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A Podcast for Chamber Professionals Posts

Building Resiliency with Tammy Wellbrock

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Tammy Wellbrock. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
Now, your host he would love any tips on how to get rid of gophers from your yard. He’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:21
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Before we jump into this episode, I wanted to let everyone know about our Chamber Pros Planner giveaway raffle that we’re doing this year we did it last year but Izzy West has been kind enough to partner with the podcast again to give away five Chamber Pros Planners for 2023. So any of you listening if you leave a review for the show, either an apple podcast or even on Facebook under the Chamber Chat Podcast page, and send me a screenshot at Brandon@chamberchatpodcast.com I’ll enter you into a raffle to win one of Izzy West’s 2023 Chamber Pros Planners.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Tony Felker, President and CEO of the Frisco Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for him.

Tony Felker 1:24
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Brandon Burton 1:46
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Our guest for this episode is Tammy. Well, Brock Tammy has been serving in multiple roles in the chamber industry since 2009. First, she served as a board member for two years before that same chamber, the Hayes Chamber of Commerce hired Tammy as our president CEO. Under her direction, the chamber was a 2013 ACCE finalists for chamber the year after nine years in this role, Tammy launched her own professional consulting, training and coaching business Girl Twin Solutions LLC, and aspect of her business includes serving as interim executive leadership roles such as Fort Hays State University Alumni Association, called the Thomas County Chamber of Commerce and Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce. She enjoys the challenge of leading organizations through transfer through transformational change. Tammy received her BA in her MS and communications. In 2014. She completed her IOM designation, and she earned her certified Association Executive in 2016. She continues to aid professionals and their professional growth while teaching students at the fhsu as an adjunct instructor, Tammy, I’m excited to have you with us today on chamber tap podcast. This is a I feel like we’ve had a lot of anticipation building up to having you on the show. So this is great. I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you better.

Tammy Wellbrock 3:23
Well, and I suppose you’re looking for something more interesting that I liked the color yellow. Yeah. So you know, Brandon, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your podcast. And certainly, I’m kind of geeking out on. Oh my gosh, I’m with Brandon Burton. He’s so famous. And so you know, I It is a pleasure to be able to get get a chance to be a part of your show and part of your mission. And so, something interesting about me well, you know, when I was that same question, I call it my unicorn, what makes me memorable, and what makes me unique. And I, I was going through that exercise when I was coming up with my new business name, and when you are my age, and so 50 years ago twins were of natural creation. It was not perhaps infertility drug induced. And so, back in the day when I was being birthed my brother and I, my twin brother and I were one of the only set of boy girl twins that were in our area. I mean, in our school League, and yes, I grew up in a very small, rural Midwestern area. And so I I got mailed to the twins in our hometown i i was called the girl twin And to this day when I am trying to make a reference of something about growing up, and people may be trying to see if they knew me and build those connections report, I will explain to them well, do you remember the girl twin from my hometown? Oh, yeah, I remember you. And so that’s, you know, that’s, I think it is unusual. I think it’s something memorable. Twins are certainly not quite so rare these days. But so girl twin solutions, it is that was the name of how I took the journey and coming up with my business. But also, I think it’s interesting, the the roll, I’ve been asked what’s it like to have been a twin? And I’m like, I don’t know, what’s it like to be a single, right? I don’t know anything different. But what I can tell you is that I had one point in my life, had to teach myself to use singular pronouns, instead of the plural. And to this day, when I slip into reminiscing about my childhood, it goes to WWE. Us. And not me or my and, and I think that’s kind of an intriguing forecast into team dynamics. I say, I’ve been embracing team dynamics since birth. I couldn’t say the womb, because if you’re a science, you know, knowledgeable scientist, you’d know that that’s not possible. For boy girl twins. But with that being said, I you know, I just think it’s it’s a, it’s a fun aspect to think about, I have been working in a team environment since a child, I think in ways of how can we do more effectively and efficiently. Working together? I just, I just always thought that way. Because I could see right away, I could do more when my twin and I were working together versus working apart.

Brandon Burton 6:56
Even in the womb, I’m sure you guys figured out some system of who gets to kick when and whose feet go where and all that. So I don’t know.

Tammy Wellbrock 7:02
Well, somehow I pushed him out first. And so I came second. I think there was some talk in there. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 7:10
there you go. So you told us a little bit how you came up with the name girl, twin solutions, tell us a little bit more about your company, what you do with the consulting and working with chambers. And it just gives us a better picture for maybe a little bit more background as we set the table for discussion.

Tammy Wellbrock 7:25
Perfect, perfect. So as you had shared in my bio, I have chamber experience. I also have teaching experience and so and management, I’ve been in three different industries, including the chamber, and I’ve been in leadership roles, executive level. And so I’ve always been in ways of influencing or impacting others, and I am, I find that extremely rewarding. So then when you take the the experience of leading a chamber, and seeing how that role, is, it’s crucial to be able to influence the work environment. And so if you have I mean, what better way to keep employees in your community, and to keep those employees trained and successful, but to offer them those professional development opportunity. So as a chamber exec, I was bringing in different workshops, Series speakers, on a variety of different excuse me different different thoughts and ideas and training and tools and to help our business community be more effective in whatever it is that they were trying to achieve. And so with that, I then saw that value that chambers were bringing to their communities. And I fell in love with some of those that we continue to see in the industry. Frank Kenny inspired me, David Walker inspired me, Kyle Sexton, Kathy Hi, you know, all of those names I was I had in our community or I was working on trying to get him to our community. And so I thought, you know, that’s what I want to be when I grow up. And that’s in essence, what I what I have strived to do. In reality, though, I also know that there is an opportunity for area businesses to be able to hire and not just area I mean, we with technology and the capability of flying, I can go anywhere. But you know, at that point, I also then really enjoy trying to expand the reach. Just because I think I have something to offer different entities and my hope is that business can help whether it’s an organization or whether it’s an individual just be a better version of themselves. today than they were yesterday so that they can continue to grow tomorrow.

Brandon Burton 10:03
That’s so important just comparing ourselves to yesterday and continue to see that improvement. And I firmly believe that’s the purpose of life is just to keep improving. So thank you for that background. Our topic for our conversation today is going to be around building resiliency. And I think so often we focus on you know, the Chamber professionals that are out there serving you know, the servant leaders, they’re out there helping their members helping the business community helping their community in general, grow and progress and get stronger and then just be the best that it can be. And we often neglect putting the focus back on the chamber professional and making sure you’re taking the best care of yourself. So we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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Izzy West 13:28
Hey, this is Izzy, publisher of the Chamber Pros Planner, a weekly monthly planner featuring weekly meeting notes, habit tracking and 12 week goals. Last year, Emily Roberts of the Madison Area Chamber commented on the Chamber Pros Facebook group, “This is my first time getting this planner and it’s great. It’s specific for chamber professional and it has lots of notes room. Checkout Izzy West’s website to get a better picture of it.” So you had heard her go to TheIzzyWest.com. To learn more about the Chamber Pros Planner. I have a video you can watch of me slowly flipping through the book so you can decide if it’s right for you.

Brandon Burton 14:02
All right, Tammy, we are back. As we get into our topic of building resiliency today, I think it would be great just to have you share your story as a chamber executive and how it kind of led up to this topic that we’re covering today.

Tammy Wellbrock 14:17
I thank you for that. I would imagine a lot of people on this podcast will see themselves in my description. An executive that has been placed in a position of influence and opportunity to help a community he or she loves greatly. And and in a job description that is probably written exactly for their skill set. And that was me. I really felt that I became the person I was meant to be when I was working at the chamber. And I found myself you know you Your five, year six, just depleted. But you know, I kept thinking, I need to, I need to keep driving forward, I need to keep you know, keep doing more. Because you know, your success is built on it really. People have short memories. So you got to keep striving to do more and to do more. And and in fact, one time I remember thinking, why do they push us so hard? And it kind of hit me when I realized, Tammy, you’re doing it to yourself. But who are they? Yeah, are they? It’s you. But at that point, by year nine, I had gained more weight than was healthy. I had removed almost everything from my world that I did that also drove joy, that refilled my Well, if I love to sing, but I felt like I didn’t have enough time to sing. So I cut that out of my world. I love to write No, unless it’s writing for something professional. So everything I did, I put my entire time into just almost kind of surviving and focused on the chamber. I do have a family, I do have, at the time, it was a young son, he’s now in college. But you know, it just I felt so depleted. And by my ninth year, I didn’t have the energy, the zest, the drive anymore, and things were making me mad. And things that shouldn’t make me mad. But I just had a shorter fuse. And so I knew that I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do in the way I wanted to do it. And so I I did some soul searching came up with this business, trying to refill my well, but then, you know, then a global pandemic hit. And so it really made me curious about how how burnout is such, it’s so prevalent in our society. And I was I was a casualty of it. So through that burnout story, I again, that curiosity drove me to understand why could somebody living her best career dream burnout. And what I’m going to share today is a lot to help others recognize, perhaps through my own straw trials, that maybe I can keep somebody else from burning out. And so it truly is, don’t do as I did follow what I say because I didn’t live this. I’m but I’m trying to now.

Brandon Burton 17:39
And I’m a big believer that some people have to learn lessons the hard way, you know, and other people may be a little more wiser than us can learn from other people’s experience. So hopefully those listening can learn from you learn from what you went through and, and maybe see those those markers as we talk about some of these stress indicators and things like that. Because that seems to be it was the stress piling on that eliminated the things that you loved in life that you were, you know, taken eliminating one at a time out of your life. But let’s say you know what, what’s the difference you see between stress and resiliency and bringing it back to the topic?

Tammy Wellbrock 18:19
Well, and you know, stress turns to burnout. So those two kind of are on one side and resiliency is on the other. So stress, the stress is is inevitable. I mean, we will incur stress, and it’s a healthy part of our life, when it becomes unhealthy is when you don’t manage it, and then you get to burnout. So burnout is the the negative result of stress, but stress, phenol, it, it can help us achieve it can give us drive. And we the thing that’s fascinating about stress is everybody responds to different stressors in their own unique way. And so because of that the experts really struggle in defining not what is stress we but why why we get to stress. And so acute and chronic stress, again, both short term and long term aspects, it can impact our mental and emotional well being our physical. And so but it’s it is, like I said experts have a hard time defining it, measuring it, and understanding what triggers it and how to prevent it. But so everybody is in a unique situation. And if I may just share, I’m going to do some broad strokes today. That may, there may be scalable aspects that each person can listen to. One thing though, while I do believe that I have a lot of value to be able to provide today, I do want to just give this quick little disclaimer. I am not a trained psychologist, a counselor or therapist. I am somebody who experienced burnout and I’m fascinated with redefining that Life and what resiliency means. And so, please know that if you are at a point listening, I hope that I can inspire you. But you know, but it may be you need some extra professional assistance on your journey. But back to your question about the difference between stress and resiliency. Let’s find fascinating though, to find out to become more resilient, you must go through those stressful times resiliency is you are able to then deal with that change and uncertainty and be more, let’s say nimble, yes, people call it a bounce back. But it’s it’s being able to adapt and respond to those circumstances in a more healthy manner to find where you can learn from those challenging times. But then also to be proactive and creating boundaries that are that are necessary for you in maintaining that, that lifestyle. And the beautiful thing about resiliency is it can be nurtured. It can be developed, it can be learned. So if you feel like oh, I just don’t, I just am not resilient. It’s okay, you can learn that. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 21:14
So, and you’re right. Stress is, you know, it’s one of those things, it’s like it’s calorie free, you don’t always see you don’t always see all the you know, negative responses of stress right away. Usually, it’s a accumulation of stress before you see the negative impacts in your life. And it can really creep in in very small doses. And it just builds up if you don’t find a way to relieve it and release some of that stress.

Tammy Wellbrock 21:39
But no, go ahead.

Brandon Burton 21:40
I was just as I was reminded of just a real short story that I had heard a few years ago, this, you know, this man, he wants to a new pickup truck here. He keeps trying to convince his wife, I need this truck, I need the strike. And finally she she says, Okay, go get your truck, gets a truck says I’m gonna go out in the mountains and cut some firewood. So he goes out in the mountains, no cell phone service or anything. And he’s out there, you know, beautiful Ryan in his new his new truck. And he’s cutting down these trees and making use firewood, he’s got this big stack on. And while he’s been out there, the snow storm came. So now the road and everything is snowed in, he’s got his pile of wood and his head better get home, it’s starting to get dark. And so he gets in his truck. And he’s stuck, you know, this nice new four wheel drive truck, it’s stuck in the snow. And he can’t call for help. He’s he’s just stuck. And he thinks well, as long as I’m here. And Mizel start loading the firewood in the truck. And he puts the wood in the bed of the truck and, and he tries again. And finally we’re having that extra weight that load in the bed of the truck, he was able to get traction and able to go. So the moral of the story is yes, some level of stress is necessary for us to get traction and to move forward in a positive direction in life. But if you get too weighed down, if you put all the trees, all the firewood in the truck, he also would have gone nowhere, he would have burned out quickly. So it’s uh that story resonated well to me when when I first heard it. So hopefully, that helps somebody else as well.

Tammy Wellbrock 23:15
So stealing that, thank you. Yes, you were adding to my future repertoire. But it is, you know, it’s funny, because I thought you were talking about you go out into the mountains. With that I thought somewhere your story was going to lead to a bear. Oh, and so yeah, but let me add the fact that our bodies will respond in a physiological, neurological manner to stress in the same way. So we we respond to a bear and our brains are prepared to survive to protect us. And they weren’t they were intended to, you know, that flight fight or freeze mind frame, you know, very intuitive. And so our body looks at a bear approaching us in the same manner that we may have taxes due tomorrow.

Brandon Burton 24:10
So yeah, in our world today, we create these stresses that are seemingly life threatening in the moment, when we can take a step back, like, Oh, hold on, this is not a bear. This is something I can do it. But that’s a good point. So there’s there are these natural responses that come up to stress. What are some of the things that you mentioned the three F’s, but how? How does our body respond as we come across stress?

Tammy Wellbrock 24:36
Well, you know, there’s there’s definitely something happening in terms of, you know, like, if you’re fighting, you’re doing something, if you’re flight, you’re obviously trying to escape, freeze, you play dead. And so you know, you may be like me, I almost numbed myself with food. I’m an emotional eater, but, but our brain has a split second. to move us into some type of action or inaction, if you will, if you play dead, but it’s definitely everybody understands that when you’re in that stressful time, our, our blood starts pumping harder or adrenaline starts going, there’s a lot of hormonal activity, muscles tense, I mean, our sensitivity to, to, to pain is diminishing. I mean, all of that is done as a way to protect us senses are heightened, etc. And so the brain, though, is going to continue to stay in that stress mode, to continue to protect you, and tell you tell your brain that it’s safe, your body is safe. And so when you’re in that, that moment of just whatever’s happening, and you know it when it’s happening, that’s when you actually are getting past that you need to have a way of completing the cycle, completing that cycle to tell your brain, hey, I’m okay. We’re good. And so because then if you don’t do that, that’s when the burnout piece comes. And so I do have some tips on how to complete that cycle, do you want me to continue to share and keep going or

Brandon Burton 26:17
so I’m a big fitness junkie. So all things how the body works just totally intrigued me. And when you talk about stress, like the fight or flight and freeze being the other one, if you think about your body in general, so if you’re, you’re eating, you’re digesting, like your body does, it has IT systems to be able to function. And if you’re constantly under stress, the blood that should be in your stomach to digest food and you know, build your body and go, you know, do what your body’s supposed to do, is being diverted to your extremity. So you can run so you can fight so you can do these things that are responses to stress. And if we’re constantly in that state, the rest of our body is not going to function optimally. And really, I mean, that’s a lesson that I learned a while ago. And like that’s, that’s pretty powerful. So yes, tell us about the cycles, how to complete the cycle, so we can kind of reset our body to be able to function properly again,

Tammy Wellbrock 27:17
will you call yourself an exercise junkie? Let’s just I think that’s your term. But yeah, cool. So physical activity, I guess at that point, is the single most effective strategy that is more immediate, telling your body that you’re safe. And that certainly makes sense. And if you go into a doctor about any type of issues that may be stress related, they’re probably going to tell you what you need to exercise. You know, I wish I was that person. And I’m not. And so it was like, so when I would go in those stressful moments during my Chamber Leadership. I’m like, I can’t even find time to sleep, how am I going to find time to exercise and it wasn’t something I made as a priority. And it wasn’t something I was interested. And so but you know, certainly I understand physical activity. But there are other ways to continue doing this. And so, for instance, breathing, and breathing is the most gentle manner to unlock any type of stress, trauma, it’s a great place to start because you can do it anywhere. And any body function, you know, whatever shape or size or interest, we all can use breathing techniques. And so laughter is another I mean, if you think about having that great belly laugh with your friends, or over a joke or comedy, you feel better. So it makes sense that laughter creative expression, I mentioned to you that I stopped writing, but well stopped writing for pleasure. Let’s put it that way. But creative expression could be maybe you’re a photographer, maybe you’re an artist, maybe you’re a singer, I also had stopped singing all of those aspects of creative expression. We almost remove those from our life because we think it’s taking away from you know, we’re adding more stress to our life because of it’s just one more thing we have to do when in essence, it may be what’s refilling your well. And at that point, if it drives the energy forward in within you, then it’s a healthy, it’s a healthy aspect to continue doing positive social interaction. We mentioned the laughter I think a lot of times, but you don’t have to go and just laugh with your friends but having that social interaction of, of having somebody being intentional, and and supportive, you know, that we just can find so much weather, and that’s probably why walking with a friend can even be more profound. than just walking by yourself, or workout buddy or whatever, a good cry, a good cry, I mean, how many of how many of you listeners have really just felt better after they’ve had this emotional vomit, so to speak, where, you know, you just let it all out, but you feel better a good cry can release those emotions that are getting trapped within. And affection. Affection is something that I love the idea of affection. And it’s not necessarily with somebody, another person, but let me just share if, if you did the act of petting your dog or your cat for 2020 minutes or less, that can have the same amount of release and completing the cycle as a 20 minute walk. And affection could be if you if you do a a hug. For instance, if you go in and hug somebody, and you make that lasts for, let’s just say 20 seconds, think about, it’s really awkward to do a 22nd hug with a stranger or equate it somebody that you trust, and and that affection level. In fact, they also have a six second kiss. And think about that you’ve got a special somebody in your life. It’s weird, if you did it with somebody not so special, I would not recommend it.

Brandon Burton 31:29
I have something to say about that.

