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Published July 27, 2021
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Samira Zimmerly, President of the Wooster Area Chamber joins us for this third episode of our 2021 ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist Series. The Wooster Chamber has been represented the past two years as a finalist which is an indicator that they are making a great impact in their community.

As this episode goes live, the Chamber of the Year winners have been announced and the Wooster Area Chamber was named the Category 1 ACCE Chamber of the Year Winner!

In our discussion, Samira shares details about the two program synopsis that were submitted with their Chamber of the Year application.

The first program that Samira addressed was around the initiative to transform part of their downtown into a DORA (designated outdoor refreshment area). This designation allowed for the community to engage with food and drink vendors to provide sales for those businesses while also drawing more foot traffic to the downtown retailers.

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The second program that Samira talked about is how they had to pivot their very successful annual Manufacturing Day to drive workforce development into a new publication they titled “Wooster is Hiring“. This publication was produced in both a print and digital form and was distributed in the community newspaper, delivered digitally to 16 colleges, the social media link had over 50,000 views, and one of the Cleveland TV news stations picked up the story.

Samira believes that a Chamber should be the link between business and an engaged community.

If you would like to connect with Samira about anything she discussed in this episode you can see her contact information below:

  • (330) 262-5735

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