizations and be aligned with the brand. So just one quick example, when I worked for an association, we had a year long corporate partner, they were sponsors of a major research study co branded with the Association. And what was interesting, the company did most of the research for that research study. And I looked at the different scenarios, and I thought, you know, they could decide to just publish that on their own. Yeah. Or they could co branded the reason they were like, and this is what will be at the scale it down to a smaller chamber level, but they were $160,000, sponsor of a national association. One of the key reasons they sponsored $460,000 was a co branding of that annual research study, which they did all the research they could have done around. So I think, you know, realizing that by having these engaging collaborative conversations with companies, bringing them in as partners is a huge differentiator, because companies value chambers, value, things like CO branding, being on panels, being invited as a thought leader, because I’ve talked to a lot of companies and associations I’ve worked with, and the company will say, you know, they call us a partner. But we’re a marketing agency. And I saw that the association did a webinar on marketing, and they never asked us to be on the panel. Yeah. Does it feel like a partner? Yeah. If I want to do that, I always said, Do you want our money? Or do you want our brains? Yeah. So kind of back to members need the information and the expertise. So again, if companies are going to be on that panel, they need to be coached, you’re not going to sell, you’re not going to put up your QR code. You can have that in the last slide or at the end or have a brochure if it’s in person to end at the end. But we want your expertise. Can you talk about marketing agency, how to design websites or how Chamber members can use LinkedIn or whatever without mentioning the name of your company that will be the educating to sell not selling to educate? So I think there’s huge potential because companies have sponsorship money to spend, but they’re going to spend it on fewer organizations where they

Brandon Burton 48:05
see value. Yeah, absolutely. But Bruce, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect or learn more about some of this that you shared today or just dive in deeper what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect with you?

Bruce Rosenthal 48:20
Great well name again is Bruce Rosenthal, and I’m on LinkedIn and post there pretty regularly a couple times a week with sponsorships success ideas, and my website is BruceRosenthal.associates. br uc EROSE, e n t h a l dot Associates, and there’s some white papers there some webinar recordings and then there’s a calendar with listing of upcoming webinars and speaking that I’ll be doing so a lot of resources for chambers.

Brandon Burton 48:51
Yeah, that’s great. We will get that in our show notes for this episode make it easy to find but, Bruce, this has been a blast having you on chamber tap podcast. I appreciate you setting aside some time and sharing some of your expertise and experience that you’ve learned throughout your career. As to corporate sponsorships. This has been a valuable episode and I appreciate your time.

Bruce Rosenthal 49:12
Right always planned to talk about sponsorship success.

Brandon Burton 49:16
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Elevating Engagement with Amanda Lea Kaiser

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your hosts Brandon Burton. And it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community. You’re joining us for a special episode as part of our 2023 ACCE Chamber the Year Finalist Series.

Our title sponsor is Community Matters, Inc. With nearly 20 years in the chamber industry and over 100 media awards presented to their chamber partners, community matters provides the R&R that every chamber needs, revenue and recognition.

When it comes to publishing a Chamber Map directory or Community Guide, Community Matters has a trusted experience to help your chamber accomplish your goals. With different advertising sales models and publication styles, Community Matters will help you create a non-dues revenue machine!

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Becki Womble 1:03
I’ve been using Community Matters for probably six or seven years now. And in a previous life, I sold commercial printing so I can highly recommend Community Matters because it’s a complete turnkey job for any busy chamber exec and it’s a wonderful, beautiful printed product whenever you’re finished. And I just I’m very sold on Community Matters. And with a printing background I just big endorsement from me.

Brandon Burton 1:44
To learn how Community Matters can support your chamber with your next publication. Please visit communitymattersinc.com/podcast To request your free media kit and request a proposal to find out what kind of non-dues revenue you can generate.

Learn how you can partner with Community Matters, Inc. to produce your next Chamber Directory, Community Guide or Map.

Our guest for this episode is Amanda Lea Kaiser. Amanda is a keynote speaker and author of Elevating Engagement: Uncommon Strategies for Creating a Thriving Member Community. Through her research, Amanda is at the forefront of exploring how member and attendee engagement is rapidly changing when within professional communities. I’ll have to say as a side note, as I read through her book, I very much was able to visualize all of you as listeners, both attending your state and national chamber conferences and engaging on those levels, but also taking some of these lessons learned to your local chamber organization. So as we go through our conversation today, I hope you can see some of those parallels as well. But Amanda, I wanted to welcome you to the show give you a chance to say hello to all the Chamber Champions that are listening and if you wouldn’t mind sharing something interesting about yourself so we can all get to know you a little better.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 2:58
All right. Hey, Brandon, thank you so much for having me here on your podcast and hello Chamber Champions. It’s it’s great to be here. Okay, something interesting about myself. So I got my start at Crayola and I rose up the ranks and marketing so I’ve got a classic marketing background. And and now I’m the keynote speaker but maybe even more interesting than that. I’ve got a two kittens adopted me during COVID I don’t know if if you’re a cat dad, but they adopt us I don’t think we adopt them. And and I named them after Muppets. So I love the Muppets, Kermit and all of those guys. So so my cat’s names are Robin in between. And you might see them running in and out because that’s what they do. Awesome.

Brandon Burton 3:44
Yeah, I did notice the Kermit quote in the book as well. So that carries through. I’m not a cat, dad. But I understand what you mean. It doesn’t matter how much you like the cat they have to like you to adopt. Right? Well, I am excited to get into our topic of conversation today. I think chambers across the country, even globally, are constantly thinking about the ways to elevate the engagement of their membership or their investors or those who participate in their organization at at any level. I often will out I’ll hear chambers talk about doing the yellow highlighter exercise where they will print out their membership list and then with a yellow highlighter, go through and mark any chamber member who’s participated or actively engaged with the Chamber in any way. And that may be the main sponsor of their annual banquet. It may be the sponsor of their board room, or maybe just somebody who’s constantly liking their Facebook posts. So literally any level of engagement and as they do this yellow highlighter exercise, oftentimes there’s not a whole lot of Yeah, low on that sheet once it’s marked up. So I think we’ll, we’ll be in for a treat today with a lot of these tips and ideas around how to elevate engagement with our memberships. So we will dive into this discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Donna Novitsky 7:36
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Brandon Burton 8:31
All right, Amanda, we’re back. So as I mentioned before the break, we’re, we’re talking about elevating engagement, you’ve got a book all about it. Some could say maybe you’re an expert on it. And I’m a little bit hesitant at all really setting the stage that way. I think I told you before we got on the recording. It’s like introducing a comedian and telling everybody how funny that comedian is and then your your setup to deliver. So you know, no pressure at all, but I’m looking forward to an engaging conversation. Good. So maybe let’s just start with why did you write the book like what what was it about your background and maybe personal history that led up to this moment where you’re like, there needs to be a book about elevating engagement of these membership organizations? Yeah,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 9:21
so Okay, so let me give you just a kind of quick, sober, quick, speedy history to get us to this point. So like I said, I started at Crayola. And then I had a couple of jobs in my career where I worked at an advertising agency and then I landed in a NAT at a national association. So I worked I worked in for a higher ed Association. Super cool. It was the first time that I even realized that associations and chambers and they were even a thing I just didn’t know until that point until I started working for them and I was director of marketing there. And and it just completely We opened my eyes. And I was so delighted by how collegial these professional groups are. They’re, they’re really fantastic. So I decided to open up my own business. And I was a qualitative researcher, my, my marketing focus has always been on research. And I decided to pursue the qualitative research side of things. And during my time, as a qualitative researcher, I worked with 33 different associations and got a chance to personally talk to 477 members from all different walks of life. And the conversations with them did two things, one, I would ask them about their industry or their profession. And the second thing that I asked them about was, what is it like to be a member? What is it like to attend? You know, what is engagement like, and all of that, and as I was conducting these interviews, one thing that I found is there’s this gap between members, and attendees and, and leadership, right. And so, so that’s why I wrote the book, I wanted to close that gap. And just to give you a sense of the gap is, is, you know, members, our members are having an experience there, whenever they engage with us, they’re having an experience, and very often when we’re on the inside, and I can say this, for sure, as the as being a staff person on an association, a lot of what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to provide value, we’re trying to do the administrative stuff very right. And we’re not, we’re not focused on the experience. And so, so that’s what this book is all about. The book is all about closing the gap. And and I’m also doing a ton of keynoting. Right now. And so I start out every time by saying we’re here to close that gap between you and your members.

