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Published December 29, 2020
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As we finally wrap up the year 2020, I wanted to reflect and share the top 20 lessons that I was able to extract from the crazy ride that 2020 has been for so many of us. You will see lessons I learned below with links to any past episodes or any other links that I mentioned. You will have to listen to the episode to get any additional context around each lesson.

  1. The importance of being flexible.
  2. The necessity of reserve funds. (Responding to Financial Impact Amid Hyper-Change with Michael Gellman part I, part II)
  3. Burning of sacred cows.
  4. The need to pivot.
  5. The support system among Chamber Champions is strong. (Chamber of Commerce Professionals FB Group, Izzy West’s Blog)
  6. Advocacy in new ways.
  7. The need for business specific advocacy.
  8. Virtual can also be reality.
  9. Zoom can be highly effective.
  10. The need for some organizations to merge together. (Merging Organizations with Megan Lucas)
  11. The importance of personal communication.
  12. The need for multiple sources of revenue.
  13. The ability for brick and mortar businesses to sell online has never been more important.
  14. The opportunity to show your membership that the Chamber is more than a networking group.
  15. This is the time to be innovative for the needs of your community.
  16. The need to be future ready. (Future Ready with Christy Gillenwater)
  17. Disruption often brings new opportunities. (Disruption-The Necessity for Every Chamber with Shannon Full)
  18. This will be a pivotal and a defining time for all of us.
  19. Podcasting can be a great tool for Chambers of Commerce. (Should Your Chamber Podcast?, Pivot to Podcasting with Angie Whitcomb)
  20. The worth of a Chamber has never been more valuable than in 2020!

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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  1. That’s a great set of lessons here, Brandon. Reflecting back on 2020, I think chambers are better poised than ever to help our local businesses. I believe that chambers that have continued focusing on their member will come out of this current climate stronger. Chambers that continue applying these lessons moving forward are going to remain at the center of “commerce” in their communities and be an important part of the next great economic cycle that we are about to enter.

    • podcastchamberchat podcastchamberchat

      Hi Tom. I think you are absolutely correct. It sounds like you have come away with a few lessons yourself from 2020!

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