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Bowling Green Area Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Ron Bunch

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Ron Bunch. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now your host he believes it is important for chambers to produce digital content. He’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:22
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Brandon Burton 1:08
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Guest Introduction

You’re joining us for our 2022 ACCE chamber the year finalist series. And our guest for this episode is Ron Bunch. Ron is here with us today representing the Bowling Green Area Chamber as their President and CEO in their bid for for chamber of the year. But Ron as he leads the Bowling Green Area Chamber they are a five star credited chamber, placing in the top 1% of all chambers in America. The Bowling Green Area Chamber has served the Bowling Green and Warren County area for more than 85 years. As the driving force for the business community in Bowling Green Warren County. The chamber also serves as the lead economic development organization for the region and is responsible for the South Central Kentucky Regional Economic Development Partnership. Since Ron joined the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce, their community has announced over $6.1 billion in capital investment and more than 11,200 new jobs. Bowling Green has been ranked in the top six nationally by site selection magazine for the top 10 metros for new and expanding facilities for populations under 200,000 for nine consecutive years, including number one overall in 2018. The Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce has also won two consecutive Matt Conway awards from site selection magazine, which recognized the team as a top 20 economic development organization in the country for their performance in 2020 and 2021. Simultaneously, the Chamber has been invited to apply for chamber the year in the US by the by ACCE for five consecutive years and making it to the finalist stage for three of those years. Ron received the Kentucky Association for Economic Development’s 2014 James J. Coleman Community Economic professional of the year with nearly 30 years of professional economic development experience. Ron is a certified economic developer and his lead successful local and regional economic development efforts in Florida, Virginia and South Carolina before coming to Kentucky. Ron, welcome back to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m excited to have you with us today, especially under these conditions is at chamber the year finalist. Again, that is a great feat. But take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions out there listening and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Ron Bunch 4:44
Well, I really appreciate you having me back on again. Let’s see something interesting about me. I went to West Point and one of the training opportunities I had while at West Point was to go to Northern warfare training in Alaska. So I got to do front spiking for bass rescue and all that other stuff while we lived on the glacier for a week as well, too. So it was a really great experience. So probably not many people know that.

Brandon Burton 5:11
That is pretty interesting and quite the experience to so

Ron Bunch 5:16
that was some of the best training I’ve ever done. And it was, it was really great.

Brandon Burton 5:20
Yeah, that’s awesome. So I’ll share it. A fun fact, too, is that Ron was a guest of ours back on Episode 24, which was the actually the very first chamber of the year finalist interview that I did on the podcast. So he, he helped pilot this series, originally back in 2019. So if anybody wants to go back and check that out, I think encourage you probably not to because I probably wasn’t as good then. And it wasn’t as well refined. But I’m excited that’s

Ron Bunch 5:51
still going on, considering I was the first guest.

Brandon Burton 5:56
That’s right, and we’re up to episode 182. Now on this one, so we’ve come a long ways from there. But Ron, take a minute and tell us about the bowling green area Chamber just to give us some perspective of size, staff budget, scope of work, that sort of thing to kind of give us

About the Bowling Green Area Chamber

Ron Bunch 6:12
some perspective. Sure, in our chambers, around 1300 partners or members, our annual budgets around 2.4 million. We’ve got a staff of approximately 16 full time, folks, we’re changing it up a little bit. Right now we do have some virtual employees that were contracted with reasonably we try that out. But probably the most unique part is that we run six different companies. So there’s five additional companies beyond the chamber, chamber houses, all the employees, but we have multiple development companies, foundations, so multiple pieces that we operate with one common management team.

Brandon Burton 6:50
Right. So those additional companies, are they primarily focused around economic development? And are the foundations, I guess, give us give us a little more sampling what that looks like. Yeah,

Ron Bunch 7:01
it’s sort of a balance. You know, two of them are development companies. So one of the public development company that owns and operates the trans Park was a private nonprofit development company that developed the south Industrial Park and own some buildings. And it’s been the tool that we use to build speculative building. Another entity is a public entity that we use to facilitate incentives and bond issues. We’ve got 2501 C threes. One is our foundation that we’ve used to raise money for what started out as Leader in Me that’s evolved into SC K launch, which is our K 12, comprehensive talent initiative, we’ve raised and invested about 2.6 million at this point. After that, we have another entity that’s a training Consortium. So we seek out and bid and deliver on Demand training for different groups of companies through it. And then there’s the chain province.

Brandon Burton 7:59
Yeah, you guys know how to stay busy and make it work. So

Ron Bunch 8:02
there’s no shortage of more money. So if anybody’s looking for a board meeting in DC, come on down here. We’ll set you up with one. That’s right.

Brandon Burton 8:09
But to put you in a room, right. Well, as I say, chamber, the year finalist series rolls out, what I like to do is focus primarily on the two programs that you guys submitted as your program synopsis on the chamber that your application. So I look forward to diving into what those programs are learning more about the impact you guys are making in your community. As soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

All right, Ron, we’re back. Why don’t you take us through what the two programs are that you guys submitted on your chamber the your application just first at a high level and then we’ll we’ll circle back and get into a little more

Ron Bunch 10:57
detail on each of them. Sure, the two different areas we highlight this time one is a follow on initiative in talent. So for the 11 plus years that I’ve been here, 10 plus of those 11 have been focused on talent. And what we build out with SDK launch our regional talent initiative that spans the K 12, system, city and county schools, as well as what we’ve done a public workforce. So one of those is minorities in engineering, and our goal there was to seek to engage more minorities in K 12, and help lead them to engineering occupations, and education through our university. And then the other initiative is in our role of managing, developing and growing the trans Park, which was a 900 acre business park when we got here. That initiative, we essentially added double the acreage in about a 24 month period. And then were able to win several different projects as a result of that, during the pandemic. So when not many people were investing in more product development, we were able to convince our city in Canada invest in that and it really produced a lot of dividend for

Brandon Burton 12:14
that is that is a pretty pretty large impact there on the growth of the transport Web. Say, let’s dive a little deeper into that one. How did you guys approach that? I know as we went into the pandemic, yeah, we all thought it was gonna be two weeks, right? A little longer, right?

Ron Bunch 12:35
In our programs, and

Brandon Burton 12:38
there’s a reflection there, right? So how did you guys go about kind of seeing through the mess of the pandemic and kind of seeing where the light is at the end of the tunnel and the need to continue building, especially in this trans Park area to be able to double the acreage and investment in that area? What was your selling points and to be able to have clarity through all that?

Ron Bunch 13:02
Now, let’s that’s awesome. The so obviously, we’ve been managing the trans park all along. And as you mentioned earlier, we’ve been very blessed to be nationally ranked and economic development for nine consecutive years now. And so we’ve built some success in the transport and developing that winning projects. In the even during the pandemic, we were able to win 20 different projects. And so we both saw an increase in activity and a reduction in available property. But we had been talking about growing the transport for some time. So what the the effects of the pandemic were that, you know, we saw more global companies. So when you look at global impact, we were talking with more global companies that were looking for available product so that they could change their supply chain. We also knew from a scarcity and abundance standpoint that those communities that had an abundant amount of property would be more successful, because we had a track record and working with companies successfully. And but we knew we had a scarcity both on utilities and property. And so when you look to the Horizon Report, I mean, those are two of the key factors in our analysis of the transport. So really a couple of things played into it, you know, one was attractive, we had a winning project. So we’ve had let’s see, prior to the recent wins about three of the top investments in Kentucky in a given year in the transparency and we have consistently performed so the Sydney county had confidence in us. And so we began a conversation with them about doubling their investment from around 25 million to 40 plus almost 50 million in the trans Park and they saw the wisdom in that during the pandemic. So they put together a bond issue issued $46 million in debt that allowed us to acquire almost 608 First, and that allowed us to win several projects. And then, as we were recording one of the major projects, we it turned out, we needed an additional 14 to 16 acres. So we went back to the city and the county, who went into reserves to then provide funds so that we could buy additional property this time about, I think it was close to 500 acres or so and all said and done in a 24 month period, we brought on 1100 acres, which is larger than the original trans Park. And we’ve now won several projects, including the Envision project, which is the state’s second largest investment in Kentucky history. So had we not had the advocacy and relationships with local government, have we not performed we would have never been able to make that case for them to invest in such a challenging time. And so like everybody, we were also dealing with the effects of the pandemic and reassuring business and clarifying things for business and evolving how we do business. But we felt it was very important to bring on this additional property. And we were very blessed that it turned out to be great, we were able to win a project with ball Corporation, which is a $300 million project. Tyson Foods, which was the largest job creation project up from that point. And then the Envision project is a $2 billion investment with 2000 jobs. It’ll build about 3 million square feet here for an easy project.

Brandon Burton 16:27
Wow. That is That is awesome. So did you already have some of this in motion before the pandemic hit kind of division that where you wanted to take the trans Park? Or did the pandemic really kind of accelerate the need to be able to move forward with this?

Ron Bunch 16:42
Yeah, we had some of the conversations already happening with the city in the county because the public entity we run has appointees from the city in the county, including the city manager and others. And so they were aware we needed to increase the size of transport, we hadn’t solidified how much. And so as we did that, and then as we began to court, some of the projects that started to respond, then we identify we need even more land than we originally thought. So just after the city, the county doubled their investment, which we they had not planned to do with the 46 million, we came back say oh, by the way, another 500 acres, but that acreage allowed us to win the Tyson project and Tyson announced with 455 employees, which at that time was our largest new job announcement ever in Warren County. So that was a very exciting project. But it was amazing. Because that additional property, we needed about 14 acres to make this light work, right. And we were able to secure another 500 or so acres, that if we had not had, we could not have even talked to the folks at Envision. And so we were very blessed to be able to work the Envision project. It was pretty unique and that that mega project, we ended up having to work directly with the legislature. So I met with the Senate and I met with the House leadership, they were under NDA. And between the governor and his team and the Cabinet for Economic Development and the legislature, we were able to put together a package that ultimately won the project. So I mean, tons of parties helped us to when we were just the quarterback on the team. But what a great project.

Brandon Burton 18:22
Yeah, and what a great investment for your community as well to be able to increase his number of jobs and increases the tax revenue base for the city and county to put the money in. It truly is an investment it’s going to pay back pretty quickly. It sounds like yeah, no,

Ron Bunch 18:37
I’m glad you share it like that. Because I mean, like like all of us experience. I mean, everyone that’s a chamber leader does all they can do to take care of their community. And that’s all we’ve ever done. And in this instance, you know, we had probably 3000 jobs already in the transit Park. So it was generating a really nice return on investment to the city and the county, very positive. We’ve had, you know, we’ve been very blessed with success annually for years. And this envision project with 2000 jobs, the economic impact of that is more than the cumulative transport before it. Wow. So it’s it’s really hard to wrap your head around some of the numbers that and so I really firmly believe that the city and the county having confidence in investing during the pandemic made a huge difference. But we’re also have really worked with our team on recruiting and in closing projects. We’ve been a leader in developing what we call a continuum of property so there’s always property in different stages ready for us to CT project. So there’s been a lot of foundation work that then allowed this investment by the Sydney can to pay such dividends so quickly and we also had a reputation with Site Location consultants. stuff of being on go to group, a group that delivers. And so all those things kind of came together. But

Brandon Burton 20:06
amazing. Yeah, that’s a great win. And I look forward to seeing that continued development and the stories that come out of that that investment. And we’ve got,

Ron Bunch 20:15
we’ve got about five other projects teed up in the next 60 days. So we’re pretty excited.

Brandon Burton 20:22
That’s awesome. No, no rest there at the chamber. No.

Ron Bunch 20:26
That’s the other thing that all my chamber peers know. I mean, the chase and the courtship and the announcement are all exciting. But that’s about 20% of the work. Now we’ve got the 80% of the work of, you know, building 60 $70 million worth of infrastructure, helping with permitting, helping with incentives, helping them find talent. So now the real work begins.

Brandon Burton 20:46
The work, right. I love that impact that you guys are having there with economic development. Let’s, let’s shift gears over to the first program that you talked about with around talent and the minorities in engineering and tell us more about how that program works. How you guys saw the need to focus there. And you know, who’s involved with that, that program to make it successful? Yeah,

Ron Bunch 21:12
thanks. So, um, maybe a little preamble again, just to tie it together. So, you know, for the last decade, here, we’ve focused on talent, and we built what’s called SDK launch. So SDK is a region. So it’s also the labor market, 10 County area. And a launch is learning about unique and new careers here. And so that facet, we run the demand projections every month, that then guides our work. It’s interesting, because the Envision project to tie those two things together is cited our investments and our relationships that were built in SCK launch. That’s one of the key reasons why they chose because talent is tight everywhere. They like the fact that we had a decade of investment, a decade of relationship building a decade of different tactics that built on that core framework. And so that was a big difference maker in our courtship with envision the $2 billion project, the 2000 jobs. But the minorities in engineering specifically, was an effort to get more minorities in our community, to the university and into career. And so in this instance, we had about 11 1200 engineers in occupations now in our economy. But as we ran that monthly projection, we could see that there were 900, plus engineering slots that were going to be available. And so we became aware that in schools, students really didn’t have visibility to the courses to take that lead to engineering. Nor was there really a poll to draw any students into engineering, but specifically minorities. And so one of the companies that we call on this here had two parents that were minority with a daughter that was in school, and they brought this topic to us. And you know, up until then, even though we’re so engaged, it’s because we didn’t realize that facet. And so we convened five different companies that were here who all excited to come to the table, we put together a cohort. And we’ve begun to align the pathways in the school that then both engage and set up a series of courses that one would take, that could lead in engineering, and then we took, I think, 60 or so students to the university had a variety of different speakers, I got to be there for a couple hours of it was pretty awesome, because you had successful engineers talking about the profession and talking about all the different places you can go with it. And you had these students engaging with everything from virtual reality to just seeing hands on equipment to do prototypes and stuff. But it was the students came away, just really very impressed with it. And so now our goal is to increase the number of students that can participate, and to really make much more transparent. The pathway, of course, as one would take in high school, and then work with a group of companies University and school leadership, develop the right marketing materials to engage parents and students to make sure they know about not just the careers and what they pay, but the companies that would employ them here because we are blessed to have you know about 18% manufacturing here. So quite a array of engineers needed and with the automation, robotics and AI that’s really taking place. There’s a higher demand for a very sophisticated engineering to support that.

Brandon Burton 24:41
I love you when you started telling about this program, kind of making that connection between the SC K long CK Central Kentucky Yeah. And how that ties in to specifically with envision and seeing, as you’re given that response, I’m thinking this is just, it’s not just a program that you guys do. But this is part of your chamber DNA to say, This is who we are, this is what we do. And it bleeds through here as you go about other projects. To see, the value is.

Ron Bunch 25:17
That’s great. I mean, because you know, we’re inside it. And so for you to see that is very honoring, very important. I appreciate that it is. So like, I had been an economic development leader in three states before this five other positions. And even when I got here, one of the things we discovered quickly was the need for talent. And so as we started running the data, we could see that there was going to be a shortfall in data in people through the data, the only thing that pandemic did was make a bad problem, much worse. And so the fact that we chose to invest strategically, you know, back to scarcity and abundance, we knew that talent was going to be scarce. But we also knew that because of that talent was going to be critically important to our companies growing. On top of everything else we’ve done, we spent quite a bit of time and money and so like, some of my peers would raise money for the operations. We raised money to invest in school that we’ve raised and invested 2.6, we’re getting ready to invest raising investment up to two and a half, that will help us build out actual operations and each of the schools so you can have like a hands on Academy. So right now we have a credit union school, we have two stores. So it is great. If you ever have a bad day, which happens from time to time, in shame world, we just go to the school and see the young people enjoying the fruits of our labor. And we’re like, Okay, this is what matters, what’s the deal, what, put our shoulder back to the grind on make it work.

Brandon Burton 26:51
That’s right. And I love how, whenever I hear of any chamber that’s showing what the opportunities are to the youth coming up in their community to say, there’s great jobs here. Here’s a sampling of what a career could look like, if you stay here in our community. So any anytime you can do that, and you guys are obviously focused on focusing on minorities, specifically in engineering, because there’s a need there, right. And so seeing where the need is and filling that void. So I think that’s a great focus, a great area focus.

Ron Bunch 27:25
And what’s interesting, I mean, you can see two, we built it for the right reason. And then even with that program, the Envision project we won, we had no idea the level of engineering they were going to require. And so it was great that we had already done that, because we could point to what we already done that what we might do what we couldn’t do, we could point to what we had done. And so they really love the overall program, because it is a k 12. But that wasn’t important to you, because there’s going to be quite a bit of engineering and technicians is a very highly automated process in 3 million square feet to produce electric batteries that they don’t produce.

Brandon Burton 28:05
That is That is awesome. I love seeing these intertwining of these these programs. Ron, I wanted to ask you as how do you see the role of the bowling green area Chamber in your community?

Ron Bunch 28:21
Yeah, the I hate to keep going back to Horizon Report. But really, we see our role under that catalytic leadership. I mean, it’s our job really to listen to the business community, and then advocate at whatever level with local government, state government, federal government, whoever we need to advocate with, or to bring groups together early to make sure our businesses have what they need, not just today, but going forward. And you know, I think you can see that what we’re doing with adding twice the acreage at the Trent Park, good thing. So for those not viewing lights just went up in the building. So sorry for the distraction, but you know, investing in the transport, doubling in size, investing, you know, millions of dollars in the K 12 talent development is that catalytic leadership. So we seek to fill roles of convening people and doing what the community is not just today but into the future.

Brandon Burton 29:20
I love that and it shows you know that it’s, as we look at these chamber, the year finalists, it’s those who’ve really embraced the Horizon Report and have kind of leaned into that as far as what the future is like in their community are the ones that are being recognized and, and staying ahead of the curve, as I would say it to see what those needs are in their community. So I couldn’t agree more. I like asking everyone I have on the show. If you might have a tip or an action item for chambers that are listening who are interested in taking their chamber up to the next level, what would you suggest

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Ron Bunch 30:04
One would be to take risks. No, it’s easy to play it safe. It’s easy to stay within the bounds of what you think the board might be accepting, or volunteers might be accepting. But you if you find the right initiatives and take those on, it will work. And so take risks would be one thing I would say, especially now, because things are changing so quickly, you’re going to have to do things that maybe you hadn’t considered before done. So that would be one thing I would say, is to take risks.

Brandon Burton 30:38
Absolutely, I see a lot of chambers don’t want to be the first one to do something, right, you want to look around and see see what other colleagues have done, how’s it worked out, let’s test the waters. But to be able to be bold and take those risks, it takes some guts, but it can pay off big time.

Ron Bunch 30:54
Yeah, I’m gonna hate to keep going back to it. But I mean, had we not invested in building the relationships have we not invested in what we’ve done both in K 12, and public workforce, we would not have won the projects that we won over the last couple years, especially. Because in that time, everyone everywhere had talent constraints, even when we talked with international companies in Japan, they have the same talent constraints. And so companies that are looking now are finding the same thing everywhere, what has helped us is we could point to a decade of investments a decade of building. And so those things made a difference for us. But it was a risk at the time to to allocate that much of our organization and to fundraise, but that versus operation of the risk is paid off.

Brandon Burton 31:44
Right. In hindsight, it made sense to focus on the future, especially with, you know, the baby boomers that would be retiring and the need for talent, but then to have that exacerbated by a worldwide pandemic, and early retirements and layoffs and all these different things. Those who were looking ahead and preparing were much better positioned to be able to weather that storm. As we look to the future of chambers, speaking of future, how do you see the future of chambers and their role going forward?

Future of Chambers

Ron Bunch 32:18
Now, I think the other thing that we have thought we had sort of dabbled in and called different things solution based selling, we finally settled on spin that Neil Rackham put out and, you know, the wrong but short version of that is to truly have a heart for the person or the business. To ask the questions, you need to ask to truly understand what their needs are and what they value. And then to seek to meet those needs and values that they have. We don’t want to be a donation, we want to provide a return on investment. So looking forward, I think, whatever you call it, whatever sales methodology you look at, I would say chambers truly having that conversation, and we set a goal, to focus on spin as our methodology, and to have a conversation with every chamber investor at least once a year, to really understand in the coming year, have your value systems changed, what do you need from us. And I think that helps us to stay relevant to stay connected. And the partners see that we’re truly interested in them. We’re not selling at them, hey, we need money for this new program or event. It’s Hey, we’re doing this because we heard from many of you that this is in demand. And they it’s paid off for us and new partners joining without even talking to sales staff retention has increased, I think we’re tracking about 89% retention, which is higher than it has been in the past. I think, while the results are still fairly early, because I want to get you know, three to five years under our belt. I think it is paying off that spending compensation. I think that’s the kind of thing that would help chambers going forward not be what we think is the thing, but do what research and conversations have told us the thing that companies need in the area

Brandon Burton 34:14
like that it does show your relevancy it shows your interest in each of those investor businesses. I’d be curious how you and maybe it’s not an answer for now, but maybe in three to five years of as you gather that feedback and what their needs are and how they’ve changed. How you avoid trying to be everything to everyone. Yeah, because you can’t accommodate every need that’s presented to you, but how do you try to group them together to see the end goal of what their needs are?

Ron Bunch 34:45
Well, you know, those things have already happened. So I mean, you know, an example of that would be SC k one, South Central Kentucky, our region again, one and that was a network. It’s an umbrella delivery from the different entrepreneurship organizations. So as we heard from that was very confusing SBDC SBA accelerator, I mean, who does what? And who do I need to talk to? So we pulled them all together and created that new brand. And now you can go to any of them, and they’ll get you to the right resource. But we, because of conversations We’ve convened, and so we don’t try to be everything to everyone we do the things that we do well, we partner with others on those things that need to exist for our businesses and make referrals to those other resources. But then we have a conversation with them about the quality of delivery that we’re looking for. So there’s a consistent kind of quality and even chamber interaction or chamber affiliate interaction.

Brandon Burton 35:41
Right, that goes back to the connector and convener role of the chamber. So absolutely. Ron, this has been a great conversation that I’ve enjoyed having you back with me on the podcast, as I like to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who’d like to reach out and learn more about how you guys are doing things and Bowling Green and maybe compete for some of these projects from you. The best way for them to reach out

Connect with Ron Bunch

Ron Bunch 36:06
well, my competitions. We just want a fair shot at it. All. Right. Yeah, so it’s Ron Bunch. So it’s is the email and our main lines p 270-781- 3200. So yeah, we would look for we posted multiple communities, we’ve had a lot of conversations, we love sharing things we’re doing because we want our whole country to be stronger. So anything we can do to be of assistance to our peers. We’re happy to do

Brandon Burton 36:36
absolutely. I’ll get that in the show notes for this episode. So anyone who’s walking the dog or driving the car can can look it up and reach out and connect that way but this has been a great discussion. I’m impressed with the work you guys are doing and truly making an impact there in the bowling green area. And wish you and your team best of luck with chamber the year.

Ron Bunch 36:56
Thank you sir appreciate appreciate what you’re doing to to share these best practices there, but I think it really helps get the word out for each chamber can be better for their community.

Brandon Burton 37:05
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Henry County Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Joe Henning

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Joe Henning. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now your host He is disappointed that I identify as a Buffalo Bills fan. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it is my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business in Washington State to learn how Holman Brothers has provided value for him.

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Brandon Burton 1:28
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Guest Introduction

You’re joining us for another special episode in our 2022 ACCE Chamber the Year Finalist Series, and for this episode, we have Joe Henning with us. Joe is the President and CEO of the Henry County Chamber in Georgia. Joe has served as president and CEO of Henry County Chamber since 2019. Prior to that, he served 14 years as president and CEO of the aurora Regional Chamber in Illinois. Joe is a 2009 IOM graduate. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations and a master’s degree focusing on organizational development from Northern Illinois University, as well as a certificate and not for profit management from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He’s served as chair of the Midwest Board of Regents in 2012 and 2013. In 2017. He served as chair of the National Board of Trustees for the program and continues to serve as a faculty member. He’s taught on collaboration industry forecast, strong chambers for the future and marketing membership. In 2007. The Aurora chamber received its first accreditation through the US Chamber of Commerce with a four star distinction. In 2012 and 2017. Joe led the reaccreditation efforts and successfully achieved consecutive five star distinction. In 2015, the Chamber received chamber of the Year from the Illinois Association of Chamber of Commerce executives as well as the three star chamber of valor. In 2010, he received his accredited chamber executive credentials from the ice IACC II, and served as Chair of the board of directors in 2012 and 2012, he also successfully sat for and received his certified Association Executive designation from ASAE. In 2014, he was named chamber Executive of the Year by the Illinois Association of Chamber of Commerce executives. Joe completed the basic economic development course through Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2008. In 2013, he completed the economic development essential course through University of Oklahoma. He served on the advisory board for ACC EAS education and talent development division, and is a graduate of the US Chamber Foundation’s business leads fellowship program inaugural session. He served on workforce development boards Illinois and Georgia and was appointed by Illinois Governor Pat Quinn to serve on the Illinois 21st century Workforce Development Fund advisory committee in 2012. He supports and serves on the boards of a number of organizations that impact equity, inclusion, mental health, among others. His background includes business development, strategic planning and organizational development. If any of this sounds familiar to you, this is because we recently had Joe on chamber tap podcast back in episode 159, where we talked about some industry trends if you want to go back in the archives and check out that episode. It was a great one. But Joe, I’m excited to have you back with me on Chamber Chat Podcast, please say hello to all the Chamber Champions. And as usual, share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Joe Henning 4:51
Brandon, it’s great to be back. It seems like just a few months ago, but it’s a pleasure to come back and especially with this topic. You know, I think And the interesting thing is that I think my mother is the only one that appreciates that entire bio. So if anybody else made it through it, thank you. You had mentioned the whole strategy and organizational development. And that really is my passion. And we did a couple years ago, here at Henry, we did the Clifton Strengths. And for my top five strengths were all around strategy. So I felt validated through this, this this process for timber the year really, really hits home in that strategy and organizational development process. So it’s a great opportunity to be a part of it. Yes. And

Brandon Burton 5:41
congratulations, of course, being selected as a chamber. They are finalists, great, great honors just in that and being selected.