Brandon Burton 11:52
Yeah, I like that. I think that’s a good summary. And that does kind of set the stage a little bit here. So my background is in chamber publishing. And often I’ll even joke with some of the different advertisers Chamber members that were selling ads to that. I often will hear a chamber member say that they want to advertise and whatever the chamber publication is, because there’s almost a sense of guilt, that they join the chamber at some point. And they see all the emails from the chamber about the networking mixer, the after hours, the Chamber luncheon, annual banquet, you know, there’s always something that golf tournament. And there’s a sense of guilt that they can’t be at all of the things, you know, they work during the day, so they can’t go to the luncheon or they’ve got family life after work. So they can’t go to the after hours. So they see doing some sort of advertising with the chamber as a way to engage. So how would you look at engagement? How do you define engagement? As you look at a membership organization, I guess what counts when it comes to? To engagement? Yeah, yeah.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 13:04
So So advertising counts and attending accounts. So so let me let me kind of step back, though, because what I tend to do is I tend to define engagement, the way a member would defined engagement and the way members define engagement is almost solely around emotions. And I actually, I asked when I when I keynote, I asked my audience this, I’ll ask them what is what does engagement feel like when you’re really engaged? What does that feel like? And I’ll ask them to, to recount a professional or personal community that they’re very, very engaged in, you know, what, when that makes their heart very happy. And so this is some of what they’ll say they’ll they’ll say, I feel valued. I feel welcomed, I feel belonging, connected, excited, inspired, it’s energizing, I feel included. I feel focused, I feel peaceful, I feel worthy. I feel like I’m being seen. That’s just some of the words this is I got 139 responses. But those are some of the key words that came up over and over again, so. So engagement is all about emotions. And when you’re when your members or our members are making decisions to engage, they’re making very emotional decisions. That what they’re what they’re what they’re trying to work out and might not be even conscious. But unconsciously they’re trying to say is this community for people like me, do people like me join a chamber like this? You know, do people like me go to events like this? Do Am I gonna find my people here? Am I gonna be long am I you know, all of those things. That’s, that’s the kind of what’s going on in the back of their minds. And so, I, I love to define engagement all around how members see engagement, because you’re right when we when we on the business side, talk about engagement. We’re talking about joins and when rules and registrations and opens and reads and click throughs and all of that. So we’re talking about the metrics of engagement. But I love to think about engagement as that, that very emotional emotions and feelings that drive those decisions to engage. And so that’s that’s typically where I’m coming from. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 15:26
What you said almost sound like a Seth Godin quote, right? People like us do things like this. Yeah. And it’ll often talked about enrollment, right? So the engagement level kind of at Next stage is yes, I want to engage. And now I’m going to enroll I am all in, I’m going to fully participate. And I know that’s a few steps down from where how you kind of break down that, that member journey, or that the experience journey. So maybe touch on that a little bit, because I think so much of that, the beginning of that membership journey is where that emotion really is probably at its peak. There’s some reason why they’re choosing to attend the conference or choosing to join the chamber. And I’ll say everybody does it for slightly different reasons. But understanding what that emotion what that driver is, I think, is so key to being able to help them have a successful journey going forward with the chamber. Yeah, can outline that for

Amanda Lea Kaiser 16:28
us? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So I’m so glad that you started touching on well, you know, what, what happens at the beginning, because So, for most professional communities, what they find is new members are the most fragile members. And, and so, you know, people, if you look at your metrics, you might see people join, and then they never engage. And then it’s not a surprise when they don’t renew, right, and, and so, so they’re very, very fragile. And, and so what we need to do is start appealing to their emotions, one of the one of the things that I often will say, when people are asking for, like, what is the definition of engagement, I’ll say, there’s two parts, there’s, there’s value, so we got to provide value. And the other part is positive experiences. So you want to provide good value and positive experiences. And when you do that, members will engage. And I would wager to bet that your chambers provide lots of amazing value, you know, people, all of you chamber pros, you’re doing all of these events, you’re publishing, you’re emailing, you’re providing all kinds of really amazing things and lots and lots of value. And it’s, it’s frustrating when people aren’t joining, and or it’s or renewing or engaging in, in some way. And so the, the piece that’s often missing is the experience part, the the part that triggers all of the emotions, and, and so this is very salient for new members, you know, new members join, they often don’t understand how to really engage, there is the old the emails are coming in there is I’ve heard that, Brandon, that guilt factor that you were talking about in so from so many different types of members, you know, they’re, they’re sending me emails, I feel like I and what they will say is, I’m not engaging, and it’s, it’s my fault. It’s not them, they’re, they’re making every effort, it’s me, right? And, and I can see that there’s a lot of benefits, I can see that there’s a lot of events and in what they would normally tell me is I feel like I’ve got to start going to these events, which I can never do, because the timing doesn’t work out. Or I’ve got to spend a lot of time on their website, understanding what they do. And I just don’t I don’t have the time yet. And, and so I think what we need to figure out is how to connect a lot quicker with them, you know, how to have how to provide a teeny bit of value so that they understand that taking that leap to come to your events makes a lot of sense. And also connecting on that emotional level. And you do that with experiences. So are there phone calls? Are there? Is there kind of a special quick Fitbit fun email that you could write to them, you know, what are all of the experiences that you can provide to new members that will get them saying this is not only going to be worth my time, but I think that this is going to be a really fun group. There’s a lot of energy. I’m super excited.

