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Published December 13, 2022
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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Frank and Ernesto. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
Now your host hangs blankets in his studio to reduce the echo, he’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:23
Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Tony Felker, President and CEO of the Frisco Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for him.

Tony Felker 0:45
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Brandon Burton 1:07
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For this episode, we have a two-for. We’ve got two great guests for the price of one. So we’ve got Frank Mulcahy and Ernesto Verdugo. Ernesto and Frank are both Change Catalyst through their thought leadership and effective public speaking that leads to results. Ernesto is the 240/7 most traveled person in the universe. They worked for Renaissance cruises and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines before becoming a full time speaker and trainer. He’s worked with people from over 120 nationalities and 57 countries. He’s a little league baseball coach, a private pilot, and a master juggler. He lives with his wife and two kids in The Woodlands Texas.

Frank has developed a series of workshops over the past 38 years exposing the devastating impact of data breaches and identity theft, Frank’s immersion and identity theft prevention and red flag training began in his mortgage banking career is has he’s honed his mastery in all facets of identity theft in the workplace and online, as he has spoken to and trained over 835,000 individuals from the stage webinars and in workplaces against the ongoing threats of identity theft and misusing social media. As I have them with us today, we’re going to be talking about a new app that they’ve come out with called grow and protect. But Frank and Ernesto, I’m excited to have you with me today here on chamber chat podcast and like to give you both an opportunity to say hello to all the chamber champions that are out there listening and share something interesting about yourself so we can get to know you a little bit better, Franklin, start with you. Very good.

Frank Mulcahy 3:03
Thank you, Brandon. It’s a pleasure to be here today. And most importantly, it’s a pleasure to continue serving Chambers of Commerce because I believe that as an entrepreneur over the last almost 48 years, the chambers have probably been most instrumental to my growth. And I followed them from very, very small chambers all the way up to chamber galas. And it was as a result of my just everything that chambers gave to me that when we decided would grow and protect, it was time to get back to the chambers. And that’s what we’re going to share with the folks today is that we’re all in this together as one big happy family. And we’re all here to serve the small to medium sized business entrepreneur, on how they can grow and how they can protect their businesses in these chaotic times.

Brandon Burton 3:54
Very good Ernesto.

Ernesto Verdugo 3:56
Yeah, well, thank you, Brandon, for having us here. Your your introduction was very nice, very kind, very accurate. And all the stuff that you were saying one of the things that was not mentioned is that I am also the Vice President of Marketing of the US Mexico Chamber of Commerce. And it’s a little bit different than the other chambers of commerce that are around which are a little bit more local. This one is a by national Chamber of Commerce. And of course, I am delighted to be with your audience because we have a ton of stuff that we can help them with. So we will start we will start with our with our story. Basically everything started with the thoughts of my 13 year old daughter that basically taught me how to become a YouTuber. And then afterwards we started using YouTube as a tool of growth and we will tell you a little bit more on that story, but it is I am there I am delighted to be here.

Brandon Burton 5:00
That’s great. We can learn a lot from our children, can’t we? And oh my goodness, either directly or just seeing trends that are coming and how they’re interacting with technology. So what

Frank Mulcahy 5:11
what we, what, what we call that Brandon is actually reverse mentoring. Yes, we mentor them, they mentor us, and then we all collaborate and go forward.

Brandon Burton 5:21
That’s right. I love that. So tell us just a little bit about what your company grow and protect the app. What, what is it? And how long have you guys been doing this. And we’ll we’ll get much deeper into it. But let’s just give it an overview, just to kind of give some perspective as to why we’re having you guys on the show today to talk about this.