Joe Henning 5:48
Absolutely. When I look at those peers out there in that in that category we’re in it’s it’s, it’s a tough, it’s a tough group to be in. Absolutely.

Brandon Burton 5:57
For sure. Well, tell us a little bit about the Henry County Chamber just to give us some idea, size and scope of work and staff budget, that sort of thing before we our discussion.

About the Henry County Chamber

Joe Henning 6:08
So we’re about a $1.5 million, maybe a little bit more than that. Budgets, we are comprised of both the Chamber of Commerce and the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for Henry County. We’re located about a half hour south of Metro Atlanta, right along 75 So anybody traveling from the north down to Florida is going through Henry County. And we have for the chamber side we’re sitting at about 800 members and we have four full time employees on the chamber side and three full time employees on the CBD side

Brandon Burton 6:43
all right. That sounds good and that helps especially as we trying to release these episodes with the the appropriate categories and so consecutively so you fall right in line with with your your your companions in that in that category. But as we go through this discussion today the chamber the year finalist series what I like to do is really focus our discussion a lot on the the two programs synopsis you guys submitted on your chamber the your application, and we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

Alright, Joe, we’re back. So what I’d like for you to do is just at a high level, tell us what the two programs are that you guys submitted on your application. And then we’ll circle back into some more detail on each of them.

Joe Henning 10:16
Sure, thank you. Our first synopsis was on advocacy and issues. And so the first one, we successfully advocated and passed two different tax referendums one in the spring one in the fall in 2021. And then the second synopsis was continuing our dei process along and working with our hospitality partners, from from hotels and accommodations to restaurant and retail, and addressing customer service and dei components within that.

Brandon Burton 10:52
Very good. That’s alright, I think I’d like to start with that one with the

Joe Henning 10:58
doesn’t everybody wants. Nobody wants to talk about ballot measures.

Brandon Burton 11:04
You’ve got a fair point there. So if we can take all of the time talking?

Joe Henning 11:10
No, that’s fine. I think, you know, for us, you know, we’re proud of the advocacy side, but this this. So back in 2019, right after I started here, the board passed a dei and inclusivity statement. And so as we were rolling into 2020, our program of work, we were looking at how we could advance inclusivity conversations with the pandemic and and the civil strife of 2020. There was a lot happening in Henry County, there was a lot happening in Georgia, and there was a lot happening throughout the country. And so we began some community dialogues, as we were still virtual. And wherever we could meet, we’d meet virtually fast forward to 2001. And we knew that we still had to do something, either virtual or hybrid, because we were still in the in the midst of the pandemic in early 2001. But we knew we had to take it another step. And so the CVB group, with the with the partner, relations manager that we had hired just at the end of 2019, began talking with our hoteliers, and other hospitality partners. And they wanted information training on customer service. And, if possible, what we could do around the DEI conversation. And so we, we really dug deep into that really looked at the needs. And we came out with a six part series, the first one on customer service, and then the last five different segments of inclusivity.

Brandon Burton 12:50
So what caught my, my ear when you mentioned what this, this program is about is a while back, I interviewed Doug Griffiths, who’s the author of 13 ways to kill your community. Yes, I know a lot of chamber professionals are familiar with that book. But towards the end of the podcast interview, I asked him about a tip or strategy for chambers and, and he had mentioned for chambers to train the employers in their community on customer service. I thought what a difference that would make you know, as people, you know, their first interaction in your community will often be at a hotel or some tourist destination, right? So what what made you guys land on that focus with hospitality, and then tying in the diversity and equity inclusion part? There

Joe Henning 13:39
were a couple of different factors there, Brandon. Right before I started in 2019, they just completed a an audience study, a segment study on the different tourists that come through Henry County, both planned to come through I just happen to stop, as I said, we’re right on 75. A lot of times people want to get through Atlanta on their way to Florida, and they’ll stop here around Henry County. And so that that study showed some some great positive pieces, but there were also some segments of, I guess, comfort. Not necessarily I don’t want to say safety, because I don’t want it to sound, you know, so so far off. But a little discomfort on whether or not they would be accepted. Okay, in the community. And I think and I think for the most part, they’re the it’s a great issue throughout the country, you know, where you can go and feel comfortable. The second part was just were asked. So, Atlanta motor speedway is is is right here in Henry County. And so we’re fortunate the last few years that we get to NASCAR races each year so hundreds of 1000s of people are traveling through here for different reasons and stopping and so we want to make sure that But whereas as inclusive as we can possibly be. And so we also, you know, taking that into account for the customer service side, looking at some of the demographics of who, who were part of the study, as well as who make up residence of Henry County now, we looked at some of the different diversity issues and components that we could look at, and looked at the impact the economic impacts that each of those demographics has on Henry County. So that’s where we fell into this six part series.

Brandon Burton 15:36
So as you kind of go through the six part series, what does that look like? How does it roll out? How does how do you incorporate it? Well,

Joe Henning 15:45
they’re primarily available out there online, through registration, they’re free to all of our hospitality partners, if they’re in, you know, the hotels, restaurant, retail, or our attractions. And we’ve had a great deal of interest from non hospitality businesses. And so we’re trying to figure out, you know, how to scale it up, that will be our big piece for that. But the first section is culture of customer service. And it is led by one of our local coffee proprietors, coffee shop proprietors here in Henry County, and very outgoing personality, very wonderful to work with. And so I believe that’s about a 45 minute video. And then there is a 10 question test if they take it, if they’re taking it remotely. But we are also able to now offer it in person. So if, you know, the manager or owner wants to do all at once we can do a small group facilitation of the program and have conversation around that. That’s step one, the other five sections, they don’t have to be, they don’t have to follow the first one on customer service, they can flip flop depending on what they are comfortable with. But the fifth one is the five part series is very exciting. It includes looking at the target visitor audiences of African American customers, Asian customers, Latino, Hispanic customers, LGBTQ customers, and the one that’s often overlooked is those with different abilities. We’ve got some attractions that are wonderful attractions, but they might have gravel driveways, or they might not have, they might have stairs and not a ramp. And so we’re trying to help many of our attractions and even our businesses to be more accommodating to that demographic as well. So those are the those are the six segments within that series.

Brandon Burton 17:43
Yeah, that sounds great. Yeah. And then the different abilities is it, it’s a big one, there’s a family that I’m really close to, they have two sons that are they’re in their late 20s Now, but they’re both wheelchair bound, and, you know, they’re very limited on even a restaurant that they can go to, the parents have to go ahead of time and kind of scope it out and see if the wheelchairs can fit through. And it’s just, it’s a lot of effort for them to get out. And the more businesses that can be aware of that and be accommodating, really welcomes people to your community. You know,

Joe Henning 18:14
it’s a, it’s a great point, because, you know, they also have a great spending capacity. And if we’re limiting them to two restaurants, and maybe one or two attractions, that that discretionary, that’s going to that, that small pot, I mean, they’re making out well, but but we’re sitting here, you know, like I said, we’ve got, we’ve got some great agriculture tourism pieces around here. But based, you know, based on their nature, it’s very difficult for wheelchair bound individuals to navigate and even even, you know, even if you’re just on a crutch, we also have the beautiful Panola mountain trip bikes and trails and that and so, you know, the, the accessibility there is limited. And so I think the more we can raise awareness, you know, the more we can make the entire county accommodating. And, you know, it just reminds me that, you know, all of the difference, you know, areas of, of the diversity, this is the one that I might not be in today, but boy, tomorrow, I might fall into that diversity category of different abilities. And I can change overnight for any of us.

Brandon Burton 19:30
Very true. Yep. And I like the idea that you have these these courses, these trainings online. And ideally, I mean, I see a company adopting that as an onboarding process for new employees and, and get their existing employees up to speed as well. So I think that’s a great way as a chamber to be leading the way in that effort.

Joe Henning 19:52
Thank you. Thank you.

Brandon Burton 19:54
So let’s, let’s switch gears over to the really exciting topic. Right admin issues. And we say that

Joe Henning 20:04
we will now

Brandon Burton 20:06
can we both understand the importance of it right. And chambers need to take that lead. So talk to us about the the two tax reforms and how this came about and how you went about doing that.

Joe Henning 20:17
So in Georgia, it’s they’ve got they’ve got legislation that’s just over a decade old, I guess, a little bit more than that. But but it allows you to take referendum back to the county residents and increase a penny, or add a penny tax in there for special purposes. And so the county in 2019, the county successfully repast is a five year limitation. So after five years, you have to ask again, we successfully passed the I believe it was the sixth, fifth, fifth or sixth class blas special purple, special purpose local option sales tax. In addition, the school districts can also pass a request as floss and those are East floss education spots. And so that came up in March. And I believe this was their sixth, and to be used for accommodations in schools, expanding some of the schools due to the demographic growth and population growth that we’re seeing here and some additional school busing, things like that. You know, we all know it’s tough, it’s tough to pass tax referendum. You know, we, you do it, you do it, because you are looking out for your community. If you’re going to be a catalytic leader, sometimes you got to make those tough decisions. And those tough take on those tough roles, and advocate for something that may not be popular. And so we, we worked with the school districts committee to get that passed in the in the spring, it passed, I believe, the kind of two to one margin. And so we were happy with that. We’ve already begun the process of what some of those project lists were on the on the east blast side. Henry County, then fast forward to the fall, Henry County had never had a transportation SPLOST. And so they were looking to do that in the fall, we had agreements with the four municipalities in Henry County, so we can go for the full Penny, it would be a five year commitment. So we took the lead and partner collaborated with Georgia transportation Alliance and a few others to help get the word out and get that passed successfully. In the fall. It was a that was probably the most tough of the three referendum that I’ve that I’ve worked on at the chamber here. Because it was new, it was an additional party, the others were renewing of the penny. And so those were a lot of the conversations. But one of the biggest, what I when I first started here, back in 2019, one of the biggest problems that I noticed and when I asked around to business leaders and employees and just community members, you know, what is our biggest issue, it’s transportation, there’s, there’s a lot of difficulty, we’re fortunate that we have the visitors traveling through on 75 and stopping to, you know, stopping at gas stations and restaurants and hotels. And we’re fortunate that we have some great warehouse and advanced manufacturing members located here in Henry County, but that also adds to additional traffic congestion that we have. And so our, our conversation with with our voters was simply that, you know, we have to get this done, we have to fix the transportation problem, it’s not going to get better if we don’t, it’s only going to get worse with the more cars the more people that we have in the county, and the more businesses you know, it’s a win win. And, and so that we passed, I believe that might have been the two to one and I think education was three to one and passage. So we were very happy, very, very fortunate with that. And so we’ve begun looking at what those projects were listed, but now we’re looking at, you know, how we’re going to roll out the conversation around that. So yeah, that that was the excitement of 2021 For me it was getting to tax refering the past

Brandon Burton 24:29
and I can see when you’re uh, you know, a school district, for example, to be able to focus on that the education tax reform, right and push that messaging out, but as a chamber when you’re looking at, you know, three different tax reforms, you’re trying to approach and tackle and show the benefits and educate voters and, you know, encourage voters to get out and participate in the process. I mean, it’s a it’s a heavy lift to take on all three of those. Did you guys hold forums or how did you go about educating the public?

Joe Henning 24:57
We did online forums. We did some Direct Mail, we did a lot through social media, kind of rolling with, you know, people, we’re still very, very much focused on, on social media in that as we were writing it through the pandemic, and that so we really relied heavily on that. You know, you’re right bread, talking about the kids and talking about the future. And it’s kind of hard to say no to little kids face. But you know, when you’re asking everybody to add a penny to every dollar that they spend, it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it can add up. And I think part of our messaging for both, and this is this is one that we’ve we started in in 19. With the regular spouse was, we’re fortunate with the amount of visitors we have to Henry County, not just tourists, but you know, people working here in Henry County that live elsewhere, and will be stopping for gas or stopping for food on their way home. And so really, you know, we’re paying about, we estimate, somewhere around half of the collections will come from Henry County residents, the other half will come from visitors from outside of Henry County is kind of our projection. And so, you know, we’re really asking others to help us pay those bills. And so that was the communications bullet points that we kind of went with was, you know, if not, if we don’t do this, we might get stuck with, you know, Henry County residents alone being asked to pay for the burden. So all right,

Brandon Burton 26:29
and I see that, you know, where you have other people helping to pay the bill, as you said, and and having everybody have some skin in the game, rather than, you know, just an increase in property tax. But exactly, exactly. Yeah. So it could be a good good solution for absolutely needs, especially when you have the like you said, people coming in that don’t live there. And so I wanted to ask you as as the chamber, the year finalist, I kind of look to you guys to all these finalists as those that are kind of setting the benchmark for other chambers right. Now, how do you view the role of the Henry County Chamber there in your community?

Joe Henning 27:15
You don’t I think in looking at the two programs that we we submitted this year. And looking over the past three years, I would say, you know, we’re convener. We like any chamber, we know we have limited resources from staff to time to financial. And so we really want to convene those leaders that can help us get something done. And in the case of this floss, we worked together and collaborated with the government with the Board of Ed with other organizations that had messaging that they could use that we could, you know, kind of that win win win win. All around. And so what, you know, We’ve convened that group to get that done. In the case of the the diversity for hospitality sections, you know, we convene the hospitality groups together, the different entities that make that up and work with work with them in partnership to provide these services, these trainings that they’re looking for. And I think, you know, the key to both of those, you know, in any success that we’ve seen here in Henry County, it’s just really looking at that need. We can, we could have put together a program on customer service, or any number of the programs that we’ve done in the past year, but if we don’t engage the targeted audiences that we want to work with on that, we don’t know, you know, we think we think we know what they want, or what they need, but we don’t and I think that’s part of that conversation and bringing them together with us and, and finding out really what the details are of how we can support them. And so that’s kind of where I feel that we fit in the game. No, I

Brandon Burton 29:05
think that makes perfect sense. So I’d like asking the question, I know I asked you this question. Last time I had you on the show, and I’m not going to hold you to your previous answer at all, but I was gonna see if you have any tip or action item for Chamber Champions that are listening who’d like to take their chamber up to the next level, what might you offer to them?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Joe Henning 29:29
You know, I think both ACC II under their chamber of the year page and I believe the US Chamber is coming out with their their latest announcement of accredited chambers. Under their accreditation section, they have some best practices. You know, for people looking at where to begin with policies or or budgeting or even the advocacy side of it. You can find a lot of resources there. There’s There’s a huge wealthy library at ACC as well that you can just kind of search in there for topics that you might be looking for support. I think I think the key is, realize you’re not in this alone. You know, it’s I just got back from Madison last week and was teaching up there for the Midwest site for Institute for organization management. And there was, every and I love going back every year, there’s always that aha moment where you are the only chamber executive in your community. For the most part, I there’s, there might be some communities that have to but but for the most part, we’re sitting here alone, and it can feel lonely. But realize that you’ve got a great peer network of what nearly 7000 chambers of commerce around the United States and Canada, there are plenty of people out there that you can rely on. And so admit that you don’t have to do it alone, and that you’ve got people out there that want to help you succeed. And mate might have already gone through the the difficulty that you’re trying to fix, and help in your community. So there’s resources there. You know, I think that, you know, if they reached out to you, Brandon, I think any of us that have been been available, and you’ve so graciously allowed us to share our thoughts and our work. You know, I think if people reached out to us, we’d be willing to help, too. And so I think, just realize you’re not alone in this?

Brandon Burton 31:28
Absolutely. I think that’s a great piece of advice. And there is so much you can learn from others and not have to go through those growing pains yourself. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, as we look to the future of chambers, how do you see the future of chambers of commerce and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Joe Henning 31:45
You know, I think I think 2020 2021 taught a lot of us that there was a need for refresh. And it allowed us to make some of those changes that we thought we needed to make, you know, everybody, for the most part, everybody went virtual. And so I think that allowed time for redesigning some of the different things that we were working on. And so I think that that flexibility, that adaptability is going to be the strength for the successful chambers going forward. And to be able to make those changes as they need to as their community needs are changing. And that’s the other piece is that chamber, professionals need to be very engaged with their community, because, you know, things can change in a minute, and what the needs might be, and we’ve seen some great catalytic chambers, you know, in Bowling Green this last year in Edwardsville, Illinois this past year, where tornadoes have gone through, and they’ve stepped up, and they’ve been the leaders within their communities, to help facilitate both the employers and the residents. And so I think being responsive to the community is really where our success is going to lie.

Brandon Burton 33:19
Like that being responsive and flexible and adaptive. And I think there’s probably more changes, you know, oh, yeah, up here in the next year to the suspects. Yeah. So be ready for it, you know, be ready to be flexible. And and I would say I would urge you to be forward looking and see where those trends are going, see where those business trends are, and educate yourself on those things. So you’re not caught off guard when they can?

Joe Henning 33:48
Absolutely, you know, I think we all have resources from ACCE, and ASAE. But we all have our state or regional associations that can provide us additional training, insight and information. And, you know, I think, you know, I know sometimes some budget budgets might not allow for the national groups. If you can swing it, I definitely encourage that. But if nothing else, I, you know, I implore chamber professionals to have membership in their state associations, because that is a great deal of resourceful information that’s available to them, but it’s also a great network. Absolutely.

Brandon Burton 34:31
But Joseph, we wrap up here, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for Chamber Champions who want to reach out and connect with you and learn more about how you guys are doing things that Henry County Chamber what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect.

Connect with Joe Henning

Joe Henning 34:45
I appreciate that, Brandon. Yeah, I think if anybody wants to connect with me or my team here to get more information on any of that or any other things we’re doing, is the website that includes all of our email information as well as our phone numbers. And otherwise, we’re also on Facebook and LinkedIn. And I don’t know, several other social media platforms that are just beyond me. But I know definitely Facebook, we respond to message direct messages there quickly. And then on LinkedIn.

Brandon Burton 35:19
That’s perfect. And I’ll I’ll put links to those in the show notes for this episode. But, Joe, this has been great having you back on Chamber Chat Podcast, I joked with you, before we got on the recording that it’s always reaffirming to me to have a past guest be selected as a finalist for chamber of the year. So

Joe Henning 35:39
it feels good to be back. It feels good to have the recognition. I think, you know, it really to me, it’s not so much the, you know, it’s not me, it’s my team. And it’s my leadership volunteers that, you know, guide us through this, with the governance in that but from, you know, you asked about the future of chambers, and I think if we’re if we’re not looking at opportunities to improve our organizations, that’s where we’re not going to see them in 10 years, there’s either going to be somebody else, they’re taking up their space, or, you know, worse.

Brandon Burton 36:10
So, yeah, absolutely. Well, Joe, this has been a fun conversation. And, again, grateful to have you back with me on the podcast here and wish you guys best of luck in this chamber the year.

Joe Henning 36:23
Thank you, Brandon. I hope to be back soon to see you again. We’ll figure out another reason for you to come back. That’s right.

Brandon Burton 36:28
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West Des Moines Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Katherine Harrington

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Katherine Harrington. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now, your host, he can’t stand the sound of an art board being folded. Here’s my dad Brandon Burton. Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Jason Mock, President and CEO of the San Marcos Area Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for his chamber.

Jason Mock 0:45
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Brandon Burton 1:02
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Guest Introduction

You’re joining us for a special episode in our 2022 ACC chamber the year finalist series and our guest for this episode is Katherine Harrington. Katherine is a ballerina turned executive as and as the President and CEO of the West Des Moines chamber in Iowa over the last two years in this role, she created an avid fan base and several new programs including the International black and brown Business Summit, the DEI Workplace Excellence Awards, Best of the West awards, Raccoon River rally, Fall Festival, W DM newsletter and more. Katherine has an extensive background in public speaking media sales, revenue stream creation, event development and leadership with organizations including US magazine and New York City, Crain’s Chicago Business San Diego Business Journal DSM magazine and the Des Moines business record. She also bootstrapped and ran her own glassy technology magazine events and digital news organization serving leaders in the booming tech and internet industries in San Diego called the tea sector at the Des Moines business record, she was Director of Innovation was the number one sales producer and started the lucrative innovation Iowa magazine, weekly news and a yearly awards event. Katherine has a passion for helping others and is on the board for several local organizations and foundations. Her early ballet career led to her Interlochen Arts Academy full time at the at 1415 Pacific Northwest Ballet School and Corniche Institute of Allied Arts and San Francisco Ballet School at 16 Tulsa Ballet Theatre at 17 and scholarship with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at 18 in New York City, it was in New York that Arthur Mitchell of Dance Theatre of Harlem said Katherine Harrington dances with her heart and you can see love coming out of her pores. Katherine received the W dem chamber MLK Jr. Community Organization Leadership Award as a winner of the great outdoor foundation and most valuable Philanthropist Award. finalist for the inspiring women of Iowa award was voted one of the most likeable by CityView magazine. Katherine has three successful children. Allie who’s a lawyer with Mayor Brown in Chicago. Nick is a real estate executive with compass and a real estate investor in Milwaukee. And Caitlin is a leader in supply chain at Target in Minneapolis. She’s married to Craig Walter, his biology and chemistry teacher at Valley High School. Katherine and her two daughters also started a widely claimed podcast in 2022 called what the fam you can listen to them on Apple podcasts or anywhere you get your podcasts. But Katherine, I’m excited to have you with me today on Chamber Chat Podcast. Congratulations for being selected as a chamber of the year finalist. I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and share something else interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Katherine Harrington 4:59
Now Have allbranded I just first of all, thank you for doing this, thank you for hosting this really important venue to help share for others to grow and build their chambers and their communities. So this is great, what a great service you have just kudos to you for for ID ating. And doing this and putting it together and, and making it happen. Wow, you read my whole entire bio, so I’m a little embarrassed. So Wow. And it’s kind of fun to you know, it’s Gosh, I’ve done a lot in my years. I didn’t realize they’re gonna read the whole bio, but, but I don’t think I have any more thing.

Brandon Burton 5:37
I was gonna trim it up as I went through. There’s a lot of good stuff here.

Katherine Harrington 5:42
Embarrassed Oh, my gosh. But I don’t like to talk so much about me. I like to talk about others. So I’m a little blushing right here. But for that intro,

Brandon Burton 5:54
from? Well, why don’t you instead of focusing on yourself, tell us a little bit more about the West Des Moines chamber so we can get a better idea of the type of chamber you are the size, staff budget, the scope of work that you do, and that sort of thing to kind of set the tone for our discussion.

About the West Des Moines Chamber

Katherine Harrington 6:12
Yeah, well, that’s a topic I can talk all day and night on. So absolutely. I actually started this role on April Fool’s Day of 2020. So and I had had no prior chamber experience at all. So this is a new world for me. But I’m a big idea person, I love to build ideas. I can’t stop that idea brain. It is constantly going and growing.

Brandon Burton 6:40
Kind of a blessing and a curse at the same time isn’t

Katherine Harrington 6:43
exactly it. You’re right, Brandon, like if you love ideas, and if you love to see them grow and nurture and help others chamber life is for you. But you’re right. It’s a blessing and a curse, you have to understand what you can do, what capacity you and your team have, and what you can maybe scrap or or say, well, we’ll do that in five years. Right? So it’s just hard to say no to all the cool things that that we can do. But the chamber, West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, we will be 100 years old in 2024. So that’s pretty impressive. We’ve been around for a very long time. So it was certainly a I’m on the shoulder of giants, as they say when I joined a couple years ago. So it, it’s been a wonderful experience. The pandemic was right during that time as well. So I remember our former president training me and she said, Katherine, I think this pandemic is just going to last for about a week or so. And then I think we’re going to we’re gonna be through it at you know, and here we are, right. So I was I was, I loved her positivity. But you know, the facts bore out that it was much longer. But it was actually a really beautiful time to look at everything we were doing and understand, you know, how can we serve our community during this amazingly challenging time for humans and neighbors and our businesses? And, you know, what do they need. So, honestly, it was a gift to start during this really challenging time. Because we first of all, we had just one team member left, we have six team members, we’re hiring another team member, we’re growing. And we started with just one team member. So it was kind of nice, I could hire our own staff and build our own culture. We are huge culture advocates, we feel like that extends to not just the chamber, but to our city into our businesses. We’re trying to create the best culture in America, in our city. So it was really neat to onboard people that have the same loving acumen to help others. But we have 711 members and around almost 100 years. So now we’re gonna have seven team members and we really have a separate division which is our workforce division which is kind of unusual for some chambers so so that’s a little bit a little bit about

Brandon Burton 9:18
us. Yeah, that that will help as we get into our topic today is a chamber the year finalists but I what I like to do is focus the majority of our discussion on the the two programs you guys submitted on your chamber your application, and we’ll get into that discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

All right, Katherine, we’re back. So as I mentioned before, will will highlight the two programs synopsis on your chamber, the your application, if you would just talk to us a little bit at a high level what the two programs are, and then we’ll circle back into some more detail on each of them.

Katherine Harrington 12:01
Yeah, so one is we started a black and brown Business Summit. And this was really the motivation because of the murder of George Floyd and the uprising in our city as well as around the world. And we want our city to be the most welcoming city in the world. And how do we do that? So we are all about making big noise for our city, because it helps spotlight who we are, you know, we’re not, we’re not on a beach. We’re not on an ocean. We’re not on a mountain. So we have to think really unusual. And think big if we’re going to make some noise for our city. So we started through really a community saying how can we support black and brown businesses and see them grow and nurture and become billionaires? Not just, you know, 1000 air but a billionaire? So the Athene, it’s now called the Athene black and brown Business Summit, it is something that we’ve had 23 countries, people in 23 countries view we telecast it. So it’s it’s a hybrid event, but it’s extensive. So that’s, that’s number one. Okay, we love that event. And then our second program that we’re spotlighting is our 15th year, the Western Moines Leadership Academy, and it grows and builds every year, with leaders all ages, all companies that, that join that we have a pretty rigorous application process, but we have to narrowed it down which is hard to 33 people in the region. And it’s a little different than most leadership academies, but but those are our two that we highlighted in the application.

Brandon Burton 13:51
Very good. So let’s circle back to the first one, the Black and Brown Business Summit. As you launch that business summit, how did you structure it? How did you get the word out? How did you build up the hype for this? Building upon the the emotion really, that was going throughout the country?