Brandon Burton 19:35
Yeah. And as you’re saying that it reminds me in the chamber industry, there’s a lot of focus on with the engagement of members to try to make the shift from being a transactional relationship to be more of a transformational relationship and that way, hopefully, if that’s communicated and modeled in correct ways, the guilt factor hopefully isn’t there. as much because they’re not in it, they didn’t join to say what’s in it for me, but they’re they joined to be part of something bigger, that’s making a positive impact in their community. I see some chambers that have the option to join their chamber right on their website, we can enter your name, credit card information, and click Submit. And you’re done. You’re a member. And I’m sure there’s the onboarding emails that come in. But that chamber doesn’t know anything about that member, why they joined, they didn’t really share their mission, their vision, any of that. And oftentimes, those are coming from another member as a referral. So you know, you need to be a part of the chamber, right? So I think right from the beginning, there tends to be a little bit of a disconnect. And I love in the book, you talked about doing a listening tour. And I think that could probably come in and in a couple different stages along the member journey. But to really tap into that emotion and their why you want to maybe expand a little bit on the listening tour, and how that can kind of pull on that emotion. Yeah,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 21:08
absolutely. So let me let me give you a couple of tangible stories that I heard dirt while I was while I was interviewing members. So. So there’s a couple of associations that were doing a really good job, and I got a chance to figure out what they were doing from their member saying I was on I was the recipient of the listening tour. And so there’s one, one association that did a very interesting thing. Now they had not very many members joining. It wasn’t like they were having hundreds of members join every week, they might have been having 10s of members join every week. And and so the the director of marketing of that particular organization, would schedule a call, it was about a 20 minute call with every single new member. And during that call, she would ask them a series of questions, you know, hey, tell me about yourself. And when did you start working at this company? Or when did you you know, when did you start the company? She would, she would ask them questions about projects, they were working on what their goals were, what their mission was, what if they’re having any challenges, she might even ask them, you know, what, tell me about some trends. And she would, she would take careful notes, and she listen intently. And at the end of the call, probably with maybe, I don’t know, three, four minutes to go, she would say this has been so interesting. And there’s a couple of things that I heard you talk about, that we might be able to help out with, there’s you talked about this really interesting project that you’re working on. And not many of our members are working on a project like this, but I know that Sue is. And I would love to introduce you, it’d be okay, if I introduced you to Sue, I think she’s a couple of steps ahead of you. And, but you know, I can introduce you via email in and then she will, she would also say and I also heard you talk about this system, that we’ve got some data from some of our research, or we’ve got an event coming up where we’re going to be talking about this topic, we’d love to have you I’m going to follow up with some emails. And so you know, she get off the phone and immediately send some emails, one introducing that new member to sue a longtime member and tell in telling Sue and you know, reminding this this person while why she was introducing them, and then she would follow up with a separate email saying, hey, you know, as we were talking, I told you, I was going to send you this research report and this invite to this event and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that that’s very time consuming very hands on for this organization that works. Because they don’t have a lot of members. Other organizations, there is the listening tour where you get into your car, you know, or your your get your staff into a van, and you book breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or you go to people’s offices or places of work or factories and and you spend 15 or 20 minutes with them doing the same kind of thing, asking them questions, touring, just being there letting them be seen. And it’s such a pleasure because now when they come to an event, they already know a friendly face. So there’s there’s that part. The other thing is if you are with a chamber that’s maybe spans a large geographic area, there’s a virtual orientation events. Now the virtual orientation events are not orientation webinars, there are much more responsive than that. So so people come you know, your new members come into a Zoom meeting. And then you ask them the same kind of questions, you know, where, where do you work what what kind of organization is your company? Tell us a little bit about it. What are some of your goals? What are some of the projects that you’re working on? And then as everybody’s feeding information to you, you the host can do some pattern matching for the biggest things that people are They’re struggling with and then make that link for them between their problem back to the to what the chamber provides in terms of, of benefits or upcoming meetings or something like that. So. So I love that you were talking about, you know, these these member listening tours, because there’s so many ways that they actually work, Brandon. And that’s really the key to it all. When when you know your members and you hear them talking over and over about their goals, then then we serve them a lot better. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 25:30
there was one chamber executive I talked to one time and he talked about how he’ll do three breakfasts each day, they’ll go meet with different members there. The first one maybe is just having a coffee is the second breakfast, awesome makes the third one, maybe a phase three. So he’s breaking it up. But he’s getting to three different member businesses to have these breakfasts. And he’s meeting with other members there. So like the levels of engagement with the organization with the members is on multiple levels, and able to gather a lot of that very important information to be able to better serve the member. And I love that. So it does kind of seem like though in today with everything digital, and we’ve got in person events, we got virtual events, we get emails, get social media, we’ve got podcasts, we’ve got YouTube, we’ve got all these different ways to get our messaging out there. Does that make it harder or easier to engage members? Like how it I think I can see both sides of the coin, but I’d love to hear your approach and maybe how chambers might want to look at this. Yeah,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 26:41
what I’m hearing across the board is, is engagement is getting harder, it’s harder to engage attendees most virtually and in person, it’s harder, harder to engage members, it’s harder to get those opens and reads. It’s just I think it’s harder. And some people are saying, you know, this is not uniform. There’s some associations and some chambers that are seeing these bright spots, like, hey, we went back into person. And and, and we’ve got some of our in person events are doing amazing. And we’re still doing virtual, and some of those are doing amazing. So this is not, engagement isn’t universally going down the tubes. But I think it is getting harder. And one of the reasons why it’s getting harder is is really time and attention. You just hit on it, Brandon, there’s so many ways that we’re trying to reach members. But there’s so many ways that they’re getting content and they’re connecting. And they’re you know that it’s just sort of, we all have a very frantic pace of life these days. And so we’ve got to do something different to engage members than what we did before. And I’m so glad that you asked that question about communications, because this is sort of a really great time to talk about how you not only provide value, but you also provide the experience so so every time we communicate, there’s two things that we’re trying to do. The first is the what we say. And that’s the value, it’s the message we’re trying to get across. The second thing we’re trying to do is is or the second thing we communicate is how we say it. And this is the tone, it’s the voice. And and this might be something that you’ve talked about a lot in publishing is the tone or the voice. And so I love to think about tone on a continuum. And so on one side of the continuum, there’s the very institutional tone, the very professional polished tone, it’s a lot of big words, it’s when we’ve got our business hat on, that’s the tone we tend to fall into is the institutional tone. On the other end of the continuum, I have a what I call the best friend forever tone, sometimes we’ll also call it the happy dog tone. So if you go into your personal email, and you read, you just quickly, like scan your personal email of all of the brands and companies and products you really love. They’re talking to you and the happy dog tone, there’s emoji, there’s hashtags, it’s casual, they’re talking to you like they’re your best friend. But for some reason, when we’re doing business to business, and we put our business hats on, we talk very, we tend to talk very institutional. And so I just like to remind everybody, that tone is on a continuum, and you can pick anywhere you want to be, and especially with your new members, they’re they’re looking for all of those cues on whether to belong, you know, is this the place for people like me, they’re looking for those belonging cues. And when you can warm up your tone in your emails or warm up your tone and your phone calls, you know, or any of the information you’re sending out to new members. They the sense that they sense that this is going to be a happy, warm, lovely place for them to meet other people and connect.