Tammy Wellbrock 31:34
But you know, six seconds is a long time. And you just are in the moment at that point. And it just all of those things can be done by anybody, regardless of your social status, your position, your desire to exercise your time, you can do breathing at your desk, you just had an upset phone call, you know, an hour ago pop a joke and just go have a good laugh. But it’s it’s the intentional and purposeful action, that’s crucial to, to stopping that small stress to becoming a burnout issue. So that’s, that’s you need to stop the stress before you can build on the resiliency is the is the thing that we need.

Brandon Burton 32:20
As you went through these different ways to process and kind of unwind the stress some of these things you can stack on top of each other to right, as you pet your dog, you can deep breathe, you know, as you pet your dog, you can talk to your dog and create some of that social interaction.

Tammy Wellbrock 32:37
And I laugh when my dogs doing so.

Brandon Burton 32:40
Right? Yeah. And I think, you know, at the end of the day, people come home, and they need to often unwind, you know, from the stress of the day. And what’s this, the typical things people go to food or alcohol tend to be those, those two things to kind of numb out and be able to get into a place where you can sleep at night and start over again. And neither one is going to eliminate or get rid of that stress load that you’re carrying.

Tammy Wellbrock 33:08
You’re just borrowing one moment to add on a problem later, you’re gonna have to deal with, right. And there’s a lot of apps and a lot of resources, blogs, blogs, whatever. And I have a list of resources. If anybody wants to email me, we’ll, we’ll share more of that. But if I have, I have something that I can send out to the listeners that can give them other ideas, because I, it may seem so simple to how we’re talking about it today branded, but I get it, when when you’re just not in a best frame of mind. You kind of need some of those tools at your fingertips.

Brandon Burton 33:49
Right? Yeah, I was also thinking every now and then we have the very stressful situation that comes up, you know, you get the bad news of something, you get a text from a angry, you know, chamber member, or you get the disgruntled email, you know, and it’s really easy to fire back the email receipt, do this do the text response. And what I’ve learned is creating space between the stimulus and your response. So you get that text that really triggers you create some space, do some deep breathing, maybe give it an hour or two before you respond, because you don’t owe it to him to get back to him immediately. And you’re going to be more level headed, you’ll be able to process that initial stress load before you respond. And it’ll be a much better conversation, I promise.

Tammy Wellbrock 34:40
Crew. I you know, I often had somebody that just triggered me, and every time I got an email from this individual, I was immediately angry and something about that made me you know something about the Word structure, whatever it was when I read that email, I went to an interview quotation that was always negative. I sat on it. And usually I would, I didn’t do it necessarily, I would sit on it because I wanted to share my frustration with my husband later. And I’d pull up that email and I’d read it to him. And it didn’t even have those buzzwords. Yeah, I’m like, wait a minute, what about this made me so angry. And if I would have in the moment, I was ready to just jump on this person. But because I wanted to plot my revenge, you know, and how my husband helped me, then I realized I, that was, that was pretty powerful to realize that, you know, something triggered me in the moment, I interpreted it negatively. Later, it didn’t trigger in the same way. And I didn’t see it in the same light.

Brandon Burton 35:46
But and it’s empowering to when you can choose to act rather than react, like there’s a difference there. So I know you’ve got four steps to building resiliency. So let’s, let’s cover what these four steps are. So we can help out all these chamber professionals out there who are like, give us the answers.

Tammy Wellbrock 36:04
Well, absolutely. And you know, it, I love what you said it can it resiliency, and and and learning from these moments, it’s not just about getting through and bouncing back through the stressful times, you can, you can really experience some profound personal growth. And, and as well as maybe keep yourself from creating more stress and drama later. So, you know, psychologists define resilience as a process of adapting well, in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress. And it can be learned. And so how you deal with all those situations, and being able to come up with those different strategies, helps you remain calm, be able to perceive those stressful circumstances in a different light. And it can eventually help you with that, that aspect of positivity overall. And so here’s some key points before I get to those four, challenging times do not determine the outcome of your life. You know, greater resiliency is truly empowering. And it’s not something some people were blessed with, and you don’t have it. No, it is something that you can learn because in but resiliency involves behaviors, thoughts, actions that are learnable. But it does take time and intentionality. And it’s reframing those emotional reactions from negative to positive. Because think about it, our emotions are driving our behavior. And focusing on what you can control is key. So let’s talk about that. The four steps that you mentioned, are are, let me just first say, and then I’ll come back to them. The first one is connection. The second is wellness. The third is healthy thinking. And the fourth is meaning. So let’s just talk about that connection was number one. Focus on finding individuals who validate your feelings, those connections can help you understand you’re not alone. Those people though, they need to be trustworthy, and they need to be compassionate. And, but but it doesn’t have to be a one on one, it could be a social group. And those social groups can come from your civic connections, your religious, your niche hobbies, whatever the case may be. But having the connection is key. Keep in mind, I think those people that were like me that identify work ethic as always being busy. Well, what was the first thing I did, I dropped those connections. And in the chamber world, if you think about our connections become almost horizontal in nature, we are getting quantity, not necessarily quality. And I literally Odede on people. Because I was just about meeting new people meeting new people meeting new people, but not depth of people. And I think in the chamber world, a lot of people are that way that I can see that resonates with you. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you’re in the people business. And so connection doesn’t necessarily mean getting a lot of Facebook,

Facebook friends, it’s the deeper connection with them. So wellness, we kind of talked about that wellness can be anywhere from that physical, to the emotional to the spiritual to the mental well being. It’s self care. And it’s it’s always something realistic. I mean, I think it’s a realistic goal to try to manage stress. But the reality is, you’ll never eliminate it. So what can you do to you know, to complete those cycles of stress that we talked about earlier? Or what kind of boundaries can you do? You in your chamber world? And, you know, we can we don’t have time to go into the boundaries. But certainly, if it’s important, yes, yeah, they are an important variable. I mean, you know, think about if if you don’t have enough salary wages to continue in your job to be able to feed your family, and now you’re upset because your board isn’t listening, but you’re going to end up leaving, because that’s, that’s, that’s a boundary that is important. Well, then why not? Why not? Try to realistically approach that and go talk to your board? Because if you’re gonna leave anyway, why not try to do that self care? And so, healthy thinking, is literally the act of reframing your thoughts? And so if you can look at some of those triggers and understand them better, why, why do you always react this way to Joe, you know, Joe just walks in the room. And immediately, you’re kicked in need to be curious about those kinds of reactions. But also, kind of like with my delay on reading the email, I think I started becoming curious, why was I always triggered by this email, you know, this person’s email. And, and as soon as you can, I mean, I continue to remain triggered. So I just learned not to respond right away and wait, because knowing I’d look at it differently, but it can certainly a new perspective can help you accept change, and live with more hope and positivity. And then the last is meaning, and meaning is finding your purpose. And I think so many chamber individuals are living that purpose, they are working in a job that gives them great meaning. But these are all four steps. I mean, one itself doesn’t necessarily do it alone. And so you know, finding the meaning finding your purpose, if you have indeed found the job of your dreams, or maybe just that you find so rewarding, what a shame, it would be if you’re not remaining in that position. And so, you know, focusing on others, fostering your self discovery, and developing goals are ways to find meaning.

Brandon Burton 42:22
I love that. As we start to wrap things up here, we’ve had a great conversation, but I wanted to see if you might have any tip or action item for listeners who want to take their chamber up to the next level, how could they do that in a healthy way?

Tammy Wellbrock 42:42
You know, if you are depleted, personally, how can you take an organization to the next level? I mean, you may have great ideas. But if you don’t have the energy and the drive to I mean, you’re just dealing with trying to get up in the morning, you’re going to struggle in that area. So self care, is the the answer I get if you’ve got to take care of yourself. And if you’re if you’re near, I mean, you may be so fresh in your role, and you are just so inspired and energized. And you’re thinking, Tammy, you are so silly. All your advice doesn’t impact me. Well, I would have thought that in my first 234 years in the chamber, I was on fire. And you know what you have to be on fire to burn out, there has to be a flame burning so brightly before it can be extinguished. So I wish I would have if I could learn now, if I could talk to me in year one, it would be slow down, Nelly, you don’t have to achieve all this first year, you need something in year seven, you need something in your tin. And that’s okay. You don’t have to do it in year one through three. And so I think basically, being able to create those boundaries that were important and to communicate effectively with those people that needed to support me, whether that was my staff on my board, so that they understood the reality of what we were living. And like I said, you know, during this time, I was mad at that group of that faceless, nameless group of they for pushing me. And it was actually me.

Brandon Burton 44:28
Yeah, I like that. So I like asking everyone I have on the show this question as we look at the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Tammy Wellbrock 44:41
Well, I could answer that in a lot of different questions. But let me I guess let’s just stay true to this theme of of resiliency. I find it disturbing and distressing, how many people whether it’s through Facebook or just commerce, issues with chamber professionals. They, they believe that it’s okay to work for nothing they believe it’s, it’s what we should be doing to volunteer our time and not get paid. No. I mean, if, if indeed, chambers are supposed to be the voice of our local businesses, then I think our chambers themselves, our office needs to embody the ideal workplace. And that means I think chamber executives should be creating a safe a fun, I believe in fun, innovative, sustainable, and obviously successful work environment. But I think the goal should also be create the work environment, other businesses, ie your members seek to emulate. I really think if you can be the business, the ideal business that others are seeking to vie. I think that why then if you can help another business, not be so stressed to help another professional remain in their job and remain true to their passion and their work? Didn’t that part of what we’re trying to do in terms of overall workplace development? So that’s, that’s my thought.

Brandon Burton 46:17
No, that’s great. So I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information with chamber champions who’d like to reach out and connect you had mentioned he had some other additional resources and and tools that will help them what would be the best way for them to reach out and connect more with you?

Tammy Wellbrock 46:34
Well, if they can remember my name, and spell it correctly. It’s Tammy. Wellbrock, and that is traditional spelling tammy@tammywellbrock.com. And then if you wanted to email it’s even simpler. Tammy at Tammy. Well, brock.com You know, I certainly don’t mind phone calls and I can give you that real quick. My only number to reach me for anything is 785-639-2743. I take texts, I respond to emails, I respond to phone calls. Yes, I even answer those phone calls that say it could be possible scam or spam. Possible scam. And so I even answered them, because I was gonna be hard. But yes, any of those ways.

Brandon Burton 47:34
Oh, Tammy, this is great. I will get your contact information in our show notes for this episode. So anyone listening can go there and reach out and connect with you. But such an important topic. I hope everyone listening got a lot out of our conversation today. And thanks again for setting aside some time to join us today on chamber chat podcast.

Tammy Wellbrock 47:53
My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

Brandon Burton 47:54

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Chamber Collaboration with Nancy Hoffman Vanyek

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Nancy Hoffman Vanyek. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now, your host,

Unknown Speaker 0:16
one of his favorite pieces sports memorabilia. Is this signed Steve Young jersey. He’s my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:21
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Matt Morrow President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri to learn how the Holman Brothers provided value to his chamber.

Matt Morrow 0:49
Holman Brothers provide a great training for our sales team in terms of just outstanding sales techniques. But maybe even more importantly than that, they were able to provide us with a system a process that was repeatable and in that we’re able to see very clearly from one month to the next how the how the pipeline is doing, what prospects are in it, what kind of progress we’re making and what we can do to coach people to success.

Brandon Burton 1:11
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Our guest for this episode is Nancy Hoffman van mix. Nancy is the chief executive of the Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce in California. She started as the communications manager at the then called Van Nuys Chamber of Commerce and within six years was named the Chamber’s first female CEO. Nancy is passionate about uniting people government, business and community towards a shared vision. She serves on the city of Los Angeles’s Workforce Development Board and chairs its business services marketing and Resource Development Committee. She was named the San Fernando Valley’s Business Journal CEO of the Year in 2021. On the strength of her actions to help businesses, WACE awarded her as Executive of the Year for our her outstanding performance as an industry leader. In March Assemblywoman Suzette Validez recognized Nancy as a 2022 Woman of the Year for the 38th assembly district. Nancy spearheaded the creation of the San Fernando Valley’s Regional Foundation to advance economic community and educational development. She’s a positive vision for the San Fernando Valley and actively works to find solutions for businesses large and small.

And Nancy, I’m happy to have you with us today on Chamber Chat Podcast, I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions that are out there listening and share something interesting about yourself so we can get to know you a little better.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 2:48
Well, thanks for having me here. Something interesting about myself. That’s a hard one. I don’t I don’t always find myself as interesting probably as other people do. Well, for 20 years, I was a spinning instructor. So before I would head on over to the chamber office, I would start my day at 530 in the morning with 16 other people and teach them or lead a spin class. I grew up not being athletic at all. So to in my late 30s, became an aerobics instructor was, I think one of my most interesting things.

Brandon Burton 3:21
Wow. So you were teaching the spin class while running the chamber at the same time?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 3:25
Oh, yeah. And then a lot of times, I got some of those people to join the chamber. Or some of my, my best volunteers like they’re, they become my friends. And when I need help, the some of those same people are the ones that come to all of our events and help us out. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 3:41
that’s great. build those relationships, for sure. Well, tell us a little bit more about the greater San Fernando Valley Chamber just to give us an idea of maybe perspective, size and staff budget, scope of work, that sort of thing.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 3:57
So we have been around 111 years, and it’s a very big deal for us, because if you don’t know 111 And numerology means good fortune. And we felt that we didn’t get to celebrate our 100 and 10th anniversary because the pandemic so we launched this year call, it’s a grand new year, and we’ve been celebrating all of our past accomplishments and our current account and our future, what we’re looking forward to his future accomplishments. We have a staff of five, our budget is around a million dollars, which I’m going to say probably 40% as is attributed to some very specific job training grants that we have. So most of when people go oh, I can never be like, like greater San Fernando Valley Chamber. If we didn’t have the grants, we would probably just be what most books most chambers are within a budget, you know, probably a $400,000 range. We have only 400 members. People always think we have a lot of members because we’re a Regional Chamber. But we started in 1911. As the Vanna is chamber, we merged in the 80s with another chamber. And because there’s 23 chambers of commerce in the San Fernando Valley, which I’ve just want to really quick for geography, the San Fernando Valley is a suburb in the city of Los Angeles, we have 1.9 million people. If we were our own city, we would be the sixth largest city in the nation. So just put that in perspective. And yeah, we have 400 members, because there’s 23 chambers. And we have a different focus. So our members may not be the same as all the other chambers, we have some overlap, we definitely focus on a regional approach. So we get a lot of corporate offices, and as our members as well, that really come out and support us, and they support our initiatives. You know, we’re trying to shift from that. Let’s have you support this event sponsor this event come to this event to we have a job training initiative, we have a jobs initiative, we have this initiative and see how many people will support us in those those themes as focuses, which really helps us build our relationships with the business community. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 6:05
I like that. And it is a different approach for sure. Being a Regional Chamber versus a, you know, a smaller community type chamber.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 6:14
We started off as a local chamber. Yeah, our area, communities kept changing their name. And our our businesses would move into these other communities was the valley still the Valley for us, but they would remain a member. And so we needed a name that reflected like, we can’t just be vandalized anymore. Man is being chopped up into three or four different communities. And so becoming regional was a big game changer for us. But it took us several years to really embrace what that was and how we were going to do it. We had a whole plan to get there.

Brandon Burton 6:46
Yeah. So that how long ago did you guys make that change from Van Nuys to the greater San Fernando Valley?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 6:52
Well, we first went to Mid Valley, when we merged in the 80s, or mid San Fernando Valley, they kept plasmid Valley and that meant we could have been any Valley. Right? You know, it didn’t matter. We could be a valley in Appalachian Valley, for all that matter. And and so we, in 2007, we changed our name to greater San Fernando Valley Chamber. And that’s when we actually launched I think we changed it the year before. But we it was a it was a slow process to really change our internal events, because we didn’t want to scare off our existing members. You know, some of them already freaked out. When we moved our office, we didn’t move because we were coming regional removed because our building burned down. Yes, we couldn’t find another built in we we didn’t have like time we needed an office. So we moved to where we are now. And people in that neighborhood were very upset. And we’re like, well, there’s literally like a hole in the floor. We

Brandon Burton 7:46
didn’t plan for this. Yeah, I want to look

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 7:48
down and see into the into like the hallway or the restroom, because that’s what we were able to do. And so we moved our offices, and we already had to go through that trauma. And so when we became regional, we wanted to do it in a very thought out way, because we didn’t want we didn’t want to have any issues with other chambers, we always work well with them. And we didn’t want them to think we were coming in and we were going to overtake them, we still wanted to work well with them. Because local chambers, even if there’s a reasonable one and have a purpose, we all have a purpose, and how we serve our communities, whether it’s certain certain communities or cities or certain regions. And so we really have thought it out and how we were how each year something else was going to take us to the next level. And probably we went for like five, six years with not doing a lot. And then we brought in a new communications manager. And she saw the really big picture of it and started changing our narrative, changing how we looked at everything, really emphasizing how we need to change some of our events or bring in different events. And I think when we did that everything kind of just naturally shifted for us.