Frank Mulcahy 5:44
So grow, Grow and Protect is a chamber of resource library, Brandon, that we felt was necessary with the chaotic times that we were going into, and we’re going to talk in a little bit about how we started it way back in February of 2020. Before the lockdown, we knew times were going to change, what we didn’t realize is how devastating times would change. And so, Ernesto and I, we pivoted very quickly, we didn’t miss a beat. But we noticed that everybody else was falling behind. So the grown protect is meant to be a chamber resource library to actually put commerce back in Chamber of Commerce, to actually help the small business entrepreneur, to expand their business outside their local town, city, state, county, or even country by using the technology that Ernesto and I have been very, very blessed to have harnessed. And it was time to put it together in one spot with one module where apps where they can have it with them 24 By seven on all the devices and all this stuff, and everybody could grow, even the people that have technically challenged. Brandon, that’s the great thing about what we put together, one

Ernesto Verdugo 7:03
of the things that we noticed was that most of the chambers of commerce, they were offering a location, but the location, you know, it was, it was not the location that we thought it was exactly what was needed at that at that specific moment. And once again, as we were mentioning, for example, how they can use you to how they can start using them so that they can attract more, more business, how they can figure it out how to create a customer journey. And this is exactly what we started putting together and we put it we put it in very small bite size videos and lesson plans, so that they will not be struggling with you know, this is a full two hour course or anything that’s actually very, very easy for them to digest this information. And yeah, I mean, the people that take it seriously and then they you know, it’s we always say once more or less than that they will help you tremendously, so that you can start knowing how to go into the 21st century in my eyes. And this is one of the things that I always mentioned in my eyes. Unfortunately, many of the people which are actually doing business through it through chambers of commerce, they are a little bit behind in time. And we said well you know if this is what we need to do, we have to push all of this so that we can actually take people to the 21st century.

Brandon Burton 8:25
I like it so I’m excited to dive into deeper discussion about growing protect because I see great value in having a video resource library for chambers to point their members to to help them grow and protect their business and and get out of just the brick and mortar you know who’s in your local community. But let’s let’s broaden what that economy looks like. And I love how this is no cost to chambers so we’ll dive into that in much more depth as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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All right, Frank and Ernesto we’re back. As I mentioned before the break, I wanted to dive in deeper about grown protect. Frank, you alluded to kind of the beginnings of grown protect in February of 2020. Why don’t you tell us a story of how grown protect came to be and how the vision came and and how you guys enrolled this? Yeah, I’m

Frank Mulcahy 12:04
happy to do that. And we’re gonna go back to February of 2020, which was actually about three weeks before the great lockdown. And as international speakers, we were booked in Mumbai, India, at the world, HR 2020. Congress. And I remember that Ernesto myself, Dave crane, several of us that traveled together around the world. We were at the Taj Hotel, and we were talking about Wuhan, China like everybody else. The difference was because we’re only 1000 miles away, we started to realize that, yeah, they’re shutting down flights from China to the US. But what people didn’t realize is they were flying from China into India, India, into Europe, and then on to the states. And so we sat at the Taj Hotel, that second week in February, and we said, our whole world’s going to change, but we had no idea it would be two years plus, that businesses would still be suffering. And so we will wonder what we’re going to do. And Ernesto and he can tell you about it in a second. But he immediately once we got back to the states on March the 12th, when we had the great shutdown, he launched a web TV show, and never missed a beat had over 100 broadcasts had 1000s of people listening to it daily. And then I said, well, I need to, I need to become a YouTube influencer. And I need to take all my speaking virtual rather than public during the Great lockdown. And while my customers are not my customers, but while my competition, Brandon was wondering, What am I going to do now? There’s no public speaking, no access to people. I never missed a beat. And people were fascinated that at 69 years old, I became a YouTube influencer. But I took advantage of it because it’s relatively simple. And that’s how we started and we said, we have the skills. We did a survey, I met with Aaron Cox, who was the president of the Texas Chamber of Commerce executives. I went up to Austin had lunch with him. I said, I said, Aaron, this is what I’m looking to put together a library of two 300 videos of how people can actually protect their business grow their business, and they can do it even technically challenged. What do you think he said, we talked about this for five years at the Greater Texas Chamber of Commerce executives, but nobody knew where to start. I said, Well, my partner and I got it pretty much 50% bill. And we put together Boyd Brandon, with chamber executives that I’ve known over the last 40 plus years and asked for the curriculum, what would they think their businesses needed? And as a result, we have the growing protect dot app, which is as as you said, it’s free to chain Because of commerce to give back to the membership, so that they can grow their business. And the only cost is $1 to activate the mobile app.