Brandon Burton 29:54
Yeah. So when I think of, maybe an in person or even a virtual event I think to on an event stage, it’s a maybe a little easier to gauge the engagement. You can see if people are looking down at their phone or distracted or getting up to get a drink or, you know, just the distraction, where as we try to with these communication channels, I’d love that you brought the the tone and the voice into the happy dog messaging. Besides maybe some of these metrics that we look at the open rates and social engagement tools, are there other ways that we can see if our message is landing, right? If we’re how do we get that kind of feedback when we’re not in a room or a Zoom Room even to be able to get that that instant? Hopefully, positive feedback. Yeah,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 30:47
yeah. So people are always asking me how, how do you measure engagement and and there are, you know, I think when your members are doing the yellow highlighter exercise, they’re measuring engagement, looking at your renewals, it’s a measured metric and a measure of engagement. And so as you’re engaging members and attendees differently, you’re going to see that metric go up some some organizations use Net Promoter Score, some of them do things as sophisticated as Engagement scoring. And so again, over time, if you’re, if you’re focused on those experiences, you’re gonna see those those metrics go up. But, but it’s engagement is a tough one. Because it’s very hard to make one change, it’s very hard to say, Okay, we’re gonna make this one event more experiential, and we’re gonna see renewals fly off the chart, that’s not the way it works, right? There’s, there’s, there’s not a lot of like one to one direct comparisons, you just sort of see a general lift over time. So So I think sometimes we have to measure engagement, again, with our own emotions, which is, you know, is there what’s the energy like? Okay, so we’re making it we’re making some improvements to try to be more engaging and say this one event? Was the energy better? Did people walk out smiling, you know, for virtual, one of the things that I think is a really good predictor of a virtual meeting is what’s going on with the chat. Now, you can do a lot of things to have a really robust chat and as a, as a very often speaker, I love the robust chat. I love when I’m talking. And people are busy in the chat and they’re talking to each other. And they’re asking each other questions and they’re tuning in to listen to me and they’re plussing up what I say and then plussing up what everybody else says. And that’s for me that schools because because they’re sure they might be listening to me and engaging with me, but they’re in if they’re engaging with each other. That’s lovely, too. So, so if you’re doing lots of virtual events have chat ambassadors in there. And that can be a micro volunteering opportunity for one of your members. Or it could be a staff, you know, job, but have those chat ambassadors in there that are, you know, they’re plussing up what other people say? And they’re asking questions, and they’re, they’re kind of saying, Oh, this, you know, the speaker said this, what do you think about this, everybody and, and really try to foster that excitement and get it going. And that’s, that’s You’ll sense the energy, you’ll, you’ll sense it, whether you’re virtual or in person, and that that’s almost I think, is Valley or it is as valid as some of those tangible metrics.

Brandon Burton 33:26
Yeah. So I hope this doesn’t feel like we’re taking a step back. But I was thinking about the emotion as people engage with an organization that emotion is, you’re able to maybe give them some small wins along the way. So in the book, you talk about, like speaking from stage, there’s little engagement questions or things you can do to warm up the room, right. So they’re engaging on a very minimal risk or risk free environment where they have nothing to lose if they just participate and engage. And as a member joins an organization. And there’s other little quick wins, I’ll say that you can do to kind of trigger that emotion or positively reinforced that emotion of yes, you’re here for a good reason. We’re here to listen to like, all of those things. Are there any strategies or tips that you want to share around maybe those small quick wins to warm up the audience or the new member, to help encourage them to give them that confidence to be able to engage at higher levels as they progress through their their membership journey?

Amanda Lea Kaiser 34:38
Yeah, let me let me tell you about a totally unexpected story that I heard when I was doing those interviews and it’s a it’s a story that I heard over and over and over in different ways with different words. But what I would hear people say is I went to my very first event for this organization. And while I was waiting in the registration Mine welcomer I didn’t know it at the time, but people were circulating, and they were talking to all of us in the line. And in somebody stopped and talked to me, and it was maybe just two sentences. And it was it, it made me feel like this community is super open and warm and welcoming. And it and I felt like I had to step out of my shell and I am going to, to just talk to other people, I’m going to introduce myself to other people and just see how it goes. And so, so it’s like, new members come in, and we have to give them the teeniest little nudge or a teeny little bit of permission, so that they can go and make their experience great for themselves. And so whenever we can do that, it’s great. So So let’s see, how do you do that you can do that with welcomers that in person events, you know, kind of warming up the crowd for in person or virtual events. Think about your icebreaker, you know, what is what is a an icebreaker question or an activity that is super safe and super easy. And so I’ll give you just an example, when I’m getting together a group and I want to get them to be really creative, I want to I want the group bubbling up lots of ideas, I want them collaborating with each other. And the topic is not is not very serious, you know, it’s we’re working on, we’re just going to work together on this problem. And we’re gonna have a really great time doing it. One of the questions that I love to ask is, would you like to be a dragon? Or have a dragon and why? And in the why is the key, you know, you can pick either one, but I love to ask why. And so you can ask that, you know, in person, with a smaller group, you can ask it on, you know, virtual meeting and get people responding in the chat. But that, you know, again, you’re you’re popping them out of the expected stuff. And in the their professional world, and you’re bringing them into sort of a different surprising experience where they can have a little bit of fun with it. They tap in their answer, and now they’ve started participating, which is half the battle, because once once you start once, then you’ll you’ll form that habit and you’ll keep participating. That’s

Brandon Burton 37:12
awesome. Having read the book, I knew that was the question you’re gonna you’re gonna bring up it’s I was waiting for the dragon question. So I’m glad you glad you brought it out. As we begin to wrap things up here, I wanted to ask usually I’ll ask for maybe a tip or action item for listeners who want to take their organization up to the next level. And what you would offer I think I may want to read phrase that too, for an organization that a chamber listening who would like to level up the engagement of their members to the next level? Where should they start? Yeah,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 37:50
yeah, absolutely. Oh, let me backtrack and tell you one other one. So if you’re looking for more icebreakers, or energizers the other one that is surprisingly, super fun, and people get you know, they have this very fun argument about it is, is a hot dog a sandwich. So what do you think Brandon? Is the hot dog sandwich? Or is it not a sandwich?

Brandon Burton 38:13
I’m gonna go yes. Is it the same way a cheesesteak is the sandwich.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 38:17
Oh, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. So so interesting. Usually, usually groups completely divide. And there’s some squabbling around if a hotdog is a sandwich and to my knowledge, there’s no real answer, you know, just like, Alright, are you know, is white chocolate, chocolate, you know, again, you get the you know, those are those are fun cup questions to ask.