Katherine Harrington 14:11
Yeah, it takes a team. It takes a community to support that. So our team, we started a dei committee, and that’s led by now our board chair Angela Jackson, and she’s an entrepreneur, small business owner, and she’s also in charge of the EI one of our largest employers here called a theme. And we created our dei Committee, which helped to start and grow that black and brown Business Summit. So that then spun into six different committees. So we have a lot of community members near 200 volunteers that help to support that event. Because that event is a is a two day conference, but within it are many smaller events all very meaningful To help build and grow and inspire the Black and Brown business community, so part of it is a pitch competition the first day, we have a pitch competition. First year, we gave out $10,000 to the winners. And this year, we gave out $42,000 to the winners, wow. So a lot of a lot of money, cash. And that’s all raised through sponsorship through sponsorships, and we do well with sponsorships, people want to be aligned with this brand, they want to be aligned, and they want to help these businesses grow. So it’s really a great forum to provide that connection for those sponsors. But so that’s day one, there’s lots of programming, education, learning, practicing your pitch, we bring in experts from around the world, to help these people, you know, figure out what is their pitch, and then on the main stage, they do their pitch on day one. And then day two is, oh, my gosh, lots and lots of sessions and breakouts with everything. You name it, like social media, how, you know, how do you run your social media marketing, branding, Bitcoin, you know, just different things. We’re trying to be on the cutting edge of knowledge for these folks to help them really achieve success. And then we have a keynote, we had Daymond John of ABC Shark Tank Shark Tank was our keynote this year. But it is a sincere pleasure. We also have a fundraising component to the summit and we fundraise for nonprofit organizations at the same time that support black and brown businesses. So so that’s pretty neat, too. And every year that that changes. So there’s a lot involved in all of this programming.

Brandon Burton 16:45
That is awesome. That is every follow up question I had for you, you are hitting right after

Katherine Harrington 16:52
I need to practice for the big interview, right?

Brandon Burton 16:54
That’s right, you’re covering all the great points. So I love the idea that pitch competition, and then having those breakout sessions and trainings really to how to be more effective and future thinking about your business. I think you’d mentioned Bitcoin. And I think that there’s, you know, in the crypto world and NF Ts and Bitcoin, like that’s going to be a big part of the future of business. And chambers and businesses alike need to get on board and realize what that impact can be. And you’re not holding back any punches with your keynote speakers either. John is awesome. Yeah,

Katherine Harrington 17:31
yeah. We, it’s neat. It’ll be fun to see where we go with our keynote this year. So yeah, yeah, fingers. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 17:39
Well, let’s, let’s shift gears, then over to the West Des Moines Leadership Academy, and talk to us about what that entails. And maybe what sets it apart from other leadership classes that other chambers might put on. Yeah,

Katherine Harrington 17:54
it’s really, really interesting what we do there some leadership academies, you learn more about the city, you might learn more about, like how the police is run, or how, you know, planning and zoning is run or city council, things like that. But we take the Leadership Academy, we kind of put it on its side a little bit. And we go deep into the humanity of you as a leader. What makes a good leader? And and that’s a complicated answer. And that’s multifaceted. So we have experts that come in are experts in their field, to really try to help those leaders know who they are, first of all, a lot of people we think we might be self aware, but only 10% of humans are really literally self aware. So you know, how self aware are you analyzing that understanding how you can become more self aware. And great leaders make great companies. So that’s what we want to train our great leaders so that they then as they’re leading their company, or soon to be leading their company, we’re trying to give them that incredible humanity, caring, loving, honest, open, transparent acumen that they can take to their companies. And, and it’s really, that they can also take to their personal lives, because we’re teaching them not only how to be a great leader, but a great human. So it’s, it is very intensive. And sometimes there’s crying in these, because you learn a lot about yourself that you did not see or you could not see or you didn’t want to see. So it is absolutely it’s like a therapy session. Right. So, so it’s it’s really neat, but another component of a Leadership Academy is nonprofit fundraising. We love to raise money for others in our town and most of our signature events have a component of nonprofit fundraising, based around sponsorship so so we the leadership can’t To me this year raised nearly $50,000, for the local community school district, for refugees that are coming into our city that don’t have the resources don’t have the means to find the housing, whatever that they’re looking for. So we raised $50,000, for a refugee program in our city, so impactful.

Brandon Burton 20:23
That is awesome. I know, just locally, I’m in the Dallas area. And my wife through our church was very involved with refugees, a couple of walls, I guess, was pre COVID. And they were allowed to, and some of the most humble people and great experiences working with them and hearing their stories and just life changing. So the fact that you guys are raising funds to help out those refugees, it changes lives. So that is a huge impact in your community.

Katherine Harrington 20:53
Is that need to be part of the chamber where you can change people’s lives. I mean, I’ve, I’ve worked for nonprofit organizations my whole life. And I should have started the chamber years ago for and I’ve only been involved for a little over two years. And I’m just like, Oh, I love it with all my heart. It’s amazing work.

Brandon Burton 21:10
Yes. So tell me a little bit more about the discovering the self awareness. So you mentioned now it’s like a therapy session. I as you’re talking about it, I’m picturing all the aha moments where people are like, oh, you know what, I’ve been living my whole life on somebody else’s agenda. You know, let me realize who I am and what I want. So is that kind of how you see things unfold? Or what are? What are some of the experiences that you’ve seen come out of that?

Katherine Harrington 21:38
Well, yeah, we literally have. So we have a number of expert speakers and book writers that are nationally published, that we do hire we pay, you have to audition to be one of our leadership academy trainers. And we do have a super high standard. So we built a great reputation for that. So there are a ha moments. I mean, I remember one woman in particular, you know, standing up saying, you’ve changed my life, this is life changing. And the fact that I know this now, you know, I can take this everywhere with me wherever I go, it was just something really personal. But that that is incredible. That’s so meaningful. So it’s just very fulfilling.

Brandon Burton 22:24
Yeah. And I mean, that’s the, for me, that’s the whole point of a chamber is to be able to, you know, improve your community. And to be able to start with changing individual lives, especially if those people are business owners, the refugees that are coming to the country and starting businesses starting a life here, all of it is going to play into a greater city, a greater community overall. So that kind of transitions into the next question I was going to ask you is, how do you view the role of the Western chamber? What what is your role in your community from your stance? Oh, goodness,

Katherine Harrington 23:02
well, we want to put Western Moines on the map worldwide, literally, and no idea is too, too big or too small to do that. And right now, our biggest need in our community is talent, attraction, workforce attraction. And so we are trying to do everything we can to bring more people to West Des Moines. Now, the way people choose their cities, and places they work is they choose the city first. And then they’ll choose where they want to work after they’ve mobilized and figure out what city do I want to live in. So we are trying along with our city of West Des Moines team, we work closely with them. We’re really trying to trying to create that best city in America to live work and play in every facet. But our job is to promote our city. Think of those big ideas that we can activate and make happen. Because we can we’ve got the means we’ve got the desire, we got the passion, and we can find the money, whatever it is. So we’ve got some really exciting ideas for the future. But we just published for instance, a magazine called 515 West and it is a talent attraction magazine. It is a showpiece. We are going to put it up for some awards, but it’s beautifully designed, captivating, you know, double page spreads that highlights our people or humanity or the beautiful parts of our city, or Parks and Recreation. And we’re gonna be advertising that magazine across the country and targeting key cities that may not have all of the great amenities like West Des Moines has, right? We have a safe, safe community. Our housing prices are low compared to some of your, you know, major cities, our traffic, we don’t have any traffic jams. It’s like 10 minutes to get everywhere. So that We have really, really, really friendly humans, like everybody here is for others. It’s not about me, it’s about how can I help you. And everybody has that acumen. And we’re continually trying to build that and model for others. So we’re huge model. And we’re modeling for the community, right? This is, how can I help you? So we are excited to advertise the 515, West magazine in LA, Denver, Boston, Hartford, Connecticut, because we are a financial and insurance center in the US. But we’re LA, Chicago. So cities like that where you know, it every thought of West Des Moines. style. Yeah, exactly. So we’re going to do a social media campaign in those cities promoting our city to hopefully cross our fingers build interest, awareness and attention and love for our city.

Brandon Burton 25:55
So hopefully, it doesn’t bring the traffic jams with it. Well,

Katherine Harrington 25:59
I know infrastructure is Uh huh. Our whole region has a march to a million theme, which, you know, we’re all we’re all trying to bring more people here to our beautiful city and more people from all over the world all over the country and world. So yeah, and you asked earlier, Brandon, our size of a chamber, we just reached a million dollars in revenue, which is we, that’s new for us. So a million dollar chamber, and even through the pandemic. So, we’ve, we’ve we’ve done really well with serving our community. So yeah, we’re strong chamber.

Brandon Burton 26:36
That is awesome. So as a chamber, the year finalists, I look at all the finalists as as they were kind of setting the benchmark in the chamber world, you guys are doing great things. And I’m curious to see if you have any tips or action items for chambers who are listening who might are interested in taking their chamber up to the next level? What suggestions would you have for them?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Katherine Harrington 27:00
I would say don’t be afraid to make bold decisions. Don’t compare yourselves to other chambers. Be unique. Be yourself. Go big. And, you know, I think that’s huge. And that’s just something that, that we challenge ourselves every day, how big can we think how big can we go. And then from a culture perspective, we live, eat and breathe positivity and loving others, and caring for others. So having that acumen I think will set you apart from other other organizations, other people, it is very, very important to keep that positive mindset and look at things on the positive side, chamber life is a lot as we all know, if you’re listening to this, you’re part of a chamber you know, you know, many people walk through your door every day, you get interesting phone calls you you know you have, you’re dealing with so many so many beautiful people in the world. But always see, the positive side always know it’s from comes from a place of good intent. Don’t you know, I’m just always about loving others, and you never know what somebody else is going through. So always give them love back, even if you might not be getting it right. Because sometimes people walk in the door, and they may not be happy about something, it rarely happens to us. But I’ve heard other chambers, you know, having difficulty and I’ve been reading the other blogs and the Facebook, you know, different pages and channels and stuff. But just charging through doing all you can to help others and love others and model for others I think is is just so important to us.

Brandon Burton 28:51
And that goodwill will come back to you as well. Even if they’re not in a mind frame of state of mind to return that love at some point, it always comes back around. So I like that advice. And I like the idea of being bold and going big. Because I think a lot of chambers might be a little scared to go too bold or too big because any fallout that may happen or risk that comes along with it. But you know, have those big dreams and it’s not so much for to make a risk. But to make a difference in your community. You have to dream big and and be bold. So I love that.

Katherine Harrington 29:33
It’s so true. And a lot of it too is imagining revenue streams that are new, unique, different that nobody else is maybe doing because to be a chamber you have to build revenue because you’ve got overhead. Of course you’ve got your staff, but thinking of new ways that you’ve never thought of before to monetize things. You know, we’re a business just like every other business. So treating it like a business is not like a nonprofit, but like a business. We partnered, for instance, our chamber has never done this before in the history of our chamber, we’re partnering with an organization, and we’re selling culture licenses. So we’re helping companies and humans understand what it means to create great culture at their organizations. And because culture is more than we’ve got a beanbag chair over here, and we, you know, we’ve got fabulous beer Fridays, and you get to get off at one o’clock, its culture is a lot more than that. It’s more than than a ping pong table that gets dusty in the middle of the, you know, break room, right? So. So there is a science behind it, there is a science around it. So we’re trying to help companies understand how they can create the best culture. And so we’re starting to launch a program called better culture brought to you by the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, and it’s a neat online program self paced, and very, very valuable information. So we’re really excited about that. So, you know, so think of revenue streams that you can build. They know how that helps you grow as a chamber. So that’s, that’s one thing I would say to

Brandon Burton 31:16
like that. And I would, I could sit here and pick your brain for the next hour or two about different revenue stream ideas. But maybe we save that for another conversation. Yes, yeah. So no chambers all over always looking towards the future. And you gave great advice of looking for those revenue streams and staying relevant. But how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Katherine Harrington 31:41
Wow. You know, as chambers become larger, it’s interesting in our in our region, we have 24 chambers in our city, which your eyes Brandon’s eyes got big right now. And it’s like, there’s a lot of choices, right. But chambers are in a very unique position to think innovatively creatively, to work with their cities to do the same. I see Chambers as really the leader that helps cities grow and flourish and become the city of the future. And that all depends upon your team, your team has to have that acumen. Right. They have to be that innovative, passionate, hard working mindset in order to do that, but I really see chambers being this, the leaders to help drive those cities for the future thinking of placemaking opportunities, you know, like, what can we do? Mayor, you know, what can we do a mayor city of West Des Moines to create placemaking opportunities that we don’t have here that helps attract the best talent. Maybe we have an indoor, I don’t know, an indoor downhill ski resort. You know, again, we don’t have mountains or an ocean and palm trees. But think big, like, what are the things that we don’t have that will attract and draw, and I listened to a podcast this morning. I love podcasting. It’s so fun. And they talked about small cities being Guinness book world record holders at on various things. One is the largest ball of twine. Okay, but it’s, but it’s a city attraction mechanism. It is, you know, it’s like this draws this ball of twine draws people to the city. So you know, so I see the Chamber’s as as real innovative hub to help cities build the city of the future. And if cities work together like we do, we have a really strong relationship with our city. And we work closely together because they are just incredible. We all have common goals, right. But I see us as the real innovators, that’s going to propel a city forward.

Brandon Burton 33:52
I love that great, great answer. Great response. I live podcast too. So clearly. Katherine, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you and learn more about how you guys are doing things there in West Des Moines. What would be the best way for them to reach out and connect?

Connect with Katherine Harrington

Katherine Harrington 34:13
Yeah, sure. My email And you can see all of our contact information at Our hashtag we’re using is #GoWestWDM and my cell phone number which never leaves my hip Much to my husband’s chagrin is 515-689-4447.

Brandon Burton 34:47
Right now, I’ll get that in the show notes for this episode as well. So anybody listening can go there to find that contact information. But Katherine, this has been great having you on the show. Great discussion, you guys. We’re making a huge impact in your city. And I wish you guys Best of luck as chamber the year.

Katherine Harrington 35:05
Thank you, Brandon. I just want to say, you know, I, I steer the ship, but I don’t you know, I don’t I don’t drive it. Well, I steer it but I don’t. I don’t I’m not the engine, right? Yeah engine of the ship as our team and they are incredible people. And they’re so smart, and they’re so intelligent, I learn something new from them every day. And our board. Our committees are, you know, I could go on and on and on hundreds of members, they’re just all in it together. And I love it so much. So it’s not about me, it’s about our village and our beautiful community and people that support it. So thank you to the chamber team.

Brandon Burton 35:47
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Paducah Area Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Sandra Wilson

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Sandra Wilson. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now your host he enjoys reading personal development books. He’s my dad Brandon.

Hello, chamber champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Brandon Burton 1:00
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Have you ever thought about creating a podcast for your chamber? We always hear about how chambers need to be storytellers. What better way is there to tell the stories of your members and the work of your chamber than through a podcast?

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Guest Introduction

This is a special episode and our 2022 ACCE chamber the year finalist series and our guests for this episode is Sandra Wilson. Sandra is President and CEO of the Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce in Kentucky. She joined the chamber in 2013 after working 26 years for a large manufacturer as Public Affairs Manager. As a community volunteer. She was the first woman to serve as Chairman of the Board of the Paducah area Chamber in 1996. And later also the first woman to chair the Paducah Economic Development Board. on a statewide level, she served as chairman of the Kentucky Manufacturers Association and on the boards of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and leadership, Kentucky. She’s a graduate from Murray State University Leadership, Kentucky and leadership but Paducah.

Sandra, I’m excited to have you with me today on chamber chat podcast. Congratulations being selected as a chamber of the year finalist. Why don’t you take a few minutes to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and share something interesting about yourself so we can all get to know you a little better.

Sandra Wilson 3:11
Oh, thank you, Brandon. It’s it’s my honor to be on your show today. We really appreciate the opportunity to talk about the our chamber here in our community. And so thank you for this invitation. We were thrilled to be named to finalists for chamber of the year. It’s tough competition. It’s a lot of work. And so we’re very excited about it. The Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce, of course is located in Western Kentucky. We are a city of about 26,000 and a county that includes our city of about 65,000. We’ve been around a long time. We were established in the I don’t know that 80 years ago, we have over 900 members. And we just wake up every morning and go to sleep every night thinking about how we can make our community better. I bet you hear that a lot. But that’s that’s what we do. We say that anyway, it’s a great honor to serve our community. For me, you know, I did work in manufacturing for many years, and was always active with the chamber. So when I in 2013, I had the opportunity to become the president and CEO of the chamber. I was like yes, yes pick me. I’m so excited to be in this role. For a fun fact. I years ago many years ago was on the prices right? And it wasn’t the hour long version. It was a nighttime version. They were trying out with Tom Kennedy as the host who is also from Kentucky. That’s a story with itself. And I was in Watch out in California and they interview you or they did at the time and they asked me where I was from and I said Paducah, Kentucky. It’s halfway between monkey’s eyebrow and Possum Trot. And I’ll never forget the like one of the three selectors looking at me say are those names was a rural towns? And I was like, yes, yes, they are. And they said, What are you doing live in there? And I just kind of made a joke about what I’ve been asking myself that same question. So then I got on the show and was a big winner. Then about two years after that, somebody was at the movie theater, and they called me and said, You’re in a movie. And so I was in the movie, the flight of the Navigator. It’s a really fun kids movie. And the little boy is gone in a spaceship, and he’s trying to get home. And the family is trying to help him talk him into getting home, and they’re watching television or the television is on in their den. And at one part in the movie, the whole movie screen goes to the TV screen. And it’s Tom Kennedy and me standing there in the process, right? So I’ve been in a Disney movie, I’ve been on the process, right, and just had a great time. I guess I want career.

Brandon Burton 5:58
That is awesome. I love that I’d love asking this question because I get to learn these these neat things. Now I need to rewatch flight of the Navigator. We watched it during the COVID pandemic with our kids. And I can introduce them to that. But I need to go back on the Disney plus now in what three watch that.

Sandra Wilson 6:15
It’s a fun movie. And you know, I also work with our leadership pudica program. And so every year, you know, when you’re getting to know each other, I usually kind of tell that story about it. And it does. It’s not too long before somebody will either find that section in the movie, or I’ve even I tell them if they become the best class ever. I will show them the video of when I’m on the process, right? Because there’s kind of a funny moment at the end when I do when the showcase. And Tom Kennedy comes up to me and says Sandra, what do you have to say, and I just kind of froze and said, pitch me is this rail, and sock almost kind of feel that way now about being a finalist of chamber of the year. It’s just such an honor and such a thrill.

Brandon Burton 6:56
That is awesome, good, good loop coming, bringing it full circle back to the chamber of the year. So you mentioned a little bit about your chamber that you know just over 900 members and tell us a little bit more maybe you know Scope of Work size of staff budget, things like that just to help give us a better idea. Before we get into our discussion.

About the Paducah Area Chamber

Sandra Wilson 7:18
Here we have a staff of five, myself, we have a vice president of operations. We have a Member Services Director, a programs and public policy director and then our administrative assistant. So we are a small staff that we’re very mighty. And we run a lot of different programs. I would say the Paducah chamber is probably known the most for our advocacy efforts. And I think that’s one reason why I was chosen for this position as well is because I’ve been working in advocacy, really my entire career. I worked for a paper mill before and worked on stateless at the state legislature on the state level. And on the federal level, I’ve always gone to our state capitol, I’ve always gone to DC, some so I knew all of that. And we have been very involved with advocacy. We have the Department of Energy site here that closed in 2013, the week before actually started at the chamber. So we knew that things were going to be changing. They had been in operations for 5060 years. And they were closing, but they’re still going to be here another 3040 years in the cleanup phase. So we had to start working on getting that in place, making sure that the contractors were going to be part of the community that we were going to get the funding that we needed. So those are things that in our advocacy efforts. We’re known for going to DC and asking. And I’ve been told back senators and our congressmen that we’re not scared to ask, you know, Ron, pretty, we’re pretty persistent. When we say something that our community needs, and we try to be organized, we try to make our case, be respectful, and really push for things that we need from the federal level and from the state level.

Brandon Burton 9:00
That that helps. And the advocacy work is so important to and I’m glad to see you guys have grasped on to that. And that’s kind of your area of expertise as far as work at your chamber. Yes, thank

Sandra Wilson 9:13
you. It is a it is a big part of us. I would think I would also say that we really have added a lot for small business. We started a cohort program in 2021. We had 16 to graduate from it. We used to nationally known author Mike McCalla wits is booked fixes next. He actually we contracted with him to join us for two sessions. So we we’ve done a lot of seminars and you know, when COVID hit, all of us had to change the way we were running our chambers. And so we did that we pivoted we wanted to help our small businesses to stay in business. We brought in a lot of resources for them, to help them into advise them. And so I think that’s some They’ll set we’re known for and then really just being a convener of people through a lot of our different programs. We have just finished our 35th year for leadership Paducah. We just finished our 11th year for our youth league program. We have a really active particular young professionals program. We’ve started some other set to intern initiative. So all of that some time kind of ties into workforce because we know every place is short of workers. And we’re all trying to get those. So we’ve encouraged our employers to hire interns, and then we’ve encouraged them to have the interns get involved with us, because we want them to work with young professionals and to fall in love with our community and want to come back here and live and work.

Brandon Burton 10:45
I love that. So for our topic for our discussion today, being that this is a chamber the year finalist episode, what I like to do is focus on the two programs synopsis you guys submitted with your chamber that your application will dive into that discussion with those programs as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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All right, Sandra, we are back. Why don’t you tell us maybe just at a high level first what the two programs are that you guys submitted on your your chamber that your application and then we’ll circle back around into a little more detail on each of them.

Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

Sandra Wilson 14:04
Great, I think the application boy it really helps you evaluate what you’ve done. And so we had part of our advocacy efforts had been to work with the FAA through the Department of Transportation, the US Department of Transportation and with our state about our airport. We are one EPA is one of only five commercial airports in Kentucky. We had united service to Chicago for two flights a day with through the local cons of local carrier with Sky West and we are an EIS airport, which is the central air service. So we do get a subsidy from the federal government on that. And we were operating out of a terminal that was built in 1953. So it really was preventing us from growing and so thinking back this was written 2018 and 2019 there was I’m the actually the call about the possibility of us being able to get 20 million from the Federal Aviation Administration to replace our old terminal came to the political chamber. So we took that on. And we’ve worked very closely to raise the money. And we have, you know, the community itself has been very successful in getting that money. And we had a groundbreaking and have that under construction right now to get a new airport terminal here. Excuse me, the second one, the second program that we submitted was called leaders for the future. And we, during COVID, you know, we were working really hard to keep all of our leadership programs viable and relevant. But you know, when you’ve got 30, or 40, people on Zoom calls, and they’re listening to speakers all day, it kind of totally changes the direction or changes the focus of your leadership programs. So it really helped us just there were two things that helped us to establish our second synopsis. And that was the Leadership Center. And we had a foundation with our leadership for the foundation. And we thought that that would be a way to expand our funding was to use our foundation, which many chambers do, we’ve had our change our foundations, and we felt like we wanted to grow that. So we raised half a million dollars in our community during COVID, to establish the leadership center so that we could enhance our current program and expand our program as well.

Brandon Burton 16:29
So talk let’s talk about that one. First that talk to us a little bit more about the leadership center. Is that a physical location where people come in is that in general, kind of the the infrastructure is it both tell us what that is exactly what it’s,

Sandra Wilson 16:47
it’s housed here at the chamber. And I would say our goal for this that we really focused on in our synopsis was establishing the Leadership Center and raising the funding for it and determining the direction. So we there was a gentleman by the name of Dr. Nick brake, who’s with Western Kentucky University, who had done a study of small cities and some of the things that they were lacking. And we looked through that and studied it and Lee studied it studied Paducah. And leadership training was a was something that was missing on a on a broader level. So that’s where we felt like we could come in, we had a proven track record with our leadership, Paducah class, and our youth lead and our young professionals and the different programs that are involved with that. And we felt like we could expand and enhance that programming. And to make it stronger. We also are active with association of leadership programs. It’s a national organization for leadership programs. And you see, in the end, those about a lot of leadership centers are indeed separate independent in their community and that half are run through the chamber. We want to keep all of that bass through the chamber. We just wanted to make it a new branding, I would guess a new branding and a new way to enhance all of our programming.

Brandon Burton 18:08
Okay. All right. So it sounds like you already had the foundation setup before you went down that road. What was the basis for the foundation? How long have you had that I’d like to share more information about that for chambers that maybe don’t have a foundation set up yet. And the value in having one and being able to leverage that to further the mission of your chamber.

Sandra Wilson 18:32
Well, of course, if you’re involved with ACCE, you know how important foundations are, and they’ve really focused a lot of the attention on that. And I appreciate that because it is a new way to change some of your funding and to leverage being a 501 C three foundation. So it is a process to go through. We had established ours for the leadership pudica foundation many years ago. And it was it prior to me being here, but it was for our leadership programs that I don’t think we had leveraged as as much as we could. And so we took that on and to try to really make it more visible in the community. We did not want to do a capital campaign to raise money for our leadership center our community had has a lot of capital campaigns going on for other organizations, that was not our intent to compete with those our intent was to just reach out to those that we felt like would want to be with Bob with us on it and we could benefit from it and raise that money in and start the programs.

Brandon Burton 19:37
Okay. Now that that gives a good idea of kind of that that founding and structure leading into that that program. So let’s say circle back with the at the airport terminal. At some point as you guys are going down that path with you know, getting the money for it and kind of seeing In the development of it, the COVID pandemic hits, right. And what were the thoughts as you guys kind of navigated through those waters to see the first when travel in general really got shut down, but then all the other ramifications that have come with that.