Brandon Burton 15:11
So Ernesto, I think your daughter had a great spark of, I don’t know, Prophesy ingenuity, I don’t know what you want to call it. But she had some unique foresight to say you need to be a YouTuber, and make that shift. And I see how that’s paid off for you. And for Frank, and for the influence that you’ve had. How did you go from, I guess, taking the videos as a YouTuber, to organizing it into an app that has a training resource library, and specifically for Chamber members?

Ernesto Verdugo 15:46
Well, as Frank was mentioning, when we jumped into the web TV show, we knew that we had to go digital. So every I mean, in those days, some was not what it what it is right now. I mean, it suddenly started becoming a very important tool, we were actually not transmitting through through zoom, we were using other other software. And we were doing it through Facebook. And it was very interesting. That was the beginning of the lockdown. We went from having nobody watching the TV show to having for about 100 days in a row. We were having about 1000 1500 people watching the show every single day. And then we said, well, you know, this is it. This is the way to communicate in this time. And it was great. But then what happened was that after the after the lockdown, the initial lockdown started easing off, we started losing the audience. I mean, we suddenly were, you know, we were novelty during the time of the, of the lockdown, but then suddenly, I mean, we started losing the audience. And then that’s when my daughter told me Well, you know, the problem is, you have to go into YouTube, because YouTube is going to be the one of the platform, which is going to give you the most exposure. Now, the problem with YouTube is, it is the most effective tool, but it’s the most difficult to understand because you don’t have to think as a marketer, you don’t have to think as an influencer, you don’t have to think as somebody that wants to run social media or anything like that, you have to think like a real TV model. And then we started realizing, well, you know, this is basically if you have a channel, as they call it, you have to have some kind of programming. And this programming needs to be interesting. And you have to make sure that you have the enough retention for people to watch the content that you’re creating. And then we started experimenting. I mean, we started doing several shows Frank and I, some of the videos that we created were crap. I mean, we have to absolutely accept it. But then we started figuring out well, you know what, this is what works if we know exactly what kind of content and we make it fun, and we make it entertaining, and we make it you know, a way that people will be able to consume it, these little, these little 10 minute 15 minute videos are going to become very effective. And exactly what happened. I mean, we started having a lot of traction on those videos on YouTube. And then that’s when we said, Well, I think you know what, let’s also capitalize from all of this, and start putting it into a platform so that all the people in the chambers of commerce will be able to benefit from it. I love

Brandon Burton 18:29
that. And I like to you can own and admit that some of the videos are just crap. The best way to get better is just put in the reps, keep doing it. And the more practice you get at it, the better you get, and the more refined your process.

Frank Mulcahy 18:45
Aaron, let me add to that, Brandon, if I might. One of the ways that we’re able to get the quality of the videos increased, what we put, we actually put together an advisory board of chamber executives, people that had a minimum of 20 years as the leaders of chambers. And we asked them about the curriculum, we asked them about the lesson plans. And so although Ernesto, and I like to think that were the founders, there were a tremendous amount of chamber professionals that advised us to what they needed and what they wanted.

Brandon Burton 19:24
Awesome. So let’s dive into the content of it as the trainings what, as a chamber explores this is they look at an opportunity to be able to share this video resource library with their members. What kind of trainings would they expect to find in there that they could share with their members? Well,

Frank Mulcahy 19:43
we will go back and forth will each add on to this but I think I think the most important thing in the first lesson we start with is about mindset, the shift in the mindset as to how business and commerce is now conducted worldwide because most people Well, they’re still stuck at the best skills and attributes of five years ago, which are probably the excess baggage today. And so we have to make this fundamental shift that as time progresses, the way that we develop things, the way that we serve customers, the way we go to the marketplace, is constantly changing and evolving. And that’s where we work, first of all on the mindset, and the aspect that they can look for the future trends. And then from there, let’s do you want to give them a couple of the lesson plans that we did, and so from YouTube?