Brandon Burton 38:40
In cornbread, and you have a corndog. Now, that’s a whole nother topic. I don’t agree with that. Yes,

Amanda Lea Kaiser 38:47
yeah. Yeah, that feels not sandwich like to me, but yeah, yeah, absolutely. Okay, so. So what, you know, what can they do to take things to the next level, what, what I would suggest is go and start identifying all of your transactions anytime you have a transaction. So joining as a transaction renewing as a transaction, opening an email is transaction registering as a transaction registration at your events as a transaction. And in so think about and so like, anytime the staff has a job to do, you’re doing administrative stuff for that transaction. So think about how you can seamlessly keep doing the administrative part of it, and then layer the expensive experience on top of it. So that’s, that’s how you close that gap is to keep doing what you’re doing in terms of the transaction and the administrative stuff, but now figure out how to layer the positive experience on top. It’s easier than you think it is. So like, let’s say you’re, you’re you’re doing registration at one of your events, and you’ve got you know, 100 people coming through the door, and you need to give them all badges within 10 minutes or something like that, you know, people are coming at you, and you’ve got to log them. And you got to give them all their badges, even even in those moments where you’re so busy and so frantic, just smile, like just keep giving them a genuine smile. And now you’ve layered on that positive experience. I

Brandon Burton 40:22
love that. And I was thinking, I don’t know, man, I don’t know if this holds true all the way through or not. But if, in talking about those micro wins, as you know, micro positive experiences and micro engagements. Hopefully, if they’re engaging on that small risk free level, a way of maybe measuring that as if they’re engaging again, like if they’re taking another step, you know, on that journey. And if they’re, if they’re stalling out, if you make that initial engagement, and they stall out, maybe the communication needs to be refined, maybe you need to get more information. But they hopefully should be making another step and other engagement along the way. Would you agree with that? Or is that just totally my own thought? totally

Amanda Lea Kaiser 41:13
right. So I have identified it fine. I’ve identified six stages of engagement, and is exactly what you’re talking about that that at each stage, there’s generally speaking, a barrier for people to take that next step into the next stage of engagement. And so to the extent that we can be aware of all of those six, six stages, and just constantly helping people have those micro wins, and in sort of taking that next step, if they want to, one, one thing that happens is you know, sometimes like, boards will get burnt out and a new member, a new face will come to an event for the first time and a board member will rush up and say, We’re so happy you’re here. Have you ever thought about being on the board and the new members panicking and saying, oh my gosh, I don’t even know who you people are yet. And so you can’t rush people up the six stages of engagement, but what you can do is make the opportunity available if they want to. So if you you know, the book is elevating engagement, and right there in the beginning, I detail all of the six stages, and each chapter is devoted to one of those stages. And I talk about the the kind of go no go decisions that members are making at every single one of those stage stages. And then I just try to give you hundreds of ideas for helping them move from one stage to the next. Again, if they want to work, we don’t rush them, we just make those opportunities all available to them. And, and yeah, I think I love I was taking notes while you were talking Brandon, because this idea of micro wins or micro engagements. I just I love that terminology. And I hadn’t thought about it or articulated it that way. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to steal that from you. Because I think it’s cool.

Brandon Burton 43:04
Yeah, just reference me twice. And then you can own it after that. So a real life example that, that I was reminded of and reading the book, you you mentioned that the board members, you know, maybe seeking a replacement for their seat during the board recruitment. So my, my wife was the volleyball Commissioner for our local youth volleyball organization. And our two youngest, well, all of our girls played volleyball through it. So we felt invested. And she was giving back to the community and doing her thing and just ended up with a lot of things on her plate. And she was completely overwhelmed. It was draining all of her energy. So she would talk to the other volleyball moms, she would say, this is wiping me out. Do you want to take it from me? Do you want to do you want to do this? And everyone kept saying, No, it was like, You need to change your approach. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It doesn’t have to be a negative experience. You don’t need to lie to them, but just share what it entails, share what the upsides are, and let them make a decision. But if you sell it as you know, this is so time consuming and is totally drained me. I think the example he gave in the book is a board member saying you know, I’ve I’ve been affected finite, you know, negatively financially, you know, in serving on the board. Nobody’s gonna want to take your spot, right. So you don’t want to scare people away with being over engaged, maybe? Yeah, yeah.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 44:35
And then then a staff members, we can also get a handle on that as well. You know, if, if we feel like it’s hard for volunteers to volunteer, we can look at their roles. We can look at the time commitment, we can look at dividing things up we can but just like it just like we were talking about with new members, you know, we want to take new members and give them that little nudge to help them keep progressing along their membership journey, you can do the same thing with volunteers. I love thinking about the volunteer journey as well. And, you know, start the volunteer journey with a micro volunteering opportunity and then slowly build. And I think a lot of time as a staff people, we tend to think about volunteer roles is very specific things if you’re on a board, if you’re on a committee, those are volunteer roles, but to members welcoming as a volunteer role speaking is volunteer role hosting as volunteer role, right, and, and so, so think about all of those non traditional things that we want to do to engage members like like being a chat ambassador, and have that be a volunteer role. And, and so, you know, maybe people are spending three minutes volunteering, or 10 minutes volunteering, or 30 minutes volunteering, but now you’ve just flex their muscles so that if there’s a chance to do another volunteer role, they might take you up on it. Right.

Brandon Burton 45:59
I love that. So I like asking everyone that I have on the show this question that as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, and I’ll broaden that and say, just associations in general, how do you see the future of chambers and associations going forward?

Amanda Lea Kaiser 46:17
Yeah, I see it really bright. There’s, there’s such a need, you know, when, whenever there’s a need in the community, there’s the business propositions, I think the future is really bright. And it’s just about how to engage differently. And I, from the research, I see that the answer is in the experiential side of things. And again, I think I said this a little bit earlier that I would wager to bet a lot of your chambers are offering a ton of value. And if you offer even more value, that’s great. But it might not get you to engagement, what you got to start doing is focusing on those positive experiences. And so a really quick way to think about that in this is something that you can play with you with your staff or talk to your board about or your committees about is just start saying, you know, the any, anytime somebody starts asking what do our members need, you know, what do our website visitors need? What are our attendees need? What do people need? Start laying or layering on that question, which is how do we want them to feel? And so? So when you ask, how do we want them to feel? And this is an easy thing that we that you could try even tomorrow, right? The next time you’re writing an email, think, how do I want the reader to feel and you kind of lock in that emotion in your brain that you want them to feel happy or joyful or hopeful or something like that. And when you type your message will actually totally change in quality? In in, that’s a really great experience. So just always, always keep asking, How do I want people to feel? How do I want them to feel when they come to our website? How do I want them to feel when they walk in the door of our event? How do I want them to feel when they’re advertising or hosting or sponsoring or any of those things. And that that’ll that’ll get you to the experiences part. I

Brandon Burton 48:11
love that that’s a good gauge right there just to kind of make sure that what we’re doing is the right thing and getting people to to engage and feel good and hit on those emotions that brought them there in the first place. So Amanda, I enjoyed this conversation and having you on the podcast, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who may want to reach out and connect or share where they can find your book or anything like that, that you’d like to share with the audience feel free.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 48:42
Yeah, absolutely. So you can find me at amandaleakaiser.com. It’s Amanda, Lea, and then Kaiser like the role.com. There’s information about the book there. It’s there’s information about speaking, there’s a newsletter all about engagement that I put out once once a week that you can sign up for if you’d like or you can type elevating engagement into Amazon or any online bookseller and you’ll find my book there.

Brandon Burton 49:09
I love it. Well get that in our show notes for this episode. But like I said, this has been an engaging conversation and I hope the listeners feel so as well. And that it may prompt them to make some micro wins to put themselves out there a little bit to touch on those emotions understand why their members are there and what can you do to make them feel the way that you’d want them to feel. So Amanda, thanks again for being with us today and for sharing your your insights and for for sharing this book as well.

Amanda Lea Kaiser 49:41
Thank you so much, Brandon, this has been delightful.