Sandra Wilson 20:21
Who could have ever predicted what was going to happen with COVID-19, and how it was going to impact what areas, you know, so many things have rebounded quickly, and travelers certainly rebounded quickly. But we were in the midst of that we had, you know, we have a relative, we’ve gone to DC every year for the last 20 plus years, we take about 50 to 60 people every September, and meet with the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation with, we also have a large river industry here. So we’re very active with the maritime industry, Mayor Ed in DC, of course, we would meet with most of the all of the congressman from Kentucky, we’ve actually met with Congressman from Tennessee, and some in Mississippi at different times that are on committees that would impact operations that we might have in here. So we had been talking about our terminal for years with the Department of Transportation. And in fact, in 2007, we were in DC and I we we included a copy of this in our application, the front page story, we were on the front page of the newspaper, that FAA was going to give us a certain amount of money at that time that we could use for a new terminal. But we came home and we were going to have to raise a lot of the money ourselves locally. And at that point, you know, just did not happen. The timing was not right, I would say. So circle back, we continue going to DC every year, we continue talking about the Essential Air Service how important that is to us. We build great relationships. And the FAA has a program that will help provide funding for new terminals. And we find out about it. In fact, I love to say the call came in to the chamber that this funding was available and $20 million. And so you had to have a lot of matching funds. There were a lot of qualifications that you had to do to get that 20 million, but we embraced it. We knew that the only way we were going to be able to continue to grow our airport was to have a new terminal. We were very severely restricted for a lot of things out there with our small, almost 70 year old terminal. So we met with the Federal Aviation Administration, we can actually out let me back up and say we convened the people in our community that can make that happen. We made the call to the mayor, we made the call to the board, chair of the airport, the Regional Authority Board for the airport. We brought them together, we coordinated phone calls with the Department of Transportation and then we brought in the Memphis district of the FIA to Paducah. It met with them and started this whole process. But we then it became very evident 20 million was not going to build a new airport terminal. So at that point, we started looking at on a statewide level, because our chamber is also very active in the state. So we have state priorities that we develop every year that we’re working on while our legislature is in session. And so we determined that we were going to ask our state legislature for money for the new terminal as well. About that time, we had a governor’s race going on which booths becoming pretty hotly contested. And so we have hosted forums before and we decided, well, let’s go for a gubernatorial forum, and see if we can get that. And we have a really good reputation for doing those and keeping them nonpartisan and making sure that the crowds very respectful. In fact, when people come to our forums are not allowed to even clap or talk during the forum so that we have the media asking the question, but we typically reserve it where we can ask a chamber related question to so because the airport funding was on our state priorities. That was our question to the current governor and his challenger. Where do you see the state being able to help our Paducah airport, Barclay Regional Airport with racing funds to build a new terminal? And both both knew that that question was going to be on there. They were very prepared and both pledged to help that. So at a minimum of 5 million, we were hoping for more but they both pledged that day for 5 million. So this was in November of 2019. And then, you know, of course there it was there at that form was in October of 2019. So then, the election is done in November and the new governor takes office and we immediately are Frankfort meeting with him at our state capitol reminding him of that pledge. And he comes to Paducah in February of 2020, with a check for $5 million.

And, you know, we have the big announcement at the airport. So, you know, we’re beginning to get a 20 million from FAA, we see other funding we can apply for with FAA, we’re getting the 5 million from the state. So we’re beginning to build so much momentum. And then of course, COVID, hit March of 2020. But we didn’t give up because we knew that once COVID was passed, that we really did feel like the air, you know, people would begin to travel again. And we wanted to have our new terminal ready for when that happened. Never would we have imagined that we would have the pilot shortage that we have. Now, I don’t know how you could have predicted that. But you know, the major airlines have a lot of their pilots over 6000 have retired during COVID. So they have been utilizing smaller airport terminals, smaller airline carriers, getting those pilots to go to work for them. So there’s just a shortage right now of pilots. But we haven’t stopped. I mean, we are continuing, we may be changing carriers or a lot of things that may be changing with the airport. But we still have a new terminal under construction, we’ve ended up raising over $42 million for it, our city and our county both are participating in it, we were able to get more money for during the COVID many. So we are in a really good place right now for the airport. And we felt you know that we helped to launch that and feel very proud that to play the role that we did to get the thing going on the funding.

Brandon Burton 26:43
So you had mentioned you know how often you guys are going to Washington and and you know, advocating for for Paducah. How is it that you had mentioned you got a call about the FFA FAA funding? How is it that you are on their radar? Is it because of your trips to Washington and those relationships that you built you built over the years? Or how did that had? Looking back? How do you see things as they came together?

Sandra Wilson 27:11
Well, I do think it’s relationships and, and being vocal about what you need. You know, our senators and our congressmen knew that we wanted to try to get funding for a new terminal, that we were growing our airport, it’s very important for our economy in this community. And we’re very proud to be one of only five airports in Kentucky commercial airports. It was, you know, we had two flights a day go into Chicago, and they were both full pre COVID. And that has been picking back up. It’s I think, you know, it’s it’s critical that you know, the people you have relationships, and they know your needs.

Brandon Burton 27:53
Yeah. And I think I love this program, because when you think back 70 years ago, I mean, I wasn’t around, but the technology and aircraft alone, and how it syncs up with these terminals and everything, I’m sure, yeah, it was overdue for an upgrade, just to keep up with the times and technologies.

Sandra Wilson 28:15
You know, they’re one thing about in community sometimes or in with with chambers, I think sometimes we can be humble. And we, we like to put the credit to others in our community. And so it’s hard for us to say, well, we helped lead that effort. But we did I mean in. And I think that’s what that was kind of a good process to be able to talk about that. In the in the synopsis, we had all of the research from the airport about why we would need a new terminal we’d been fighting for, you know, looking for funding for years. And it just all finally came together. And it takes an organization like a chamber of commerce, that has the the the knowledge and the grit, and the willingness to take it on and really to help push. Now, again, I’m going to say we’re just what we were one part of it, I’m gonna push all a lot of the credit, our city and county both got involved. We had a great air later at the airport, you know, their board was very active. So you know, it’s a lot of credit goes to a lot of organizations and individuals that we were very proud to have played our part to help get it launched and to bring people together to begin the discussion. And to have the attitude that yes, the time is now we can do this. Why would we wait? Why would we not embrace the fact that we we can make this happen?

Brandon Burton 29:44
Right. And I believe that you do need to talk about those wins, those influences you’ve had in the community and showing that you’re able to convene those leaders and influencers to make something happen. Otherwise, how do those leaders and influencers realize how to get some something big like this done in the future if they don’t fully understand the role of the chamber as a convener as a champion as a catalyst, you need to be talking about it. So good job to you guys. Thank you. I wanted to ask you has it as the chamber, the year finalist, how do you see the role of the Paducah chamber in your community?

Sandra Wilson 30:22
We are a strong convener of people, we are a I hope people would look to us as the leader, that if they have an at an advocacy issue, and we saw that during COVID-19, a lot, you know, a lot of companies would call us and ask us specific questions, and we knew who to put them involved with. If we didn’t have the answer ourselves, we were connecting them with Department of unemployment or the Small Business Administration. So a connector, a convener and a leader. Those are some of the roles that we really embrace the most.

Brandon Burton 30:55
I love that and such important roles as well. So I’d like to asking if you might have any tips or action items for listeners who may want to take their chamber up to the next level, what would you suggest that they maybe look at or try implementing at their chamber,

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Sandra Wilson 31:14
I think it’s important that you have a strong board that support you. And looking at the big picture of what your community needs, and you can’t, you may not be able to be all things to everybody, but maybe you pick up the things that you see are the most important and that your board is supportive of, and just really work on them. I know I’m you know, I can be persistent, hidden and probably pushy sometimes. But if we have an issue that we believe in so much, and that our community has identified as really important way, I just feel like we have to fight for it, we have to go for it, and try to do things that will help your community to grow and be a stronger community. So I think you have to have strong leadership. And you have to have a great plan, a strategic plan of where you want to go and what’s important to your community.

Brandon Burton 32:16
Yeah, I think it’s so important to have that strong supportive board. And to realize that you as the chamber, you have some some direction, on who those people are, how they support you, like, dive in deep and learn how to work with a board to develop a strong supportive board. So

Sandra Wilson 32:37
very important, you can’t you have to have a strong board, we’ve talked about that we had a training in Kentucky this week, where we just talked a little bit about board orientation, recruiting board members, onboarding them, and I just can’t stress enough how important it is that you have the right people on your board.

Brandon Burton 33:00
And I’m sure every time you hear a training on board development, you always hear something like, oh, yeah, and it may not be something brand new, but it’s like, I need to do that better, or I need to implement that. But you know, it’s usually stuff you’ve heard before, but it’s how to make it all work as a well oiled machine.

Sandra Wilson 33:18
Absolutely. I came away with notes this week. And I’ve been doing this for a long time now. But you know, on the legal side, the financial side, the obligation side, those are the things you know, we have, we do have a strong board, and we have great board meetings, and we have great participation. But boy, then you start talking deducted. I have reminded them of that, do they understand that all of these others, the simple things, I like to look at the big picture things,

Brandon Burton 33:44
right? Absolutely. So I like asking everyone I have on the show, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Sandra Wilson 33:54
Why ICC is doing a lot of study on that, how to build a chamber for the future. And I know that they have a lot of information about it. But I think you have to be ready to be the leader in your community, and be accepting of that role. And be willing to do that. And I going back to what we’ve talked about earlier, you have to determine what’s important for you and for your community and be really willing to take that leadership role. And let’s face it, every community has different issues, you know, larger communities have may be able to take on different projects in what we would larger chambers can take on different issues in what we can with a staff of five. So you have to be collaborative with other organizations in your community if you’re a small community and, and be willing to have courage. I would think that with courage and purpose those are two words that ICCE talks about and I would say amen to that you have to lead with courage and purpose.

Brandon Burton 35:00
I love that. So Sandra, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who may want to reach out and learn more about how you’re doing things. They’re in Paducah what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect with you.

Connect with Sandra Wilson

Sandra Wilson 35:16
Well, my direct email is I’m going to spell Paducah. It’s p a But it could Or if you forget s Wilson, you can always send it to info at Paducah, And it’ll come to me, always happy to help. I have gone through the IBM program with the US Chamber. And, you know, I’m not saying I have it all down, Pat. But I’m happy to tell you this challenges that we’ve seen, the trial and errors we’ve gone through and the successes we’ve had that have been some of the big, you know, just great celebrations, and I believe in celebrating the wins when you have them and in our community. And you need to look for those every day to try to celebrate the things that you’re doing right and not get caught up in the little things that are in the weeds. And I’m talking to myself right now, while I’m saying that to you because it’s easy to do. And in our meeting earlier this week with other chamber execs, if you’re not in the chamber world, you don’t really understand what goes on in the chamber world. And so we have to really support each other. And that’s why I’m always happy to talk to anyone and support them in any way that I can.

Brandon Burton 36:28
I love that. And that is such a great trait amongst chamber leaders as well being able to offer that support and mentorship. I’ll say that so

Sandra Wilson 36:39
absolutely. Thank you, Brandon for what you do with the podcast that what a great resource for our profession.

Brandon Burton 36:45
Thank you. I enjoy doing it and hope everybody’s getting a lot of value from from listening to people like you that Sandra this has been great having you on the show. Thank you for spending time with us today on Chamber Chat Podcast and wanted to wish you and the Paducah area Chamber Best of luck as chamber of the year.

Sandra Wilson 37:04
Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

Brandon Burton 37:07
If you are a chamber professional, please subscribe to chamber chat podcast

Brandon Burton 33:27
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North Tampa Bay Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Hope Kennedy

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Hope Kennedy. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now your hosts his Saturdays are full with his daughter’s volleyball and basketball games. He’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Hello, chamber champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and you’re joining us for a special episode as we interview the 2022 ACC chamber the year finalist in this chamber the year finalist series.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Tony Felker, President and CEO of the Frisco Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for him.

Tony Felker 0:47
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Brandon Burton 1:09
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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is hoped Kennedy Hope is the president and CEO of the North Tampa Bay Chamber in Florida. Hope assumed the role of president and CEO in July of 2012 and as a Florida certified chamber professional. Since this time, she’s led the organization through two chamber acquisitions, a name and brand change and a stringent certification process. In 2019, the North Tampa Bay chamber was recognized as chamber the year by the Florida Association of chamber professionals hopes work to support businesses of all sizes fans her entire career. Before joining the Wesley Chapel chamber in 2012. She served Pensacola Chamber members as the organization’s vice president of membership. During her tenure hope was instrumental in the recovery efforts post Hurricane Ivan and the BP oil spill. In this role hope also successfully designed implemented strategies resulting in the engagement of more than 200 of Pensacola businesses business leaders in a campaign to attract Southwest Airlines. Hope has also led membership and business development for United Way and the capital area as well as the greater Jackson chamber partnership both in Jackson, Mississippi. In 2001, her chamber received a prestigious recognition for being a pride business ally from the tampa bay business journal. In 2017, the tampa bay business journal named her as one of Tampa Bay’s most 100 influential business people. In 2005, the Mississippi Business Journal recognized hope as a top 40 under 40 for the state of Mississippi in 2008. ACCE awarded her for outstanding membership and in 2010 The Independent News in Pensacola named Hope a rising star. Hope is an MBA candidate at the University of Florida and earned her undergraduate degree in business from Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi, and resides in North Tampa with her 16 year old daughter. Hope I’m excited to have you with me here on Chamber Chat Podcast. First of all, congratulations for being selected as a chamber the year finalist. But why don’t you take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and yourself?

Hope Kennedy 4:11
Yeah, hello to all my Chamber Champions. Those of us who are doing what I call the Lord’s work. They jack of all trades and the masters of nine. Thank you so much, Brandon, for having me here with you today. As you can tell them a chamber junkie. I’ve been doing this started in the basement in Jackson, Mississippi. Um, you wanted me to give a something a lot of people don’t know. In the chamber world. I was bitten by a pygmy rattlesnake. I’m live to tell about it. So there’s my fun there’s more of a story there. Yeah, there’s a very good story behind that of it. I stepped on the little guy and and ended up in ICU for five days. is so so there’s my fun fact of me.

Brandon Burton 5:04
Yeah. Wow, that is that is something interesting for sure that you weren’t expecting that one. No, I get to know people on a different level by asking that question. Well tell us a little bit about the North Tampa Bay chamber just to give us some perspective. Before we get into our discussion, just give us an idea of the size of the chamber type of chamber staff budget, that sort of thing.

About the North Tampa Bay Chamber

Hope Kennedy 5:28
Yeah, sure. I love to talk about it. So we’re a baby chamber, we’re only 27 years old. In the chamber world, we all know that as being a baby chamber. You alluded to it in my bio, we were the formerly the Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce. Back then, I took over in 2012. I like to refer to us with no disrespect to anyone in the industry. But we were the Mary Kay sorority, our chamber was doing all of the the fun stuff, the three P’s. Because we had to because we were the only organization in our community that was organized enough to produce events and these outcomes. As the years have gone by, we have had two mergers with two separate organizations leading us to become a Regional Chamber, we have a very large geographic footprint that we call our service area. But as we all know, chambers do not have boundaries, are you some some do just by geography of their names. But in general, US chambers have service areas. So we encompass a very large service area, just north of Tampa Bay in the city of Tampa. There are many chambers of commerce in our, in our area and our communities. And I, I love to say if you’ve seen one chamber, you’ve seen one chamber, each individual organization presents something different. And I always try and encourage our members that if you can join all of them, most certainly do that, because you’re gonna get something individualized for each and every single one of them. As far as the size of our organization, we have always been very lean and mean. We are now a staff of three. That includes myself, during the time in which we submitted this application. It is for the years, 2019 and 20. And we were a staff of two, during during that time, we had to make some very hard decisions at the beginning of COVID. We did and those are the reasons that I think that we’ve been been successful, we have just shy of 600 members. Within our within our chamber, we have a very small budget, which I’m actually not ashamed to say we are $400,000 budget. We are at 5% membership dues, which is an interesting model. And I’m sure I’ll have some interesting things to say and people will look at me just kind of a little cross eyed when when we talk about if we get a chance to talk about those things, but I have a very strong conviction that we are a membership based organization and that we should be reliant on our members to sustain our organization. So we set our budget each year based on actual retention numbers. We do not take any funding outside of our our membership organization we have a little bit of non dues revenue streams. But as far as other things we are 85% membership based

Brandon Burton 8:56
Wow. Yeah, that’s that’s not a normal thing to see these days.

Hope Kennedy 9:00
So it’s definitely not and I can tell you that it very much works for for us then in for our members and that’s

Brandon Burton 9:10
what it’s all about. But what works for your for your community. So that’s awesome. So as we do these chamber, the are finalists interviews, what I’d like to do is touch on the two programs you submitted on your chamber that your application and I look forward to diving into these programs with you learning more about what’s making the North Tampa Bay chamber great into the noticed at this level. And we’ll get into that discussion as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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Alright, hope we’re back. So as I mentioned before the break, we’ll talk about the two programs that you submitted on your chamber the your application. So let’s let’s first approach them both from maybe a high level just what the two programs are. And then we can circle back into a little bit more detail on each of them.

Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

Hope Kennedy 12:16
Well, I’ll start by saying this was not an easy exercise to nail down to programs that we wanted to showcase. And ACCE gives you the opportunity to send in your topic, synopsis reel, just a very brief and the first one came back and they loved it. The second one, they were like, No, everybody should be doing that one that one’s not going to move the needle, we want to see something else. So we looked internally to try and figure out what it is what you know, because when you do it all day, every day, and over these past couple of years, you kind of forget what you did that made an impact and what we submitted. Our first one was called the chamber roadshow. And it was a we are open a campaign that happened extraordinarily organically. There was no budget, there was no plan, there was no nothing. It just it just kind of happened. And I’m happy to dive into that and share that. And then our second one was our award show. And it wasn’t because that we took it virtually at all. That wasn’t what we wanted to highlight. What we wanted to highlight is us to focus on business Small Business of the Year Entrepreneur of the Year, new business over the year, Yatta Yatta, yatta. We knew those did not have any significance whatsoever with the year that just happened. So we had to reimagine what the awards would look like we knew that our community needed to have a celebration of sorts. As we were coming out of the shutdown, we we took a deep dive in and said, Well, why don’t we use our core values as an organization to award to our members. So instead of having Small Business of the Year, large business of the year, we went with the innovation award with the collaboration award, the inclusivity award in the integrity award. And so we set all new metrics and criteria for each of those and we spelled it out what those really meant it and then we were able to sprinkle in some community heroes into that as well. So we’re we’re very, very proud of being able to turn that into something that meant that meant our organization was highlighting the things that we hold dear. And we did it again the second year as well and our members have really taken to that in the those awards.

Brandon Burton 14:57
So I’m I want to learn more about both of these. But I have to ask the question, since you told the backstory to it, which one of these programs is one that you got the positive feedback from initially, and I only asked to help other chambers. Yeah, by in the future.

Hope Kennedy 15:12
The chamber roadshow got that one got a thumbs up. Our second submission was not our awards, if we were going to submit for our dei work. And the comments back were that all chambers should be doing that show something that you have moved the needle. Yeah. And so we, again, had to come back and look internally and say, Well, gosh, all of the stuff that we did, we couldn’t show metrics. We didn’t keep track of all of this information, to submit for an award. Just a backup really quick. Chamber of the year, ACC was not on our radar for this year. It it was I just wanted to submit the benchmarking survey. Yeah, to make sure that I was in line, I love ACC, and I love everything that they do. And I love to be able to have that data to show our board to show our volunteers. And so that was all I was doing. I was proud that I completed it, actually. And then we get the note that says, hey, you’re eligible to submit. And I sent it to my board chair, thinking, I don’t know what I was thinking I didn’t really know. I was just like, excited that we could submit. And then I started looking at some of the other applications from the year before and I was like, ready to pull the plug. I was like, we’re not ready for primetime. There’s no way we can get this done. It’s turned around. We don’t have a graphic artists, we don’t do this. Well, thankfully, my board chair who a phenomenal leader says to me and he says hope I don’t own this statement, but you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. And so I said, Alright, let’s do this. And so it was a awesome exercise. For for us in being such a small staff. I had four volunteers from my board that assisted with the application.

Brandon Burton 17:22
That’s great to get them involved with the process as well. So

Hope Kennedy 17:25
it was it was interesting, the questions that they came back and asked me, yeah, so you know, it was, again, the whole thing was just a really great exercise.

Brandon Burton 17:35
And that’s awesome. Well, let’s, let’s maybe start with the award show, you talked about reimagining the awards, making it more of a celebration, kind of looking at new metrics and criteria. Tell us how that unfolded. What did some of these new awards look like? How was how were they received, and just dive into whatever you feel would be relevant for listeners? Sure.

Hope Kennedy 18:01
So you know, I had some reservations, at the time of having an award ceremony, we still were not able to gather in the state of Florida, our awards had always been a cocktail attire, celebratory, you know, VIP event prior to just a big production. So we knew that we were going to take that all the way down to virtual in what the virtual looked like, was completely different. None of us knew what was going on. We figured it out. We lived through the logistics of that. And then when we set out for nominations, we explained what each category what we were looking for. So for collaboration, we were looking for programs from our members that showed that they collaborated with somebody else and what their metrics were and how they, they utilized it. The integrity award was more of an internal process than an examples of how they were. They showed integrity during COVID. And we used it for the last for those years. So we wanted to hear their stories about their business and how they were able to do these things to have inclusivity in within their organization when you couldn’t even meet. So

Brandon Burton 19:32
there’s kind of some healing that goes on as they’re able to tell their stories and kind of get that out there and kind of put it behind them as they move forward, I’d imagine.

Hope Kennedy 19:41
Right? And it was cathartic. It was you know and then to be able to celebrate those that were the recipients that hey, you did and do deed do some great things very similar to what you know we’re going through as an organization right now with this award. So it’s kind of like coming full circle. So we do request, nominations. And then the the business that is nominated submits an application. So we sent them the application, the application is six, five or six questions. And every application is in the same format so that it returns in the judges, they all get the same questions. And so they we had a record number of submissions that year, usually will have, I don’t even know the number right off the top of my head, I’ve heard I’ve already buried this one, onto the next thing. But usually, we have about a third that actually submit the application. That year, we had a little bit over half. So those that were nominated, actually took the time to submit their applications. So they are scored by an independent panel of judges. And then the, the judges don’t even come together. They don’t talk about it. It’s just based on those numbers. And then they’re presented. And then we have the finalists. So what we did was we made it into a storytelling opportunity. So each one of the finalists were highlighted within their categories. And so the world that was watching because we did have people watching from around the world, which was great, too. So some of the businesses whose family was out in another part of the country wouldn’t normally be able to attend a chamber award show, was able to attend and participate and watch it live. And then, so we got to tell their stories. And so the business community got to hear more about what they did. And we had watch parties. So people who were comfortable watching together as groups, a lot of the finalists companies kind of had like a company, company happy hour. And we would go we would show pictures from their watch party on the live feed. And it was great. And they were able to actually give acceptance speeches. So it was it was interactive. And, and it was great. But what we’re most proud of is that we were able to tell their stories, and it wasn’t about the chamber. At this point it was about them, and what they had done to come out of it. And you know, if one of the examples of innovation was one of our winners, was a wine company, they sell wine, they did Wine tastings, they did all of these wine pairing events, and all of these different things. Well, they weren’t technologically advanced. However, they managed to figure out a way to do wine tastings via zoom. And they did. And they have been extraordinarily successful. And they were able to get the wine to the people in the cheese, just all of the different components and then do the class online. And then all of these people could could participate. So they tapped into a whole new market that they didn’t know was even there. And so for them to share that story and how they partnered with other businesses in our community to do the same thing. So

Brandon Burton 23:25
that’s awesome. So I I’ve really liked the aspect you touched on about having viewers from all over the world, you know, in these finalists, yeah, these people have been selected to have their stories highlighted. I can imagine them sharing the link that to YouTube, or Facebook or whatever it is, for their family members or friends out of the area to watch. Like what a way to show the impact that a chamber has in a community than a broadcast. And I know we were forced to during COVID to go digital and broadcast things. But I think even going forward, there’s still some value to broadcasting some of these award shows, you know, let these people these recipients broadcast this out to their networks and show what a Chamber of Commerce is and what you do.

Hope Kennedy 24:11
Yeah. And you know, that’s very interesting, because we’re, we’re still doing that we’re able to tap into national speakers now and do in person or live stream or whatever the case is that we wouldn’t have access to had it not been for COVID. So we’re still doing hybrid type programming. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 24:37
And I think at some point, it may go away from being a hybrid, and just this is the program and we have it being broadcast as well. So absolutely, yeah. Just to reach

Hope Kennedy 24:46
out where you’re, yeah. So you have to go where your members are. Yeah, and if they’re stuck at their desk, let’s go to them there.

Brandon Burton 24:52
Right. Well tell us more about the chamber roadshow and what that entails because that obviously caught some attention initially. So let’s say let’s learn more about that program. Oh, well.

Hope Kennedy 25:05
So it all starts with a story. And I think as chambers you’re starting to catch the theme of of our world in those times is we were storytellers. And we have to be able to tell the story of how great we are as an organization, but then also realize that it’s not about us, it’s about our members and telling their story. So after we could go back to the office, during the the height of the pandemic, and we were all at home, I bought the ring light that everybody buys, because I was on Zoom, and my house obviously wasn’t set up for a professional studio. But then I also said, I can’t look like this on, you know, national broadcast, I need to look presentable. So anyways, I had this zoom light, and we had some other video equipment at our office, we had a tripod, and I literally came back to the office when we opened up and I just looked around, and we have a very beautiful office, very big boardroom. It was empty, 100% empty. And I sat there and I just said, I don’t I don’t know what to do. I literally have no idea how to help my members, or what, what to do. We what started. That was my members were calling me saying, Hey, can you help us get our message out about being open? And I said, Well, absolutely. So I called one of our board members who owns an LED truck, you know, the LED signs, change the advertising. And he and I created a we are open logo that was on the side of his truck. And he would go sit in front of our members business that says we are open. So anybody that was open, so I put out a message and said, Hey, if you’re open, let me know what your times are. And we’ll have somebody come sit there, well, they would, they would go and sit there, they take photos, and his guys did some social media around it. And it was great. And then as things started to open back up more, that wasn’t a feasible way of getting the message out. So when I got back to the office and just tried to figure out what we were gonna do, I made a video, and it goes something like this, Hey, everybody, we’re back in the office. But we don’t really have anything to do, because we can’t, you know, put all of these events together yatta yatta yatta. So I’m going to take this show on the road, and I’m going to come to you if you’d like me to come to your business and highlight your business and your protocols for being open. Just give us a call here at the chamber and we’ll get you scheduled. Well, that video started to get that in, let me just share with you is just me in my phone. And my ring light. And the quality is terrible. The sound is awful. But the message got out. And it was organic. I did it in one take for each business and like just tell me what your what you’re doing for businesses, what we need to know about your business. Are you open? Are you curbside? How you know what’s going on? And then I’d kind of tee up at the end, any lessons learned anything you want to share with anybody? I wouldn’t edit. I put up the raw footage on YouTube and then linked it to our social pages. I did 135 videos. Wow. Over the summer two years ago, I was able to tell the story of 135 of our member businesses. My my the last official one that I did on the chamber roadshow, I got to sit down with the president of the university, Saint Leo University and do more of a like a wrap up. You know, what, what did what did you learn? You know, what, what is something that you want to share with the business community. And so it was organic storytelling, and it was natural. It was raw, there were bloopers there were laughs There was cars.