Ernesto Verdugo 20:36
Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, for example, one of the one of the ones that I think it’s very powerful is the digital stagecraft. There’s a whole lesson on how to communicate, as we are doing it right now in zoom. Still, you see people after two years that they still do not really know how to use some properly, they look incredibly unprofessional. And right now we can show in absolutely everywhere in the world, and you have to look your best. So that is one of them. I mean, the other one would be on the customer journey, as we were mentioning, and it was very, it was very funny, because we actually went to IKEA in in Houston to record these so that people will understand that right now is not that you’re selling a product, you’re selling a whole whole journey of what your products are, and how you can actually make the most out of every customer that goes into your into your business, customer acquisition. Lead Generation, we’re having LinkedIn training we’re having how to how to get your brand, across all over the place how to become Omni omnipresent, which right now it’s the most important thing in the in the world, because what happens now is that, for example, doesn’t matter what it is, if you’re going to go on a date, or if you are going to ask for a job, or whatever it is, the first thing that people will do is they will Google you. And you are not who you say you are, you’re a Google who actually Google says who you are. And that is one of those things that most businesses do not really take seriously. So if you go and search and pictures there, people are not going to take your series, but the moment that they see that you’re absolutely everywhere and omnipresent, what’s going to happen is that they’re going to have instant respect. And one of the things that Frank and I really found was that when you when people can see your accomplishments without you having to talk about them, what’s going to happen is, you know, the the Speed of Trust is going to is going to be there they’re going to be people are going to trust you right away. I mean, and this is exactly what happens when people hear my name. They go and google me, and they see that I am absolutely everywhere. And there’s over a million results about me in Google. People don’t question me, if I go to speak, and I say well, my fees $10,000. I can justify it because of course, I’m pretty well known. So that’s the important thing. And most people are still on found double with with Google. And that’s another of the lessons that we’re talking about just just to name a few.

Brandon Burton 23:22
Even just when I started chamber chat podcast, as I initially was reaching out to people to be guests on the podcast. Initially, it was hard, because people didn’t know who I was, if they went to Google and search me or the podcast, there wasn’t a whole lot out there. So they were really trying to do the research. And, and now if somebody searches, you know, chamber chat, podcast or my name, it’s going to be all over the place. But it I see that being that having that influence that Omni presence everywhere really is valuable in creating that that digital footprint, but it translates from what you’re doing in your brick and mortar building, to the web.

Frank Mulcahy 24:04
So absolutely. And you know, there was a study that I saw in Forbes magazine, Brandon, and it said, 65% of millennials and this is just six months ago, 65% of millennials prefer not to talk to somebody in the transactional process of making a decision. They want to go online, they want to see video validation, they want to see your brand as a company. Who are you Where have you been? What have you accomplished? I mean, if we stop and think about it random, people go to Yelp to decide whether they’re going to go to a new hamburger or pizza or Chinese restaurant based on the reviews of others. So we certainly have to we have to accept the fact that they’re going to be looking at us IP were a survey company a real estate a construction roofing, contracting, educate It doesn’t matter what we are as Chamber members, people are going to research you. And based on what they find, they’re either going to keep delaying the process to business with you, or they’re going to accelerate it because as Ernesto said, they have the trust. And that’s probably one of the key things. As we as we do the grown protect, we also do monthly live collaboration calls for the for the users. And we’re able to go to these lesson plans. And when they understand that tremendous growth happens in their business, Brandon tremendous,

Brandon Burton 25:34
right? So it’s interesting how these things come together. You know, Frankie had mentioned 65% of Millennials don’t want to interact with the individual with another in person, you know, transaction. And we’re nesto talked about the customer journey experience filming an Ikea my customer journey at IKEA is very different. Yeah, I’ll go there, knowing what I want. And I’ll go right to the warehouse, get the boxes I want and check out I refuse to walk through the maze of the customer journey at IKEA. So you know, everybody has these different different ways to interact. But being able to, to know your customer being able to be omni present, have those reviews out there be able to get that good feedback. And it sounds like all these trainings, you have address these various different topics and, and really kind of stack on top of each other to build a strong business to grow and protect, right. So tell us how does grow and protect work for a chamber? If a chamber wanted to adopt grown protect for their organization for their members? What does that look like? for