Brandon Burton 49:45
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Hybrid Sponsorship Program with Matt Hunter

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Hello, chamber champions and welcome to chamber chat podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Brandon Burton 0:54
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Our guest for this episode is Matt Hunter Matt joined the Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce in Idaho in June of 2005 as the president and CEO Matt has a business administration degree from Washington State University and an AAS degree from West Valley College and Saratoga, California, in food service and Restaurant Management. In his role at the Chamber, Matt is responsible for all operations with special emphasis on government advocacy work, and the financial health of the chamber. Matt serves on many boards throughout the region and state. These include the Idaho State University College of Technology Advisory Board, as well as multiple advisory boards within the College of Technology. He also serves on the eastern Idaho Development Corporation board, the southeast Idaho Council of Governments board, the Idaho chamber Alliance executive committee, and on the Idaho nonprofit center board. Matt and his wife Shawn had been married for 37 years have six children and three grandchildren. They love the Pocatello community and made the jump from the hotel industry to the chamber industry so they could stay in the Pocatello area long term. Matt and his family loved the outdoors, including fishing and camping and Matt really enjoys getting out and meeting Chamber members as well as being involved in many community activities. Matt, we’re excited to have you with us today on chamber chat podcast. I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the chamber champions who are out there listening and share something interesting about yourself so we can get to know you a little better.

Matt Hunter 2:37
Well, thank you very much for having me. I really appreciate being on the show, Brandon. Yeah, I have worked at the Chamber now for about coming up on 18 years. I enjoy the work that I do. And it’s it’s great being part of the community. So when I was a young man, I grew up in the Bay area of California. I marched in Drum and Bugle Corps which some of you might be familiar with. Some of you might not be national champion car from the Santa Clara area and won a couple national championships with that I’ve traveled pretty much every state in this country, mostly on a bus and stopping and playing music. It was a blast. And it’s something interesting about my early years in life

Brandon Burton 3:22
yeah, no that is great. And for those listening they can’t see this but my background. I entered mentioned Santa Clara I got my my Niners helmet in the background, big Niners fan and grew up in Sacramento myself. So we’ve got that in common. So well hopefully, hopefully,

Matt Hunter 3:41
you see all nighter stuff on my wall behind me. There’s quite a few nice

Brandon Burton 3:45
things well, it’s good to have a fellow Niner fan on here. So tell us a little bit about the Pocatello Chubbuck chamber just to give us an idea size, scope and scope of work, budget staff, that sort of

Matt Hunter 4:02
thing. Yeah, happy to so the Pocatello Chubbuck community is located in the southeast corner of Idaho. So we’re about two and a half hours north of Salt Lake City. We’re about three hours east of Boise, Idaho, Yellowstone parks nearby it’s it’s a beautiful high mountain area. Love it here. The communities of Pocatello Chubbuck are pretty much combined. Literally Walmart’s in both of them which is kind of fun cutting, you know they’re right on the line, right kind of fun. But about 75,000 people are chamber serves about 750 members $650,000 A year budget. And I have five and a half staff members including myself that operate in the downtown Pocatello area is our office so that is kind of a quick shot of our chamber.

Brandon Burton 4:57
Yeah, that sounds great that that def really helps set the table give some perspective before we get into our conversation today, which will be focusing our discussion around your hybrid sponsorship program and I know oftentimes chambers hear sponsorship program their ears perk up, they want to know more about you know what other chambers are doing to bring in the money right. So well speaking of money, we’ll we’ll take a quick break and we’ll come back and dive dive deeper into this topic.

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All right, Matt, we are back. So as I mentioned before the break, we’re we’re gonna focus on your hybrid sponsorship program. So first of all, what does that mean? What is your hybrid sponsorship

Matt Hunter 8:26
program, a lot of chambers run what they call sort of a tiered dues that includes events and stuff like that we don’t we run a standard dues based on employee count. And so our dues run from about $325 for a very small business to about 5000 for our very large companies that we have here in the area. None of that includes sponsorships. So we sell a separate sponsorship package, and we call it the one ask sponsorship program. So I’ll sit down with a company one time a year, we have a packet that includes all of our events, prices for all of them. And there are four tier levels, bronze level sponsorship, silver, gold, and then a platinum. Each of those events can be picked and chosen as they wish. A good example is if you’re a silver sponsor, you can pick any three of the nine events that we have in our in our sponsorship bundle. You can be a silver sponsor for that, including whatever a silver sponsor yet might be a Table event might be a hole at a golf club and a golf tournament. But you get that variety of things and you can pick any of those that you want to be a silver sponsor for and then there’s some marketing that goes into it. You’re on our website, you’re on a pull up in our lobby or on a pull up that said all of our event, you’re on a weekly newsletter that goes out and so they’re there Quite inclusive of any type of membership, the top level, the platinum sponsorships are $12,000. They include being a premier sponsor for one of our events, and then being gold sponsors for other one. And obviously they get more events they can be part of as a platinum sponsor, you can be part of five different events. And it includes other things like our all member meetings, you get tickets included to that you can do a business after hours as part of your sponsorship package. So it works really well. We bring in about $110,000 a year of our $650,000 budget. So it’s a big chunk of our revenue stream. And it’s been around since 2015, and continues to grow each year. So it’s a good program. And if you got some specific questions about it, I’d be happy to answer him, sir.

Brandon Burton 10:55
Yeah, so my first thought is, pricing Pricing is always a something of, I don’t know, people are scared sometimes to talk about price to set price to do do, you know, discounts as you do bigger packages. So as you look at the different packages with the one ASP program, is there discounts if you do multiple things? Or do you just say, here’s the prices, we’re just presenting it all at once, and you can decide what you want? Or how do you go about the pricing structure,

Matt Hunter 11:26
there’s obviously more value built in as you as you go to the larger packages, but the top package, as I said, as a $12,000 package Pocatello is not a large maybe I know people that pay it $25,000 sponsorship to be part of an event at the Boise chamber and I love those folks. And and I learned a lot from them about sponsorships. But you know, really a top sponsorship for one of our events, if you just bought that sponsorship alone is about 3000. Well, when you buy this package, you get about five of them. And so there for 12,000, you’re getting 15,000 value, you get all the marketing that I mentioned that that comes along with it, you get the the other couple of added events, like the old member meetings and stuff like that, that you get free access to. Below that you go to the gold sponsorship was about $8,000, you generally get about 10 to $11,000 in value when you buy into that one. So it’s in it’s just less events, and less hierarchy. If those events, you know, our events are structured, you’re you’re a gold sponsor, you get front seedings. So we’re sponsored behind bronze sponsor, you know, and and then the general public grab seats where they can get them. And so all of the levels do that. So you got 8000 at the Gold level, you got 5000 at the silver, and it’s got about $6,500 in value, and you get about 3000, the bronze, and it’s three to $4,000 in value. So the the added additional value obviously goes up as the level of sponsorship. And we’ll even do more. So the one ask gets you this many events, but I’ll sit down with a member if they really liked the one ask because I sit down with them and bug them once. Right not I’m going to call you every other week on they sometimes hear everything too, right? Everything’s there. And it’s it’s all laid out. And some of them will say well, we want all of this stuff that’s included in the package. Plus, we want this, this and this. So they’re still for it might be $15,000 because they bought extra stuff. And once again, I bug them one time. And they’re done dealing with their sponsorships for the year. So really well for us.