It didn’t matter. I actually had a production company reach out to me and say, Would you like us to do this for you? And I said, No, no, actually, I don’t I want it to be real. Some authenticity. Yeah, it loses the authenticity and or the organic conversation that we have. When we did that. And my staffer at the time, she was at home base, she she doesn’t leave the chamber office and she would feel the call. She’d make the schedule and I tried to do three a day geographically Be respectful and then do that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then we trickle out the videos.

Brandon Burton 30:07
That’s awesome. I’d love that. And I know, it’s easier here almost to be able to make those visits and shoot the video. But then to set aside the time to upload it to YouTube and share it here and link it there. That’s where the time consuming part of it

Hope Kennedy 30:21
that is where the time consuming was. And I did not do a fabulous job of hash tagging, and, and all of the, you know, tags and different things. But again, we were learning as we went. And you can see the first one to the last one, there’s a huge difference. And, and what I probably should have led with was that I hated doing videos, I would never do a live interview on TV, because I said videos will live in infamy. Way beyond me. And then all of a sudden, here I was this, I just went into all my vulnerability and said, You know what, it’s not about me, it’s about these businesses. And so I sucked it up, and it did it. And they’re still in infamy. And I’ll live with that. Every time I turn on our YouTube channel, I have to hear my voice. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 31:17
But and I’ve seen some chambers do even a similar thing. But with, they’ll release it as a podcast, you know, go and interview the business in, you know, tell the story, and release it as a podcast. And there’s all these different ways now to be able to, you know, we always hear about chambers need to be storytellers. And there’s now a variety of different ways to be able to help get the stories out there of your chamber, and of your members and your community and things going on, and showing that you’re a convener of leaders and influencers and bring them you know, do those interviews, like you’re talking about at the college and, you know, you’re doing all the things, which is awesome.

Hope Kennedy 31:56
We we are and again it you know, when you’re in it, and you’re in the thick of it, and you know, you’re you’re trying to figure it all out, you don’t none of it was with, I’m gonna win an award, you know, none of this was for that. It was necessity for our business community. And now our members can look back and say, That was value, you provided me a value for my membership that I would not have been able to get anywhere else. You gave me a platform, you gave me a mic gave me an opportunity. And so, again, that goes back to our our being membership focused. And that we have a really good solid base and members that remember that stay members. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 32:49
that’s awesome. So I’d like to ask you, as we kind of shift gears here a little bit. As a chamber, the year finalist, how do you view the role of your chamber in your community?

Hope Kennedy 33:04
We are in a really unique position, because we are a to county, actually kind of three County Regional Chamber, we have several municipalities within our footprint of our service area. We view ourselves as the connector, the convener and the catalyst, the three C’s. We do those things extraordinarily well. And we we will say we do not have the answer. But we can sure connect you to the person that does for if they don’t let’s be the catalyst for that conversation for change or or or moving the needle as is that seems to be our buzzword here and ACCE land for for this year. And, and that is that is who we are. We are a very strong voice of business. We are extraordinarily good at ensuring a pro business environment. We will also fight against legislation. Anything that’s not pro business focused. And so we are what what makes us great and I share this because it’s it’s important for for other chambers to you cannot do business the way that you’ve always done business. This world is different. We’re not even doing business the way we did business a year ago. So as a chamber of commerce, our board knows that we have to be nimble enough within our strategic plan to be able to change and adapt to the needs of our community and what those needs are Are Not now but what they’re gonna be years from now. We We can’t stay focused on what’s happening right now or or our next event or what this or what that we have to be thinking of what this business community is going to look like, five years from now, we have to be futurist, we have to think about that. And it’s important for our board, when we’re sitting in a board meeting to have that in mind, of what is the future of our community? And how does the chamber fit into that, and some chambers and organizations have not been able to do that. And their their relevance may not be there in the years to come. And if, if you’re you’re focused or fed by one particular income source, or one particular event that’s not sustainable, as we’ve all learned, so being able to look forward and say, what, what are the needs of our community. And I can share our priorities. And because we take a very deep dive each year, when we set our strategic plan in our program of work of what was happening, and what are the effects gonna be, and the folks that sit around our boardroom table are thought leaders, and we are very comfortable being uncomfortable. And that’s part of the catalytic leadership and part of the horizons report, all of the things that I read six years ago are now you know, we’ve been working on them. And so housing and workforce, there’s a direct correlation between those. And that’s a huge priority, not just now, but we can see for the future, proper planning for your community now sets the stage for later. And think decisions that are made by certain municipalities might have unintended consequences that perhaps they haven’t thought about, and what certain actions that a governing body takes is going to have a trickle down effect later on the business community. So make sure that

every stakeholder within the conversation understands how the ecosystem works of the business community. So I think that that is that’s where we excelled and what sets us apart within our community, I do want to give a huge shout out to our region, because we have a, we call them our MOU partners. And so there are eight of us chamber CEOs that are in a partnership agreement together, that we support each other on issues. We don’t have to always agree, but we’re not going to come out against another local area Chamber. It makes a huge difference. When we have legislation in our state, when we, we all come out with a letter with all of our logos on it with all of our names on it, and say, Hey, we are now speaking for the entire region, this business community in it, they pay attention. So so we don’t do this alone in a silo with all of our all of the things I just talked about being a connector convener and a catalyst, we work very hard at making sure that we are bringing together the whole region.

Brandon Burton 38:45
That’s fantastic. Yeah, a lot more impact can happen that way, for sure. Absolutely. Um, what would be maybe a tip or an action item that you might suggest for listeners who are interested in taking their chamber up to the next level.

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Hope Kennedy 39:02
It all starts, it starts with you, as the CEO, as the leader of your organization and in ensuring that you have a really good understanding or a picture of where you want to take the organization with one thing in mind and that your members and the community in which you serve, and then ensuring that your board of directors is there right there with you that they are preaching the they are walking the talk, you know, whatever, whatever you want to come up with. They’re they’re right there with you and that you all have one goal in mind and that is x and that everybody’s there on the same page that there’s consensus or at least conversation around the consensus and just thinking towards towards the future of what? Look at the past of why chambers exist became a chamber in the very first place. And then look at that and start to look further ahead.

Brandon Burton 40:16
I like that. As we wrap things up here, I wanted to ask you, I know chambers all over are always interested in the future. You mentioned chambers need to be futurist. How do you see the future chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Hope Kennedy 40:34
So I think that chambers are in a very unique position right now. Every every one is looking to someone to to help heal, fix, try and make better, whatever was broken a few years ago. So as chambers, I think this is our opportunity to really take the lead in our communities and to really elevate our organizations by coming out with a a plan of action for the future, taking that show to the commissioners, to the City Council, to your legislators and saying, This is what we’re going to do. How are you going to help us get there? Because we are the voice, we’re the leading voice of business and chambers, chambers have a very unique opportunity. And if we don’t seize them, your relevance within in your communities are probably questionable. Yeah. So, so that that’s my that’s my tidbit.

Brandon Burton 41:44
I think you’re absolutely right. But hope I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information. If any listeners wanted to reach out and connect with you about how you guys are doing things in the north Tampa Bay chamber, what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect?

Connect with Hope Kennedy

Hope Kennedy 42:00
Absolutely, please, I’d love to talk chamber to anybody that will listen, my email address is case our URL couldn’t get any longer. And that’s the easiest way to connect with me, you can check out our chamber website or social media. I’m very easily Google trouble. You can find Google and YouTube, you can watch all the chamber roadshow videos you ever wanted to watch,

Brandon Burton 42:39
you know what I will. I’ll link to that in our show notes. And see those videos that are out there to live on forever. And I’ll get your contact information in the show notes as well so people can can find that and reach out and connect with you. But hope I appreciate you joining me today on Chamber Chat Podcast. And I think you guys are doing some wonderful things there and the North Tampa Bay area and I wish you guys Best of luck as chamber the year.

Hope Kennedy 43:07
Thank you so much, Brandon for having me. And we’ll we’ll circle back when we come home with the hardware.

Brandon Burton 43:12
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Zionsville Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Allyson Gutwein

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Allyson Gutwein. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now your host. He recognizes great power when advocacy is done at a regional level. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:21
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Matt Morrow President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri to learn how the Holman Brothers provided value to his chamber.

Matt Morrow 0:45
Holman Brothers provide a great training for our sales team in terms of just outstanding sales techniques. But maybe even more importantly than that, they were able to provide us with a system a process that was repeatable and in that we’re able to see very clearly from one month to the next how the how the pipeline is doing, what prospects are in it, what kind of progress we’re making and what we can do to coach people to success.

Brandon Burton 1:07
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Guest Introduction

You’re joining us for our 2022 ACCE chamber the year finalist series and for this episode, I have Allison Goodwin with me. She is the executive director of the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce. Allison serves as the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce and Zionsville Rhys foundation as executive director in Zionsville, Indiana. With a background in small business development, retention, growth and attraction. She has dedicated more than two decades of her life to creating and supporting small businesses. Allison was named Businesswoman of the Year in 2009. Business of the Year in 2012, was an ACC II national events speaker in 2021. done virtually member of the IC e a Hoosier inner Leadership Academy class, and her chamber is a five time Excellence Award winner with the IC EA. Recently Allison was one of 34 individuals nationwide named to the sixth cohort of the US Chamber of Commerce business leads Foundation, the preeminent program for workforce development in the United States. Alison and her team have gained more members in the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce in 22 months than the previous decade combined. In that same time period they grew their social media reach from 250,000 to over 2 million in 2020 and 2.8 million in 2021. They know that visibility is key element to success as a business and as a chamber. The Zionsville chamber team was recently named and ACCE communications excellent Excellence Award winner for digital content in 2022. Allison is a graduate of Indiana University and has earned certificates and leadership and development grant writing and chamber management from ACC. She has served in the capacity of President for the Indiana University Alumni Club. Herman B will Wells Chapter board member for the Boone County racial diversity coalition board member for the wisdom Hospital Foundation President of Lebanon vitalization Inc. and TEDx Zionsville. Organizer. She is the proud wife to Andrew step mother of two mother and loved one and step grandmother to one. Allison, I’m excited to have you with me today on Chamber Chat Podcast. Congratulations for being selected as a chamber of the year finalist. Why don’t you take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Allyson Gutwein 4:29
Well, I don’t know who you just read that bio from but they sound like a pretty cool check. So I would love to get to know her. No, nice. Talking to all of you today. We’re excited to be a finalist, incredibly excited to be a finalist for the ACC. We’re in the small size chamber of the Year category. We truly are a small chamber here in Central Indiana. But we tell everyone we’re small but mighty and We do a lot of things with very few people by being exceptionally efficient. You know, I love to do a lot of things outside of work. One of the cool fun facts about me is that I am a sixth time Indiana State Fair floral design grand champion. What random stuff people do some people golf, some people go out and play tennis. I make wreaths. And that’s my hobby outside of work. So we all have fun.

Brandon Burton 5:29
Being competitive is in your blood. It’s in your nature.

Allyson Gutwein 5:33
Probably more than I like to admit. Yes.

Brandon Burton 5:36
That’s awesome. Well, it tell us a little bit more about the Zionsville chamber you mentioned, you guys are small and mighty. But give us an idea of what that size looks like of your staff and budget and scope of work that you guys are responsible for.

About the Zionsville Chamber

Allyson Gutwein 5:51
So we are just north of Indianapolis about 20 miles. And if you are looking at kind of Indianapolis as the face of a clock, we’re at about 10 o’clock. So kind of gives you an idea. And you know, we are truly a charming small town, our town looks like it was pulled straight out of a Hallmark movie, and is the top tourist destination in our county, we have a lovely Main Street brick street that really draws a lot of tourism. So our chamber really has some interesting dynamics because that brick Main Street doesn’t have any chain restaurants doesn’t have any chain stores. So we really have the core of our chamber as small business. So our focus for many years has been on what can we do in order to accelerate and advance many, excuse me, many of these small businesses in our area. Because we have really no corporate headquarters for many businesses, we have a couple kind of on the outskirts of our area. But we really are a small business focused chamber. And we love that and you know, the businesses there are larger, understand that this chamber really has this really unique area because of what Zionsville is, it used to be called the village of Zionsville. So it does have that kind of quaint village II feel. And as it has grown, it really has wanted, you know, the people who’ve lived here, we’ve been a chamber for 61 years, we celebrated our Diamond Jubilee last year. And people have really wanted to kind of keep that quaintness as it has grown. And for many years, people have wanted to really make sure that it’s different and unique and charming. And that’s what one thing that really draws people to us here in Central Indiana, but also makes our chamber vastly different than many others. So some of the challenges we experience is, as a small town, where a small chamber doing a lot with what we have as a staff of three, our town really doesn’t have any public transportation outside of a Boone County Senior Services, which allows seniors and some other folks to get around. So we have some workforce challenges trying to, you know, and attract people and help retain folks in the service sector. So we don’t have a lot of workforce housing. So there’s some challenges in our area that we experienced that I’m sure many other many other areas in the country do as well. But we’ve done our best to work through them and find unique and innovative ways in order to overcome those, or at least address them and say, Hey, this is a long term challenge. We know that what can we do in order to kind of look at the long game. And part of that is we created a foundation for our chamber. And I know many chambers are kind of going to this model and looking to see how they can utilize a 501 C three arm in conjunction with their traditional chamber and for us, we just got that paperwork as of last October. So we’re really excel excited. Yeah, thanks to be able to do that. But now it’s standing that up. What does it mean to address kind of challenges that are long term and we use a golf reference that the Chamber itself has kind of a heads down what’s going on today? It’s the short game, but the 501 C three is kind of a long game. And what are we doing to kind of look at the overall picture of how our community is changing so that we can best utilize our C three arm, which has three tenants. One is environmental stewardship. One is D and AI and the other is workforce and workforce initiatives through leadership and development. So what are we doing within our community in order to make sure that not only is our chamber looking to take care of things today, but looking to take care of things tomorrow,

Brandon Burton 10:26
right. Now that that definitely gives us a good a good scope. And for anybody who’s read Dave Atkinson’s book, horseshoes versus chests will understand the importance of having that foundation that see three arm of your chamber especially looking forward as chambers look into the future. So for this, for our discussion today, we’re going to focus primarily on the programs you guys submitted on your chamber the your application. So I’m excited to get into those programs learn more about how you guys are making an impact and influencing the community or the village Zionsville. As soon as we get back from this quick break.

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I just launched a Chamber Podcast Course with the goal to get your very own podcast started within 30 days. Visit To learn more and to enroll in the chamber podcast course today. For a limited time as a launch promotion. This course is being offered at a 25% discount. Be sure to purchase the course today to lock in your savings before the price goes up., even if you’re not ready to start right away. Again, that’s

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All right, Allison, we’re back. As I mentioned before the break, we’ll be highlighting the two programs that you guys submitted on your chamber the year application. Why don’t you take us through the two programs just at a high level and then we’ll circle back in a little more detail on each of those?

Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

Allyson Gutwein 14:27
Sure. So our first program was on micro economic development around small businesses and what are we doing to really look at our our membership very holistically and say, What are we doing to develop this group of businesses that are often easily overlooked? So micro businesses, as deemed by the SBA? Are those with 12 or fewer employees? And many of the businesses that we have in our membership are much smaller even than that Um, so many of you are probably familiar with kind of the standard of SBA as being 500 or smaller as a small business, which, for many people, they look at that and they’re like, that’s huge, especially in comparison to, you know, many businesses that have zero employees are maybe just one or two. So we’ve really taken a look at what we can do in our community to attract and retain those businesses, because many of them are startups that grow into something even greater. And we’re excited to see how that really works and develops as we do more and more of it. But the programs that we’ve put in place for our little staff of three have done a great job of attracting new members. So far, our home based business membership level is now our second highest category of membership in our in our chamber. We just started it two years ago.

Brandon Burton 15:59
Wow. That is awesome. Yeah, that’s, that’s one. What’s What’s the other program you guys submitted?

Allyson Gutwein 16:07
Sure. The second was focusing on a social media and social media series that we started, which was called working for you. So working for you, we literally went and worked alongside our businesses. And we started this before the pandemic, but we really embraced it and leaned in during 2020 and 2021. This business has recovered, wanting to show people, this is what these businesses do in our area. So it’s not just, you know, maybe I want to work in this area. Well, now they know what this business actually does. Or they say, Gosh, I could teach a music class or, you know what, I’ve always been interested in working with equine therapy, I think I could go and volunteer there. So we worked alongside businesses to showcase really what they did, and have continued this as a long term kind of campaign and program in our membership in order to highlight more of our members. But that is one part of our larger social media experience that we have for our members. And we found that that made a lot of sense as a low barrier, especially cost wise low barrier to entry. And great way to meet people right where they are, you don’t have to go out and find a new audience. And you don’t have to even bring them to your website. A lot of times they’ll do that on their own. But if you’re reaching them on social media, and they’re already on Tik Tok, they’re already on Facebook, they’re already on Instagram, and you’re sharing your information. They’re really excited to see that information of faces of their neighbors and friends and business owners that they know, how are we doing the best job of getting that information out about our members, and making sure that it did its job which during 2020 and 2021, was give our members visibility?

Brandon Burton 18:05
Right. So let’s let’s focus a little more on that on the working for you program dive in a little bit deeper on that. So how do you as you implement a new program within your existing social media strategy? How did that fit? As far as content creation calendar wise? And what platform you mentioned different platforms, but sure, I’m curious which ones you’re on and how you’ve grown that social media presence? Sure.

Allyson Gutwein 18:33
So many people who are familiar with social media, Facebook is your largest audience. And we really took to social media. In 2020, whenever we realized folks needed to be seen, they needed to know exactly where, you know. And I kind of say there’s two, there’s two sides to this. There’s kind of the forward facing, which are the customers of the businesses. So we were reaching the customers of the businesses. And then there’s kind of the back side, which are the your Chamber members that you’re trying to help. And there’s often many of our posts, many of our videos were meant to help both but in different ways, right? You’re building loyalty whenever you’re going to a business and you’re sharing their information whenever you’re able to talk about exactly what they do. But all those people in the front side are now seeing it going oh, how can I interact with that business? So you’ve kind of got two two pieces to the same pie that you have to be able to do a good job with your social media having both working hand in hand right? So whenever we started our working for you series, it was really meant to be let’s go inside businesses that people can’t go inside every day. Let’s go inside a plant where I pack beans and I have to wear a hairnet let’s go inside I’m mourning dove equine therapy where I’m mucking stalls. wasn’t talking about their horses, then it became let’s go up inside a church that’s being remediated for over 1000 bats. And I was standing knee deep in bat guano. Because no one had known that there had been bats in their attic for almost 40 years, until the pandemic caused, you know, people to be out of buildings. And then they were starting to see things because people weren’t cleaning the building, as often, they were starting to see that there were probably rodents around, you know, they’re small, mammal rodents. And so, you’ve got, you’ve got evidence now, oh, we needed to get this taken care of. So I went up inside a church, beautiful, historic structure, they were absolutely fantastic people to let us watch this process. But it helped me showcase a business that most people don’t see from the inside out. Most people don’t see what it looks like to remediate, you know, slang types of urine from that. In the midst of this talking about a chamber member, and you know, people want to watch. And that’s what made

Brandon Burton 21:18
me that type of content just draws people in, right?

Allyson Gutwein 21:22
Right, whenever I have a GoPro on, I have a handful of bat guano. And I’m like, it looks like glitter, because it’s all these bug shells that are shiny people are like, show me more. You know, it’s fascinating, and I am not doing anything that any of my members don’t do as a daily part of their business. But what can we do to showcase that? What can we do to say, this might be a career path for you, if you find this interesting, you know, contact these folks for a job, or watch your chamber, because this is what’s happening whenever you need to call these folks, they’re doing a good job of being cognizant of when you can even move the bats out because of breeding season. And, you know, they have to make sure that the bats are taken out in a certain ways to not harm them, because they’re a protected species here in Indiana. So you’ve got all these components that are important that these folks are doing really, really well as part of their daily job. What can we do to showcase that, and it becomes really interesting social media. Now, not every day, am I in McLaren Senna, you know, a hazmat suit, and a respirator. But, you know, there’s so many things that we can show people about our businesses that make interesting content. And that content, where we really put the member out there, as the star of our story becomes why people want to engage, engage with us, as a chamber engage with our members, it really made our chamber kind of rocket to the top of what we could do in social media very, very quickly. And we took that reach, with consistent posting with interesting content with video use, from 250,000 in 2019, to over 2 million in 2020, like you said, and 2.8 million last year. So you know, it’s, it’s all about if there’s anything that people learn about social media, give people content that they want to see, it doesn’t always have to be curated, it doesn’t always have to be those rounded corners, where it’s, you know, perfect. Whenever it goes out. It can be just really interesting content, show people what your members are doing, and people engage. Right.

Brandon Burton 23:51
And I think that often gets over thought when you as for chambers, putting out social media content, especially in the form of video where they feel like it needs to be perfected needs to look right. But, you know, social media gives us so much leniency as far as the content going out there. And really, people aren’t spending hours on that content necessarily. Either they’re scrolling through their feed. So if it gets if it catches their attention and tells a story of a member or something impactful that you’re doing in the community, and getting a portion of that attention, then you win, you know, that’s that’s the goal. And you don’t need to spend all the money and all the time and everything doing all the editing and making it just perfect. Just do it. Get started. It’ll get better as you go and get more experienced, but just get started. Yeah, and we

Allyson Gutwein 24:37
do have a video company that we employ to do some of our videos, but we also do a lot of our videos in house. But you know, the the thing is, the generations coming up, they see things that are a little too perfect, a little too curious, almost disingenuous. So you know Most of what they’re seeing on Instagram, it might be a little edited. But it is certainly not content that someone has always gone through a photo editing program. Not always, they just want to see. That’s right. They always want to see good content. So give your audience good content that they want to see and engage with. And they will engage.

Brandon Burton 25:20
Yeah, so which platforms are you guys on with social media?

Allyson Gutwein 25:24
So we primarily focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You know, for a chamber of our size, there’s always so many directions to be pulled. You know, we have done a few things on tick tock, mainly ribbon cuttings, just trying to put something out there in that platform. But Twitter is kind of its own animal in and of itself, it takes so much time to constantly update, we just don’t have the bandwidth available currently in order to be able to do that one well, so rather than not doing it, well, we would rather step back until we have the chance to really engage more on that platform specifically. So we’ve focused on those three, and those three have done a lot for our visibility for our members and for our chamber.

Brandon Burton 26:11
That’s great. Yeah. Well, let’s shift gears a little bit over to the micro economic development. And this intrigues me I just, so this may go a little bit off topic, but I just actually posted a blog post yesterday, talking about how entrepreneurship tends to attract diversity. So as chambers are after, you know, diversity, equity inclusion, you know, putting attention into that area, are we paying attention to the diversity that entrepreneurship brings and provides. So as you focus on these micro businesses, 12 or less, a lot of these are entrepreneurs, people that are putting it on the line to get started and joke about sometimes these entrepreneurs are unemployable in other places, but they go out and hang their own shingle because they need to make a living, or maybe they’ve got a great idea, or there’s a lot of different reasons why. But I’d love to learn more about the the approach that you guys are taking to help, you know, shine a light on these micro businesses and economic development.

Allyson Gutwein 27:16
Well, and that’s an area where I think it is it’s very easy to kind of go after some of the larger marbles in the bag, right. And I think a lot of times, these small businesses are easy to say, oh, gosh, it’s, it’s a lot of work to deal with them. But we have a lot of programs already in place that we’re using to help all of our members, but it’s really quite easy to mix them in with what we do, we have a few programs that we have developed specifically for them. And that also, they’re they’re very complementary to the rest of what we’re offering to our members. So they made a lot of sense to just kind of bulk up our portfolio overall. So we were really excited whenever we first saw our members starting to come in that were home based businesses. So home based business for us is someone who might work from home, they might have this as a side hustle, they might have a business, that’s a full time gig and those go everywhere from financial services to p are to people who are doing jewelry making. So we have a lot of people in this, you know, this sphere that we find encompass a lot of different elements that we didn’t have as a part of our membership. And you’re right, that diversity piece really does allow us to even encourage our membership to diversify pipelines of suppliers, through some of the small businesses that we’re now attracting because of whom, you know, we’re now offering services for that maybe they aren’t able to find elsewhere. So some of the statistics, you know, in the US, the SBA in 2021, said there were 32 point 5 million small businesses in the US, which accounts for 99.9% of all businesses. That’s a lot.