Brandon Burton 8:57
Yeah. So I think this is kind of naturally taking us to our topic for our discussion today. Being a Regional Chamber collaborating with other local chambers and just other chambers in the region becomes important. So our topic for discussion today is Ram chamber collaboration. And we’ll jump into our conversation as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Izzy West 10:32
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Brandon Burton 11:04

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All right, Nancy, we’re back. Tell us how are you going about collaborating with other chambers and in your region to to create a stronger San Fernando Valley?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 12:16
Well, I don’t think I’m just a regional collaborator. I’m definitely a national collaborator,

Brandon Burton 12:21
scaling it up.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 12:23
So you know, I’m a longtime chamber exec 35 years, and I’ve always had collaboration envy. I’ve always seen like, some of these chambers come up with a project or a plan and do something. And I was always that person on the sidelines, I was never the leader in that collaboration, I kind of feel when it comes to collaboration, you have like, if you take the chamber three Cs, you could have put it this way, you have the person who is the champion, and they’re like they’re sitting at the table, and they have a voice. And then you have the catalyst and they take an active role in the collaboration. And I think I’ve moved up to being that active role probably 10 years when we changed our name to more active role. But you could be the convener of their three C’s and you could be the one who brings everyone to the table and that’s a big shift especially if you’re working with other chambers or other organizations, Business Development economic development agencies because most chamber execs are pretty strong personalities and we all want to be the leader so to be able to come to the table and be a convener and have other people who are normally conveners to move the needle takes a lot of patience internally tail so so how did I come about it? I looked at those three C’s and where I was with my collaboration and B I was always just a seat at the table I look at so there you know we have 23 chambers of La like I said we collaborate on some things especially through like I think a lot of communities have like a United Artists United chambers you know some of them have a Regional Chamber group. But might be collaboration came from other chambers that were like minded with us and our Eric’s had mentioned we’re in Los Angeles was like Hollywood, Culver City, people who were were very active in advocacy, economic development and workforce development issues that weren’t just networking and just the basic of the chamber. And so I’m gonna say that I used to just ride on their coattails. I was the youngest of our group, and I was the kid that everyone took care of, and then they all retired and left me in charge. And I was like floundering for a while and I wasn’t a collaborator, I was really just trying to keep myself afloat without anyone to lean on. You know, and I have not that, again, 35 years in industry, there’s a lot of people lean on, but not within Los Angeles for me, and that’s my hub. So, you know, over the years, I just, you know, it was kind of fiddling and everything around trying to figure it all out and doing things collaboratively with a bunch of different local groups and Then I’m gonna say 2016, I had a big shift. And I was, it was a shift entirely for me in our organization, where I think I finally understood, like, you could say, your mission based, but making the mission the priority and doing the best you can for your members becomes more important than your personality, your ego, and anything else that is you want and all of a sudden great things happen. So for me, it happened with breweries. I am the craft beer advocate of Los Angeles, okay. And we, in our area, like I mentioned, were part of Los Angeles, but the San Fernando Valley had four craft breweries, and as part of Los Angeles, it was a new industry and La didn’t know how to treat it. And what I mean is a brewery was brewery, so they were paying the same fees, licenses and taxes, as Anheuser Busch

Brandon Burton 15:53
doesn’t really work. Well, that way doesn’t work

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 15:55
well. So like, they didn’t do an inspection fee, and the city would show up. And then Anheuser Busch, you get in a golf car, and you drive across eight acres, and they look around. They were charging this brewery where you literally could stand on a stepladder, craning your neck look around the same inspection fee. And so the breweries came to me, and they said, Hey, we got a problem. We can’t afford this, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I called a bunch of land use planners who normally would help people. And it was a new industry, no one really knew where to start. And they just said, talk to this person, talk to that person. So I brought everyone to the table. And I said, I was just angry, I was angry on their behalf. There’s small family owned businesses, you know, their cousins, or husbands and wives. You know, sometimes I called one of them as a bunch of like college roommates, you know, that started it. And I just felt for them because they could not afford a land use planner. But Nancy’s not a land use planner, but Nancy’s gonna figure it out. And I got them off the table. And I was very lucky that someone completely understood the big picture. God is in front of the right person at the city’s economic development agency. And I know that sounds crazy, but it took a year but years very fast in Los Angeles, to literally get all the specs where they could now, we got four tasting rooms open within like, you know, they always were scheduled like within a very quick period of time, we got the fees reduced by over 50%, we got a qmD, which is the Air Quality Management District to waive all the fees for all their equipment, which was over $3,000. And I realized, and the big change for me on that on collaborating was unknown known to a lot of these people as a hothead. And I couldn’t be a hothead. I had to learn to just take a step back and say, here’s the problem. This is the solution I need. And once I did that all these people came to me and wanted to help. And they weren’t other chambers necessarily. They were just other people that could affect the change. And I just, it just was my game changer on how collaboration can work.

Brandon Burton 17:50
Yeah. So amazing. So what do you think it was early on in your career that made you feel like you couldn’t be that convener, the one to gather everyone together? Was it kind of an imposter syndrome or like you didn’t have that credential or how to yourself early on like that.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 18:10
I started off being the communications manager, and then our program manager and I had a boss, longtime chamber exec as well. So he was really that convener, but I realized that was a better convener than that I’m definitely good at bringing people together. But I think a lot of it was imposter syndrome. I never felt as felt as secure as I imagined other people, and I can name them all and tell you who they are. And I always felt like I was kind of watching them but not doing. And if I did a program, and we have many awards and accolades, I never really felt like, did I really do that? Or did I copy that. And then I the brewery thing was just a whole shift in our whole organization where we thought we can do anything to help our business community. And when that all right, Lisa chambers say these things for years, but we don’t, and we do them sometimes with other people. But not everyone just steps up and takes up the mantle on behalf of an industry or an organization because we think it’s going to be too tough, right. And sometimes you just have to be fearless. And you just have to take that risk. And people are free to take that risk with their legislators because they don’t want to ruin that relationship. But you have to they have to you have to find the right ones who are going to be your champion as well. And we got very lucky because two of them joined us and then everyone else and we’ve had all of our city council members love craft beer. So that that was my big catalyst though, for when the pandemic started. And I started a nationwide coalition with my friend Patrick Ellis at the Marietta chamber to help businesses find economic recovery during the pandemic. And it was all those lessons from that brewery episode that helped me you know, do you’re just starting to save small business Coalition, which isn’t all my class braided efforts, but it was when I realized that you could put those there were so many components when I pulled together, people not that they were my friends, people I admired that I met at conferences that I knew were doers. They were respected, and they had. They were critical thinkers. And they were also action oriented. And so we formed a leadership committee. And we got together. And then from there, we all reached out. And before you knew it, we thought we had like 39 chambers, and we had 200 chambers across the nation. And I think the biggest thing part of it was we were having chambers join us that had never done advocacy before. Their chamber might talk about advocacy, they might do something, they have relationships with elected officials, but truly do advocacy, mobilizing their members or their business community to have a voice. And we create a toolkits for them, we made it easy for a chamber had never done advocacy, we literally handed everything to them with like a timeline, everything written out instructions, they could do all of it, they could do one piece of it. And we were able to mobilize these 200 chambers we on one of our letter writing campaigns, which was using one of those systems that everyone goes into a computer system, we were able in one day to mobilize 8000 advocates and advocates means people who write a letter so from all those 200 people, that was just the first day 8000 people across the nation right to Congress.

Brandon Burton 21:19
Yeah. So from these experiences from those craft breweries to help with the economic recovery, have you kind of formulated a a template of sorts for bringing people together to collaborate? What does that look like?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 21:35
I’m not i For me, I think it’s really not having to have made the lead. You know, I’m like, I know that sounds crazy. We all want to be that leader and say, Oh, greater San Fernando Valley Chamber or whatever greater, I don’t know, degree chamber or whatever you want to call it. Like recently, recently, we received a grant for paid to give micro grants to small businesses. And I knew I could do it better. All the chambers have been promoting grants the whole time during the pandemic, right help businesses, and this is still recovery grant. And we received half a million dollars. But I knew I couldn’t do it alone. And every chamber has members that this grant could have helped. And so I reached out, I sent a big email to a lot of people I knew from small business coalition people I’ve just known from 35 years, all in California, and said, Hey, this is another grant, we’re not going to put our name on it, we’re just going to call it what it is. You can promote it as your branch if you want, however you want to do it. And everyone just joined in, because I think when you realize that you don’t have to be you might be the leader, but you don’t have to wear that crown the whole time that everyone can share the crown, you get a lot further, you have people who want to work with you, you want to work with them. I think I think it made me a nicer person. I know that sounds like so crazy. But I think, you know, I spent a lot of time on trying to prove to who I was versus trying to prove and what I could do for the business community.

Brandon Burton 22:59
Right. But I think it’s easier to get other in this instance, other chambers on board to help push it and promote it because they can look like a hero to to their members. And it’s not, you know, here’s a tool from the greater San Fernando Valley Chamber that we’re going to, you know, jump on top of, but it’s a, it’s positioned in a way that they’re there to help the business. And it’s not about where the credit goes. It’s just we’re here to help.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 23:25
And we promoted all the partners on it, you know, because we want them to get credit as well. But we want them just to we give them a gave them a sample news, release your name in here, you know, and, and then we made the website that it wasn’t one organization, but there’s a partners page. So everyone has a piece of the pie. Yeah. And now we’re actually coming to it because of them with this is a two year grant is supposed to take 24 months to give us money. Through all these chambers. We gave out all the money and under 120 days. Oh, wow. It’s crazy. So I mean, this shows you the strength of what chambers can do when they get together.

Brandon Burton 24:02
Yeah, absolutely. So that how many chambers all together joined together for the

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 24:08
there’s now 29. And they’re all across the state of California. And you know, it’s interesting I reached out to I didn’t chase it down because I didn’t have time I needed to get it together. And I got 20 right away. If people didn’t respond to me, they didn’t need to respond. Because all I’m asking us to do promotion, we just gave them templates to an idea. So you can do it on social media, you can send news release, you can announce it at events, we didn’t care how it was done, right? Through everyone doing it. Different media picked it up, because everyone has a different source right? Before you know it. All these HR organizations picked it up and all these HR attorneys picked it up. And so it means so even though maybe we didn’t get a lot maybe our individual chambers didn’t have a lot of applicants. Our efforts had people who had a lot of influence pick it up that helped us give away all this money.

Brandon Burton 24:57
Yeah, all those different organizations have their different toolkits that they can leverage and apply it. And that’s great, really gaining momentum quickly.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 25:06
I think you have to bring in people you trust, if you’re going to do that chip. I mean, if you’re like, there’s, I mean, not that everyone could collaborate, but you also have to know everyone’s strengths. These people are good at this, these people are good at this. And so at the basic level, like when we did save small business, everyone had different jobs to do whether it was locally in their state, or in their community. And then with this one, it was chambers that we knew that would actually spread the word that weren’t that have someone on staff cry that was doing the newsletter, or someone who’s doing social media, because if we didn’t get the word, if they weren’t, if they were just going to put their logo on our on our thing that wasn’t going to help us

Brandon Burton 25:39
need to have buy in. Yeah, that’s good. So I’d like to ask everyone that we have on the show, for any maybe tips or action items, to help other chambers that are listening, how to take them up to the next level? What might you suggest to help some of these other chambers that are listening?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 26:02
Well, you know, I think there’s a few things, like I already mentioned, like be a risk taker, you know, be a little bit fearless. But I think that everyone needs to remember to be mission focused. And I’m going to just refer to a chamber I was talking to yesterday who had a committee, you know, we all have that that committee who says this grant was a that was great, let’s do 12 more times. We don’t have the bandwidth, the money or they’re not thinking about how you’re not going to get all the sponsors 12 times for the same amount of money, you’re gonna saturate yourself. And I said, are these other events the same? Or do they do they go back to your mission, because you know, how you could always manage everything as being mission based, you know, you have a mission, like our mission is to promote the economic vitality, you know, of our community. And if it doesn’t go to that, we’re not going to do it. And so it helps us one, filter out the things that that we don’t have, that we don’t have time for, and but it also keeps us on focus. And if you stay to your mission, and always act in the best interest of your members, you’re going to be a champion for your business. So I’d say that’s a big one. And then I think advocacy chambers are very afraid to get into advocacy, and they look at the big chambers to do it for them. But chambers can do it at a very small level too. And that goes to back to being not afraid. And then that small level, I’m going to use my concierge service with the breweries, maybe you don’t want to go fight a bill ello, I want to encourage everyone to to fight bills and to advocate for bills that help their business community. But if a business comes to you, and they have a problem, you don’t always have to refer them out. Right, you can act as their liaison and their concierge. And then you become the expert. And then other other businesses come to you other organizations come to you. And it’s such a wonderful feeling to actually see the success that you’ve helped those, that industry or that business, even if it’s something as simple as they need a permit, we had someone during the pandemic that they couldn’t get the city to sign off on something just because everyone was working from home. So they have been able to call someone and say, hey, the SBA is not going to give them their loan, if this isn’t signed off, like the next four days, and get that done. Get to know the right people. When I started in the business, I would have to institute and this is back when you had paper, you didn’t have a computer. That was guys to make a list. If you’re gonna do economics, all the key key offices are key players. So if someone needs a business permit, and all these different things know who they are, and I kind of operate with that, like I need to know who everyone is and what what role they play, so I know who to call. Yeah. So that’s how you could advocate at the most basic level.

Brandon Burton 28:39
And I think along those lines of advocacy, using the brewery example, as a, as you have some of these craft breweries come to you, you may see an opportunity for another business industry that could benefit from advocating for these breweries because they have some kind of tie in to whatever that that, you know, piece of advocacy is you’re going after, and then even get more on board.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 29:05
People come to us all the time because they saw what we did with that and I have a beer named after me because a bit so plaque you got his plaques, all these words you heard like when you introduce me, you know really, I rather the beer has ever given me an award. I don’t want to say like I’m not grateful. But the people can walk into this brewery and it has the name of the baristas, Nancy’s beer. And then there’s our story of getting the the taproom event is really special.

Brandon Burton 29:31
So I will say you need to add that to your bio. So next time we can talk about Nancy’s. That’s great. Well, as we look to the future of chambers, how do you see the future chambers of commerce and their purpose going forward?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 29:46
You know, I think we really learned a lot in the pandemic about what we can do, like, you know, we were closed and we were closed down in some ways, right? You didn’t do your events, all those things that we rely on, I know our CPAs to say, Oh, well we shouldn’t do this because that could go away tomorrow. Well, by the way All our events went away. And the one thing that was holding us up was this thing he told us, I shouldn’t be doing training, because Job Training still existed, you know, for certain, like manufacturing and different industries that we were doing. So got what I really think chambers need to dive more into workforce development, or economic development, or Business Retention and Expansion, which those two things kind of fall under, well, first of all meant economic development. And I really have a lot of envy for those organizations, too. I mean, I’m pretty competitive. And so like, when I have a friend that’s doing something in a different community, I’m in a different state, I want to know how they’re doing it and chambers are great, we all will share will pretty much give it to you in writing, look at your entire package of whatever it is we’re doing if you just fill in the blanks. And so how I got all these other things I’ve been doing is because there was one person I was kind of following, you know, like, follow the leader, and how do I do that in my area, because they were doing it further down in Southern California. And I think all chambers, once you do that, and you understand how it relates to your mission and how it relates to your members, it totally changes your chamber, you still do your network breakfast, but when you’re when you’re talking to them, and they hear you’re doing the job training, or you’re doing this advocacy on their behalf or, or doing concierge red tape busting. It really helps your business community move further ahead,

Brandon Burton 31:24
right. And that’s the whole purpose of this podcast is to share some of those best practices and, you know, shine some light on some of those things, and then reach out and connect with these people that are on the podcast and learn more about how they’re doing these things. So, Nancy, along those lines, what would be the best way for someone to reach out and connect with you if they want to learn more about how you’re doing things there in your area?

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 31:47
Well, my email is very long. So let’s start with my phone number. How’s that? Okay, you can reach me at 818-902-9455. That’s my direct line, my office, my email,

Brandon Burton 32:00
and I’ll get these both in our show notes. So you don’t necessarily need to spell the whole email out. You can say what it is and then we’ll we’ll have it in the show notes.

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 32:08
It’s nancy@sanfernandovalleychamber.com. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 32:15
you got a good URL, but it’s nice in like

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek 32:19
a shorter URL. It’s just not linked to our email. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 32:23
yeah. No, that’s great. So I’ll get those in our show notes. Anyone listening, you know, while they’re out walking the dog or driving in the car can can go on and look it up there. But, Nancy, this has been great having you on the show. Thank you for carving out some time to spend with us. Talk about the things you’re doing way easier. You’re building those collaboration efforts. I think this is terrific. So thanks a lot.

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10 Lesson Learned as a Chamber Executive with Rich Cantillon

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Rich Cantillon. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now your host he enjoys seeing “Let’s Go Brandon” signs because it feels like the world is cheering him on, he’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:23
Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to the Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business in Washington State to learn how Holman Brothers has provided value for him.

Kris Johnson 0:49
Well, Doug and Bill at the Holman Brothers have been a key ally in growth for my professional career working at three different chambers, a local chamber, a regional chamber, now a statewide chamber. And they’ve been the ideal solution, whether it’s a comprehensive training program, whether it’s working on individual sales growth, quarterly check-ins with the team, the ability to grow members has meaning more assets for the organization, more assets means we can do more things to serve our members. They’ve really been the perfect solution for us, a trusted resource partner and a growth partner for us all along the way. So hats off to Doug and Bill for their great success. They’ll be a great partner for you as they are for us.

Brandon Burton 1:30
You can learn more about Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions by visiting holmanbros.com.

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Our guest for this episode is Rich Cantillon. Rich is a 1976 graduate of Ponca City High School and in 1981 graduate of northwestern Oklahoma State University and Albert Rich also attended the University of Oklahoma in Norman and completed his chamber Institute management certificate at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Rich owned and operated a photography studio and Blackwell for 14 years and worked for the Blackwell Chamber of Commerce for eight years. He’s been with the Ponca City Chamber since 2004. Rich has been married to his wife Pam for 40 years they have three grown children and a son in law and three granddaughters. Rich enjoys working with his church youth group at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, which has been going to for over 35 years. He also enjoys teaching and working with other chambers on how to be successful, which is which he does on behalf of the state of Oklahoma, the State Chamber of Oklahoma, which currently serves on the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce executive board. This is a second time serving on the board and will be president in 2024. Also for the second time. He’s on the executive board for the Oklahoma tourism industry association and will be president in 2023. Rich serves on the pocket City Arts Council board and served as the secretary. He’s an active Rotarian, and has been president of both the Ponca City and Blackwell Rotary Clubs. Bridge currently serves on the US Chamber National Institute board based in Washington DC, which is Chair of the University Center Ponca City Board of Trustees appointed by the governor of Oklahoma. He also serves on other local boards and organizations to better Ponca City. Rich, I’m excited to have you with us on Chamber Chat Podcast, I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the Chamber Champions that are listening and share something interesting about yourself so we can get to know you a little better.

Rich Cantillon 4:11
Well, Brandon, first off, thank you very much for having me. I’ve been really looking forward to this. I’m excited to get to share some things that we do. And some things that I’ve done in my career that I think have helped me be successful. One of the things that I want to share is my wife and I love to travel. My wife was a travel agent before we had children. And we just talked about we’ve been to 45 of our United States. We have parts in New England that we want to go to and we’re going to Alaska next year, so that’ll take care of one of the five. Yeah, and we just got back from Italy, which was a dream of ours. We’ve been to Mexico and Canada but we’ve not ever gone to Italy and we’re both born and raised raised Catholic. And so that was always a big dream is a very emotional trip when we were at the Vatican, and we were standing in St. Peter’s Basilica. So that was really exciting. And that’s what I enjoyed doing. And then of course, we have three beautiful granddaughters that our daughter and son in law have given us. And they kind of rule our life. And we love every bit of that.