Brandon Burton 13:48
So let’s talk about how you go about bugging them. One time a year. So 750 Members, I don’t imagine you’re sitting down with all 750 to go through the ass. So how do you identify the ones you are sitting down with? The ones that sponsored the previous year? Did they get first right of refusal? How do you how do you approach it?

Matt Hunter 14:09
Yeah, exactly that. So initially, at most of our events, not all of our events, there’s the annual sponsor. Messaging is there, because you’re recognized that all of our events, at least with the banner that’s there, I always mentioned it, if you’re interested in talking about this, I’d love to meet with you. I’d love to talk with you about it. And so that’s sort of the first one at our big annual awards banquet. We really recognize them all give them a plaque for being part of it, you know, for the year and that’s where I make a little more sales pitch of this is what this program is love to talk to you about it. We also just do some general emailing about it. But there is first right of refusal. So if you’re the sponsor, premier sponsor of our governors banquet, you own it until you decide you don’t want to be the premier sponsor of that event. Yeah, And so yeah, and all of our events are like that. There’s only about nine events on there. There’s only one premier sponsorship for each one of them. And so there is a little bit of competition for folks that want to get their hands on one of those. So.

Brandon Burton 15:18
So and that brings up another good point. So the competition for those, especially those premier sponsors, how do you address pricing from year to year? I mean, especially right now, or inflationary times where pricing tends to increase in a lot of areas? Do you feel stuck at all in pricing? Are you able to increase pricing, we have felt stuck

Matt Hunter 15:39
at pricing. And and I think we would have been justified doing a price increase this year, we did not. We had a discussion, we actually had a very good year last year. And we probably shouldn’t make that decision based on that. Because all of our events, costs have gone up. But in the meetings this year, I pretty much told everybody these are going up across the board next year, every every level is going to go up all of our events are going to go up the only thing we really increased individual pricing on this year was our golf tournament. Because it’s I mean, it’s in July, I think I’ve got 10 spots for teams left in it. I mean, it’s already almost full. And so we felt there was just such demand for that, that we increase the price. And that that will go into more price increases for all of our events, the premier sponsorships are probably going to go 3500 instead of 3000. So I see everything already kind of working on what this is going to look like. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 16:43
As you mentioned, sometimes there’s competition on these premium sponsors. Do you open it up at all for bidding on on some of these prime spots are just first come first serve?

Matt Hunter 16:57
Yeah, I have not done that. It really is first come first serve. And there are not all nine of those events are owned every year, though. So there is still some availability on you know, some of the baby. I’m not gonna say all my events are highly valuable. But some members, the membership sponsors don’t value as much as other maybe based on attendance or other things. So there always is, uh,

Brandon Burton 17:25
maybe they’re just better aligned with other programs.

Matt Hunter 17:29
They like, you know, I mean, our Gate City brew fest, phenomenal event. Not every business wants to be aligned with a brew fest. But luckily, we have some that do. And so we have premier sponsors for that and and all of our other events. So it works pretty well. But the the competition side, it gets you’re juggling renewals, so a lot of them renewal in January, and you’re like, I need to get this renewal renewal done. Because if you’re not going to take this premier sponsorship, I already got somebody asking me about right. So I’m not trying to pressure him, I’m just saying I need to get it done. You don’t want it. That’s fine. I have people jump around between platinum to gold, the silver up and down each year, some of the companies move up and down. But and then that makes things available for other folks. But the gold and silver and bronze, I can sell 50 of them for any event. So those are very much.

Brandon Burton 18:21
Okay. So that was one of the other questions on my mind is how do you juggle that? So if, if you haven’t heard from one of those premium platinum sponsors, and you know, you’ve got two other people vying for that position, at what point do you just say, Okay, we got to move on at risk of hurting feelings.

Matt Hunter 18:40
And I actually did that with one of them this year. And they were, they were a premier sponsor, or platinum level sponsor and a premiere of one of the events. And I did have somebody else interested in that. And it took a little while for them to make their decision, but they downgraded from Platinum, and gave up that event and somebody else picked it up. So it really is just like, I’ve got to get all these books, I need your help, you need to make a decision on this and staying in touch with them. These products. I mean, there’s 17 of them in my community that are that are across the sponsorship levels. I think the first year we did about eight, so but I stayed very closely in touch with those 17. And if they’ve got questions or problems, they know what I’m going through with the other ones. And generally they know who the other folks are, that would like those events. So they make their decision. And sometimes they keep it because they don’t want that competitor.

Brandon Burton 19:38
Right. And I imagine a lot of their businesses that are doing these big sponsorships, they’re they’re on board with the mission and vision of the chamber and they’re they’re invested heavily you’re not dealing with, you know, a $300 investment level because those ones are going to be you know, not as committed to the long term right? So is your January just packed with trying to meet with all these businesses?

Matt Hunter 20:06
So I actually start this process in November, okay. Because, you know, by January, we’re starting to do events. So but I mean, I literally right now I have two that technically renewed in in January that are not finalized. And it’s the big events they’ve got, those are nailed down. But they’re trying to decide whether they want to be a sponsor of the law enforcement barbecue, or the CEO breakfast series, and they haven’t made that decision. And that’s a little more fluid. I don’t have to know that right. Now, we can do that at the end of January, still, we can manage that last little part. So I’ve got two of them that I’m still working with that are still in the final decision process.

Brandon Burton 20:50
Yeah. So is there ever a point where you think, you know, I need to reach out to these five or 10 businesses and encourage them to get more involved with with every

Matt Hunter 21:01
day. That really is how this program started, it was a number of businesses that were interested in being more engaged. And I came up with this program, I think I said in 2015. And since then, it’s like, you know, somebody comes into the, the community, they start doing a lot of stuff. And I’ll sit down with him and say, you know, you’re doing three events with the chamber, you can throw that into a sponsorship package, and get all this marketing that comes along with it. And that seems to work very well. I’ve done that multiple times over the years. That’s where how we got to the first eight, where we have 17 today, and some have gone out, we’ve had some that have done a year. And and backed away from it. We have some that had been in it since the beginning. And I’ve been there the whole time. So that different folks value it and it’s they spend their marketing dollars on other things. I had one that wanted to upgrade at this year. And then well, we’re doing this stuff over in the Boise market, we’re gonna stay at the level we’re at, you know, and that’s fine with me, I just, I want to serve their needs as well as I can.

Brandon Burton 22:09
Right. So maybe for clarity sake. So you have the one ask that you get these packages for but then as you have these events throughout the year, are you still offering sponsorship levels throughout the year for those who are not participating in the one ask program?

Matt Hunter 22:26
Yes, we are. The only thing you can’t buy without being in the one is programming. To be a premier sponsor an event, you have to be in the one ask program. But you can buy a gold table at February fantasy which is coming up next Friday. You can be a silver, you can be a bronze. There’s a lot of other sponsorships available for all of our events. And you can buy any of those as one offs. And so I think a gold sponsorship for most of our events is about 1500 bucks. A Silver’s 1000 and a bronze is $600. So yeah, most of our stuff is in about that range. There’s a couple of larger ones. But yeah,

Brandon Burton 23:07
I like that that gives you a pool of people or businesses in the future the see if they’re sponsoring three or four different events. Yeah. Hey, let’s I think our deeper conversation.