Frank Mulcahy 26:43
that? Yeah, the first thing I urged them to do is to give me a call, let’s set up a 1015 minute discovery call. And they can go to speak to frank.com, speak to frank.com. And they can book on my calendar. But what I’m going to explain to them, Brandon is that there is no cost to the chamber at all. Everything we’re doing is going to be in the realm. If they look at our video grow and protect that app, they’ll see that the message to the Chamber members is that the chamber is bringing these resources to their members. And it’s so refreshing because now rather than the chambers asking him for another sponsorship or another donation more time, they’re actually giving something back to the Chamber members, which is a $297 value. But the chamber member gets it for $1 for $1 lifetime access to all of the lesson plans, plus the monthly collaboration calls that are nesto. And I do what we’re doing live trainings with guest sponsors. And we’re bringing in, we’re bringing in all of the lesson plans, as Ernesto said, digestible chunks, three minutes, five minutes, six minutes, and the but they can walk through it at their pace. And they can choose somebody might say, I want to do the LinkedIn, because I really want to learn how to get a refined marketing statement, one that causes people to raise their hand and say, Brandon, please tell me more about chamber chat, or the contract. Tell me more. That’s what we’re doing is we’re walking them through this. So for the chambers, you’re going to increase your membership, you’re going to increase your membership fees, you’re going to increase your sponsorships and you’re doing it at no capital expense. So the first thing they did book that 10 minute discovery call and let’s see whether or not this is good for your chamber and we’ll set them up at no charge.

Brandon Burton 28:44
So as we start wrapping up here, I wanted to ask what would be one maybe tip or action item for chamber champions listening who want to take their chamber up to the next level? I’m sure you both have a tip but maybe Ernesto we can start with you on that response.

Ernesto Verdugo 29:01
Well, obviously I will definitely recommend that you take us on this on a call. You know we are we we have done is we have taken the way that chambers have done business forever but now we have taken it into the digital world. I mean everybody asks, well, how’s it possible we spend a huge amount of time and money developing this, this problem and then everybody says well how could you give it away for free and this is what I think it’s very, very interesting and then I’ll tie it to a very good tip. Normally for example, if chambers are having events, they bring out speakers and they the speakers also benefit because of of the exposure that they get. Well this is exactly the same thing but digital. So if it is if it is free, if it is at no cost and it is absolutely for education so that you can you increase increase the value that you provide to your chamber. This is an absolute must for for every chamber to, to be using it because it’s going to make a big difference. What with the results that you’re that your Chamber members second we’ll be having?

Brandon Burton 30:20
Very good. Frank, do you have anything you’d like to add as far as a tip or action item for listeners? Yeah,

Frank Mulcahy 30:26
yeah, I want to continue on that same thought that Ernesto just had there. As he said, chambers. And I said it earlier that I grew my entire business, Brandon, from Chambers of Commerce. I started with rotaries, Lyons, Kiwanis, but I very quickly realized the business community is at the chamber. And so you know, most chambers, they bring in a speaker, but it’s complimentary. We really don’t get paid like we do when we get on the big stage. And so I realized that if I could, if I could put together virtually a library, which I think today and so we’ve got over 270 lesson plans within the growing protect app with about 50 more planned over the next quarter. Then what’s gonna happen, Brandon, is that the CEOs, the executives, the association’s, they’re going to, they’re going to stop and say, you know, this is great stuff, whether it’s pocket filmmaking, client acquisition, customer traction, digital optics, refined marketing statements, whatever it is, and they’re gonna ask us, can you come in, for instance, you introduce me in the bio, that I’m very, very big in the cyber awareness arena. But I’m also known worldwide for disruptive, abusive behavior in the workplace, which is devastating to the workplace. And it’s amazing how the chambers have grown my, my training companies, where I come in and solve workplace bullying situations for clients, like the city of Houston, the state of Texas, the National Nuclear Security Administration, I never would have had those contracts. Brandon, unless I had spoken at that chamber. At some point in time, we don’t know when we just know that the more we serve, the more we profit, the chain, a complimentary.