That’s almost everybody. So again, that’s 500 or fewer employees. So that’s quite a few businesses that many micro businesses would say, well, they’re not small, well, the SBA, that is their standard, but then 81% of those of that 32 point 5 million actually have no employees. So I mean, you’re looking at a giant percentage of our small businesses in the US that are exceptionally small. And, you know, the SBA says that micro businesses are 12 or under so I mean, that percentage even grows whenever you’re taking into account those that do have some employees but are still 12 or fewer. But small businesses have created 65.1% of the new job growth since 2000. So as we look at Sectors of growth, and to your point, what were claimed it kind of look at for the the growth of chambers, what are we doing to make sure that these businesses are a part of our chamber? are talking to our other members are feeling supported? are being utilized locally? For many you have a grocery store chain? What are you doing to connect some of those micro businesses, with your grocery shops? What are you’re doing to connect your brick and mortars with some folks that could be local wholesalers mean, now you’re talking about all these individual components that come into it, that’s more environmentally sustainable than having to ship something halfway across the country that’s more environmentally sustainable is to be able to reduce the amount of packaging because they don’t have to use packaging in order to potentially deliver something. So there’s a lot of pieces that feed into this. But if we’re doing a really exceptional job as a chamber, to make connections, we’re able to help a lot of different aspects of business be created. And that’s exciting to see and exciting to be a part of. But for us, it also means that we’re attracting more people now, because we have options, and they’re seeing, hey, my size of business is being supported, I have a place at that table. And we want to make sure that whenever they come into this area, you know, other people are telling that story for us who are also small businesses, whether they’re a tech startup, or someone who’s you know, a mom, and maybe with a side hustle of making jewelry, who knows what these businesses are going to turn into, but we’re going to support them today. So whenever we need to say, hey, we’ve got maybe a new brick and mortar that is opening, who’s interested in going in, we already have a developed pool of candidates that we have worked with, to plug into those openings. So we never really have a gap on our main street, really here in town. Businesses fill those spaces quickly, because we have a curated pool of people we’ve worked with,

Brandon Burton 32:25
that’s awesome. And I can get fired up on this topic. Because this is something I’m passionate about is the influence and the role that a chamber should have with these small and micro businesses in their community. But often what I see is these, you’d mentioned these home based businesses. You know, it’s easy when you see a new business, open their doors, you know, they hang a new sign, and you can approach them about membership. And you know, let them know about the value proposition of your chamber. How do you go about finding some of these home based businesses and expressing the value? And once you get their attention, it’s easy to express the value of the chamber, but how do you get their attention initially?

Allyson Gutwein 33:03
To be very fair, a lot of them find us. And that goes back to our social media reach. Whenever we have a social media reach where people are seeing that we’re sharing information about members and our members are visible, that what we’re doing as a chamber for those members as visible, they find us. So yes, have we gone out and actively sought out? Some businesses? Most certainly, are we finding just as many businesses that are finding us? Yes. So one of the ways that we actually connect many of our home based businesses is through something called micro groups. So think of as a distillation of our membership down into individual components where if you are a real estate agent, you’re going to have different needs different concerns than those that own a restaurant. So what are we doing in order to address those needs more directly and more specifically, and we have a home based business micro group. So peers can really share information share tricks that they have learned in order to make their business more visible, in, in encourage one another through what has worked for them. We actually learn a lot from these micro groups because they’re able to really say, Okay, this is what’s going on in our area. What can you do to support us here and we’re like, man, we wouldn’t have known that. Had we not listened to our micro group, listen to our members. So these meetings go on in these individual kind of little groups, once a quarter. For us, they’re really, not only are they the facilitation of peer to peer communication, they give us ideas for programming for the future. And that is a really important for member loyalty and member retention.

Brandon Burton 34:59
Yeah, And so this next question, I think you’ve addressed it throughout our discussion, but I’ll ask it formerly and maybe have you put it in a nutshell for us a little summary, but how do you see the role of the Zionsville? chamber there within your community?

Allyson Gutwein 35:15
Sure. So we really are a conduit of information and a facilitator for visibility. So for many of our members, we are not only the source of information on how to be able to grow a business, but how do you make your your business seen and heard, once it’s up and running, or once you’re getting it there? What do you do in order to create that kind of solid foundation for business creation of any size. So we truly are meeting with members that run the gambit of large national corporations that are interested in coming into the area to someone who, their sole proprietor. And that’s exciting to see that we’re we as a small chamber are able to facilitate both of those conversations effectively in order to make our membership robust, and unique.

Brandon Burton 36:11
That’s awesome. So and I think that shows with as you’ve been going through these programs on your application of that, that role that you guys have in your community, but I like asking everyone that I have on the show, for any tips or strategies that you might have for a chamber champion listening who would like to take their chamber up to the next level? What would you suggest?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Allyson Gutwein 36:36
If you haven’t yet embraced the small businesses in your community, and those micro businesses do it, make sure that those those businesses feel as though they have as much place at the Chamber table as any of the other larger businesses. And as time goes on, you’re going to find that those people are some of your loudest voices supporting your chamber, because they feel included, they feel like they have a part of something larger than maybe they have ever felt that they’ve had a part of in the past. Many think gone are the days of, you know, chambers, just focusing on on large businesses, we have to make sure that if entrepreneurs are truly bringing 65.1% of the growth since 2000, what are we doing to be the voice to help them have a louder voice? So we’re the megaphone. We’re the people who are providing that information. And if we’re doing it, well, those folks are going to turn around and be our champions, too.

Brandon Burton 37:47
Yes, that’s what I was gonna come back to is oftentimes those large businesses, or maybe what funds a chamber and a lot of ways. But by being able to focus on those small and micro businesses, those are the ones that it’s kind of a paradox, right, because they tend to be the ones that need the most from the chamber, but can afford to pay the least in as far as their membership levels go. But as they see that impact that you can have on their business, they become some of your biggest advocates and best word of mouth and testimonials, you know, throughout the community to attract more business onto the mission of your chamber. So, Abdullah. So, Allison, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Allyson Gutwein 38:34
Sure. I think for a lot of folks, you know, it’s, it’s kind of a interesting time where they see kind of gone are the days of many people becoming joiners, right, everyone joining a chamber because it was just something you did for the community, you have to show value, you have to show that there’s something there as a real interest to their business, everyone’s busy. And if you can show that there’s something in your chamber that is going to be worth their time and their money, you’re going to be a group that people still want to work with. chambers are vitally important to being liaisons for advocacy, and, you know, information as a whole. But people are saying, well, I can find that elsewhere, not in the same way that you can through a chamber not in the way that you can through networking with your peers, not in the same way that we can help facilitate. And if we can show that value, and long term legacy of, hey, there’s real power in having a singular voice. Whenever you’re trying to advocate for something that will help our members that and telling that story. How do we tell that story going forward? Many of you know our local newspaper that served just our area closed down during the pandemic. So you That goes back to what are we? Where are we reaching our audience? And if that’s on social media, are we telling our story effectively for our members and for our chamber in order to make sure that people are seeing us as a place of value?

Brandon Burton 40:14
Yeah, I like that. I actually, I like to help chambers get started with their own podcast. And one of the things I’ll ask is what void in your community could your podcasts fill. So when you talk about local newspapers, shutting down or, or drastically cutting back, there’s voids all over the community, as far as storytelling and information sharing goes, whether you’re addressing that through social media, or through my my choice of platforms of a podcast, but there’s ways to reach members in your community and fill those voids. And and you’re absolutely right, that Gone are the days of just people joining you need to show the value and, and a reason to be a part of your chamber. So I appreciate that. And Alison, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information with listeners that may want to reach out and connect and learn more about how you’re doing things in Zionsville. And, and to be coached on how to get their social media over to millions. What would be the best way for him to reach out and connect,

Connect with Allyson Gutwein

Allyson Gutwein 41:15
always happy to help because, in fact, we have something coming up soon called Social Media summer school. And you know, we’ve been encouraging even our peer chambers to come join us we want to help. We’ve been able to have amazing amounts of success for a very small chamber, we have 500 members, you know, we we have a small budget, in fact, I’m sure I am sure our full budget are smaller than some of the marketing budgets for our large share chambers and in the US, and that’s kind of nuts. You know, we we can show we have data to show that we outpaced chambers that are many times our size. And that’s truly through our visibility, consistency, and what we post, people want to see interesting content. That’s something that we can show people how to do so please reach out to me, my phone number is 317-873-3836 where you can reach out to me through my email, You can also find us on please follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. So Facebook is zville chamber and the rest are Zionsville chamber. So we would love to have you follow our content and ask any questions. Sometimes you may say well, why did you post that? Or tell me why you’re posting two or three times in one day? Well, I’ll give you an answer.

Brandon Burton 42:56
Yeah, no, I like that. I appreciate you being generous with the fielding those questions as well happy to do it. I’ll get your contact information in our show notes for this episode. And I’ll link to the your social media pages as well. So everybody can hop on and follow and take these tutorials from what designs they’ll chambers doing with their social media accounts. So

Allyson Gutwein 43:17
they’re also one ACC EADS website to

Brandon Burton 43:21
There you go. Yeah. I appreciate you joining us today on Chamber Chat Podcast and you provided a lot of value and great example, as you guys are chosen as a chamber, the year finalists are setting the bar and doing great work. So I appreciate you coming on and sharing some of that with us.

Allyson Gutwein 43:39
Thank you so much for having us today.

Brandon Burton 43:42
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Mason City Chamber-ACCE Chamber of the Year Finalist with Robin Anderson

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Robin Anderson. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now, your host, he just launched a chamber podcasting course. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:23
Hello, Chamber Champions, welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it is my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business in Washington State to learn how Holman Brothers has provided value for him.

Kris Johnson 0:47
Well, Doug and Bill at the Holman Brothers have been a key ally in growth for my professional career working at three different chambers, a local chamber, a regional chamber, now a statewide chamber. And they’ve been the ideal solution, whether it’s a comprehensive training program, whether it’s working on individual sales growth, quarterly check-ins with the team, the ability to grow members has meaning more assets for the organization, more assets means we can do more things to serve our members. They’ve really been the perfect solution for us, a trusted resource partner and a growth partner for us all along the way. So hats off to Doug and Bill for their great success. They’ll be a great partner for you as they are for us.

Brandon Burton 1:28
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Guest Introduction

Our guests for this episode. This is a 2022 ACCE chamber the year finalist series that we’re putting out right now but our guests for this episode is Robin Anderson. Robin has served as president and CEO of the Mason City Chamber in Iowa since 2001. As a native of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, She’s a graduate of the University of Iowa and holds a master’s degree in servant leadership. prior to sending her role with the Chamber she spent 20 years in the banking industry serving as both a local bank president and as a regional executive overseeing operations for Bank of America’s 21 I will locations she earned both professional designations of IOM from the US Chamber and CCE from ACC. Rob Robin is a past chair of MIT American Chamber of Commerce executives, the Iowa chamber Alliance and the Iowa Chamber of Commerce executives. She was selected as a fellow with ACCE educational attainment division and is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100. Robin, I’m excited to have you back with me on chamber chat podcast, you were a guest last year if anybody wants to go back, it was episode 129 as the Mason City Chamber was a chamber, the year finalist last year as well. So this is exciting to have you back. But why don’t you take a minute to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Robin Anderson 4:01
Sure, well, hello, everybody. Um, as was mentioned, I’m a recovering banker. But now I have actually spent more time in the chamber industry than I did in banking. And I’m looking forward actually, I’m a little ambivalent that I’m going to be retiring at the end of 2022. So I’m looking forward to a new chapter in my life.

Brandon Burton 4:32
Yeah, I can imagine that. He’s saying that. There’s a little bit of looking forward to it. I know you’ve got plans, I’m sure. Well, tell us a little bit about the Mason City Chamber, size staff budget just to give us an idea before we get into our discussion.

About the Mason City Chamber

Robin Anderson 4:50
Sure. Um, we are a chamber of 4.5 FTE. We have four full timers one part Heimer and we frequently have an intern as often as we can attract one anyway. And we serve a nine county region in north central Iowa basin city, although we’re a small community of less than 30,000 people were that tally seat Trade Center sort of place for North Iowa and we have about 650 number of businesses from this region and our budget is around a half a million.

Brandon Burton 5:42
That really helps to kind of give us a perspective. As we get into our discussion today as a chamber the year finalist, I like to focus our discussions on the the two programs that were submitted on your chamber the year application, and we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as you get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Chamber of the Year Application Programs

All right, Robin, we’re back. As I mentioned before the break, we’ll address the two programs that you guys put on your chamber your applications here. I’d like for you just to maybe just from a high level just mentioned what the two programs are and then we can dive in a little bit deeper on some of those details.

Robin Anderson 9:05
Sure. I think we are not unlike a lot of other chambers in that we are very much focused on workforce attraction and retention. So both of our programs have to do with that. The first one is called Building community with an emphasis on the unity and we have positioned our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative as a workforce attraction and retention strategy. And the other program is a chamber initiative also for workforce attraction to use historic, architecturally significant proper Eddie, as short term furnished housing for college intern.

Brandon Burton 10:08
Right, so maybe let’s let’s dive in a little bit deeper on that one, since that’s the one you just mentioned. So this historic property tell us the history of it, and how the chamber came about this and kind of the solution you guys did.

Robin Anderson 10:22
Well, Mason City has a growing reputation as a destination for architecture. We have the last remaining Frank Lloyd Wright hotel in the world that was restored about 10 years ago. And we also have the largest collection of Prairie School homes that are unified by a common setting in the world. So as a result of those things, Conde Nast Traveler, has twice named Mason City, on its list of the world’s best cities for architectures. So that puts our teeny Mason City Iowa, alongside Dubai and Paris and Miami and Seattle, and Istanbul, and Tel Aviv. So it’s pretty remarkable. So when historic property was flooded, and was in the theme of buyout, there were a lot of people in the community saying, wow, you know, how could we let this home be demolished. And the reason that this house is not the primary school style that we’re famous for, it’s actually a combination of Art Moderne and international style. But what makes it really unique is, it’s the first architectural styles that place the garage at the front of the house. Previous to that time, garages were behind the houses, and you access them through an alleyway. And at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, they heralded this motor home as the house of the future. And it really sort of signifies the American middle classes growing love affair with the automobile where we put our garages right out front. And this house actually even had a double garage, which in 1939, was pretty remarkable. So anyway, this is the house that was flooded. And we just saw a need to find a way to save this house. But then how are you going to cashflow it long term. And one of the things that we’ve been hearing from our employers is that we have no residential hotels like a Residence Inn, within 100 miles of Mason City. And we have no apartments that were available for short term rentals. So when businesses wanted to attract a college intern, their pool was really limited to people who could arrange for their own housing with families, or friends. And so they’ve been we’ve been talking for a while about how do we get some short term furnished housing? Well, this house has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. And so we decided, you know, I wonder if we could rent out these room to interns or medic healthcare, students who are in town on rotations, and that we actually hired MBA cohort to do a study a feasibility study on this for us, and they found that yet, today’s students if they had access to short term furnished housing, at a nice price, would not object to sharing a laundry room sharing the kitchen and sharing bathroom. And so that is sort of what we put out there. Sadly, we received our occupancy permit on March 30 of 20. At that time, a lot of businesses stopped having in turn, a lot of medical school rotation sort of stopped. And so we had a period of time where just the caretaker was living in the lower level apartment, but now I’m happy to say we’re full and for the summer, we could have filled this house with interns several times, and we also since we were able to start accepting interns a little over a year ago, we’ve actually had several businesses who have hired their intern full time, because they had such a great experience living in the house, and also participating in our college Connections program, which we run in tandem to the housing project.

Brandon Burton 15:31
That’s awesome. I don’t know if enough time has passed it to really tell if if it really is a spike, obviously, it would be a spike in the summer for interns to come. But if it’s something that you can keep full throughout the year as well, do you have any kind of feedback yet, as far as the demand throughout the rest of yeah,

Robin Anderson 15:48
we’ve actually, we have one of the rooms that one employer has reserved through December of 2023. And we have other employers who are interested in just renting their room so that they have it there for insurance, because we had a lot of disappointed people who couldn’t get in the house. And we’re also looking, there’s another historic property in town that we’re looking at doing the same with the same thing with because this seems to be a model that works. And I think this could be a model that could work in other communities.

Brandon Burton 16:31
That was my next question is, if this isn’t, it sounds like a good business model that a chamber could adapt or even spin off, you know, onto another nonprofit at some point?

Robin Anderson 16:41
Well, exactly. Because, you know, a lot of communities get behind the saving historic homes. But the problem is, there’s not, you can’t just run them as a House Museum. You know, there’s just not enough revenue, you know, people might be interested in seeing one. But that is not enough revenue to keep something going. And so we really feel like, as long as you can get it done without debt, you should be able to generate enough revenue from rental of the rooms to pay utilities, taxes, and

Brandon Burton 17:28
on what a neat story to for those interns that stay there to be able to talk about their time doing an internship and staying in this historic house and Mason City, like they’re gonna remember that. And it’s a lot better than staying at a residence. And even if you guys have one in town,

Robin Anderson 17:41
well, exactly. And that was kind of what we thought to we thought. And we really prefer rather, you know, we could fill it with all med students and rotation, we could fill it probably with all student teachers, we could, you know, kick of engineering engineers, whatever, but we really feel like they’ll have a richer experience. If there’s a mix in the room or in the house. And that at least last summer, we had a really good mix. And then when we did as the students moved out, and we did exit interview, they really did enjoy not having everybody be exactly like them. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 18:27
That’s great. I love that, that that program. So let’s shift gears over to building community. I’d like to play on unity and community and tell us what how did that program come about? What’s it about? I know it’s workforce related. But let’s dive a little deeper into that program.

Robin Anderson 18:48
Well, it is I’ll start by giving you a quick demographic. And that 2010 census, Mason City was about 94.6% Caucasian, and in the 2020 census were 93%. Caucasian. Though we haven’t made a lot of progress in terms of diversity, we also 40.3% of our labor force in our county is age 55 to 64. And our population is shrinking. So when we look at our talent pipeline and our workforce for the future, it’s very worrisome. So the quickest way for us to deal with this is to recruit people to our community, who don’t look like that. And despite the fact that we don’t have much diversity, we really feel like we are a welcoming community. So we have positioned our DEI efforts as a workforce attraction strategy. And we’re doing diversity, equity and inclusion training with our employers, and actually certifying them as an inclusive employer. And then the trip chamber provides them with our building community. Little logo that they can we, we have door claims and or window claims, but also just a little bugs that they can use on their website or on their employment application material. And we have steps that businesses can take to be more inclusive no matter what size they are. And sort of another part of this strategy is we have a community concierge program. And that is led by the Chamber supported very heavily by our members, we give customized community tours, we provide lower pieces in the form of a video brochure that can be customized for one, applicant. And then we provide follow up services. So if somebody moves to our community, who’s that engineer, and they’re Lebanese, and they want to know where they can go to get this Lebanese ingredient, we know where they can go. And we provide that follow up as long as they needed until they get really integrated into the community. And so again, it’s sort of like the intern project. We’re not doing anything huge. We’re just trying to chip away at this workforce attraction problem, one person at a time.

Brandon Burton 22:20
So it helped me understand and maybe maybe I do understand, I just needed a little clarification. But so is the basis of this program to educate the employers about, you had mentioned the DEA and AI, training and everything, but for them to be more diverse in seeking talent, or are you doing that and then still, proactively looking for and trying to draw the diverse workforce into your community?

Robin Anderson 22:52
All of those things? Okay. You know, and I, and I think we’re, you know, just like everybody else, you know, workforce attraction, and retention is not one thing, it’s a million thing. And we really take the public position, that workforce attraction and retention is everybody’s job. Because if we can’t get the workforce that we need, we, you know, we’re short on physicians right now. Well, that’s a quality of life issue. You know, if you don’t have enough doctors in your community, that’s an issue for everyone. And

Brandon Burton 23:31
let’s be honest, with today’s workforce, it’s all a quality of life issue, right? If you can go to a restaurant and get served, it’s a quality of life issue.

Robin Anderson 23:41
Yeah, I mean, it’s everything. So we’re really that’s why. And our chamber is sort of known for using art to solve public problem. We’ve launched a sculptural walk public art program, we’ve done murals on the backs of ugly downtown buildings, too. And so what we’re doing what we decided to do to sort of launch this effort was do a community mural. And then also sort of reinforced that with billboards with a mural image, so that our whole community knows that we all need to be more welcoming not just employers, but neighborhoods and restaurants and schools and everybody this is everybody’s job and it really is a unity thing. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 24:45
I love that and it is such a unifying force to once you can get everybody on board with it. I love those. The videos you talked about to personalize these messages, this video brochures because that in If anybody listening if you’re not doing that, that is a almost becoming a standard in the in the industry as far as workforce and talent attraction is to be able to customize these packages to be able to say, Okay, you’re a Muslim, here’s the mosque in our community, here’s the, you know, grocery stores, what the, that you know, how you would fit in in our community, and really help them feel comfortable. So, Robin, go ahead.

Robin Anderson 25:27
Well, I was just gonna say in chambers, ours is so well positioned. Because all these businesses that provide all these services are our members. And so nobody knows where all these resources are better than chambers.

Brandon Burton 25:45
Right? Even better than Google. Oh,

Robin Anderson 25:50
better. We can give personal testimony.

Brandon Burton 25:53
That’s right. So Robin as a as a chamber, the year finalists, I see all the finalists is kind of setting a standard of sorts for chambers to look towards, and to kind of try to elevate their community, if you will. But I wanted to ask how do you view the role of your chamber in your community?

Robin Anderson 26:17
Well, we are sort of a poker and a broader I, and I think City Hall would say that too. You know, there’s a lot of people that kind of get hung up, and you can spend a lot of time wringing your hands and naming all the problems. And I think what we’re best known for, is actually doing something. And, you know, these Synopsys are examples of things that we do that might be small, but at least we’re moving forward and making a difference. And it can be paralyzing when sometimes, you know, we could look at our demographics, and be paralyzed and spend a lot of time talking about how terrible this is. But that’s not going to help us. And, you know, but it’s easy to get caught up in that, oh, this is terrible. This is terrible. And small towns like ours, across America, are facing these same issues. So we’re just trying to dig in. And, you know, we’ve really encouraged our city, when interest rates are low, this is the time to invest in infrastructure and invest in things, and down the road, you know, we’re going to be glad we did. And that really is a role of government. And now because of funding that’s been provided to government, this really, really is the time to position ourselves for the future. So I think the fact that we get the best business minds in the community, on our board, and we really utilize them, not for attending our golf outing, or networking events, or those kinds of things. When we get them around the board table, we really talk about what issue is facing, you know, what are the issues you’re facing as a business? And what can we collectively do to make it better, has really made a difference to us, and I think has really helped to muscle build our organization?

Brandon Burton 28:56
Yeah, I think that’s so key to use some of those more influential people in your community for things that really matter. And it not that a golf tournament doesn’t matter, but on a scale of importance in a community, there’s probably some heavier topics, some more impactful things that you can, you know, utilize those individuals in to leverage their influence and and people they know and everything else. So I think that is a great, a great piece of advice, which was going to be my next thing I was going to ask if you have any tips or action item, maybe that a chamber listening could do to help take their chamber up to the next level?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Robin Anderson 29:38
Um, well, I think the best advice that I have is I’ll leave you with a quote. The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But most of all the world needs dreamers who do and And I think chambers are in a great position to dream. But we’re also business people. And we do. And so that’s sort of what we try to live by around here. That’s great.

Brandon Burton 30:17
I love that. Very good, very good piece of advice. So thank you. So I like asking everyone I have on the show. And I don’t know if you remember your response last year when you’re on. But I’d like to ask how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Robin Anderson 30:34
Well, I think to stay relevant, we really do need to keep changing. And I am amazed when I look at the horizon initiative, at how clairvoyant, many of those items were, that I think one of the things that we learned coming out of COVID is customization, that our businesses, you know, the email blasts are in the past. And we really need to be customizing our messaging and directing it to the people who care about that particular thing. And that’s going to take investments in technology. And that’s going to take critical thinking, and it’s going to take change, we are going to be able to do things, the way we’ve always done them. And that’s one of the things as I look toward retirement. I think, you know, there’s probably a lot of things I’ve been doing the same way for, you know, the past 20 some years. And I think it’ll be really good for our chamber to have some new blood and some new ideas and some new eyes and ears that can take our chamber to the next level.

Brandon Burton 32:05
Sure, I think that is, it is always a good thing, I think to have a new perspective that that comes and and whether it’s a change in the chamber executive or or even just as your board turns over year to year that brings perspective as well. But it is important to keep changing and customize that messaging. So thank you. Robin, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you, especially over the next six months before you go off into retirement. About anything that you’ve mentioned today or how you guys are doing things that Mason City Chamber what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect with you sure,

Connect with Robin Anderson

Robin Anderson 32:47
um, email is still the best way for me or if you’re at ACCE convention, you can hit me up there. But my email address is

Brandon Burton 33:07
Right and I will get that in our show notes for this episode as well. But Robin It’s been great having you back on chamber chat podcast, great circumstances to have you back as a chamber the year finalist again, and I wish you guys the best of luck this year as as chamber the year.

Robin Anderson 33:24
Thank you very much. We’re going to try hard.

Brandon Burton 33:27
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Being the Sane Center with Bill Connors

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Bill Connors. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Now your host, he is ready for Summer. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton. And it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Brandon Burton 1:01
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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Bill Connors. Bill has been the president and CEO of the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce since June of 2009. Prior to coming to Idaho Bill had broad national experience in the travel, aviation and convention industries. He was executive director of the world’s largest business travel organization, the Global Business Travel Association, from 2002 to 2009. Prior to that post, he was a senior executive for the American Society of Travel Agents and the travel Institute. President George W. Bush appointed bill to two key aviation panels in Washington DC. The Aviation Security Advisory Committee and the FAA is next gen air transportation system Council. Bill served on the National Board of Directors for the convention Industry Council, the travel business roundtable and the travel Institute. He designed and authored the national travel agency proficiency exam or tip test used throughout North America today. He was a key adviser on Marriott Hotels sales specialist program and the certified travel counselor associate designations. He has been on the Board of Governors for the Alexandria Virginia Convention and Visitor’s Bureau and a member of the GBT A’s sports travel Council. He is a longtime member of the meeting professionals International and the American society of Association Executives. As the national spokesman on travel industry issues he has been featured in or on ABC World News Tonight, CNN CNBC, the USA Today, The New York Times, the LA Times and the Wall Street Journal. He’s frequently testified before the United States Congress on travel industry issues locally. Bill was appointed by Vice Chairman of the Boise airport commission in 2013. He also participates on the Boise chambers travel industry board. He serves on the board of Boise Convention Visitors Bureau, the Pacific Northwest chapter of ASEA and is a member of sky international Boise. He is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100 and has served on the board of ACC. In 2018. He was elected to the board of the United States Travel Association in 2020, he was appointed by the Idaho Senate to the Idaho intrastate Air Service Committee. He was named CEO of influence by the Idaho business review. And the chamber has been named one of the top 10 places to work in Idaho for four years by the same publication. He’s a graduate of St. Lawrence University and holds four master’s degrees. Bill I’m excited to have you with me today here on chamber tap podcast. If you would take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions that are listening and go ahead and share something interesting about yourself so we can continue to get to know you a little bit better.