Brandon Burton 5:24
And that is awesome. It is nice having your wife as a travel agent, because you need to test the product, right? Make sure it’s good before she sells it to other people. So it’s a good good byproduct. A

Rich Cantillon 5:34
lot of fun. Yeah, have

Brandon Burton 5:35
it. Well, tell us a little bit about the pocket City Chamber just to give us an idea of the scope of work that you guys do size staff budget, just to kind of give us some perspective.

Rich Cantillon 5:47
You bet. Thank you. So pulka City, Oklahoma is located in northern Oklahoma. And we’re right off i 35. We’re 20 miles from the Kansas border. So we’re right up here in north central Oklahoma. We are home to six Native American tribes. And so we get to do a lot of tribal work, which we really enjoy. There’s a lot of issues in Oklahoma, we have 39 sovereign tribal countries. And so that’s been a real interesting part of my career. We have about 650 Members, we’re a town the size of 26,000. At one time, we were kind of a one horse community, we were home to Conoco and which now is Phillips 66, when we realized that we needed to diversify, we started really an effort to diversify who we were as a community. So we weren’t dependent on just one industry. And that’s something I’m really proud of. I’ve been here 20 years. And in that time period, we are now the number five city in the state of Oklahoma with manufacturing jobs. And our manufacturing base is wide range, and covers a lot of different products and that are shipped throughout the world. So we’ve done a great job in securing the future POC the city, we also were oil has had a massive impact on Oklahoma. And there’s been a lot of oil investment into mansions into architecture into attractions. And so one of the things that we have here is the Marlin mansion, which is one of America’s top five castles. It’s a 55 room mansion, built by ew Marland, you created Marlon oil, which became Conoco now, Phillips 66. And that attracts people from all over the world to pump the city. So we’re also a tourist destination, we have a lot of other things that I won’t go into, you can go to visit pop the city.com. And there’s a lot of things to see and do that are very unique. And a couple of things you can only see here. So that’s a big part of what our chamber does. We’re all about building our economy and making lb punk the city, a great place to work and live. But we also are a tourist destination for the great state of Oklahoma. And we put a lot of effort into that. And that really can affect our economy.

Brandon Burton 8:25
Yeah, I love that. So for our discussion today. So I the whole purpose of the podcast when I started this almost four years ago now I think the idea was to be able to present ideas and best practices to ideally smaller chambers, who may not have the resources to attend conferences or may not have the staff to get away and to learn and, and it’s kind of evolved from there. But our topic for today we’re going to be focusing on 10 lessons that Rich’s learned as a chamber exec throughout his career and I think this is valuable to some of those smaller chambers, even even somebody at a bigger chamber maybe they haven’t been in the industry for 20 or 30 years, but maybe they’re you know, five years in but some of these lessons can help shortcut some of that learning curve and and really get you up to speed a little bit quicker. So I’m excited to get into this discussion and these lessons that Rich has learned as soon as they get back from this quick break.

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All right, Rich, we’re back. So as I mentioned before the break, we’re talking about 10 lessons that you’ve learned as a chamber Exec. So I’d like to go through what these 10 lessons are, I’m sure I’ll have some follow up questions for you, and maybe some back and forth. And hopefully those listening are going to be able to take some good notes and be able to apply some of these lessons or see how these lessons may be applicable in their own community. So let’s, I guess start with number one, we’ll start at the top.

Rich Cantillon 12:10
Okay, so this will probably the most important thing to me, I’ll never forget, I had my photography business. And I was approached, I’d been a volunteer in the Blackboard chamber, I’d actually served as chair of the board, and I was approached about, hey, you would be so good at actually managing and operating our chamber. And I thought, wow, how exciting. And I said, I did that. Well, one of my really good friends said who was the bank president and Blackwell said, now you know, it’s very political. And you’re going to have to really watch everything you do. Because a lot of people get in trouble in the chamber world because of politics or not doing something correct. And I said, it’s not political, it is political. So you have to be careful about everything you say, you have to be inclusive of everybody. You have to look at where you shop, who you support, all of this stuff. And now, with social media, and people with cameras, and Facebook and Twitter and seeing everything you do how you live your life, it is critical that you put the best foot forward that you can, and that you truly represent your chamber and your community.

Brandon Burton 13:40
So it sounds like you’re given fair warning, when you came into the chamber that it is political. Did you were you able to just learn from that warning? Or did you have to learn through experience?

Rich Cantillon 13:50
Well, it was it’s really funny. We would we love to go to Oklahoma City and walk the mall. And that was one thing during the holidays, especially go down with lights. And that was one thing I learned quickly. I do not go out of town during the holiday season. Because I don’t want someone even though they may be there. I don’t want somebody to see me there. I need to set an example to we talk about shot punk at first, and so I need to be that person. So though that’s one of the things right off when I was young, I was like, I can’t be I ran into some people in Oklahoma City and I instantly felt guilty. And so that’s something I’m really mindful of making sure that I do what I say.

Brandon Burton 14:42
Yeah, that’s a good example. It’s something to be mindful of for sure. I mean, in still travel and do your tourism and stuff, but I think that example holiday time, when people are expecting you to be shopping and you go to a mall, which is inherent for shopping so

Rich Cantillon 14:58
it could exist in there. said difference when you, you know, you want to take vacation you want to travel, people do not have a problem with that a matter of fact, I’ve been inundated with friends and people in pop them loving our pictures we posted from Italy. So glad we got to go. And so there’s nothing wrong with that at all. But when you’re going to neighboring communities, if you’re shopping, promoting what they’re doing and not locally, that can get you in trouble.

Brandon Burton 15:32
Yeah, for sure. And like you said, in the world of social media, I could just see if you went to went to the mall in a neighboring community, and you’re taking pictures and how beautiful the lights are and everything. You’re setting yourself up for some trouble.

Rich Cantillon 15:48
Yes, I have to be very discreet. That’s right.

Brandon Burton 15:51
So let’s, let’s move on to the next lesson that you’ve learned one of the things

Rich Cantillon 15:56
a lot of people that come into the chamber industry, they really think, well, I’ve run a business or I’ve done this, I know how to operate a chamber know our chambers are 501 C six, we’re regulated by the IRS, we have certain things we can and cannot do. We have bylaws that we must follow. And so that’s one of the things that we’ve seen in Oklahoma that people take over a chamber, maybe they would like me, Blackwell, what volunteer and someone said, Oh, you’d be so good run in our chamber, and they think they know everything. No, you do not. And so one of the things that I really stress is that if you’re new to the chamber world that you reach out to your state organization, or it’s someone that’s been a longtime chamber person, and get educated on what the do’s and don’ts are of operating a chamber, and here in Oklahoma, our State Chamber and our organization, OCC E, they offer trainings on what it is to be in chamber management at all levels, CEO and staff. And then the US Chamber which I’m heavily involved in, has Institute, which is a certification of our industry. I’ll never forget the very first year that I went to institute, it was eye opening to how much more I could be doing for my community through my chamber. And I’ve sent my staff and they come back, they’re all fired up. They’ve learned so much. So education, on what it is to run a chamber is critical to being successful and long term.

Brandon Burton 17:41
Absolutely. And I would say if you are one of those small chambers, one staff or part time staff, maybe to staff, and your board is not giving you the funding to be able to go to conferences, or be member of these organizations play back this little clip that rich just shared about how valuable this is to be involved to be able to get those mentors to be able to understand how to run a chamber properly because it is different than running a business for sure.

Rich Cantillon 18:10
Well, I’m one other thing, Brandon that you mentioned, if you do work for a chamber and their board is like they’ve never done that. And they’re like, well, we’ve never seen anyone that conference or will then find someone to sponsor. I mean, there’s always a bank or a doctor or a business that believes in that and they’ll sponsor you to go. And then when you come back, you’ll have this information. I firmly every time I go to any kind of conference or any educational thing. I always come back and give a report to my board on what I’ve learned and how to be beneficial to our chamber. So that that can make a big difference.

Brandon Burton 18:50
I love that giving a report when you come back and they can understand how you’re working for them and what you’re getting out of these conferences. And the one

Rich Cantillon 18:57
thing I would not do like Mako is the Missouri Arkansas Kansas Oklahoma conference. It’s in Branson. I love brands and we go there all the time. I when I go to make out I’m not taking pictures of me out eating on the landing. I’m not taking pictures of me at big cedar at Table Rock Lake, which I do all that but what when I if I do anything Facebook, it’s in a session. It’s what I’ve learned. And our board does not mind us having fun. But that’s not what we put when we when we’re talking about our conference, not the fun. The educational

Brandon Burton 19:37
that that goes back to the first lesson that you talked about being political and being careful and gosh just put out there. Right. So let’s let’s roll along to lesson number three.

Rich Cantillon 19:50
So put your volunteers first. We are the hired help. It is amazing to me I’m I’m I get Get a lot of emails from a lot of my peers, you know, their emails that they send out to their members. It’s amazing to me when I see CEOs in the middle of a ribbon cutting, when I see CEOs in every picture, and they’re kind of front and center, it is not about us, it’s about the people we’re trying to build up. So when we do a ribbon cutting, we like we just had one this morning, when we do a ribbon cutting, it’s all about that business, their employees, not our staff, we’re promoting men. So make sure that you always put your volunteers first, make sure when you have an event, you don’t just hang out with your staff, or hanging out with your chamber chair, that your executive board or your little buddies, make sure when you have a chamber event, you are literally talking to all the people there, you’re working in the room, even at a ribbon cutting, you’re speaking to everyone, making them feel important. When you put people first, they’ll be very loyal, and they’ll do whatever you need. It’s when they’re ignored or don’t feel appreciated. You’re gonna have trouble.

Brandon Burton 21:14
Yeah. And I think a lot of chambers are good about that. Because I you know, connected with a lot of chamber professionals across the country. And as I see pictures of ribbon cuttings, like in that example, I’m often looking for the the executive that I know, and the pitcher. And it’s usually hard to find them if they’re in it. Yeah, usually they’re in the back. And they’re supporting the business, which is that’s where they belong in that photo. Or taking it or Yeah, exactly. So I think they’re, I think a lot of chambers are good on that. But there’s there’s probably some that that needed to hear that as well. So thank you. So your next lesson number

Rich Cantillon 21:53
four, we’ve already kind of talked about this, but you are the chamber I am the face of Papa city. And so everything I say and do, people are looking at. And so I have to be very positive. We had a right after I took my job here, we had a major merger and we lost some estimate three to 5000 jobs when that merger happened. But we’re pocket city, we have great leadership. And we knew that we would survive that and be even stronger after a while, which we are we’re stronger today than we were ever before the merger. And you have to so many people were so negative, so upset, you know, how could this happen to us. And I felt those feelings, but I never relayed them. Because I was the face of the chamber along with the mayor along with economic development, we had to put a good face forward and say positive things. And so you have to remember no matter what people are looking at you and they’re looking at what you say what you put in email, what you put in the paper. So always make Remember, you’re the face of the community, and you can guide whatever happens and the direction, right? Nothing was exciting. I love that.

Brandon Burton 23:20
Yeah, nothing will destroy a good community feeling quicker than a chamber President getting out there and saying, Oh, this really stinks for our community. You know, you got to keep that positive, optimistic point of view. And I think in today’s world, a lot of people are they talk about being authentic. And there’s a way of being authentic without laying all the cards on the table and saying, This is how I feel, and I’m distraught inside versus being authentic, but still optimistic that your community will rebound. And there’s bright things on the horizon. So

Rich Cantillon 23:54
when you lose a company, of course, you’re going to report that, you know, we’ve lost 200 jobs, but you can’t just, you know, how could they do this to us. And so it’s really important. Another thing kind of Brandon along those lines, we have to be the leaders in creating unity. We cannot have division in our community within our leadership. And this is something I see that is an issue across Oklahoma where there’s the chamber doesn’t like Main Street or the chamber cannot stand the city manager or vice versa. I mean, and we have to remember that we have to create a vision and a unity and a focus for our communities. And we have to get past personalities and be determined to make it work. And I just did this week earlier, I had a chamber per one of my friends call. They’re very upset with their city manager, and he’s really not doing a good job. I said you know what do not talk about that, they’ll see that, and he won’t be there long. So you take the high road always be positive. And I guarantee it, it’s not going to last for long. And so our city manager here in Ponca, city, our mayor, our main street, we’re all our economic development, we’re all together, and we enter in, something happens. And I’m not recognized. And maybe I was a big part of that. I don’t get all upset, that doesn’t matter, because I know what I did. So we have to really always take the high road and be that peacemaker, or your communities are not going to be successful.

Brandon Burton 25:41
Right? Yeah, that’s a that’s a bonus lesson right there. Number 11. Right there. So so number five, lesson learned,

Rich Cantillon 25:52
okay, you have to get out of your office, it doesn’t matter if you’re one person, Cooper, it doesn’t matter. You have to schedule every week, time to go see your manager, your members. So many people, you know, you I made it a passion of mine, that I don’t want someone to ever say, rich did not cross the door, my business. And I got marked out time every week, and I go out and I check them off that I and and if you shop local, if everything you do is love a lot of it and already gonna be doing that. But there may be a dentist, that’s a member that’s not your dentist, that I go by and say, Hey, let Doctor know that I came in. I really appreciate all you do. It is not time consuming. And I’ve had so many people say well, I’m just so you just don’t know, I’m just so busy. Know, if you mark it off and planned and then you it’s like a meeting committee meeting. So I really encourage that you get out a we have a 92% retention rate. And I firmly believe it’s because we’re touching our members. And they like that. So make the time to do that kind of stuff, and that you’ll be very successful.

Brandon Burton 27:17
Absolutely. And you’re right, the time management part, if you block it out. I mean, if you don’t block it out, yes, your schedule will fill up and you don’t have time, but you make it a priority to block it out and find a way to enjoy it. You know, it should be something you look forward to getting out. And that’s what the work is about. It’s about supporting these businesses and hearing them listening to them taking it back to the table, you know, different committees and helping to further and advance your own community. So Right, correct. So rolling along to the next lesson.

Rich Cantillon 27:48
Okay, so we already kind of talked about this to treating everyone equal. This is really critical. If you put emphasis on just your big donor members, and you’re at things and that you that you don’t really care about that little mom and pop business, they’re going to see that. And you have to make sure that you’re treating everyone equal, when you’re looking at your board makeup, that it represents your membership, that you have a mom and pop business, you have the head of this industry, you have a not for profit, you have all the aspects of your membership on your board. So I have always put a lot of emphasis and a lot of that was because Blackwell Black was a small town. It’s only 8000 people we had about 280 Members, I think we got up to 300 before I left. And so it was easy, you know, to touch all your members, when you’re a lot more members, you have to make sure you’re doing that at events. So that’s a good way and you got to make sure everyone knows that they’re welcome at the table, that it’s really important to treat everyone the same. When I first came to pop the city, I don’t want to criticize anyone before me, but our chamber had a reputation of being very cliquey that that cannot happen. So many people don’t like to go back to their class reunion, because they felt like they were cliques. And we you cannot have that in our adult world. Because that’s a terrible stigma. So we are not a clicky chamber. Everyone’s welcome. I enjoy everybody. And so really keep that in mind.

Brandon Burton 29:40
Yeah, well, and to your point, it’s easy to follow the money, you know, the bigger donors bigger, you know, higher level members and support them because you can’t lose them. But really, it’s those smaller businesses that are maybe scrapping together whatever they can to join the chamber or maybe it was a hard decision to make, whether or not to join that Amer and they need you more than some of these bigger companies or people that have been around a long time. So yes, treating everyone equal, but realizing that the need for some of these smaller businesses may be stronger than some of the bigger businesses.

Rich Cantillon 30:14
That’s exactly right.

Brandon Burton 30:17
So lesson number seven.

Rich Cantillon 30:19
So it is really important that we’re enthusiastic, that we like people at random, it’s crazy to me, there’s a lot of people in customer service, and they really don’t like people. Well, in Park City, we have manufacturing jobs where you can work on a line, and you don’t have to deal with people. But if you’re in the people business, you have to be enthusiastic, especially a chamber and you have to be passionate. So what that means is, every day, you have to come to work happy, fired up, my brand, my wife crazy, because on Monday mornings all go, here we go. It’s another week. And I mean, it, I’m excited, it’s going to be another week to do great things for Baca city. So you have to be the same every day. And it’s not just us, the CEO, your staff has to be that way. Because I could be the most outgoing, happy, passionate person. But if someone comes in my front door, and my front line person, not nice, grumpy, that that’s going to be our chamber. So it’s not only me, but making sure that the my team has that same attitude. And so that that’s something we have to work on every day. Now in my career, I’ve lost my parents, I’ve lost two siblings. And so I’ve had some real sad stuff. While I’ve been operating a chamber, people are really aware of when you have things in your life that are sad. But what what you can’t do, it can’t affect when you come to work. If it does, you just need to take a leave of absence, or take some sick days or whatever, you need to get over that emotional, whatever. But when you come to work, you have to put that smile on, you have to be passionate, enthusiastic, every day, eight hours a day, or however long you work. That’s critical.

Brandon Burton 32:31
Right. And that enthusiasm I would say is contagious. So your staff is going to follow your lead Yeah, as the leader of your organization, they’re going to look to you. And if you’re coming in with a bad attitude at the front desk person probably is not going to be the most welcoming that people come through the door. But if you can be, you know, brighten and optimistic and you know, happy and cheerful and that all it’s contagious. So it’ll it’ll flow through. So So lesson number eight.

