Toby Teeter, President of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week. Toby is a career entrepreneur in the digital marketing space and he is now applying some of his expertise at the Joplin Chamber of Commerce. In this episode, Toby shares how they are utilizing digital marketing to attract new talent to their area.
The Joplin Chamber of Commerce is tasked with the responsibility for driving the economic development in their community and part of that is bringing in new talent to fill the needed job positions in Joplin. The Joplin Chamber created a new website, to showcase what the area has to offer. Then they worked out a partnership with the 100 top employers in the area to strategically develop their digital marketing campaign. Through the use of tracking pixels, they are able to retarget advertising to people who have recently looked at the job application pages for these top 100 employers.
Another aspect of this digital campaign is to attract people who are from Joplin but have moved away. During certain holiday weekends, the Chamber will target digital ads to people who are in town visiting family to show off how the “new Joplin”.
Both aspects of this digital marketing strategy are working very well for the Joplin Chamber and similar strategies can be applied at your Chamber. Infact, the new website, has served as a platform for Joplin to pitch Tesla for a new manufacturing facility. If you do not have economic development responsibilities, maybe you can target the tourism sector or potential members. There are several ways that a strategic digital marketing strategy can serve your Chamber.
If you would like to connect with Toby about what he has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, please see his contact information below:
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