Bill Connors 4:50
Sure. Well, thank you, Brandon. It’s a it’s an honor and a pleasure to be with you and I appreciate what you do for the chamber industry by getting the word out there Something interesting that doesn’t show up and that very long resume you just read. I’m kind of a minor league baseball Kook baseball cook in general, but I’ve been to all the major league stadiums and and I’m up to 225 Minor League ballparks across the country. And whilst it’s a odd and somewhat obsessive hobby, it has taken me to places I normally wouldn’t go. And every city has got something interesting going on. I mean, normally I wouldn’t plan necessarily a trip to go to Fargo, North Dakota. Yeah. But I wanted to go see the ballpark in Fargo and you discover Fargo is kind of a cool little town. And they’ve got a cool little downtown going on there. And as a chamber guy as a Metro Chamber guy, now, my hobby, I can almost claim as research because I, I check out cities and see what some are doing well and what some are not doing so well. And you know, a lot of cities have the same issues that we have. And it’s so it’s a fun hobby, but it’s also sort of increased my portfolio of knowledge about metro areas across the country. So it’s, it’s been fun, and my wife puts up with it. She’s been to quite a few herself, but she’s happy to let me go and I let her go out some rural trips. And that’s it all works.

Brandon Burton 6:30
Yeah. Now you beat me to it as far as learning about those communities to where those ballparks are because there’s a lot of research that goes on there. And, and I’m sure you can explain that to your accountant. You know, it’s recently

Bill Connors 6:46
I haven’t been successful in that particular. No, write it up.

Brandon Burton 6:53
That’s good. That is a good good pastime, and a lot of fun. I personally like those minor league ballparks, and you see a lot of personality. And I’ll say as you as you travel around and see that so you

Bill Connors 7:07
see families and like I say you get to know the composition of a city, even a place like Las Vegas, where you go to the minor league park and you actually see people you don’t see on the strip, you see families, the people who work in Las Vegas, and it’s, you know, it gives you a whole different picture of every city USA.

Brandon Burton 7:27
That’s right. Well, before we get into our topic today, I’d like to have you give a little bit of background about your chamber, about the Boise Metro Chamber. Just give us an idea of size budget staff just to give some perspective before we jumped into our discussion today.

About the Boise Metro Chamber

Bill Connors 7:46
Sure. Well, the Boise Metro Chamber is almost 150 years old. We are older than the state of Idaho, we predate statehood. So we’ve been around for quite a while. I’ve got about 2000 separate business members. And they represent about 250,000 employees, and like a lot of Metro chambers and got big fortune 500 companies and I’ve got the little sandwich shop down the road. Size wise as far as staff goes. There’s about 14 members of the chamber staff. We also have were consolidated chamber. We also have the Convention Visitors Bureau with us. And we also have the economic development regional economic development agency with us. So total, we’ve got about 2829 staff here.

Brandon Burton 8:41
All right. Well, that does help give some perspective especially, you know, being more regional and having the Economic Development and Tourism and everything under that umbrella as well. It’s a unique characteristic and some definite advantages that come with that and being able to leverage some of those different things. But for our topic for discussion today, we settled on the the topic of being the same senator, which I’m looking forward to getting into this discussion with you, especially with what today’s political climate looks like. I think this is a very timely topic to discuss. So we’ll we’ll get into that as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Topic-Being the Sane Center

All right, Bill, we’re back. So as I mentioned before the break, we’re focusing our discussion about chambers being the same center. And we hear that saying quite often throughout chamber world. But I think in practice, it can become very difficult when you especially when you have very polarizing points of view on either side. And you guys have introduced a program there your chamber where you can kind of address this head on? Why don’t you take a few minutes and tell us about that program and kind of how that’s developed.

Bill Connors 12:19
Sure, we, during the pandemic, you know, when a lot of things were getting pretty dicey politically, not just here, but everywhere, you know, mask mandate versus not mask mandate, people just generally becoming nasty to each other about things. And you would think at a moment in time like that the country would unify itself a little bit, but we didn’t see that. So one of our members, who is a former state legislator, who now runs an association called the association of Idaho cities, talked to us and said, you know, we need to do something to try to create some civility, not just at the statehouse, but you know, within our own lives. So we started a series, a web series called In Search of civility, whereby we had, we invited people from both parties talked about one particular issue, and let the Republican have their five minutes of here’s what I think let the Democrat have, here’s what I think. And maybe have a more conservative Republican, here’s what I think and a more liberal democrat, here’s what I think. And just let him sort of go at it. And by the end of each one of these broadcasts, we, we have moderators that would sort of bring people to the center and say, you know, there are things you can agree on around this issue. What are those things? And like you said, how do we get to that sane center? Because that’s where I think most Americans are. It’s just the far ends of the political spectrum seem to have the loudest voices right now. So it was our attempt to give voice more to the Seine center, that messy middle, if you will, and it was highly successful. We had, we didn’t have any problems getting people to sponsor that we, we have tons of listeners every week. And again, when you’re talking about touchy issues, everybody wants to tune in and hear what’s going on.

Brandon Burton 14:38
That’s why news channels do so well. Right? Is it they’re polarized? So they do it for the negative emotions, where you guys have the polarizing for a positive purpose, which Yeah, that would sell sponsorships.

Bill Connors 14:50
Absolutely. And again, I think what it did is at least bring some legislators who were warring against each other to the table too. At least talk about why they feel the way they feel. And, and learn a little about them as human beings. That’s the other sad thing both I saw in Washington and my time there. And in any state capitol is, it’s become so polarized, people don’t talk to each other anyway, they don’t go out and have lunch together anymore. And if you, if you know people’s families, and you know who they are, you’re less likely to get nasty behind the scenes. And again, this was our small little attempt to, again, try to carve out some sanity in some of these touchy discussions. And again, it was very, very popular, and we’re going to keep doing it.

Brandon Burton 15:44
And I think that’s so key for chambers, especially in today’s world, with social media and everything, you can watch news channels and, and jump on one side of the boat, you know, left or right. And then you follow a group on Facebook, that’s like minded. And even if you don’t follow the group, those algorithms are going to put that more of what you agree with in front of you. And it makes everybody that sees things sees the world differently than you to be wrong. And it’s not a matter of right or wrong necessarily as it’s different perspective. And as that happens, it separates people to where you’re not talking to one another about the real issues, because you’re only talking to others that are like minded, and that causes even more of that division. I’m curious what some of these topics were, if you can just, you know, name off some of these topics that you guys covered in this in search of civility series.

Bill Connors 16:43
Sure. A lot of it around the COVID mandates. You know, we we were fairly open state. But some on the far right, felt we weren’t open enough and requiring masks and the whole nine yards. And pushing against that. And others, of course, we’re on the other side of it. And like you said that our whole purpose was to try to try to have Fox News meet, see us NBC, on our little program. And that’s what it provided, it provided me here’s my rationale for why I think this way. And we tackled all sorts of issues that pop up in our legislature, just like I think it’ll pop up in your Texas Legislature. You know, there’s there’s gun control issues, they’re just issues of every kind, particularly social issues that get people wound up. But again, I think the pandemic probably pitted more people against how are you going to regulate health? You know, we have discussions around who’s got the authority, our health districts, or the governor or the legislature? And, and who, who really, are the authorities? Or do we trust the doctors and the healthcare industry? That’s, you know, to me, the experts? Or do we listen to the extremes on both sides? So, so yeah, lots and lots of different issues. But again, the point is, let’s hear both sides, try to get people to at least know who the other person is. And get them talking. And I gotta admit, and I don’t think it has much to do with us. But this legislative session was much tamer than the last one than last years. And I can’t say that we can take credit for that. But if we move the needle even a little bit, that’s a good thing.

Brandon Burton 18:57
I was gonna ask what sort of outcomes you saw from that? Hopefully, that was an outcome from this. But maybe before I asked that question, Was this on YouTube or what? What platform did you use to facilitate the show this series? Yeah,

Bill Connors 19:13
it was on all of our social networks, YouTube, Facebook, the whole nine yards. We used a service called stream yard. And yeah, like I said, the viewership was was pretty significant. And again, while we were a lot of chambers are kind of shut down in terms of doing events. We created a lot of online kind of programming. Not just this programming, which, again, we’re pretty proud of but but hundreds of programs about how to utilize the federal resources that are coming in. We didn’t want to be one of these places that just posted the federal regulations on here’s how to apply for a PPP loan. We have experts get on Zoom calls and explain, here’s how you can get your application to the top of a bank’s inbox. You know, Pratt going through practically and explaining how to how to fill things out. Because again, if you’re just posting regs, who’s, who’s got the expertise to read through that stuff. So again, using using zoom and using social media, we took full advantage of that during the last couple of years. But I’m happy to say we’re, we’re doing events again, and we will have one up for 600 people next week. So

Brandon Burton 20:36
we’re back in business. That’s great. Yeah, I mean, it’s a brave thing when you go into the world of social media and put this type of content out there, because it’s open up to, you know, comments and criticism and sharing and do whatever else that that goes on there. Did you have to do any sorts of controls or moderation? Or how did you approach that?

Bill Connors 20:58
Yeah, we we had a pretty tech savvy moderator. And if you were able to read everything in the chat, you wouldn’t be in a pretty sight some of it. And we were able to edit out some of the bad stuff. But again, that our purpose isn’t to highlight the extremes, it’s to highlight that, how do we get to the middle ground? So while I didn’t think we were censoring anything, we also didn’t want the conversations to break down into ugly feud. So that wasn’t the purpose of the thing.

Brandon Burton 21:35
So you can take the most ugliest comments, and they can be one of your next guests. You know, you just pit him against somebody on the opposite side. And

Bill Connors 21:43
well, yeah, we did a little bit of that. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 21:47
It’s just It’s a never ending supply of content. That’s true. So is this, uh, are you guys continuing the insert disability program? Or is that something that was more focused during the COVID times, or

Bill Connors 22:02
we’re gonna continue, we’re gonna continue it. And as a matter of fact, we’re giving one of our highest awards to, to this gal I mentioned earlier, a former legislator who came up with this idea. And we’re giving her a big award on Tuesday, just to highlight the that particular program. So we’ll keep it keep it going.

Brandon Burton 22:24
That’s great. I know, there’s a former a co worker that I’ve talked with a lot, and we see things very differently politically. But things never get ugly between us when we talk because we’re able to be civil about it, we’re able to recognize you’d have your view of the world, I have my view, and there is a lot more that overlaps than what doesn’t overlap, and to be able to help bring up that common ground, and really just elevate society in general. And unfortunately, these social media companies and new major news outlets, they’ve got so much control over our attention, that it just steals our attention away to tell this negative. So the more positive discussions, positive unity that we can provide is so important in chambers are that place to be that same center and and they say that that’s how, you know if you’re being successful, right? Is it the far right, thanks, you’re too liberal on the far left thinks you’re way too conservative, then you’re doing a good job.

Bill Connors 23:30
Yeah. Well, no matter where you stand on an issue, you’re gonna lose a couple people on either side. Sometimes that’s hard for me to fathom, but that’s the nature of the business.

Brandon Burton 23:43
Yeah. So had any of the discussions or outcomes from these discussions? Help project anything as far as advocacy goes from your your efforts there?

Bill Connors 23:56
Well, yeah, like I said, the this legislative legislative session was a lot tamer, we had a lot of what we called crazy bills that appeared. And most of those were shut down by our Senate, which is a little more rational. And we were able to stop some of the really crazy stuff. You know, that we had a and it not all of it was about the pandemic. I mean, there. Like I said, touchy issues when it’s critical race theory being taught in the universities, that kind of thing. We killed a lot of those crazy bills. And again, I can’t We can’t take credit for our little, our little program. But the discussions at the legislature this year actually produced some bipartisan agreements and some good things for business, which of course is what we’re all about. We got both I used to agree on a personal income tax cut, and a business tax cut, and at the same time increased our education spending to record levels this year, because we had a pretty nice surplus going into this. So yeah, I think I think in general, good things happen when you can get people talking to each other. And as you’ve been talking about, just keep stressing the the majority of Idahoans, the majority of Americans are somewhere in that middle, or not way out on the fringes, even though the fringes might be the loudest. Most of us are in the middle. And that’s where you get stuff done. And we got stuff done this year.

Brandon Burton 25:48
That’s great. And then the trick is, tends to be the fringes show up to vote. So how do you get that that segment of the population that doesn’t show up to vote or to share their opinion to voice or to share their voice? How do you get them engaged?

Bill Connors 26:06
Yeah, and that’s part of what we do, too. We do candidate forums, we do a lot of voter education kinds of things. But you’re right, there’s a, you know, it’s almost shameful. If you look at the percentage of voters in the primary elections, which, here in Idaho, become particularly important. Whoever wins the Republican primary in many areas of the state becomes the candidate. And very few, you know, I think it’s 17 18% of the people who are eligible to vote in primaries. But this is a big one this year for us. And I think we’re going to have our governor has a primary challenge. Our lieutenant governor has a primary challenge. Our State School Superintendent has a primary challenge, our Secretary of State has a primary challenge, our Attorney General has a primary challenge. So when those big statewide offices show up, we make a point of, hey, this is one of the most important elections we’ll have in a decade. So at least as far as Idaho is concerned. So get out there and vote on May 17, which is our primary day.

Brandon Burton 27:21
Yeah. So we currently as we’re talking right now, we have a school bond election going on in our area, and, and we’re in a small community in North Texas, just outside of Dallas, and our areas just been exploding with new growth. And a lot of people from out of state moving here. And we have a very small school district, and there’s a big need to accommodate, you know, all the classrooms are already full. So this bond has been proposed. And it’s a thing, it’s a $380 million bond, I mean, something, it’s a big amount of money. And my wife happens to work for the school district. So some of the early numbers, they could send me you don’t get all the data. But when there, as of about three days ago, there had been 500 votes cast in total. Those 500 votes are dictating $380 million worth of bonds, and then only about 80% of those votes for people that have no affiliation with the school district. So they don’t work for the school. They don’t have kids in the school, they don’t have. And it’s like, I don’t know what you do to get people engaged to vote for what matters show up, because it matters either way, you know, on a bond issue a state, you know, elections, you know, Senate’s governor’s national elections, that all matters, and to get them to see, you know, especially the things and your community level, this is going to affect property taxes, like you need to voice your opinion, you need to go cast your votes. So

Bill Connors 29:03
well, you guys in Texas are going through what we’re going through, and that is, you know, 1000s and 1000s of people moving in a lot from California. We have on the average in 75 people a day moving into the Boise Metro. The majority of those are from California, the rest are from Seattle, the Bay Area. La and you’re right i mean it’s we have to rebuild our infrastructure to to accommodate all these things, whether it’s schools, roads, transit, you name it. And you know, the natives get restless. Let’s face it, but you know, it’s part of the Our job is chambers to let people know that, hey, growth is not necessarily a bad thing. Yes, your property tax free will probably look a little different. But so does the value of your home all of a sudden, you have some way health equity that you didn’t have, you know, five years ago. And I know that’s hard to tell somebody who’s living on a fixed income. But that’s one of the issues, by the way that, you know, we I really think we’ve got to rethink how we fund public education. You know, I hear a lot of it depends on property tax. But our legislature also, more than half our budget goes to public education. And I just think we have to rethink how we fund it. And one of the things we did this year and and it was one of those bipartisan agreements, was offer every school district in the state of Idaho, offer all the teachers to go on the state’s MediCal benefit plan, which is much more robust, robust than some of the local districts can afford. And really was a boon to local school districts in terms of affordability, because it benefit packages are one of the biggest cost centers for, for any school district, and with the state, stepping in to really lower rates significantly, and then 1000s of dollars to every single teachers benefit package. And that was a bill that everybody agreed on, on both sides. For the very issue that you’re talking about, you know, eventually, what you’re looking at is, hey, maybe we don’t have to go out for a bond, if we can successfully funded schools in a creative way.

Brandon Burton 31:36
Right? Yeah, that’s a great point. But I wanted to to ask you, if you might have a tip or action item that you’d like to share for Chamber Champions listening to help take their chamber up to the next level?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Bill Connors 31:53
Well, I don’t think it’ll be any surprise to anybody who your listeners, I think we as chambers, are going to have to, at least in the next five to 10 years really focused on workforce issues. This, you know, shortage of workers is everywhere, in every industry, and it’s going to be a problem for us. And so, you know, talent, retention, talent, attraction, those are going to be key issues. For us. That’s, again, why we’ve invested a lot of resource into some of our young professional programs, because I think, if you’ve got a good effective young professional program, that is a talent retention tool, if you get people engaged, they’re less likely to move from your community to another one. And we have one of the largest young professional programs out there. So I think that’s something that’s got to be on all of our radars. And then here, like I said, we’re fairly unique, there’s only a handful of chambers that have all three entities under one roof, the Economic Development Group, the Convention Visitors Bureau, which we merged in with us a few years ago. And I’ll tell you, it’s, it’s, it’s good for to two big reasons. One, the efficiency you get toward from for the community, you don’t need three sets of accountants and three sets of receptionists and three buildings, and three, you know, we think we give this community a lot more bang for the buck by consolidating. But what I see is more important, is the synergy between the three groups where in a lot of cities, those three groups are separate. They’re all competing for the same resources, and oftentimes are competing with each other. And here, the strategic nature of getting all three of them to work together give a classic example if I if we got time. Yeah. So my economic development guy who’s right down the hall, comes to me a couple years ago says, Hey, we’re getting a lot of inquiries about data centers coming to Idaho. And I said, why? Well, because Idaho has got plenty of water. We’ve got affordable electricity, and we don’t have natural disasters, and that’s what they are looking for. And I said, why aren’t we getting them? Then? He says, Well, what we don’t have that 17 other states do have is a tax exemption on equipment. And these things are very equipment dependent. So the chamber guy and our advocacy group goes to the legislature gets a bill passed to get a tax exemption on equipment. Then I walked down the hall to my Convention and Visitor’s Bureau gal and say, see if you can get the National Association of data center managers convention to come to Boise, who better than to have five of those people walking around town. And sure enough, this year, we just got announced MIT from Facebook, they’re gonna build a huge data centers. But that’s, that’s three other organizations all working together to help get something done. We’re in. Whereas I think in a lot of places, those organizations sort of compete not only for resource, but you know, trying to claim victory for one thing. But we’re all in the same business, we’re promoting our particular city or state. So, you know, my advice, and I know a lot of people don’t like to hear this, but work as closely as you can with your economic development guys and your year’s Convention and Visitor’s Bureau people.

Brandon Burton 35:39
I think that’s a great tip, if you are able to get a lot more leverage and a lot more bang for your buck, as you’re saying, by being able to combine those resources as much as possible. So I like asking everyone this question, as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Bill Connors 36:01
Yeah, I think we’re always going to be in the role of convener. And, you know, if we ever lose that, then I think we’re in trouble. A lot of what we you and I just talked about bringing people to the middle. That’s the only way you get things done. And I think, chambers have always got to play that role going forward. And like I said, the other thing is, we really got to think harder about talent, and how, how we’re going to fill all these jobs in the future. And think about, you know, does everybody need a bachelor’s degree? Or can you win, you got people out there who go get their CDL license and can make $100,000 a year driving a truck? Maybe we are rethink about, you know, where, where we put our educational resources, our higher educational resources. So, again, I think the Chamber’s roles will always be to be to be effective. We’ll be as conveners bringing people to the middle and getting stuff done.

Brandon Burton 37:10
I love it. So I wanted to give you a chance bill to share any contact information for any listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you. And also if they wanted to check out your In Search of civility program, where can they find that as well? Yep.

Connect with Bill Connors

Bill Connors 37:26
Our websites And my email is Yeah, happy to talk to anybody and I, what I what I do love about this business. And as you said at the head of the program, I’m pretty active in ACCE and the US Chamber and I’ve gotten to know my counterparts all over the country. And we’re very good at stealing each other’s ideas. And that’s, that’s always a good

Brandon Burton 38:02
thing. That’s right. And I’ll get this contact information in our show notes for this episode. But Bill, this has been a great discussion. I’m glad to have had you on the podcast. And I appreciate you sharing this example of of establishing yourself as that same center and the place where all chambers really need to be residing. So thank you for that.

Bill Connors 38:26
Well, thank you very much, Brandon, and thanks for what you do for chambers all across the country.

Brandon Burton 38:31
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Eliminate the Question of What Your Chamber Does with Chris Russell

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Chris Russell. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
And now your host, the rich of his podcast has far exceeded what he ever imagined.

Voiceover Talent 0:20
He’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:22
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Diane Rogers, President and CEO of the Rancho Cordova Area Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for her.

Diann Rogers 0:46
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Brandon Burton 1:00
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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Chris Russell. Chris joined the Nixa Chamber as the president and CEO and that’s Nixa, Missouri. He joined as the president CEO in March of 2018. Prior to his role, he spent several years in the real estate world with Keller Williams as a trainer, business coach and Team Leader of local ever local office. Chris also spent six years serving on Nixa city council, in addition to his many years volunteering at various capacities in his community, including 25 years as a high school football announcer. Currently, he not only serves the chamber, he serves on many other boards in the next area, the next chamber was a struggling chamber that really needed a boost. When he took over they had around 325 members and now have over 550 members and I’ve increased the annual budget by over $200,000. The Nixa chamber hosts on average about 110 various events from ribbon cuttings, groundbreaking ceremonies and luncheons are actually shows her thinks that luncheons are boring networking events, and they took over the town’s annual festival, that in 2018 was on the brink of being cancelled to now an averaging over 25,000 people in 2019, and even more in 2021. They also hold an annual business expo called Nick’s bow, which brought close to 4000 in just last month, and last year, they brought back the town’s firework show that had been gone for nearly 10 years. His latest thing he’s working on now is to bring the chamber world into the VR world, which sounds very interesting. Chris, welcome to Chamber Champions is share something interesting,

Chris Russell 2:51
Right and thank you so much. Well, here’s an interesting fact talking about Nixa. We’re the only Nixa in the entire world. Located right here to southwest Missouri. So if you know where Branson Missouri is, or Springfield, Missouri, we’re actually about 10 minutes south of Springfield and about 20 minutes nor I actually probably 3035 minutes north of Branson, but there’s parts of Brandon and get to pretty quick. So we sit right here in the center of the Southwest Missouri hub and glad to be here on the show with you today. Brandon only mix in the world. And another fun fact, we’re the home of Jason Bourne actually in high school. His name was David Webb. So if you ever watched the Bourne Supremacy, movies, all that kind of stuff, they say, Jason, whenever your front name was David Webb, you’re from Nixon, Missouri, so Yeah, fun fact.

Brandon Burton 3:29
I didn’t know that. Yeah, that’s

Chris Russell 3:31
yeah. The movie theater, watch the movies. He goes, You’re from Nixa, Missouri. When I went. I was like, What the heck? You know, that’s kind of crazy. I

Brandon Burton 3:38
know where that is. Well, tell us a little bit about the Nixa chamber. Yeah, besides being the only Nixon in the world, maybe sighs. You mentioned budget staff.

About the Nixa Chamber

Chris Russell 3:50
Yeah. So I have a staff of for two full timers and one part timer. We have a retired person. She’s also serves on the city council, but she comes in and covers lunches. So we can go do various events and activities and those kinds of things. And then I have an Events Coordinator, which she’s frantically preparing our big, huge Secretary music arts and crafts festival coming up in two weeks. And then we have our operations and membership director, which is at Christiana, and she course takes care of all membership related stuff, making sure our sponsors get taken care of those kinds of things. And then of course, my job is to kind of be that logistics guy, the big thinker guy, I’m in all the economic development meetings, planning meetings, of course, I’ll step in and meet with members and kind of puff them up a little bit. And then, you know, really, I love to sit down with our businesses and have one on one discussions. I had a new business startup come in here yesterday, we did a coaching session for about an hour about all the things that she needs to be doing to get prepared. So that’s kind of my role and kind of kept keep keep the ship moving forward, if that makes sense. Yeah, we have right at 557 Members, I think is what it was last week at our board meeting. We’re growing. We’ve actually continued to grow through the last two years, I think in the year of COVID we to 2020 122 new members As, and we have about a 91% attrition rate or mean, retention, retention rate, I don’t want to do

Brandon Burton 5:06
anything, you don’t want to brag about what you

Chris Russell 5:08
were there. And you know why? And here’s the thing, right? And it’s not me. I mean, yeah, we have some energy. And I bring a lot of fun ideas. But, man, I tell you what, I’m just really proud of the way that our community rallies upon around our chamber. And it’s all of our great board members are ambassadors, and we work with them, we do fun things for them, we encourage them and, and that is something that I’ve found that is really the lifeblood of our chambers growth is creating those great big fans out there and giving them a chance to be leaders to be seen to be to to listen to them to take their ideas and implement them and and make it one big family because that’s that’s where chambers really grow is when you have great support from the members and the community.

Brandon Burton 5:51
Absolutely. And I think that is a perfect segue into what our topic for today is, which is, chambers all over get asked the question whether to their face or behind their back of what is the chamber do? So the point of our discussion today, you guys are very active with events and activities. So the topic that we settled on is eliminating the question of what is your chamber do so we’ll get into that discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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All right, Chris, we’re back. So as I teased with the topic for this discussion, eliminating the question of what is your chamber do? When was the last time you were asked? What is the next chamber? Do?