Rich Cantillon 33:01
So we’ve kind of talked about this too, but I want to really re emphasize this. So you can never be in the mud. You can’t be like the pig wallowing in the mud. Talking about people talking when someone’s being rude to you, you know, we had a member the not too long ago come in, and they said yeah, we don’t see any value in what you do. And they were kind of yelling and and come to find out you know, they’re they declared bankruptcy. So the you know, sometimes people you know, they have a lot of pain and hurt and they don’t want to except, you know that he didn’t want to say I’m taking out bankrupt bankruptcy. So he just lashed out at me, you know? And and I took it, I mean, you, you have to always take the high road, you cannot talk I could not tell anyone about that incident. Because that just talking bad about him. I didn’t. Every now and then I’ll tell my chair, if there’s an incident because I feel like they need to be in. If someone’s upset with us. They need to know that. But I’m really careful that I never say anything negative about an issue, or anyone. So I’m going to give you this example. When I was taken in pocket came after me Blackwell that came they wanted me to come and run. I grew up here as well known they knew our success and Blackwell. They wanted they’d been having trouble. They fired like three or four chamber CEOs. They wanted me well at first I said no, I’m not coming while they hired a person he didn’t do well. Well, a year later they came back they said you can raise your kids and Blackwell when they graduate from high school then you can do what you want. We don’t care. So I took the job. I was really excited to come home to my Come down, which I love. Well, there was an individual that someone on the executive board had said, We’re gonna give it to you. Well, they gave it to me. Well, he was very distraught. So he was talking horrible about me, said that I might have been embezzled, and Blackwell, I ran that chamber in the ground, how could they hire me? I mean, some horrific step where you know, people love to tell you, so Oh, did you know he said, blah, blah, blah? Well, so they have this reception for us about a month and a half, after I started with a receiving line back in the day. And anyways, we were standing there, and here’s my wife. And here he comes with his wife. And I said, Oh, honey, this is Mr. Blah, blah, and his wife, and he put his hand down, and my wife wouldn’t shake his hands. She’s looked at him, and is very awkward. And he knew that we knew he’d been talking about him. I did not like that. And I realized Brandon, at that time, I would come home and tell my wife, all this stuff for my wife loves me. And how do I know my wife’s not telling her girlfriend? You can’t believe? And then here you go. So what I do now, and I really encourage this, if I want to get something off my chest, I call Matt provider, Nick, who rents the Topeka Kansas chamber, my best friend in our industry. And I tell Matt, Matt, could get done, no, anyone who talked about me could care less. But I can vent to Matt and I know, no one’s going to know. So I just would encourage you, if you got to get something off your chest, or you feel insulted, or someone’s been mean to you, and you want to share it. Pick someone in Alabama, you know, Montana, that, you know, in our industry, and vent to them don’t do it local.

Brandon Burton 37:06
Yeah, in big trouble. That is a great piece of advice. And you know, taking it home to your spouse, like one, they don’t need that burden, you know, that you share with them and to carry it and carry a secret sometimes, right? So just, yeah. Export that, uh, that unloading to somebody outside the area. I love that lesson. So you got two more here, lesson number nine.

Rich Cantillon 37:36
So this is really critical to you being successful. And it’s so weird, because I have a buddy in our chamber world that said, Hey, your Italy trip was great. We’re about to go on a trip. And I said, that’s fantastic. He said, Yeah, but I’ll still get inundated with emails and all I’ll be getting taxed. And I go seriously, I, I said no, I don’t do any of that. I when I am on vacation, I’m on vacation. When it’s five o’clock, I’ll be back the next day before eight. And I don’t do anything. The biggest issue in our chamber world is people feel like they’re on the clock 24/7 You’ll be burned out, you will get resentful. You’ll get sick of it. And there is no need for it. No one else works that way. So why should we work professional people in a professional industry, and we’re on the clock eight to five. And then when it’s five o’clock, I’m watching my grandkids. I’m watching my kids. I’m doing whatever, I’m enjoying life. And I don’t get back until I come to work. And people know that. And when it’s the weekend, it’s my weekend. I don’t ever look at email I don’t look at I won’t respond to texts. And after a while, like I don’t get those things because it’s that’s how we often Yeah, he feels odd. They know I’ll respond when I’m at work. And within a day, I mean, you text me and I’m at work, you’re gonna get a response. So work the eight to five, but disconnect and don’t make it 24/7 I promise you if you live that way, you’ll never be in the industry like me, almost 30 years you won’t, you’ll wet because you’re you’re just going to be worn out. So I was told that early on by another chamber person dich Rasch, who ran our State Chamber, he said, make sure you don’t work 24/7 That’s just unacceptable, and you’ll be successful. And I found that to be very true.

Brandon Burton 39:53
Right? And I’ve even seen some chamber execs have a an automated, you know, auto responder on their email. So after five o’clock, they’ll say Tony Felker in Frisco is a good example of this, if you email him at 515, you’re gonna get an automatic reply that says, It’s after five o’clock. And by experience, I’ve learned that if I go, if I pay attention to this, I’m going to miss some details or whatever. So I’ll respond to you tomorrow morning when I’m back in the office. And it’s a classy way of I think of addressing it and just saying, I got it. And I’ll get back to you, you know, when the time is appropriate. And email, I think people are totally fine with that for sure. So the final lesson number 10, that you have to share with us. But what do you have, don’t be

Rich Cantillon 40:39
overwhelmed. Don’t let the chamber consume, you don’t get stressed out. My predecessor here at the pump, the Chamber died of a massive heart attack. Because he was overwhelmed. We had another person that ran our chamber, when I was in high school, my dad was on the board. And he literally had a nervous breakdown, he was so overwhelmed. And that is really sad to me. So when whenever you have an event, or you have all of all of this stuff, don’t let it consume you. One of the things that I’ve learned that can help alleviate that is write down at the end of every day, I write down everything I need to accomplish the next day. And then as I go through the day, I literally mark it off as I’ve accomplished it. So here’s today. Yeah, and I’ve already marked off stuff that I’ve already done. I literally am that all my work, it has saved me all these years. And I’m not overwhelmed. Another thing, if you have events, if you do a lot of events, with each event, create a folder and literally write down everything you need to do. I have to before the event three months out, I do this, this this, and then a month out, I do this two weeks out. And so you’re not having to redo it every year. Oh, what do we do for the auction? Oh, my gosh, it’s all in a booklet. And it’s your to do list. So if you take anything away, that I’ve said today, to me, the most important is the last thing I’m sharing is don’t be overwhelmed, write down what you need to do. And as you do it, mark it off. At the end of the day, when I see everything marked off. I know it was a success. Now having said that every now and then there’s something I didn’t I literally did not get to, okay, I’ll add it to tomorrow’s list. And I’ll it’ll be the top priority. So don’t be overwhelmed. We have a fun job. I love being a chamber CEO, and I’m going to really miss it when I retire. I love making a difference. I love seeing something think, wow, we could add that to that park or Wow, we could do this start downtown. And I can do it. I can start that ball. I love that. So or helping recruit a doctor or an industry or whatever we need a pastor and showing them our community and, and be and getting them here. That’s so rewarding. So enjoy what we do and have fun with it.

Brandon Burton 43:47
I love that usually asked for a tip or action item at the end. And I think that is perfect. Just enjoy it.

Rich Cantillon 43:55
Enjoy. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 43:56
So Rich, as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Rich Cantillon 44:04
We have to be relevant. So we have to be willing to change we have to be willing, you know, my focus here at our chamber in my 20 years here has really changed multiple times when the merger happened and we were focused on keeping our people growing our people. Now we’re focused on housing, which is a real need and pakka city. So it’s really it’s being relevant and always willing to readapt. So every year, we have a retreat and with our new board, our incoming board and with our existing board and we talked about what is going to be our focus in the next year. And we do that in November and that dictates what our business plan is going to be what your return on your investment to the chamber is going to be because you have to Joe, your members their return on their investment. And so that’s always exciting. And it’s always driven by what’s happening. So for example, 2022, we came out with the COVID. And we doing COVID, we were all about making sure our businesses survived, and really promoting what they were doing to to survive. And we were recognized by our State Chamber as a leader in that area in what we did some innovative ideas. But now, when we came out at COVID, for 2022, our world has become very angry, and mean, and people don’t mind yelling or cussing someone out in a store business, or it’s just crazy. So we’re doing a kindness campaign. And it’s been incredible. So we have 12 Marxists here. And we took a month, and like this month, it’s on our senior citizens. So how do you show kindness to senior citizens, and then we come up with action items. And that’s been really awesome. And I’ve really enjoyed doing that. So being relevant, looking at what your community is faced with? And how are you going to take care of it.

Brandon Burton 46:18
I like that, I like that a lot and be be relevant and be willing to change that.

Rich Cantillon 46:24
You asked about the future chambers. That’s how we’re going to succeed. If we’re not a player, if we’re not a leader, if we’re not relevant. If we’re not showing the return on our investment, we on their investment, we’re not going to be relevant, we’re not going to be able to sustain Chambers of Commerce. So keep that in mind.

Brandon Burton 46:45
You’re absolutely right. So Rich, as we wrap up here, I wanted to give you an opportunity to put out any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and learn more about some of these lessons that you shared with us or in general, just how you guys are doing things there in pocket city, what would be the best way or ways for people to reach out and connect with you?

Rich Cantillon 47:05
So the best way would be through email and it’s rich@poncacitychamber.com. I love to text. So if you want to text me it’s 580-363-6665. And I’d love to hear from anyone and send our business plans and anything that we do that would help you we would love to do our we have we do tourism for the city of pumped city have a great relationship. So if they’re interested in partnering with their city, like could share how we do that anything they need. I’d love to share. So thank you so much.

Brandon Burton 47:54
Thank you This has been great. And I like I said at the beginning I hope some of these lessons will help a newer chamber exec be able to shortcut some of their learning curve and, and maybe take away some of those growing pains that happen when you’re new in the industry. But Rich, I appreciate you joining us today and sharing these lessons with us. I think this is terrific.

Rich Cantillon 48:16
Thank you, Brandon for all you do.

Brandon Burton 48:18
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Looking 25 Years into the Future with Bryan Derreberry

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now your host, he enjoys smoked meat from his Traeger, he’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Hello Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Jason Mock, President and CEO of the San Marcos Area Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for his chamber.

Jason Mock 0:45
Two years ago, we brought in Holman Brothers to help our organization go to that next level. And in those two years, our team has transformed the way that we think about sponsorships and non dues revenue. And I would really encourage you if you’re looking to take your chamber to the next level to bring on the Holman Brothers.

Brandon Burton 1:02
You can learn more about Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions by visiting holmanbros.com.

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Our guest for this episode is Bryan Derreberry. As President and CEO of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce for 11 years, Bryan leads one of South Carolina’s largest chambers in its regional advancement work. Bryan has an established executive management track record, featuring more than 30 years in chamber leadership and advocacy roles. Prior to joining the Charleston Metro Chamber. Bryan was president and CEO of the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce in Wichita, Kansas, where he directed the state’s largest Metro Chamber for seven and a half years. He also served as president and CEO of the Catawba County, North Carolina and Middleton Ohio Chambers of Commerce respectively. Bryan began his chamber career as a state lobbyist for the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, of course in Ohio. He holds holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in political science from Wittenberg University and is and has completed graduate coursework towards a combined MA and PhD in American politics, and international relations from the American University. Bryan, I’m excited to have you with us today here on chamber chat podcast. And I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a

Bryan Derreberry 2:31
little bit better. Well, Brandon, thank you for the opportunity. You know, it’s I love when you say chamber champions, because I I think about all my colleagues across the country and the amazingly important work they do and strengthening their business communities and advancing their regions. And I think one of the interesting parts of my background is my intention, when I started my career, was to go into lobbying full time, and had that chance with the Greater Cincinnati chamber. And at that time, that was the fourth largest chamber in America and represented that business community in Columbus, Ohio, four days a week and really treasured the opportunity. And somebody said to me, do you miss your lobbying days? And I think one of the things that people can learn about chamber executives, is that I said, I lobby as much now as I did when I did it full time, right? This looks different. I said it different audiences, different opportunities. A lot of times, it could be anything from a neighborhood association, embracing a new piece of infrastructure, or a group that’s not familiar with our chamber, we launched a major DNI effort three years ago. So we’re, we’re speaking out in numerous communities in our metro area, and sharing with them about the chamber for the first time. So it’s powerful to think about how every chamber exec in the country and many of their teammates day in and day out need great lobbying skills. So those degrees and that initial experience have really served me well.

Brandon Burton 4:15
Absolutely, yes. And I firmly believe that anyone listening to this it’s involved with the chamber, they are champions for their community and and when I tried thinking of a name for the audience, you know, that that seemed to fit well, so kind of rolls off your tongue but it has great meaning to so thanks for for recognizing that and you take a moment and tell us a little bit more about the the Charleston Metro Chamber to kind of the type of chamber Scope of Work size, staff budget, that sort of thing. Just to give us some perspective before we dive into our conversation.

Bryan Derreberry 4:52
You bet. We have 1600 members. A budget that said six and a half have million 30 full time staff members. And we have four primary platforms that we deliver our work through. Number one, like every chamber, a significant membership platform. Number two, a important government relations platform. We have three full time lobbyists on our team, one up in the state house in Colombia, and then two that work locally with our three counties and 30 municipalities. I think that’s a distinctive flavor for our organization, with regard to how important it is to get alignment, in all those communities, and I’ll talk a little bit later about, we use a partner ethos to lobby versus the bloody nose ethos that seems to be typical for the rest of our United States today. And that serves us very well. We have a large community advancement platform. And within that platform, we do diversity, equity and inclusion work. We do significant professional development programming work for our members. And also we do workforce and talent development. And then our marketing and communications platform is the fourth platform with regard to making sure not only that membership, can actively get engaged in what we do, but also the 830,000 people. And 165,000 employees represented by our membership, have an appreciation for what goes on within the chamber. So a very gifted group of folks, board of directors of 68, Executive Committee of 26. So very actively involving all the sectors in our metro area, and the volunteer leadership of our chamber. And I know one thing that chamber champions understand out there is that a lot of times we have to explain to people that we are a volunteer, directed organization. And they’ll come to us and say, Oh, you need to take a position on this issue. Well, we’ll go through our committee structure, and determine whether we take a position on the issue or not, it’s not my decision, or our government relations team, or our workforce development team to make a policy decision. It’s the responsibility of our volunteers. And I think after a number of years here, people now appreciate that, and they value that. So I think that’s another dynamic of our chamber is we very much want to put our members and key leadership roles in directing the chamber, we see ourselves as a regional advancement organization. So we look at that three county metro area and we look at big Rakesh used to work on already mentioned diversity, equity, inclusion, housing, attainability, mobility solutions, overall quality of business environment. So significant work that will advance our region over the next 25 to 50 years.

Brandon Burton 8:09
Right. I love that the fact that you pointed out you know, if the issue gets presented to the chamber, you take it to your committees, your board. A while back, I had Matt Morrow from the Springfield, Missouri chamber on the podcast, and he talked a lot about the wisdom of crowds. And when especially when you have a board of that size, 68 and different committees and whatnot, as you bring a different different topics in there. They all come in from their different backgrounds and experience and be able to know what the vision is the direction the Chamber’s trying to go. And then from there, combined experience and wisdom, they’re gonna land on the best possible outcome and direction to take up on different issues and policies even so glad you pointed that out.

Bryan Derreberry 8:57
You know, Brandon, I would strongly agree with your assessment. I am. This is my 36th year in the profession and I, overall, those board meetings, executive committee meetings, government relations committee meetings, I’ve seen the wisdom of our leaders proven out time and again. And I think another thing that every chamber champion listening recognizes is that they may come up with a position that’s contrary to what I personally believe, on a policy issue, maybe even what our team believes. And at the end of the day, we step forward and implement that decision, because it is their organization. So I think if you’re young and you’re chamber champion development, it’s important to realize that and of course, we want passionate people in our profession. And we want people that are highly skilled and able to craft how an issue needs to be examined. But then you have to be responsible to the degree See that it may end up somewhere that you didn’t imagine it would go. In over all those years, I’ve never seen it a selection of an outcome or a policy position that wasn’t best for the business community. So my encouragement would be to trust, that leadership, trust working with them to find the right pathway forward for your community. And there’s an old saying, you and I both heard of Brandon, you know, if they write it, they’ll underwrite it. And they, if they develop it and fill, it’s their own, they will get up and give public testimony, they’ll provide funding for lobbying efforts. So that’s part of the beauty of this profession is that, you know, we do lead heterogeneous organizations. This is not the American Dental Association or the American Medical Association. So we’ll have everything from a sole proprietor to somebody leading Joint Base Charleston here with 26,000 employees, and all across that spectrum, people will bring input an interest, and that’ll craft a composite position, or a composite direction. That’s really powerful. Right? Takes a lot of patients.

Brandon Burton 11:16
That’s right, it does. It takes a lot of patients. So our topic for discussion today, I’m a big fan of helping people and even chambers to understand the potential the power within them to become something greater. And for our discussion today, we’re focusing on looking 25 years into the future, which I think is very important in that aspect as far as realizing what the potential is of your organization, to be able to see what direction you can go and what needs to happen. You know, those those baby steps so to speak between here and there, and we’ll dive into this discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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All right, Bryan, we’re back. And as I mentioned before the break, we’re talking about looking 25 years into the future as a chamber organization looking into the future. What at the end of this conversation, I’ll ask you how you see the future of chambers going forward. But in the meantime, before we get to that future and How do you see from here moving forward over the next 25 years,

Bryan Derreberry 15:04
Brandon and we do something that we feel is particularly powerful. About mid year we’ll begin a process called annual partnership calls. So we will go to somewhere between 180 to 250 of our members. And we sit down. And we ask a couple of questions that influence what that runway looks like over the next 25 years. The first question is, talk about the next three to five years of your company, and identify where you think there are excellent opportunities for your competitive growth, and then identify things that are impediments, speed bumps, and then we just, were quiet. And I think anytime you ask somebody about their company, and how they’re doing, where they’re going, what’s working, what’s challenging, you get really good, really good input. And the other the other question that really registers with them is that if there were one to two things in our metro area that you could change for the better, what would they be? So I’d love to tell you, we come back with a lot of disparate information and no agreement, we come back with a real clear picture as to what are the most significant opportunities, and what are the most pressing challenges. And when we look at those in combination, a lot of what we described on how we’re designed as an organization is influenced by the annual partnership calls in our area housing attainability is the number one regional issue. It will be a 25 year fix. To get the proper stock, the proper pricing, we’re in a real challenge with regard to our supply versus our demand. We’re growing by 33 net people a day, and we’re just having a hard time providing workforce housing that’s affordable. So we have a huge coalition working on that all three counties, public sector partners, private sector leaders, citizens, different associations. And we know right now we’re at 6000 houses behind for attainable housing in our metro market. That’s a couple of decades. So another one is mobility solutions, we’re getting ready in 2026 to undertake high speed bus lanes. So major mass transit project 21 Miles 2020 stops along the way. And for our metro, you know, if you’re in a, we were just in Boston for Metro leadership visit, they’ve been hopping on the tee for a while now. For us, that’s an important first step, there will be other lines to follow. But removing, even if we can remove eight to 10% of the traffic from our highways, that extends their longevity, it cuts down on congestion. So those are the kinds of issues that emerge. And it’s not us sitting in some room at the Chamber, figuring out where we go the next 25 years. It’s the people that want to be the employers, the citizens, the electeds, that continue to help our region thrive, identify where we’re going. And in that mix, there are many of our elected bodies, there are stakeholder partners. So we’re getting a really great level of input that’s formulating where we go. The other thing we just completed, we did an 18 month study. It’s called one region roadmap and used SP Friedman out of Chicago, Illinois to undertake our effort. And what it does, as a lot of communities don’t know what those big rock issues are, doesn’t take very long to figure those out. But this is going to be a 10 year plan, where every year we’ll identify five to seven priorities for the region to work on collectively. And there will be we’re using a local governing network,

which my political science professors from long ago would have really liked hearing. But what that is it means there’ll be a lead agent, we’re going to be the lead agent for housing attainability will involve other stakeholders throughout the community. And then we’ll begin to work on gaining annual metric identified success and creating more attainable housing. So equitable did Dual accesses another one, entrepreneurial development is another one. But this gives us a roadmap as a region for a decade. And at the heart of the one reaching roadmap is equitable access for all of our citizens to living, learning and earning opportunities. So I think you have to have a foundational piece that engages everyone. And that’s the piece, we want everybody to be able to have those attributes as we move through the decades ahead. So listen, well build a strategic plan that has lead agents that will be responsible for the work that’s being undertaken. And they get after it year in and year out, we have a large steering committee that will evaluate each of the lead agents on an annual basis to make sure they’re performing. So you know, it’s the classic thing brand. And if you if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and we’re just really dedicated to that kind of work. And I would encourage chamber champions across the country that are listening, there’s a couple of key learnings in there. Number one, you want to bring as many people along as possible. So get out and talk to your members, talk to your elected officials, talk to the people that you’re going to need to do this with. We never say the chamber is going to do this work. We say along with our partners, we’re gonna tackle these annual priorities. The other thing is to make them concrete. That’s hard for a lot of communities. I’ve been in other communities that love to study and talk. But when you say annually, we’re going to achieve x, y, we’re gonna accomplish why. And then you report on it, then you have credibility, then it’s not a study that goes and sits on the shelf and collect stuff. So listen, well, engage others be concrete, and produce results. So we’re, we’re excited about one region roadmap, we kick it off in October. So when you and I talk this time next year, yeah, I’ll be able to, I’ll be able to tell you more about getting divorced in one region roadmap.

