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Category: Podcast Episode

Workforce Talent Development with Jordan Vogel

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Jordan Vogel, VP of Talent Initiatives at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber is our guest this week to talk about how you can further develop the workforce talent in your community.

In this episode, Jordan dives into the main pillars that the Cincinnati Chamber employs as they focus on developing their workforce.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Jordan about what he has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, he can be reached by email at

In your mission to be a great Chamber you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well and you will have a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Disruption-The Necessity for Every Chamber with Shannon Full

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Shannon Full, President and CEO of the Twin West Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about how disruption is a necessity for every Chamber.

A quote that Shannon shared in this episode is “different isn’t always better, but better is always different.”

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Shannon about what she has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, she can be reached by email at, phone at 920-422-3331 or on the Chamber website at

In your mission to be a great Chamber you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well and you will have a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.Image

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The Evolution of the Chamber Industry with Tallia Hart

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Tallia Hart, President and CEO of the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week as she shares what her experience has been like to work at really big Chambers, such as San Francisco, as well as smaller Chambers. The contrast between how these different Chambers function lead to a discussion about the evolution of Chambers of Commerce.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Tallia about what she has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, she can be reached by email at, phone at 707-433-6935 or on the Chamber website at

In your mission to be a great Chamber you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well and you will have a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Community Pain Points with Jason Camis

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Jason Camis, President and CEO of the Gardner Edgerton Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about how your Chamber can address the pain points in your community.

In this episode, Jason shares some of the unique ways that his Chamber works to be inclusive to all businesses in their community as they strive to solve these community pain points.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Jason about what he has shared in this episode or to continue this conversation off-line, he can be reached by email at or on the Chamber website at

In your mission to be a great Chamber you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well and you will have a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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How to Use Data at Your Chamber with Britt Delo

Britt Delo, Directory of Membership at the Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about the important topic of how to use data at your Chamber.

In this interview, Britt shares some of the many ways that she and the Michigan West Coast Chamber collect and use data in order to provide a better member experience with their Chamber.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Britt about what she has shared in this episode or for more details about how to use data at your Chamber, she can be reached by email at, phone 616-392-9719, or on the Chamber website at

In your mission to be a great Chamber you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well and you will have a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Staff Retention with Jessica Welch

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Jessica Welch, VP of Operations at the Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about a seldom addressed topic in the Chamber world of staff retention.

In this interview, Jessica shares some reasons why people leave their Chamber job, the importance of the culture in your office which starts with the CEO, and ways to retain and attract employees through both monetary and non-monetary perks.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Jessica about what she has shared in this episode or for more details about how she handles staff issues at her Chamber, she can be reached by email at, phone 949-502-4115, or on social media on LinkedIn and Facebook.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Community Development Projects with Jodie Perry

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Jodie Perry, President and CEO of the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about a very comprehensive community development project that her Chamber recently took on after a leadership visit to South by Southwest in Austin with 15 leaders in their community. The community development project is titled Mansfield Rising.

You can see the marketing material that was produced for Mansfield Rising which shows the scope and goals of the project by clicking here. You can also follow the hashtags #sxsw419 and #mansfieldrising to see how Jodie and her team are leveraging social media in this campaign.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Jodie about what she has shared in this episode or their Mansfield Rising project, you can reach out to her by email at, phone 419-522-3211, Twitter @chamberjodie. You can also look up her presentation at ACCE in 2019.

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Leadership Visits with Matt McCormick

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Matt McCormick, President and CEO of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce in Missouri is our guest this week to talk about his experiences with leadership visits, both as a guest and as a host. Matt shares some of the many benefits that come from these type of visits to communities that are similar to your own. Even if you think you know what all of the benefits are, it is worth a listen to see the perspective that Matt takes to leadership visits.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Matt about what he has shared in this episode or for more details about hosting of planning leadership visits, you can reach out to him by email at, phone at 573-874-1132, or you can visit their Chamber’s website at

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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Events & Sponsorships with Rebecca Wildeboer

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Rebecca Wildeboer, Hospitality and Events Coordinator at the Sparta Chamber of Commerce is our guest this week to talk about some of the events that the Sparta Chamber hosts and how she goes about leveraging the value of sponsorship to the businesses who support these events.

Rebecca shares a great example of a Harry Potter Festival that they created and hosted for several years and dives into details in many areas from coming up with the idea to the execution of it and measuring it’s success.

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Increase your Chamber’s non-dues revenue with Swypit’s credit card affinity program. Click here to get your free cost-savings analysis.

If you would like to connect with Rebecca about what she has shared in this episode or for more details about her events and sponsorship ideas, you can reach out to her by email at .

In your mission to be a great Chamber, you may consider delegating to an award-winning Chamber publisher like Community Matters, Inc. for your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters can handle all of the ad sales, design work, collection, and distribution. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking print & digital publication and a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to receive a bid for your next publication.

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