Topic-Eliminate the Question of “What does Your Chamber Do?”

Chris Russell 8:34
You know we still get it? Um, the lady who came in yesterday just to pop in she wanted to know what a chamber does, right? I mean, but they she was new, and she was new to entrepreneur, one wants to open up a juice bar here in town and really wanted to know what the next chamber was. The funny thing was, is that her food supplier, which is like us foods or something, they told her that she needed to come to the next chamber. And so I thought, well, that’s the first time that’s happened. You know, not a lot of times we get referrals from other Chamber members, but from a national distributor saying you really need to go in and I hear great things about the next chamber. And that that made me smile that made me happy. So So we still get that question, but we tried to eliminate that, you know, one of the things that I think we were already moving in this direction of really being not only business to business, that’s a big part of what chambers do, right? We create those networking opportunities. We create those training opportunities, we create those you know, the luncheons or whatever and those type of events, ribbon cuttings, of course, and that’s a lot of that business to business and we need to still do that. That’s that’s good old fashioned chamber one on one right there. What I noticed is that especially in a town like Nixa so we’re our population here in the city limits about 25,000 people. We look in the zip code, we’re about 32,000. But we’re tucked right up next to Springfield, which is 180,000 people and their chambers about 1300 people members and we’re we’re about 550 and what we noticed is that when you’re when you’re in a town this size, and we’re really in that suburb of Springfield, we have a lot of that service sector businesses we don’t have that many businesses that that actually attract people from around the area to come in here we have a handful, right? What I mean is that I’m not passing this franchise in Springfield to come to the franchise and Nixa. Does that make sense? Yeah. I’m not passing that dentist in Springfield to come to the dentist in Nixa. We do have a few Nick’s of hardware, it’s kind of renowned that they’re they track regionally, a lot of people that come in. So we started taking on this idea that if we’re going to help our small businesses grow, then we need to create an avenue or a platform that also connects to our community. So if I’m, so if I’m a small business, and I’m a, my, my primary customers or clients are coming from the next a proper, I don’t I can’t afford to go spend on advertising on radio or TV that you’re paying to hit a reasonable reach. Does that make sense? So I’m paying a lot of money, but I’m also going to be reaching out to a 60 or 70 or 80 mile radius. I don’t need that my customers are coming from right here Nixa. So that’s where, when we decided to take over the town festival, when we decided to take over the printing of our directory, our printed directory right here in our chambers of outsourcing it. When we added the firework show when we decided to take our business expo to a new level that was so that we’re creating a way that our businesses have a resource right here we become the media for them to reach the clients or reach our citizens. And that that really was a game changer for me. And we saw our revenues go up because they saw that as a valid resource. I think that’s one way that we’ve kind of answered that question on what are the Chamber’s do well, we create them a platform, through our events through our activities through our new experience Nick’s app, which is this a city wide garage so we can an extent we’ve been utilizing the app to do scavenger hunts with that for people, we made this big, long list, Brandon, of all these crazy things you might find at a garage sale, and find it was actually kind of fun making the list. But oh, yeah, I remember those. And they The goal is for people to go out with a garage selling to take a picture of it, upload it to the app, and then they’ll have a chance to win some prizes on Monday. Well, that’s another

Brandon Burton 12:06
word chambers providing the prizes to engage families in the

Chris Russell 12:10
that’s people shopping out there. Right. So. So that’s one of the ways that we’ve done that. And I know that a lot of times you see, what’s that? What’s that comment parades, or whatever, you know, it’s which one do the

Brandon Burton 12:23
three P chambers and pancakes and parades and pancakes, right?

Chris Russell 12:26
And here’s the thing is that, I think, especially in our community, when we’re so close to a major metropolitan area well, and Springfield is not even that big when compared to like St. Louis, Kansas City or Tulsa. But it’s still that in our scale of things, that’s that’s how we look at it, we have got to be that resource that is also giving our citizens and a chance to connect with our businesses. And that has been the game changer, which means a little bit more work. But honestly, it’s it’s fun. I mean, yeah, it’s a lot of work to do a town festival, it’s a lot of extra work to do an app and, and to create those resources for our businesses to connect to our community. But man, they appreciate it so much.

Brandon Burton 13:04
Yeah, that’s the end, you got to know your community. So I mean, it doesn’t work necessarily for every community, but understand your community. I think the example you gave the proximity of where you are to Springfield, and what’s going to draw people into your community, you need to have those events, those things that draw people in, and then once they’re there, you’re engaging with them, you’re providing great, whether it’s entertainment, like a show or a luncheon type show or so share with us maybe some of these things that you’re doing. You mentioned the app, which I think is fantastic. And and I imagine you can get creative with that too, with even plugging in some member restaurants or something, you know, find these things and scavenger hunt and eat lunch or whatever. And but what are some of these other activities or events that you guys put

Chris Russell 13:51
on? So let’s look at let’s look at this get back to the basis of a chamber right so a couple of things that we do. One of them is you know, the Chamber luncheon, right? Everybody has a lot of people have a chamber luncheon as well. luncheons to me are boring. I mean, you listen, let’s just let’s just play this out. And I’m not saying anything about about those who had the traditional luncheon because they they are normally very informative. But they’re very, they’re very scripted, if you will. So you walk in the network for about 20 minutes, and they sit down. And then you already have your cheesecake or the chocolate cake there and you get your salad plate there. And somebody stands up and they say thank you for coming. Thank you to our sponsors. Hey, we’re back in about 20 minutes with a guest speaker today. Enjoy your meal. You sit there with your table, eat for a little bit. And then finally here comes a speaker and let’s pray together good, right? And then you’re there for 45 minutes listening to them talk about a topic that you may or may not be interested in. And then you get up and as fast as possible. Can you leave that’s that’s the typical lunch. That’s the format that we’re all used to. Well, I like it and there’s there’s a time in place for that. Absolutely. But we decided that and of course a little bits of all my personality. You heard my bio that I’ve been doing, you know football games for 25 years. I mean when you when you’re a high school football announcer any kind of an announcer MC, there’s an element of a show that goes into that. So I decided that let’s let’s change this, let’s engage as many people as we possibly can at a luncheon and let’s do it in a talk show format. So I literally if you watch like the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon or any of those late shows, you know, What’s he do? He comes on? He has his opening monologue. Well, those are jokes. We call it. Good news Nixa. So I have a segment in there sponsored actually by expose marketing here Nixa, they sponsor that segment. And I tell about good news stories, I might play a video I might tell something that happened at city council meeting, I just was at a meeting went yesterday, one of our nonprofits kind of $35,000 grant from Delta Dental to help provide additional dental services to at risk kids. So that’s a good news story. So we’ll tell that for about 10 or 15 minutes. So that’s the opening monologue. And then we usually have our sponsor break, you gotta have a spotlight sponsor. But even then, unless that person’s a rockstar speaker, I will do q&a with them with a few slides, and I engage in them. And I’ll ask questions, and I’ll talk to them and have a conversation. And they see that so much more relevant than just getting up there and having to sit there make sure that they have their seven minute time, walked out perfectly with all these slides. And that has been more powerful. And that’s why those sellout each and every year, because they feel less pressure to have to do a presentation when it’s more about me doing an interview. And then of course, we get into some other segments where will we always have a transitional video. So when we go from one element to the next, I play video, because our school system is really good about making school videos, I will go grab one of their videos and we’ll play it right there like something that’s that happened at Nexus schools or something the city of Nixa did, or I’ll make a recap video of a chamber luncheon that we did a ribbon cutting that we did, and we do all of our ribbon cuttings on Facebook Live. And so it gives us a lot of content. And then after that we get into the sponsors, then finally, we’ll get into the actual meat of the subject. You know whether it’s last month it was I had, we did some grants for one of our Community Foundation. Well, that was fun. We were giving out free money at the Chamber luncheon. The month before we did an update with what the county’s master plan is for the next five years. Well, again, me and the county commissioner doing a q&a talking about it talking about the impact that is more of a show than it is a luncheon. And it involves so many people that they feel like they’re engaged, and we sell out each and every month. That’s just one of the things that we do differently.

Brandon Burton 17:18
That’s awesome. And that sounds a lot like a podcast to me. Now the way you do the interviews. Yeah, transitions. Yeah. I mean, you’ve got the all the elements that you’re selling tickets to you’re filling a room and you’re creating a great experience.

Chris Russell 17:31
And when you walk in, we’ve got it we got pumped up music plan we’ve got normally when you walk in, it’s not that hard to make videos, you know, these days to throw a bunch of pictures of your last month, until a little loop video. And we’re walking in there’s there’s energetic music, it’s fun, they’re dancing, we actually have somebody who announces the names and when they walk in. So my main sponsor of the annual sponsor, the lunches is GenCon, CPA and Kailyn. She’ll go And now ladies and gentlemen, welcome from the chamber podcast. It’s Brianna. And then we have our ambassadors are there with pom poms, and they’re cheering them on. There’s applause when everybody walks in, it’s like you’re walking up to bat at a major league baseball game. That’s awesome element that’s different. And it’s exciting. And it brings energy and people love it.

Brandon Burton 18:18
And it breaks down some of those, you know, resistances and barriers that people might have at a typical networking type function where you’re just sitting at the table trying to small talk with the people there, like you’re having a common experience and building upon it. So I love that. You

Chris Russell 18:32
know how a lot of a lot of chambers will do like raffle drawings at a chamber event. And they usually wait to the very end, they do the raffle drawings and nobody leaves. No, we do it. First. We want to get people excited right off the bat plus, it’s a nice transition to get everybody into their seats. And as you start the raffle drawing, so that was an element that we changed as well. And that was kind of a cool thing. So there I have an ambassador comes up, she gives out the raffles. And that kind of gets everybody ready. And then all of a sudden here come to the show and bring energy and it’s just a different way of doing it. But however, I see it working Brandon and people like to be there. Our chamber luncheon next week is I told Christiane, our operations that you might want to send a reminder email and she goes, Well, we’re almost full. Are you sure we need to? So we’re selling these things out? Well in advance and people and we do season passes, too. But so that’s that’s the excitement that we bring with that event, because we do have so many cool announcements that goes on during that chamber show, not the luncheon.

Brandon Burton 19:26
spend just a minute talking about the the annual pass. I think that’s yeah,

Chris Russell 19:30
no. So yeah, yeah, it’s really been a Well, I think we had 60 Some of them sold so you can buy your annual passes. Now, the way that we do our funding, Brandon, is that we do the total resource campaign model. And that was another big game changer for us. I know a lot of chambers use that. They also use like different campaign styles. By us having 30 to 40 volunteers go out each and every year and sell our inventory for us on non dues revenue. Those are 30 to 40 Cheerleaders that are out there talking about the Nixa chamber and saying here Here’s why you as a business need to be engaged. Well, we introduced with that the season passes so that they can buy an annual pass. Businesses don’t want to have to worry about logging in each and every week or month, I’m sorry, and making sure they have their ticket for the monthly luncheon or chamber show. And so they they’re more than happy to spend a couple 100 bucks and just buy that season pass at the beginning of the year. And then that way, they know they have a ticket each and every month. We do that with our working women and Nixa, our networking group, and then also our chamber show, and I think we’ve got, I think it’s 60 or 70, I’d have to go ask my operations, exactly how many we sold last year, but we have a guaranteed built in base each and every month because they just buy them. And if they can’t make it, they’re able to take their QR code and give it to one of their colleagues in our office.

Brandon Burton 20:43
Okay, that’s all right. Great idea. So you had mentioned at the beginning about the 91% retention rate, which is great feedback, you guys are providing value, your members see the value, they understand what you do, what are their feedback, so you get back from these returning members as they renew where they see in the most value from your chamber.

Chris Russell 21:03
You know, my favorite chamber member is not necessarily the one that we see all the time. My favorite chamber member that tells you as a chamber that you’re doing a good job is that company or corporation that you hardly ever see, because they see the value, but you never see them. So they know they want they read the emails, they see the Facebook posts, maybe they check the website, occasionally, maybe they’ve downloaded the experience next app, or they’re seeing the activities that we’re doing. And each and every year, they continue to write that check for six or $700 for them to be a member of the chamber, depending on their level, our lowest is 225. And our highest I think is 700. We do that we do that Fair, fair market value model with a mix of tears. So it’s kind of a combo. It’s a hybrid model. And that that that right there tells me that your chambers healthy when they’re not worried about what they get out of the chamber. And that’s a compliment. And I love to see those windows. I love to see the renewals of those who are engaged as well. Don’t get me wrong, there’s there’s value to that too. And as new members come in, and they get engaged in the chamber, that that’s new energy, it’s new blood is new volunteers. It’s new ambassadors. But again, when you have those members who say, hey, Nixa chamber, we see what you’re doing. Thank you so much. Here’s your annual check, no questions asked. That to me tells you that you’re doing something right. Does that make sense? Brandon?

Brandon Burton 22:16
Yeah, that’s another form of feedback that speaks volumes for sure.

Chris Russell 22:21
It does. And occasionally, you’ll see them show up to something big that we’re having, which is great. We had a groundbreaking for a $4 million new business coming into downtown Nixa a few weeks ago. And that brings out people that you don’t normally see. So that was fun. But that that to me, tells us that we’re doing the right things. You know, I think I think most people know that in my community that that I’m pretty engaged. I mean, I have I grew up here, Brandon, I went to high school. If you can’t see it, we’re on video here. But we’re not on video on the podcast. But right behind me. That’s my football helmet, you know, football helmets right back there. I played quarterback for the Knicks eagles. I’ve announced the games. My dad was a fire chief in town. For many, many years. I served on city council, I volunteer a lot and a lot of areas. So this is this is my bread and butter. There’s no doubt about it. However, you still have to maintain that this doesn’t mean you get a free pass, you still have to go out there and earn the respect. And they see that I’m at the city council meetings, they see that I’m I’m in these these these committees like the Nixon Community Foundation, the downtown revitalization group, they see me emceeing events promoting our community. And I think there’s a lot of that said that, that that’s another reason they want to get behind what the Chamber’s doing, not necessarily because of me, but because they see the overall efforts. And then I see how I engage and bring people up to be leaders. And that’s that’s what’s really been powerful for us is that finding those ambassadors, finding those board members that we are highlighting and showcasing and showing the community that it’s not just about the chamber, that we’re actually giving opportunities for other people in our community, to be seen and to have the spotlight and to take ownership of whatever they’re doing. You know, I mean, like our secretary music arts and crafts festival, we have 13 different nonprofits that we work with for that event. I have organizations running the dog show for the love of canines. I got the local FFA. That’s one of the the petting zoo. I’ve got the Arts Council that’s running the art show. I mean, so we engage a lot of different groups that they get ownership of that and therefore they get the highlight and the spotlight and it makes them feel good. And then they want to be a part of our chamber.

Brandon Burton 24:23
Yeah. So you’ve mentioned soccer days a few times for those people that are not from Nixa was a soccer days is. Yeah, it’s

Chris Russell 24:31
funny is that back in the 1950s. I mean, literally the entire town. I got to there’s a poster over here my wall that shows that it’s our history panel we used on our kiosks. But anyway, it talks about how the towns close going fishing or something like that. And the 1950s I mean, they would all go down to the river and sucker fish is a native, well, they’re sacrificial all across the world, but it’s one of those Ozarks traditions that they spawn in the fall or the spring and the town will go down and try to catch a bunch of sucker fish and they would actually A camp and celebrated the river. Well, in 1957, they brought the tradition back to Nixon started an annual fish fry. And with an annual fish fry, it kind of grew from there. And in 2018, the event was ran by the traditional good ol boys group that that held the festival. And it really had taken a turn where just wasn’t, it wasn’t very good. And people actually made fun of it. And they were they were going to shut it down. And I was at a breakfast with me and the committee and the mayor. And I was like, Guys, just let me think on this, just hold on. I grew up the Saturdays, this is my hometown. And I went back to my board of directors and said, I’m going to take over Saturdays I said, we as a chamber, I said, they went wack in at that time, I was fairly new. So I joined in March 2018. Sucker days in 2018, was May, I made the decision in June, so March, April, May, June, three months into the role and I’m going we’re taking it over. And the board was like, Are you sure I said, guys, I said I got a model. And I think we can do this. And it’s going to create an opportunity for more of our businesses to be exposed to our community. And it’s actually been pretty powerful and it’s really wonderful. It’s a wonderful event in a bring 25 to 30,000 people in downtown Nixa for three days and it’s a little downtown block. It’s not even that big and it’s just fun and it’s like a Hallmark Channel event. Like a Hallmark Channel movie right and so we have the Little Miss Main Street pageant. We have the Secretary King and Queen and we do all these fun things. We’ve been doing a new thing this year, the sucker day dog king and queen we got these cute little crowns today. So you know it’s just really really engages our community and my goal was to create as many opportunities for exposure for Nixa and we have several high school groups that are engaged. We have the marching band, we have the theater department, we have the art club, we have the FFA we talked about we have the JROTC so we have all these different groups of the high school kids that are getting engaged, and to be a part of it. So it’s really, it’s really become a cool thing. It is a lot more work. And we have to dedicate a lot of time to it. We do have a great committee, but in the end, it comes down to what happens here behind the scenes to make it happen. But it’ll generate 50 to 75. Probably I think I looked at the p&l the other day, I think we’re up to depending on weather, of course, right? We know whether an outdoor festivals, if we have a great weekend and we do a lot of ride tickets, then we should generate somewhere around 70 to $75,000 in revenue.

Brandon Burton 27:21
That’s great. Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s big.

Chris Russell 27:24
So it’s a big no. Our next, our next boat generated our business expo generate about 40,000 revenue this year. And that was 108 booths for six hours and our high school that we did our business expo. And I think the the it was 38,000. And something I had the p&l here the other

Brandon Burton 27:40
day, 36 hours. That’s yeah, pretty good. Good bang.

Chris Russell 27:44
We were sold out event. And again, the traffic was just unbelievable. That day, it was just nonstop traffic all day. And our businesses really liked that event. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 27:53
Well, I wanted to ask you is if you have any tip or action item for listeners to Yeah, they can do to make sure that they stay relevant. Make sure their members know what their chamber does. What would you suggest?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Chris Russell 28:06
I’ll give you a couple of things here. First of all, unlimited thinking. I see as I talk to a lot of chambers at conferences and on some of the panels especially, you know, 2000 22,021 as we’re all kind of figuring out what was next I unlimited possibility unlimited thinking, you know, one of the very first things that we did when we found out that the city of Nixa was going to more than likely locked down the town like all of us went through, the very first thing that I did was I pulled in my staff and we re re rebuilt our master plan. We went straight to the drawing board and said, Okay, this is going to happen. How do we become more relevant? Now? The good news is, is that the next chamber I’m kind of techie, and that’s an advantage. I don’t disagree. I really am. We were already in the video world at a high level, doing Facebook Live videos with graphic overlays. And that was kind of fun things. And but we decided that it was time to take that to the next level that we weren’t going to let a lock down to slow us down. And we got creative on certain ways that we did things drive in chamber luncheons, right. I mean, we literally had everybody drive into a parking lot. And we had everybody even the cars were six feet apart. I mean, come on. But you know, the funny thing was, that was June of 2020. The funny thing was because we’re in the Midwest and southwest Missouri, and it’s a little little different than other parts of the country. So I respect that. I remember we were parking all these cars six feet apart. We had people out there with poles, making sure the cars were six feet apart. And we had our volunteers and we had box lunches were in basically hazmat suits to hand them out in June of 2020. And then what happened was as soon as they got there, you know what they did? They jumped out of the car and went jumped in with their friends. I mean, it is what it is. But it’s always thinking outside the box. What can we be doing different, right? And that’s like, you know, you and I were talking off camera before the podcast about Andre from Bentonville. And I hope you do get him on here. I look forward to that podcast. The guy was at it. We were at Mako conference and he brought up the VR headset. And I’m like, dude, I got to talk to you because I’m already there horizon worlds and meta is spinning billions upon billions of dollars creating this metaverse. And if we as chambers, don’t figure out how to grasp on or get ahead of that and get there now before everybody else does. We have local churches in southwest Missouri that have already built, already built their Metaverse church. And in addition to that, Wendy’s just spent like tons of money to build the first virtual reality world, Wendy’s, and there’s other companies that are following suit. And I’ve actually been talking to some other industry leaders don’t Hey, how do we capitalize on that I actually built within and learn how to build the world because it’s all user created content. I built one of our local parks and after Saturday’s, we’re having a virtual reality world meet up for all those who have headsets in the community. Then see the Facebook post and the invites to come in and check it out. Because we find that you can actually connect with the community easier in the VR world, you’re you have less boundaries, and how can we create that next step to connect with with Nixa. So that’s something that we’re doing. But the other thing too is, is that my other big tip is what’s been a game changer for us too, is what I call a video on the go live video on the go with graphic overlays good audio, I have taught this class to chambers all across the country, I’ve done one on one conversations, I’ve been on webinars done on the conferences, if you need help really, truly learning how to make professional looking videos, within 20 minutes when rolling up and a live ribbon cutting, I highly encourage you to reach out to me, I’d be happy to show you what we do. You go and check out Nick’s at chambers Facebook page, go to our video section, you’ll see what I’m talking about. We’re talking about rolling into a mower shop the other day, getting some quick B roll and then making a professional looking video within about 20 minutes. And so that’s something that I really think can be a game changer for your community is figuring out how to capitalize on Facebook Live video and not just a just holding up a camera and hitting record. That that has been a big game changer for us as well.

Brandon Burton 31:51
That’s awesome. So I asked everyone I have on the podcast this question and you’ve kind of been addressing it already throughout this interview. But as we look to the future of chambers, how do you see the future chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Chris Russell 32:04
Well, that’s a weighted question. You know, I think you know, you’ve been talked about that a little bit of Mako and I know I had that conversation. Again, what’s that common saying that you hear when you see in one chamber, you’ve seen one? Right? I think the biggest thing is understanding your position in your community. I think that’s step number one. I’m I also know that a chamber of commerce needs to have solid relationships with all entities in your community. And I’ve talked to so many chambers who don’t have a great relationship with their city or their school system, you need to fix that you got to fix that that’s, that has to be cured that there has to be something that you focus on and making sure that those relationships are solid. But the other one is you you know we have in our mission statement to be the premier business organization and it goes on and on, will be the premier business organization. If that means you need to have events for your community than have them. And that means you need to have networking events that have them. That means that you need to be techie. And you need to be the leading edge when it comes to showcasing because you are the example that a small business who moves into your town or start does a start up in your town. They’re looking at the chamber and how they function. And if we’re not functioning that that way, then how are they expected to function that way? I have the same conversation with businesses each and every month. I say, when I’m doing coaching, I say do you close out your your books each month? And they’re like No, I said, well guess what chambers? Do we have to close out our books each month and give our p&l statements right or our current budget statements to our board for review? Well, why businesses don’t operate like that? Well, if you’re not operating like that, and you’re not doing it at a high level, then how can you expect a business to do that? So I think the future of chambers understanding where you’re at in your town, and then being the most premier business that you can, and being techie, I think you’ve got to be techie. And you got to be innovative and figure out a way to connect with your audience. All right, that makes sense. That was a lot, dude, I just don’t, that was a big break.

Brandon Burton 33:52
It’s a podcast that can hit that backup, 30 seconds button a couple times this

Chris Russell 33:56
slow down button to you know, on the podcast, you can either speed it up, you don’t need to speed up my podcast, I

Brandon Burton 34:01
was thinking, you know, I usually stick to about 30 minutes on these podcasts. But these people, their listeners are getting about 60 minutes worth of value as they listen to you.

Chris Russell 34:11
I love helping I love I love what I do. And I looked and I love to help other chambers and I think that we only get stronger. I mean, I’ve had powerful conversations with like April Bragg and Georgia and some of these other chamber pros and when I go to these conferences, I’m there to learn. And when I find people are doing things at a high level like Bentonville, Arkansas, man I become a I become a sponge. I mean he he gave us some of those tech tips. We’ve already implemented three of them, right we’re slack, there’s slack in the right now I mean there it is right there I just got another message sitting here we’re already implementing other things that we can learn from each other. If we can help each other grow with our through leadership that was another thing great about Mako was a lot of leadership portions. We all go to these these these conferences and economic development Workforce Development what to do about childcare. I don’t take care of your members. No, we need more leadership opportunities to grow as people. That’s, that’s my, that’s what I love to do is help people grow. And that’s that’s and we do it for our businesses and we should be doing it internally as well.

Brandon Burton 35:12
Absolutely. So Chris, I wanted to give you a chance to put any contact information out there for anyone that wants to reach out and connect and ask him more questions about how you’re doing things. Absolutely.

Connect with Chris Russell

Chris Russell 35:20
I’m on MySpace. MySpace is my favorite place to go to MySpace. Yeah, we’re still there. No, I’m kidding. Literally, find me on Facebook. Look up. Chris Russell Nixa, Missouri. Of course, my phone number you want to text me Call me? 417-773-7678? I’d love to talk to you. Of course, we can do. email, actually, probably not on the email me email sucks. I hate that platform. It’s terrible. It really is. I mean, we’ve got to figure out a way to get past email. I mean, it really is becoming a burden. I think for all of us. Would you not agree, Brandon? memb. Yeah, me emailed me the other day about the bio and I didn’t even see it. And it took you a reminder email for me to go in and type the bio out. Yeah, yeah. It’s just not a great connect. So call me or text me, that’s probably the best thing.

Brandon Burton 36:07
Okay. I’ll get that in the show notes for this episode. So people can check that out and connect with Chris and he’s got lots of ideas, lots of energy, and he loves to share these ideas too. So do reach out and connect with him. Learn from him, let him learn from you. And, you know, make everybody better.

Chris Russell 36:25
I want to learn from you too, man. I want to find out what you’re doing. That’s, that’s the main thing. You just never know what you’re gonna learn. That’s right.

Brandon Burton 36:31
Well, Chris, this has been great, great discussion. I appreciate you being with me today on Chamber Chat Podcast and provided a ton of value. Appreciate it.

Chris Russell 36:40
Oh, thank you for having me, Brian. Appreciate it. Great job on your show too. It’s awesome.

Brandon Burton 36:43
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