Brandon Burton 22:18
Yeah. So I know leading up to this discussion, you had shared with me, some of these topics that you guys are looking on. Maybe areas of focus, as you look to the future of Charleston, and and you talked about some of these, like the attainable housing and the you know, the infrastructure and mobility and things like that, as you have these different. We’ll call them topics areas of focus. How do you go about focusing on each one? I assume there’s some sort of a committee for each area of focus? Is that right? Have you said it’s one thing to create division, and we need to expand and put some focus and, and work over in these areas? But then how do you go from that, that vision to actually rolling it out to? Let’s take some action on these different steps? What does that look like there in Charleston?

Bryan Derreberry 23:12
You know, it’s interesting, and I think inherent in your in your question is a couple of things for chamber champions number one, regardless of the size of your chamber, and I have a deep passion for chambers that have staff under the number of 10. I think they work harder than any other chamber in the country, you’re going to need to hire some experts. We’ve been very intentional over the past 11 years, that we add people to our team that have significant expertise. So while they won’t do it on their own, they have a career track record in the areas whether it’s workforce development, government relations, diversity, equity and inclusion, attainable housing. They’re an expert. Because I think that you’ll be pleased as a chamber when you make that investment. And when you’re smaller, and maybe one or two major issues. So we’ve been very intentional about in that group of 30. Hiring people that have that level of expertise. The other thing that we’ve done is built a very strong committee structure. So however, those issues are moving through our organization, there are one or two or more committees that will be touching them. And we’ll be following through on what we commit to do organizationally to achieve results. The final thing is a talk a little bit about that local governing network and if anybody would like information on that we’re happy to share. You have to engage the whole region. So you look at something like the high speed bus lanes. Our Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Governments is working with all the governments along that set of high speed bus lane routes. We’re working through our regional policy committee, which handles all of our local regional work. But there also is going to be a lead agent in that area that will pull together, how many ever stakeholders are required to implement. So a lot of it’s leveraging what I call critical mass. So you got some key folks at the top that have expertise, and then they’re bringing partners together to, in this instance, transportation, overlays for development on those 20 bus stops. So you know, there’s some sophistication that’s required when you do that kind of work. So, you know, my encouragement would get experts on your team, make sure the region understands the top issues, bring stakeholders together, that can move the issue. And then, again, metrics that make sure over 510 1520 years, you’re making progress, because in that timeframe, Brandon, you and I both know, you’re gonna have different mayors, you’re going to have different city councils, you’re going to have different county councils, you’re going to have a different state legislative delegation. So you have to be you chamber, and top stakeholders that are in it for the long run, you have to keep the plumb line very clear, and keep coming back to the issues. Because a lot of times public and private sector partners can get easily distracted. So that’s the other thing is that we look at all of our work as forever work. Okay, you’re forever doing housing affordability, you’re forever improving infrastructure. You’re forever maintaining your business climate. For us as a coastal community, you’re forever looking at resiliency. So part of that is developing a drumbeat internally to be in it for the long game. Yeah, every year, as you said, you want to have annual achievements. But you have to have those long game goals, talented team, great partners, focus and metrics to be able to move to we call them big rock issues. Because they don’t go away. You know, somebody said, you know, we have funding, we have something called Accelerate greater Charleston that funds. A lot of the professional staff that the technical professional staff is somebody said, Well, when are we going to stop doing accelerate greater Charleston? And we just smile, and we say never,

Brandon Burton 27:50
whenever you give up, you know, like,

Bryan Derreberry 27:53
you want to quit? Yeah, you know, and last one out, cut off the lights. And what I think what helps private sector companies, especially if they’re developing products, have said, you have an r&d arm, don’t you? And they Oh, yeah, we have research and development. Well, for chambers, your research and development is positioning the region for the future and putting the building blocks in place. I said, if your r&d went away, you’d be selling the same product over and over, you’re always looking to improve. And that begins to help people wrap their brains around. Okay, this is forever work. This is a long game. And the other beauty I just shared earlier, we went to Boston with 100 leaders, is get your leaders out to other metro markets that have like opportunities and challenges. So they can see the kind of work they’ve done. And then we come home and people say, hey, we saw how they did that in Boston, we can do that. Or they come home and say, wow, they had a big miss, we can really learn from that. So when we tackle a like issue, we don’t make the same mistakes. The other beauty of that trip is that you think all the leaders in your community know each other and kind of have a comparable set of aspirations. They don’t know. So when you get 100 people together that are having lunch and dinner and some staying up till college late hours, getting to know each other better. They come home aligned. You know, a lot of this is about not only what you’re tackling, but its alignment, and persistence. So that annual trip kind of says, Okay, we’ve gotten to x with high speed bus lanes. So we’re gonna go look at somebody that’s either built them all the way out, or maybe they have light rail. So again, it’s I call it staying 20% dissatisfied. Yeah, never, never 100% satisfied. that you have to continually prod the region to achieve at a higher level. Part of the challenge to Brandon is that, you know, I’ve been in places that are BB plus communities, it’s hard to get a BB plus to an A, it’s really easier to take a C or a D and pop it up to an A, because people feel the threat. They feel the need for collaboration and alignment. You know, when you’re a B plus, you’re kind of fat and happy. Right? Do we really need to be in a

Brandon Burton 30:33
you’re too comfortable? Any adjustments? Yeah.

Bryan Derreberry 30:37
And that’s when we say there are 396 other mshs in this nation, that one our employers and they want our talent. So yes, we need to be in a

Brandon Burton 30:45
Yeah, that’s I love that point. And that being the 20% just satisfied it. Yes. Always, always looking for that room to improve. I love that. salutely. So and I’m sure this answer will vary. But as there are different committees and whatnot on these different topics. You had mentioned doing these leadership visits to other cities, which I think is awesome. It’s a great way to look at a certain topic and how a city that you may aspire to be like and in certain aspects that I see great value in that. As far as the nitty gritty, the day to day. How often do some of these committees meet as a monthly? Is it weekly? Is it quarterly? Are they all different? Depending on what it is? How do you? How do you say that in your community?

Bryan Derreberry 31:32
There, at least monthly, if not twice a month. And we’re big believers, our board this year will have had 10 board meetings and 10 executive committee meetings. You know, I hear people say, Oh, we you know, chamber champions. I apologize if I’m stepping on toes. Oh, we do a quarterly. Okay, these kinds of issues. If you do a quarterly and somebody misses a quarterly meeting, they miss half a year. Yeah. Okay. We call that creating a drumbeat. Whether it’s committees that are working on policy, or programs or initiatives, or executive committee and board. If you lose the drumbeat within your organization on key issues, you’re not going to be able to move fast enough to make a difference. Well, they’re all busy people. And I’m gonna give you a great example. Brandon, we tried to go to every other month when I was in Wichita, and the board rebelled. That’s a cool message. Yeah, one I’m meet monthly. So I think sometimes, yeah, it’s a lot of work. We have an amazing executive ops team. And it’s a lot of work to do 20 meetings a year with, you know, large lead volunteer bodies. And it’s the work we signed up for.

Brandon Burton 32:58
Absolutely. And it’s that forever work as it’s that forever work.

Bryan Derreberry 33:03
And, you know, the the thing we talk about is, and I just met with our exec ops team yesterday, and they’re incredible. And we said, our goal is to create an experience for every volunteer that has never been met or matched in our metro area, from knowing about their family, their names, their interest, and taking care of them. So when it comes time for one of them to be an officer, or to lead a committee or to get more of their people engaged Hekia I’m going to deal with the Charleston Metro Chamber. And so that that kind of intentional focus. And that’s why we sold out that trip to Boston in record time. And we don’t want to take 200 people, you know, we’re kind of like 100 Yeah, you know, if you get over 100, you start to have a three ring circus, and they don’t bond the same way. Yeah. But that that internal clock for us? It’s kind of like a metronome. How are we honoring them and engaging them. So they think I’ve never had a volunteer experience like this. Because let’s face it, we are battling for their time, talent and treasure, there are 4600 non enough for profits, and just the greater Charleston area. You know, as your communities get bigger, that’s probably 15,000 20,000 25,000. So it’s pretty rarefied air to get top leaders. The other thing we do a little bit different because we are really committed to the ENI is that we don’t have to have the the gal or the guy in the corner office. A lot of organizations just say, Oh, I only want the CEO or the president. Right. Well, we’ll say is give me number three, or number four, that will be that CEO and president in 10 to 15 years Yeah, so we can have the level of gender ethnic, racial diversity on our board that reflects our community. It also makes us a lot more healthy from an organizational standpoint,

Brandon Burton 35:13
and possibly more time to give to the purpose and the cause that you’re working on to always go for the number one, they’re going to be some of the busiest people. Not that the number three or four is not busy, but they’re able to work it in a little bit more and build that future along with you. So you’ve hit on some really awesome points in our discussion here. If you were to try to condense down to maybe a tip or an action item for chamber champions listening that want to take their chamber up to the next level, what would you put out there and suggest for them to consider

Bryan Derreberry 35:53
my greatest tip would be pick one to three things in become an expert. And that that’s going to weave right back into what we’ve been talking about Brandon, you’ve got to be committed to do it long term. So let’s say you pick developing a pipeline from your high schools and middle schools for your top two or three business sectors just know front side that that’s going to be 15 to 25 years. Think what we learned during the pandemic, because it was probably a sharing experience for every chamber and business member Association in our nation is that it was the meaningful work that maintained our most significant investors. It wasn’t the business after hours, it wasn’t the networking events. It was they could look at the chamber. And the chamber in our metro area got together with the council of governments and other stakeholders. And we created a whole reopening strategy for our metro marketplace. We met every day at four o’clock, Monday through Thursday for almost six months to get the region opened again. I felt like I had a whole new family. And sometimes it got irritating. But I wouldn’t have traded that we build bonds between organizations and governments that we never had before. So that would be my tip be be substantive, be relevant. And we use a term I think it’s the you know, if you were to ask me the the Chamber’s magic power, our secret sauce, we use a term called seine center, sa N E. Your chamber, chamber champions can be the same center on these issues, you can bring parties together. And whether it’s workforce development, whether it’s diversity, equity, inclusion, whether it’s housing attainability, whether it’s infrastructure solutions, whether it’s recruitment and retention of either businesses or employees, you can be the organization that brings all the parties together, that need to be aligned to do the work. That to me is what a chamber really is. Our mission statement is initiate advocate and empower the region to produce a prosperous business environment. And it’s a little different than a lot of chambers. Because they flip business environment in a region, we know that our region has to have the ingredients that are aligned to make employers, employees and citizens successful. So look at the region as your laboratory, look at your county as your laboratory. If you’re a City Chamber, look at your city as a laboratory, and find those one to three things that really need to be worked on. That would be my greatest encouragement. And and when you do it, you’re gonna get real popular real fast. So you’re gonna have to learn how to say no, yeah. That’s right, because let’s say this camera does such a good job on developing those middle and high school talent pipelines for industry. We wanted to do this now. We wanted to do that. So I think the other thing is to when you do those annual partnership calls, as I mentioned to you, we didn’t come back with 50 Things came back with probably five to seven things that every employer is focused on. So you know, stick to those critical realities, and and go deep and do a great job. And then when it comes renewal time and recruitment time, somebody will say, Oh, yeah, that chamber. They really have the best interest of the business. Unity in our region in mind, they’re worth investing in. So that would be my do stuff that matters and do it. Well.

Brandon Burton 40:09
I love that. So the question that I mentioned at the very beginning that that we would circle back to towards the end is how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Bryan Derreberry 40:21
I’m bullish, I think about what’s occurred over the window is what we’re in pandemic endemic, the past two, three quarters of a year, and I know for our chamber just to bring it home to right here, we look totally different than when we entered. We have a set of members, a set of stakeholders, a set of raving fans in the community, because of how we opened up our organization, for allowing us to assist anybody that needed help. And that that runs a little counter to the the typical Oh, we only help members. Well, when when your community is facing what we’ve all faced. During the pandemic, you help everybody you can help. And you make again, choices. So we look very different today, we look more open to diverse partners, diverse audiences. And we’re working on stuff a lot of chambers, you know, 20 years ago, maybe if you were in a major metro community, you were doing DNI, but I think chambers are going to be leaders for their regions, excuse me. And the years ahead, unlike any other time, I think that the credibility of the chamber when they tackle those issues, even if they’re not successful, and they’re going to be successful in the vast majority of instances. I think there’s a caring tone and tenor and a level of respect by leaders saying, Yeah, we need a rallying point. And I think I think it’s changed. And if your your chambers worth its salt, it’ll step into that opportunity and, and really make a big difference. SOT I’m very excited for the future. However, I do believe one of the things we continually learn is that it can’t, it can’t be all about the fun stuff. Right. And I mean, there are, somebody said to me, how many organizations in your community do networking events, somewhat goods? Probably all 46 months? not for profits? Yeah. So yes, do we have strong programming? We do. We do. But we’re probably one of the communities leaders for providing professional development programming. We have the six different leadership types of offerings. So we know right now, as you well know, in your market, Brandon, attracting and retaining talent is the number one business issue. So again, always making sure your chamber is plugged into what’s relevant, and then providing it with the highest level of expertise you can undertake. And if you’re small, don’t let that slow you down. You’ve got people in your membership. You’ve got volunteers and members that can come alongside of you, and build out the type of programming that you need. That’s one of the powers of small communities is that they can really rally that type of asset set and make it work. So I’m excited. I’m, you know, I think that chambers have always been amazingly relevant. We celebrate a little birthday next year. Yeah. Yeah. We’re gonna be 250 years old. Wow. That we’re the we’re the oldest continuing operating chamber in America. So founded three years before our nation became a country. I’d say we’re in it for the long game.

Brandon Burton 44:13
Yeah, doing that forever work. I love it. So I’d love for you to be able to share some, any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you and learn sure but as you’re doing there in Charleston,

Bryan Derreberry 44:27
it’s it’s a really easy, bderreberry@charlestonchamber.org.

Brandon Burton 44:43
That is perfect. And I’ll get that in our show notes for this episode, too. So if somebody always,

Bryan Derreberry 44:48
always happy to talk this profession, and you know, I think your question Brandon on the future is that many chambers are at an inflection point. Mm. But there were ways that they used to do things and things that used to matter. And the inflection point is some of those still have value. The greater value though is marshaling the the leaders and assets of your community and aligning them and doing significant work. So we’re at that neat juncture, so many chambers have already crossed over. And if anybody wants to talk about the both the rewards and the pitfalls, because it’s hard when you enter into a new area of work. And also there are ways to enter in that you can have some immediate victories and set yourself up for long term success.

Brandon Burton 45:47
Yeah, I think that’s important to be able to have that encouragement going along that, that you are going in the right direction. So I love that. Bryan, I appreciate you spending time with us today on chamber chat podcast, providing, you know, great vision and insight for chamber champions listening. I’m sure everyone got a lot of value out of this. But thank you for being a part of the program today. I appreciate it.

Bryan Derreberry 46:13
Well, I love you championing our industry. I believe so greatly in the work that I see peer organizations and colleagues do across the country and America is great because of great chambers. So thank you for being an advocate.

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Chambernomics with Don McCoy

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Don McCoy. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Now, your host he would like to hear what your biggest obstacles are. Right now are your chamber. He’s my dad Brandon Burton. Hello, chamber champions. Welcome to the chamber chat podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal here on the podcast to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Diane Rogers, President and CEO of the Rancho Cordova Area Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for her.

Diann Rogers 0:47
As a medium sized chamber, we recognize that it’s absolutely critical to have a well qualified and well trained membership development person. Holman Brothers trained that person, recruited that person then they even trained me on how to manage that person. We’re grateful for the support we got.

Brandon Burton 1:01
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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Don McCoy. Don is the current president of the Fulshear Katie Area Chamber of Commerce in Texas and he has been since its inception in late 2013. Don has played a vital role in growing this local chamber from only a handful of businesses to becoming one of the fastest growing chambers in Texas with over 600 business members. Don is a seasoned marketing professional who brings over 40 years of experience to the table. He is an idea guy who excels at marketing, project management promotions, public relations and event planning. He has the proven ability to mastermind and lead creative teams energized clients and the ability to achieve objectives in an effective manner. In addition, Don is and has been an accomplished actor, director, producer, spokesperson, Master of Ceremonies and motivational speaker. He’s appeared in directed and produced several movie and television programs. He can be heard saying I’m really famous, but nobody knows it. Dan is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University with a major in management, marketing and a minor in Spanish. He speaks Spanish fluently and he’s lived and grew up in Venezuela, Mexico, Scotland, England and Iran. He’s also travelled extensively throughout and around the world. He currently lives in Cinco Ranch Katie, with his three legged Husky Wyatt. Don, I’m excited to have you with me on chamber chat podcast today, I’d love for you to take a moment to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something else interesting about yourself. That’s a great bio.