Matt Hunter 23:17
Yeah, our February fantasy, you know, there’s probably six or seven sponsors that are involved in the one ask that are part of this big dinner we’re doing next Friday night. And, but there’s 20 sponsors. So a lot of folks have come on as added sponsors for the event without being in one ask program. Okay,

Brandon Burton 23:37
gotcha. So has there been any lessons that you’ve learned through gone through this one ask program that you’re like, oh, this worked really well. Or if I wouldn’t do that aspect of it again, or you’ve had to tweak along the way,

Matt Hunter 23:50
the biggest mistake I made at the very beginning. And it’s still there, but we’re starting to work around it. One premier sponsorship for every event. And it was so you get exclusivity. You don’t end up with two competing banks or two competing credit unions or whatever, as top sponsors. But I wish I had said you get exclusivity within your sort of tear of influence. So maybe I could have hospital be a premier sponsor. And our big credit union being a premier sponsor together. And it has limited my ability, obviously to sell premier sponsorships. We had nine major events. I have nine I can sell. And I’m out and I think I could sell more. And I’m actually starting to talk to those premier sponsors about would you be willing to do this with this other partner to open up more sponsorships? That’s probably the biggest lesson. And then I probably should have done more regular price increases on it because it has made it harder to do that small chunk and price increase, you know, we increase our dues every year to 3%. Every year, folks don’t notice you’re not coming after for a 50% increase all the time. It’s the smartest thing if you don’t increase your dues every year, folks, because your dues every year anyway. But I wish I had done more of that also to stayed up with the pricing in the market instead of locking it in. Right?

Brandon Burton 25:25
And are you the exclusive person meeting with all the the one ask potential spy,

Matt Hunter 25:32
right now, I’m actually going to transition to this as a commissioned piece to my membership salesperson, we’re in the process of doing that right now. And the meetings that I do, as we go through because they’re not they don’t all renew in January, I didn’t make that clear. I’ve some that renew in October and some of that renew in July, because you can sign up anytime during the year. The big ones all renew in January. But so when I have some of the smaller ones renewed during the year, maybe four of them that don’t renew in January of the 17. I will take that salesperson along and teach them the process and help them understand how that program works. So yeah, that’s my plan, I need to transition away from it. I spend more time on government affairs than I do actually on selling sponsorship right.

Brandon Burton 26:23
Now, I think you’ve covered a lot of a lot of great stuff here and really painting the picture how you guys are working your one ask program? Is there anything that we’re missing that we haven’t covered that you think is important for listeners to know?

Matt Hunter 26:37
Well, you know, you always have just sort of extra events come. And so you say it’s one Ask, and you really don’t want to bug them about something. But if something pops up during the year, well, we’ve got to once every year we get to bring the legislature to Southeast side. Well, this is 23, we’re bringing the legislature to South I have to raise a lot of money to bring the legislature here, we fund everything. So you do have special events that are not part of the one ask and just working through that. Because then it’s like, well, I’m going back to Farm Bureau and I’m saying, I got this other event and y’all want to be part of it. Generally, they’re all pretty good about it. But you know, if that’s another something that comes up every once

Brandon Burton 27:20
Yeah, I thought of that earlier in our conversation of as you do have new events that come in, do you just kind of earmark it and say we’ll add that into the calendar for next year. Or if you try to get it in as they come from time to time, you really do I mean, I,

Matt Hunter 27:35
you’ll in my budget, there’s three lines of that one event to event three, that are just potential things that may come up that year that you didn’t budget for the year, they’re extras, and at some point, somebody wanted your help with something, you you decide to be part of it. And you need a funding area for it an expense area for it. So you just write it into the budget as you go along. Got it.

Brandon Burton 28:01
So as we start wrapping up, I wanted to ask if there’s any tips or action items that you can suggest for listeners who want to take their chamber up to the next level? What would you suggest for them?

Matt Hunter 28:12
Well, there’s two that I would really suggest. I came to this industry from the hotel industry. I’ve been involved in chambers for all 20 years, I worked in the hotel industry, but never closely. So I almost immediately the second year I was here, I went through the IOM program to the US Chamber of Commerce, phenomenal program. If you haven’t been through it, I would definitely suggest folks go through it. And then after I got done with it, I was like, Well, where am I going to get my learning now, I need to stay up on things need to be involved. And I get a lot from the Idaho chamber Alliance, which I’m part of, and I’m past chair of and we meet and we got 20 chambers in Idaho that meet together and talk about these kinds of things and operations and sponsorships and all kinds of stuff like that. So if you have a State Chamber, be involved with your State Chamber. And then finally I attend ACC every year. It’s been a great conference, I started going to I think I might the year after I finished my IOM I started going to ACC II and it’s every year I come home with something from that conference that we implement that makes our chamber stronger. Not always a financial thing. It might be something else. But always something comes out of that in in programs and benefits and something that I can implement to support this community.

Brandon Burton 29:39
That’s right. And that’s actually where we met was that ACC conference. So it’s correct. Yeah, something good came out of that. So. So, Matt, I like asking everyone I have on the show about how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Matt Hunter 29:57
Well, I think they’re Purpose going forward is just being super involved in their community. And it’s something where we haven’t done a great job in the past. And we’re and we’re reaching out more into not just my membership community, but the whole community and working on things as, as a community partner, involved with the United Way involved with early childhood education, things like that, that we have gotten involved in. At the other real thing that chambers have got to get much better out is figuring out how to engage the younger population, we Scott, we have for years, I wanted to start a young professional program. And we did we just started one about a year and a half ago, and it was actually the Boise Metro Chamber that helped me had one of their people that runs theirs, come over and talk to my board about it and get a group together and really help us get one up and running. And sure we have funding for it. That’s now part and it really is helping engage the younger community with our chamber of commerce. And that’s very important.

Brandon Burton 30:58
Yeah, if you want to stay relevant going forward, you got to start with them while they’re young, right. So I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who’d like to reach out and connect and learn more about your one ask program, what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect with you,

Matt Hunter 31:18
you could reach out to me two ways matthew@pocatelloidaho.com. That’s Pocatello and Idaho just spelled out very easy. And then the chamber office numbers 208-233-1525, happy to chat with anybody happy to share the literature I have on our one as program. And always happy to talk about anything else in chamber world. You know, people say that chambers are all the same. But I am a firm believer of the common if you’ve seen one chamber, you’ve seen one chamber, you all are doing great stuff that I know nothing about. And we might be doing some good stuff that we can help you with. So love to chat

Brandon Burton 31:59
with folks. Very good. And I’ll get your contact information in our show notes for this episode. And if it’s alright, maybe we could just link to your one ask program material that you have is there on your website that we can just point him to and those show notes. Maybe maybe not. Or reach out to

Matt Hunter 32:21
the updated version may not be out there say

Brandon Burton 32:25
that’s fine, that’s fine. Just Just reach out to Matt to get the latest and greatest. This has been a great conversation and I know chambers listening are getting value from this and their minds are spinning as to how they can implement something like this to simplify things but also to to make it easier on those those bigger sponsors as well. And I really appreciate you setting aside time and joining us today on chamber chat podcast and sharing this experience and insight with us.

Matt Hunter 32:53
Thank you very much. I’ve enjoyed it.

Brandon Burton 38:24
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