Brandon Burton 32:17
Very good, I liked those responses. So I’d like asking everyone I have on the show, as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward? And we’ll give you both a shot at this as well. So Ernesto, if you want to take first stab at that, yeah,

Ernesto Verdugo 32:35
I think the the, you know, right now we have seen it. I mean, in my eyes, a lot of the chambers are little pockets, which are, you know, in everywhere, and right now, because we are going in a global way of thinking, I think, I think the future of the Chamber of Commerce, business is to be able to provide opportunities locally, but also globally. And, you know, it’s it’s one of those things that it’s inevitable. So I think that’s where I see the that’s, that’s why I’m very excited about, you know, working with with several chambers, because every time that we talk to them, and we tell them our vision of how things are going to be working. And they always say, Yeah, I definitely think that that’s the way to do it to actually grow locally, but also have a element of globalization to for our members.

Brandon Burton 33:32
Love that. Frank, what is your future, the Chamber vision look like?

Frank Mulcahy 33:37
It as I talk more and more with our advisory board every month, it’s about developing more avenues for commerce, Chamber members want to know, what are they getting for the return on investment? And what you know, how are you helping me to grow my business. And unfortunately, with these online courses, that that Constant Contact, that’s not cutting it, with Chamber members, from as far away as Sri Lanka, and Malta and London, and all across the United States, because in the last year, we’ve actually grown to almost 300 chambers that are now offering a growing protect app. And as more and more of the people are on the collaboration calls, Brandon, that creating that, that that connection that Ernesto just talked about, outside of Houston, or outside of Texas, or outside the southwest, but they actually can pick up additional clients and prospects all across North America and the world. And in the digital economy. We all have to we all have to accept this. That somewhere right now. There’s an 11 or 12 year old sitting in the bedroom with a cell phone and an Internet connectivity that is becoming our next competition. because they don’t need the back office, they don’t need the business plan, they don’t need the funding, all they need is a little bit of grasp of where the technology is going, and how they can use all these channels we talked about and grow and protect, we walk you through every single one of them, and then start to implement them a little bit here, a little bit there. And the next thing you know, your members are now picking up new product lines, new customers around the world, additional avenues of income, and they’re going to use the internet, rather than being used by the internet. And that’s the greatest value that we provide.

Brandon Burton 35:41
That’s great. Yeah, be it be a creator of content instead of a consumer only of content. So well, I want to give you both an opportunity to share any contact information for anyone listening who’d like to reach out and connect and, and learn how to work with growing protect, what would be the best way Frankie had mentioned, speak to frank.com? Are there other ways that you’d like people to reach out and connect?

Frank Mulcahy 36:08
Yeah, and you know, again, they can reach out just go to Google put in Frank Mulcahy. groan, protect, you know, but speak to frank.com is the best one, Brandon because they can actually go into my calendar, and book a collaboration call. It’s free. We’ll have an online cup of coffee and show you what we can do for your chamber, and make you part of the ground protect family where you actually can now serve your chambers. And a lot of the chambers, Brandon will actually come and do live presentations for them, depending on where they are geographically and where we are. But we can we can tailor any program for any chamber. Because we have Chambers from all around the world now and every nationality. And there’s never any selling. It’s all about serving and delivering value, no selling. And if people raise their hand and say Ernesto, Frank, Brandon, please tell me more. That’s what we’re looking for us that relations.

Brandon Burton 37:14
Right. That’s beautiful. Well, thank you both for joining me today on chamber chat podcasts and joining all the chamber champions listening, what you guys are doing is definitely creating a lot of value. It’s creating a opportunity for Chamber members for these local businesses to further develop their business and to become stronger to become more resilient going forward into the future. So appreciate the work you guys are doing, and especially focusing on on Chambers of Commerce. That definitely is our niche. So thank you for that. And thank you for joining us today.

Frank Mulcahy 37:55
It’s my pleasure. Thank you, Brandon.

Ernesto Verdugo 37:57
Thank you, Brandon.

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