Don McCoy 3:24
Well, thank you very much, Brandon, it’s a real pleasure to be here. And i i Hello chamber champions out there, I hope today we can give you some nuggets of knowledge that might help you in any way, shape or form. I think you kind of hit all the highlights there i i guess probably some of the things in my background, everything you’ve ever done. And I will tell you this, regardless of where you came from, when you used to say you were an actor, it used to be a really what restaurant you work at, because it’s not necessarily a full time job. But you have seen me you just don’t realize maybe you have but meaning a lot of celebrities direct your lifetime and being in that type of business and even waiting tables. You know, sometimes you’re wondering why why am I doing this or, well, God has that plan. And, and I have found that everything I’ve experienced in my life up to this point, has led me to this job as a chamber, CEO and president. I use all those skills somehow, some way, whether I’m in front of people, I mean, I used to be the king of medieval times performing in front of 1000s of people nightly, and you get used to crowds and and as a chamber. Executive, you need to be able to have that way to ad lib skills to communicate with large, large groups of people or this the ideal person. And sometimes our job Brandon requires a little bit of acting skills, you know, you got to look interested you got to pretend you’re interested in what you’re hearing. and you know all the myriad of questions us chambers get all the time. And it’s important to that person they are they wouldn’t be asking but to yourself behind the scenes you made one. What do you call me about a category or tree for? Yeah, no, yeah. But I always say look at students use it over acting. And always provide a solution, whether I can get the cat out of your tree is inconsequential. But if I can get someone to call or someone that will definitely help you that you can mention my name, and it gets you through the gatekeeper a little bit, then you become a real key person, which we’ll talk about later have influence in your

Brandon Burton 5:38
community. Yeah, like that. I like that response. Before we get into our topic, tell us a little bit about the Fulshear. Katie area Chamber just to give some perspective where you’re coming from, you’d mentioned about 600 members in the bio, but tell us about the staff budget type of work you’re involved with and things like that.

Don McCoy 5:57
Right? Well, right off the bat. It’s, I’m glad my team is in here to hear you say staff, we don’t use the word staff we use. We’re all one team. But it was in late 2013, that this community had a number of businesses, but they felt they weren’t being representative. So representatives. So they wanted to start a chamber rather than being a business division of another chamber. And so I just happened to be at the right place the right time back visiting here at home and my brother had moved out here to Fulcher and Fulshear. Katie, it a lot of people will say we’re out. We’re west of Houston. But I like to tell everybody, Houston is east of us. And they’ll make themselves to start right. That’s right. And, and we weren’t just the Fulshear chamber, but Katie’s and other town, and we have just grown exponentially. This area is a very high growth area. And maybe that’s why our phone is starting to read even more and more. But there it is high net worth high growth. Look it up. It’s crazy. I mean, our town is, I think the second safest town in Texas, I have to do the shout out my brother happens to be the police department Captain here. So

Brandon Burton 7:09
he’s doing his job, then.

Don McCoy 7:11
Yeah. So we started out with just a handful of businesses. And then you know, we kind of picked the low of the low hanging fruit and me not knowing really, I knew what chambers did. But I wanted to make something that was truly different. That was tangible, that was a benefit to the members, and really bring something to the table. And so we did that, and we’ll talk about that a bit. But it started growing and going and it Swilly on personality, there was no cliques, people sit, this is sort of different, I go to the meetings, I feel different. Everyone is welcoming. And I’ve put in a thing called BFF. You know, the best friends forever, we had a we call it a B Fulshear. Friendly. And we kind of stole that a little bit. And then we say, you know by Fulcher and it just started to take off and people gravitated to it and nothing helps you better than word of mouth. And now we’re at 630. Members. And you know, I’m just was naive at the time, even up to this point and going, Okay, we want to reach a it’s not the amount of numbers, it’s the quality of members you have. And, you know, I understand the 630 is a large chamber. Okay, I mean, now that I’ve gone through IOM and everything, I get it, but in the beginning, I don’t know, I’m just trying to help people. And our budget runs anywhere about about 400k a year. So we’re still the least expensive chamber in the area when it comes to your dues. We are on the not tear does. We’re just you got one level, second level third level. Yeah. And, you know, at 325 a year to be to I tell people, we’re never cheap. I hate that word. But I tell folks, we’re the least expensive marketing dollar you could ever spend. And you’re in anything that you do to get your business noticed, noticed and recognized. Because you’d go out and spend money, companies on advertising and things like that. You’ve got to educate what a chamber really brings to the table. Besides being the representative at the table of government, we also offer a lot of tools to really help your business get a foothold and an inflationary times during COVID We were met with all those same challenges, and we continue to grow. So I think that’s a real testament to really focusing on what the needs of your members truly are rather than what yours are internally. He’s right

Brandon Burton 9:49
yeah, so I can tell you’re a marketing guy, you know, just the way you rephrase cheap to be in the least expensive marketing spend. Yeah, yeah. And it’s uh, yeah, There’s a lot of value in that. So that’s a, that’s great. But here’s

Don McCoy 10:03
what’s crazy, you know, Brandon, we we’ve started out with just me. And then I hired another person. And then we had a third person now just had a third person, retire the God bless her and she doesn’t have to. So now it’s back to two of us. And I never thought I mean, we’re finding how to be more efficient and reliant on the technologies that are available to us to manage a 600 plus chamber with two people, it becomes a bit of a challenge, but we’re doing it so don’t negate what the technology can help you.

Brandon Burton 10:36
Yeah. Now I can imagine and I like your introduction to the chamber world, you kind of had blinders on, you know, I don’t care so much what others are doing. I just want to go help people and I do it the best way I know how and it’s really taken off and served served you and your members very well. So that’s. So for our topic of discussion today, we settled on the topic of chamber nomics. So we’ll we’ll dive into what that means and everything as soon as we get back from our quick break.

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Don, we’re back. So chambernomics. Tell us okay, what is chambernomics mean to you as you, as you look at that word, it looks like a word that that’s been made up. So what does that mean to you? It looks like a blend of economics. So I


Don McCoy 14:13
gotta give a shout. Rachel, who’s our VP of membership? She’s the one that we were just talking about, you know, training and Euro chamber 101. And a lot of chambers have, you know, when you join the chamber, here’s what you learn how about chamber and what it can do for you. And she came up with this chamber nomics. And I said, that’s, that’s beautiful. And so immediately, I went right to Google, I mean, the GoDaddy and I, it’s available, I bought it. So we own chambernomics.com. And, and then we coordinated that with our back office, software provider, chamber nation. And I now represent chamber nomics. And what that means to us is dedicated to we explore all kinds of issues and ideas relating to your Business, the economy, the community, it’s all written right there at the top. And I’m reading off of it. And, you know, it’s sort of I’m an idea guy, and it’s just an Idea Factory on how to what other things can I bring? Or can we make that or make our businesses really want to be in the chamber? And as we say, in chamber world, you know, those golden handcuffs? You’ve heard that before? Those are the things that if I leave, if I leave the chamber, I lose this. And then so it’s a real retention tool. Now we use chamber that is on a nationwide basis, the Chamber nomics is teaching them how we can you help their business get better. And there’s a lot of links in there that you can go look at and things like that, and chamber nadex.com. Now locally, I use chamber nomics as a as the name of our training. And so we do a chamber nomics class, the first and last Tuesday of every month at a different restaurant, and we eat first, and they happen to have a private room. And then we have video, and I get on, and I show everyone, hey, here’s how you upload your flyer for your upcoming event. Here’s your press release. And when you submit your press release, it goes out to all of our media contacts through our software. We just teach them all the different advertising tools and how to upload your video because sometimes, people learn in different ways. And people learn learn one on one, they also learn by watching a video of something on how it’s done, which a lot of people do and then people learn in a classroom setting. So the chamber nomics locally is our classroom setting. And, but our goal is to teach all of our members what our system does. Now, it’s really some people get a little scared of technology. And it’s not hard. And I say just kind of dive into it, bite it off a piece at a time. But if you do absolutely nothing with our back office system, we’re still creating tremendous search engine optimization for you and you’re getting ranked higher brand that go up. But if you stopped doing, you’re ready, but I’d say I had one number that came in the other day, it was called the Delaney. It’s an assisted living facility that’s in our chamber. And they had forgotten to change the management, but they had to say marketing person, and their traffic capture page that we make for them. It’s called a marketing landing page. In addition to their website, it complements it fell off, it went away. Well, she did a audit on her presence on social media. And they had dropped to the third page on Google without all the ads. And she said, what happened? And they said, Well, you used to have this traffic capture page that was doing a lot of work for you. And since it went away, you fell. Immediately, they popped back on and now they’re back on the first page on searches for assisted living in our area. So it just shows you there’s real power in a lot of online presence and digital presence and

Brandon Burton 18:00
talk to us more about the traffic capture page. So that’s built in with within this chamber nomics program or chamber nomics is really just telling them what all you have to offer kind of a platform of doing that,

Don McCoy 18:12
right. Yeah, chamber nomics is really telling them all we have to offer, but the traffic capture page is really a, you know, a, it’s a system that takes in, you know, you can go to a website and of any business and you get kind of lost because there’s a lot of information there and you don’t know quite where to go, okay. But the traffic capture page is something that is simple, easy, very quick. And if you want to go to their website, from there, you can get links to it. But it is search engine optimized, you can control what kind of photographs you put in there, you can put your catalog page in there, we offer a commission free checkout system, I’ll show you even our chamber, we even have a mobile app that’s very interesting that if you go scan a QR code, this kind of is our chamber. But this everybody gets one of these

Brandon Burton 19:08
I know it’s a little thin, every member gets their own app for their own app, their home address.

Don McCoy 19:13
And all of this takes you to your to your website about you, they can call you from here, they can message you from here, they can even share their business card, I can click this right here and let you scan that QR code and my information will drop into your phone. Nice. These are small, small little tools that are that are so available that you can do on your own or through our back office system. I got to sing their praises. But what happens with our system when you join our chamber, it takes us 10 days to put together your your your marketing system. And we build about 12 pages of stuff about your business. And we take it all off of your website and what we know about you and what you filled out in your app. application, and then you can go in and refine it. But if you don’t do anything, you’re still getting the benefit. So

Brandon Burton 20:07
cool. So what about it’s not as common these days, but every now and then I’ll come across a business that doesn’t have a website yet? Is there still a way of building out those pages to give those members a digital footprint?

Don McCoy 20:19
You know, thank you. Yes, absolutely. Because you would fill out the pertinent information, our team will go get photographs of that we’ve already paid for their, you know, their their commitment, or they

Brandon Burton 20:32
call the stock images.

Don McCoy 20:34
And we own some of the stock images, but we, we examine your business, and we build your traffic capture page. And what’s really cool, is, if you have a URL about your business, but you don’t have a website, you can have that URL point to the traffic capture page. Okay. And then a lot, a lot of our members just use that as their as their website, because it works.

Brandon Burton 21:00
Right. That’s great. So, you know, I think I think initially, maybe when, when Google and the stronger search engines started to roll out, I’m sure there’s some chambers out there that maybe felt a little bit threatened that people could just go to Google and find answers they’re looking for. And rather than seeing that as competition to the value proposition, you have you actually you guys are leaning into it, and saying, let’s provide a lot more information. So doing a lot of the legwork for your members, so they can show up better on search engines, and were like a bigger bang for their buck.

Don McCoy 21:36
It’s even during the pandemic talk about coming up with ideas. You know, we couldn’t go to trade shows for a while. I mean, there was none existing. So what did we do, we went and created a virtual tradeshow booth, which we still have an existence now. And you can it looks just like a table, you have a video insert in the bottom that people can watch, you can go and click here to schedule a calendar meeting or get on their zoom call. And you know, and a lot of our business say, Hey, if you’re interested to learn more about us and want to meet later, just go to my virtual tradeshow booth and, and fill out the information and watch what we do. And then we’ll get in touch with you that way. So it’s always sitting there working for you as a, as a tourist center of your business basically, right? That is awesome. And video and video is now the way to go to I mean, coming from a film and TV background. I mean, nowadays, video is so simple to put up. And then we make it even simpler in our back office, all you got to do is click here, your camera on your on your computer, and you can talk about your business. And that is and then throw into that those key words. And I will tell you just a hint. Any pictures you’re starting to put up right now, any videos, you always see that alt text at the bottom of that, you got to start filling that out. Because just a word of warning that there’s a lot of lawyers out there going after websites and things that if you’re not ADA compliant on your social media or on your website, meaning Language Hearing and alt text for your pictures, you can be sued. And that’s crazy. And so we offer that as well. We have a buttons all over our website where you can we can translate everything we do even on our mobile app, we can translate it to any language in the entire country and let you listen to it in that language.

Brandon Burton 23:33
Wow, that is impressive.

Don McCoy 23:36
It’s pretty cool. It really is

Brandon Burton 23:37
sent you mentioned earlier something about having the importance of having a strong digital footprint.

Don McCoy 23:43
Yeah, yeah, it sounds this. This is something that is really cool. And you guys can look it up anywhere. There’s a lot of companies out there that do what is called key person of influence. And this is something I’ve really latched on to here at our chamber. And what our goal is, is to make every member in our chamber a key person of influence in their industry, and have a true Omni presence on digital, Omni presence. And what this is, every industry has an inner circle, every industry has one, you know even the chamber world brand and has an inner circle. And and these are people of influence. These are people you look to and they whatever they say I mean, I don’t know if anybody knows Pat McCoy out of Idaho, but I fell in love with him at my first IOM a year. And I still stay in touch with him and I treat him as he owns chamber mentor.com Great Guy gotta follow his blog. And, you know, he influenced me, to me, he’s a key person. But what we’re going to start doing is we’re going to have a rather than a leadership type course, we are instituting how to become a key person of influence. And this is something we’re doing here in the Houston area and we hope to expand nationwide with you A couple of folks that I’ve gotten in tune with, but our first one is in November, and we’ve partnered up with the United States, Mexico Chamber of Commerce, us. If anybody wants to check it out and get more deep into it, we’re at kp O, I got VIP. And that means key person of influence that VIP keep KP Oli, and it’ll explain everything there. But you know, we’re always in a state and someone wants said the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement, you know. And so the other thing if you don’t, and this is about a $4,500 course, and it’s going to we’re going to do this, what this will do for you is it will, it’ll read people will regard you after this course, they’re going to regard you as a high value individual, I want to meet that person, I need that person to come talk to my business or whatever your business is, you could become the expert in ice cream, if you have an ice cream store, because when they go search ice cream, you’re everywhere. You’re Who is this guy, and then you’ll get VIP treatment anywhere in the world. I kid you not, my friend has his website called speaking Dubai. And he goes to Dubai all the time he gets invited, he’s going to curse out. And he’s the one that’s helping us put this together. And then you get opportunities out the wazoo presented to you all the time,

Brandon Burton 26:22
you get asked to come on podcasts and stuff like that.

Don McCoy 26:25
Exactly. Yeah, you’re right. And you know what this for me is a another digital asset that’ll be out there. And we even have a questions on our website that you know, am I getting what I what I’m worth? Am I getting paid for whatever you take this, I took this question or take me 10 minutes to do it. And I scored a zero. I thought I was pretty good. You know, hey, I’m in the movies. You can find me on IMDb, but But it’s pretty eye awakening. So we do pre event coaching and all this. And if you’re interested in more about it, I’d be happy to hook you up. But it’s, this is the way to go. And even on our website at Fulshear katie.com. I invite anybody to take a look at grow and protect and when you go to grow and protect, that’s an app that we now have. It cost our members a whopping $1 for an entire year to have access to over 250 lessons and courses that will help you be a better business person. I’m talking how to how to make your LinkedIn and world class. I mean really how to do it. And these are all like 15 minute lessons with a video attached to it. There you go. Yeah,

Brandon Burton 27:43
that’s right. Okay, got Frank’s card. He’s on my radar to be yes. So he’ll be on to talk more about grown protect.

Don McCoy 27:50
And I’ll leave it I’ll leave it there. But I’d say Frank is also part of our KPI KPI. He’s part of the key person of influence. And Frank before and he’s 77 years old, and doing what he did on cybersecurity. And this man is such a key person of influence in cybersecurity, he gets they call him out of Dubai say, would you come over and talk to our company, they fly into Dubai, he spends a week there and gets paid for it.

Brandon Burton 28:21
So so this is interesting. So there’s the aspect of helping your members become key people of influence. But how about for chamber executive? How about for somebody establishing their career in the chamber world? How? How should they go about being a key person of influence?

Don McCoy 28:40
I will tell you this is probably one of the most important things because in your in your, in your world, or your community. You need to be that person that everybody looks to for ideas and solutions. I mean, the mayor, the residents, I mean, you really can’t you should not be able to go to any restaurant without talking to somebody, I made a comment. I went to a gala last night. And it was for a local charity. And I went to go get a couple of drinks at the bar down there at the other end of the of the room. And I was bringing a friend back one. And by the time I got back the ice had almost melted. He says Where have you been? I said it took me 20 minutes to walk from the bar all the way across the room because I kept getting stopped by a number of people. But that’s awesome. You can work that. And so if you become even starting out if you’re going to IOM or if you’re going to be ACCE conference or the Texas chamber or any of these executive conferences, make sure you get pictures of yourself talking to the keynote speakers and and create a file on your desktop that has you just drop pictures in there. And then anytime you want to put those up on the internet or put them up on your Facebook and things like that Google loves that new information. So it is thing. And so you put your name with it and attach it to that event, tag yourself. And then you start to become the key person of influence. It’s not that hard, but you’d be surprised you as an executive are in the presence of greatness on a regular basis, whether it be with your look, your governor, your mayors, your representatives, you know, any number of people, even local business people that are well respected in your community. Go out, take them to lunch, get a picture with them, you know, everybody, let’s do a selfie. Okay. I mean, that’s what makes you look at this guy. Look, Brandon is probably got 1000 You probably got 1000 pictures of yourself with notables? Right. Yeah, lots

Brandon Burton 30:41
of them. Yeah.

Don McCoy 30:42
I mean, when I was in the film business, I always got a picture with me and Robert Duvall, Liam Neeson, me and Patrick Swayze. And that and you know, so when I go on auditions, you know, and Oliver Stone sees all the my resume and these pictures before the digital world, but it was actually in my in my portfolio. It was, Wow, you’ve been around, you know, a lot of people that I know. And so there’s a certain sense of confidence and people, it’s what we call pre suasion. If you’ve used that coin, I love the coin these words, and pre suasion as a way that before anyone needs you. They’re already persuaded to liking it, say, and to me, that that, that is half the battle because people judge you within about the first one minute of meeting you face to face. I met Brandon at what we run into each other, but we never really actually met till tccc. Yeah, yeah, and Rocco. And you know, and it’s busy, and we’re all doing our thing. But we connected we finally connected now, I think he’s a great guy, or I wouldn’t be here. Hopefully he likes me too. All right.

Brandon Burton 31:51
That’s right. But

Don McCoy 31:53
he knew about me already, somehow, some way I kind of already knew about him. So I was already pre slated to be interested in Brandon and the Chamber chat. And I asked, How can I get involved and help out. So that’s how this comes, comes to play. And then if you can teach yourself, your team that you work with, and let them they’ll be key people of influence, give them the power to make decisions on your behalf. Nothing can be even if they make a mistake you learn from and grow from it. But give your team that power to do it. And they’ll come in and say and be excited, guess what I did today? And you go, man, that’s fantastic. Oh, no, we got to correct that. But it’s okay. You know, it doesn’t hurt. So executives, start, start looking at this grow and protect, start learning how to be tell your story, tell your chamber story, tell your own story. Because a good friend of mine, Jack working at one day, you’ll get to meet him. He’s a fantastic sales guy. He wrote a book called Life as a sales call. He’s really a good book. And he likes to say that most businesses and chambers, were always concerned about ROI, return on investment. And that’s okay, that’s cool. It’s necessary. But what we got to really concentrate on is our O R. And that’s the return on relationships. And if you don’t have a relationship with everyone in your community, you’re always gonna suffer. So always think of that return on a relationship again, what am I gonna do about the cabinetry, okay, why are you even asking me that, but I’m very interested. And now guess what, I’m a hero to that person. And they will talk my they will sing my praises wherever they go. So I’ve got another salesman working for me out

Brandon Burton 33:44
there. That’s right. Yeah, I like how you came back around to the cabinetry. And your example of how we met at TCC. That’s, that’s perfect. Because I had heard about you, I knew some of the stuff you were doing your chamber, you’d heard about me, we made the connection. The one thing we didn’t do is get a picture. So next time we’re with each other, we gotta get a picture. And

Don McCoy 34:07
now I’m gonna sit here and I’m gonna screenshot talking right here. And this is what I’m doing right now on my in I’m doing it right here. A big smile. Brandon here. Yeah. I got it now.

Brandon Burton 34:25
Person one next time. So as we start to wrap up, though, I wanted to ask you if you have any tips or action items based on anything that we’ve covered today, for the chamber listening who’d like to take their organization up to the next level, what would you suggest? Well,

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Don McCoy 34:41
you know, I and I know a lot of the thing is, the status quo is all I mean, you’ve probably heard it a million times is Think outside the box. My team has got a sign on the front of my door hanging above my door. It says Don has another idea. and whether they’re good ideas or bad ideas, it doesn’t matter. Clear your cash every now and then of your ideas, because that’ll let new ones come in. But get them out there. And whether it’s it doesn’t have to be the whole ball of wax. But if it’s just something in that idea that might spark someone else to take it to another level, do it. Don’t be afraid to throw your ideas out there for fear of looking crazier, you know, but when you come from the acting world, you know, you act and you are foolish, sometimes on stage or whatever you do, and you just have to throw that caution to the wind. And people will start to respect you as an idea person. And I think it’s highly, highly important that you continue to improve yourself and find things like this key person of influence, or this grow and protect or just get on YouTube and start watching TED Talks. If you have a little issue, maybe talking to pub in the public. There’s tons of things in ideas and tips. back I’ll give you one right now. Small tip. You ready? Yes. My glasses, say this. But back when I was in film school, Adam Roark was one of my teachers. He was a real famous actor with Hells Angels if you’re older, but me and Lou Diamond Phillips, we’re in the same class together Alibaba guy, right? Yeah. And so he said, there he goes, You know what the difference between a good actor and a bad actor is, and we’re all sitting there going? Experience. He said, eyebrows. Eyebrows. What do you mean by eyebrows? The tip he gave us is watching TV ever go see a bad movie and an actor or even you’re talking to somebody their face never moves. They’re just remembering their lines. And I’m gonna tell you about my chamber, my chamber is best and you need to be part of my chamber. And then you just give that whole thing. But he said if you move, you’re good actors and good salespeople, and people who are passionate about what they do, their eyebrows will move just a little bit before they say anything. So hey, let me tell you about my chamber see it because what that is, so consciously, is telling the listener Hang on, I’m about to say something pretty important. So they automatically tune in to you, if you just move your eyebrows just ever so slightly. Some people do it naturally. Some people have to think about it. But if you watch people on podiums, nothing against our state representative yesterday, but he was the emcee of the gala. But he was sort of deadpan. But if your face is animated, and move your eyebrows just ever so slightly, you You are now persuaded somebody to listen to.

Brandon Burton 37:34
Right? I like that. Now everybody listening is thinking about their eyebrows and what they’re doing. And yeah, I think of the rock. Right? He does that one. Yeah. And it gets your attention. So

Don McCoy 37:46
there you go. And don’t and please don’t think that, Oh, I’m over exaggerating my eyebrows, it will come naturally trust Dan. But if you truly believe in what you’re doing, and find a good software, program, whatever works best for you. But be aware, there’s a lot of software’s out there that work for you, in chamber management, but as to help you manage your database. I like mine, because it not only helps me manage my database, but it also helps have tools for my members to use. And to me, that’s the most important part of it. And some of you may be Richard scalding from time to time he said he was at the event and everything. And he lives in Texas now. So I got him to move from California.

Brandon Burton 38:28
That’s right. And he’s he’s one of the sponsors of the show. So if you want to plug it, you know, Chamber Nation,

Don McCoy 38:34
well, I promise you, you’ll never meet a nicer guy and his wife and his whole team. He’s one of those guys that I brainstorm with. And I say, hey, if your software could do this, that would be awesome. And he goes, let me see what I can do. And sure enough, he came out with it. I mean, we it’s our plaque system. I won’t get into that. But that’s what is so cool about having somebody that you can, whether it works or not get the idea can make it happen. You know, in film and TV, I used to edit on beta Ubaid, remember beta tape, or film years ago, and I didn’t know how to work the editing machine. But I knew the guy that did and I said, I know you can do this. So I want you to make it look like this. Yeah, he doesn’t. So you always need your producer director and then you need the guy. Because as somebody once said, as patent lawyers said, CEOs like us right here, we are working 1015 20 years in the future. Okay, but you need a team that is working in the hearing now your see Oh, getting the job done here in the present. So try to keep that perspective to

Brandon Burton 39:45
like that. That is great. A great tip right there. Speaking of those lines, as we look to the future of chambers and their purpose going forward, how do you see chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Don McCoy 39:57
Well, I’m gonna say they, a lot of us, a lot of them need to change and get with it. Okay? Come into the future and embrace the technology. Because it’ll it’ll, it’ll run right past us so fast, you won’t know what happened. The entire world is going to this is this is this is the world and, and, and if you can’t reach my chamber here or call me or find me or whatever, even Voice Search, I’m people voice search, I am now searchable by voice. And people are using that. But the future of chambers are to still represent your businesses at the table of government, don’t lose sight of that. And to be the community key, whether they call that the kid the last 10. Because if you become that important, and if the chamber went away in your community today, would your community fill it? Yeah, they should. So be that be that chamber of influence in that connector, and that catalyst and the champion for the community, but in the future, embrace all these new technologies coming along, because that’s going to set you up for tremendous success. And as some people retire out of the chamber world, and it happens all the time, technology can replace some of those things and make it easier for the new folks coming in. Because imagine, I don’t know what the average age of a CEO is, in chamber world, I really don’t, that’d be interesting to find out what but I mean, if you’re not up on technology, the next generation, the millennials, in the whatever’s there, whatever their names are, that are highly technical oriented with the Snapchats, and the whole things. They’re the ones that are going to take over in the chamber world, and they’re not gonna want to start at square one. That’s right. They want to see you already have a presence on Facebook, they want to see you have the tick tock, they want to see you have all this other stuff. And that’s going to attract really great talent to your team. That’ll make you even more successful. Don’t be afraid to be the idea person, the executive, but look for that talent that can come in here and work your social media to the enth degree and it’s nothing to them. And you’re sitting here going, what do I do? What is this? That’s where you got to go. Because it’s, it’s important. It really is at 63. I never thought I’d be well versed in but my mother is 83 and she can work Facebook like a charm. It’s unbelievable. So

Brandon Burton 42:30
awesome. I love there.

Don McCoy 42:31
Yeah, just get out there and do it. It’s easy. Yeah.

Brandon Burton 42:35
So Don, what would be the best way for any listeners to reach out and connect with you if they want to learn more about anything you’ve shared? Or how you’re doing things? Their culture? Absolutely.

Connect with Don McCoy

Don McCoy 42:45
My email and my, my phone number is at chambernomics.com. And that’s, you could always call the chamber here and ask for me. I’m very accessible. My phone number is is on the chambernomics website, you can find me on Facebook, Don McCoy facebook.com, forward slash Don McCoy. Go in there and make me your friend, LinkedIn, I try to use it all. I tell you, and if you try to message me on Facebook, what’s at email, and I wish if somebody out there can find the technology to write if you’re if you know that if I get a message on Messenger, WhatsApp, email, this this, and it funnels into one app. You’ll make a million dollars today, I kid you not. But just reach out, give us a call. I’ll call you back. And I’d be happy to walk you through or answer any questions you might have. I’m, I’m here to not only help our businesses, but to help you and which helps America live or not. I’m a big patriot. And this country is fantastic. And we still have the freedom to do business. And so let’s do it. That’s the commerce there’s another website for you called letsdocommerce.com.

Brandon Burton 44:06
Well, I will get your contact information in our show notes for this episode. But this has been a fun conversation. Hopefully it’s percolating some ideas and people listening and take something and run with it at your chambers back at home. But Don, thank you for thank you for being with us today and providing so much value. My pleasure,

Don McCoy 44:24
Brandon, keep doing the good work you’re doing you are a blessed individual, to the community and to our to our community here in the chamber world. And likewise, if there’s anything I can do for you, Brandon or anybody out there, thank you, God bless you all for what you’re doing. We know it’s a tough job, but, uh, keep up the good work and you’ll be blessed every day.

Brandon Burton 44:46

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Retention with Josh (JT) Torres & Isaac Lee

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Josh (JT) Torres and Isaac Lee. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
And now, your host, he always enjoys getting new pair of running shoes. Here’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:21
Hello chamber champions. Welcome to chamber chat podcast. I’m your host Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Tony Felker, President and CEO of the Frisco Chamber to learn how the Holman Brothers have provided value for him.

Tony Felker 0:45
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Brandon Burton 1:06
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Guest Introduction

For today’s episode, we are we have two guests with us we have Josh Torres or j t as we’ll refer to him and Isaac Lee and in JT and Isaac are the co founders of chamber life. Josh is a seasoned entrepreneur with multiple businesses with multiple successful business ventures with a current focus and responsibility as co founder for the strategy sales, operation and alignment of the North America chamber life business. His style is innovative, creative and putting people first to benefit from the technology to ensure a better quality of productivity and success for chamber teams. He is enthusiastic, optimistic and future oriented individual with a high energy level, having a creative capacity to recognize and pursue opportunities naturally capable of setting up the internal systems procedures and processes necessary to operate a business with a focus on cash flow, sales and revenue at all times. Driven to be proactive in his approaches to everything with the vision to lead and inspire others. He has led chambers and associations for over 19 years and is married his wife Cindy and they have five children residing in Northwest Ohio. Isaac has a background in running chambers of commerce as well as economic development organizations. He has over 15 years of experience in these two industries. In addition to being a co founder of chamber life, Isaac is the executive director for stupid county EDC in the northeast corner of Indiana. Isaac has also served as a board member and consultant to the Chamber of Commerce executives of Ohio, where he has worked with hundreds of chambers and economic development organizations across the state of Ohio and Indiana, identifying the best practices as well as comprehensive policies to help move organizations forward in their communities. In 2012, Isaac was awarded the 20 under 40 award in the Toledo market in Ohio, and in 2013, Isaac was voted by his peers for the 2012 Professional of the Year Award through the Chamber of Commerce executives of Ohio. In 2019, Isaac was awarded the 40 under 40 Award by the Greater Fort Wayne Business Journal. In 2020. He was selected as one of the nation’s top 50 economic development professionals by consultant Connect. Isaac received his MBA from Defiance College and received his bachelor’s in marketing and human resources from the University of Toledo Isaac has been married his wife Kristin for almost 19 years and they have four children. But Isaac and JT I’m glad to have you with me today on chamber chat podcast. Why don’t you both take a moment to say hello to all the chamber champions listening and and share something interesting about yourself so we can get to know you a little better.

Josh (JT) Torres 4:12
Hey, chamber peeps, JT here. So excited to be on the show today. love working with all of you, in the state of Ohio and across the country. Super stoked to be here. One thing about me that I pride myself in I have a serious addiction with fitness and working out. And really every day regiment. So that’s something that I spend a lot about two hours in the morning doing before I start my day.

Brandon Burton 4:40
Very good. I should show you my my office space here. Doubles is my gym. So maybe afterwards. I’ll give you

Isaac Lee 4:48
a little time. And Brandon and guests thank you again for allowing us to take this opportunity to talk to folks. We’ve been in your shoes so we love speaking the chamberlain And we’re just talking about it. What’s what our best practices are? A unique thing about me, and I’m not too proud to say it right now. But I am a Notre Dame fan. And yes, I know we lost him. Wonderful last week. I’ve heard it all. But I’m a diehard Irish fan. So I’ll be hanging on.

Brandon Burton 5:17
It’s a rough start to the season, but you can’t be where you are without being a Notre Dame fan. Right? That’s true. Like I said, I’m glad to have you both with me today. As we dive in, usually, at this point, if I’m interviewing a chamber staff, or chamber executive, I haven’t talked a little bit about their chamber, but as cofounders of chamber life, tell us what is chamber life? What do you guys do? And as you service chambers of commerce, and just give everyone a bit little better idea of what chamber life is?

Isaac Lee 5:50
Absolutely. Josh, do you want to start it?

Josh (JT) Torres 5:52
Yeah, go ahead. I will. Absolutely. So you know, chamber life really takes two things that are most important to the business and chambers and I say business because we’re a business as a chamber organization, not a not a nonprofit, we were really want to run this as a business as chamber printers, as I like to call them. So you know, we came up with chamber life has a way to automate your task with recruitment and retention, that will do in dry, hopefully higher retention and conversion rates for your prospects that will ultimately lead to higher engagement, and making sure that all of your members are touched multiple times a year with with automated tasks that are assigned with our within our software. So we’re we’re excited about chamber life and the ability to take a pain in the market that’s been been there for many, many years, and automate that process for many.

Brandon Burton 6:42
Very good Isaac, do you have anything you’d like to add on, on what chamber life’s about?

Isaac Lee 6:47
I think it like several entrepreneurs, or founders of technologies or software. This was born out of frustration of Josh and I being in the industry and having the same struggles that many of your listeners are having, in terms of these packages, these platforms working for us, not just with us. And there was an opportunity to really automate some of these tasks that are very extremely important into our role of being a relationship based organization. So we often use the term it was built by you for you. When we talk about chamber life it because it’s truly sincere.

Brandon Burton 7:26
Very good. I appreciate that. That helps give a snapshot of what it is you guys do so and coming from from two guys that have experienced in chamber world and like you said, being built up built by you for you, because you are one of them. Thank you. So we’ve decided, as we go about this episode today to focus our discussion around that R word that JT had mentioned of retention. So we’ll be talking about membership retention, and maybe some approaches to take as when it comes to membership retention that maybe you haven’t tried before. Maybe it’s just maybe a different approach different perspective. But we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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Alright, guys, we are back. As I mentioned before the break, we’re talking about membership retention, as we think of chambers out there the frustration like Isaac mentioned of how do you get these people to come back year after year see the value that they get for their membership. As you look at retention in membership, maybe JT what what comes to mind as as things that a chamber should maybe have a focus on or pay attention to when it comes to retention.


Josh (JT) Torres 11:33
So I think one of the things that you know, for many years we’ve focused on is the R word retention. But I really feel that moving ahead, you know, for the future of chambers, we need to focus on two things culture and the experience, there’s two things to culture that as chambers, we really need to make sure that we are focused on the internal culture, which is inside your boardroom, inside your inside your office walls, and then the external culture, outside your membership outside and your community culture is a big deal. And if we’re not managing and leading culture, that can really affect the our ability to retain, that culture can affect your brand, your brand, awareness, your promotion of your brand, and then really be able to tell the story of what are people saying about your organization. So culture is a big deal. The other thing is, by driving culture, we drive experience, what type of member experience are you having, at the after hours at the luncheon at the golf outing, even within your own board meetings with a new member orientation? Is that experience superior? That drives a culture of inclusivity welcoming and making sure that we’re always going to be there to take care of our members?

Brandon Burton 12:47
Like that. Isaac, do you have any thoughts as far as what a chamber should be thinking of when it comes to retention?

Isaac Lee 12:54
Yeah, and actually, it’s going back a little bit in our history to how a lot of our chambers were formed. It’s relationship based transactions, and I struggle saying the word transactions, but it truly is that think about the life of 200 members or an organization, a chamber the size of 200 members, that’s 200 relationships, and not all relationships are the same. So you really need to understand what each one of those relationships are looking for. Some are very needy want to be at all your events, some are just hey, I’m here for the benefits and everything else is a cherry on top, understand what that relationship is, and drive that home each and every year. Everything else that you try to do with that member to get them out of their space, might not achieve the same goal or return on investment in terms of your time your spending. So really understand what your members are, what they’re trying to do with the relationship that you have with them. And really concentrate on that.

Brandon Burton 13:54
Like that, if you’re saying relationships. And what I hear out of that is expectations. Like as you develop these relationships, you’re better understanding what the expectation is for each of these members. And oftentimes, if you’ve got a 200 member base, you’ve got probably close to 200 different expectations of what they’re looking for from you as a chamber. So without building those relationships and understanding what that expectation is, it makes it hard to create the culture and experience it’s a value to them, to keep them around for a long time and in for them to recognize the value they provide. As we circle back JT, I wanted to talk a little bit more about the culture. How do you decide what direction as a chamber? What direction do you go with creating culture and what your culture looks and feels like?

Josh (JT) Torres 14:49
So that’s a great question. So two things you really need to understand your membership and make sure that the is your board of directors set up to really good view Have what who your members are? Who sits on that board table? Is there a board matrix that represents as best as you can your total membership? That’s one thing. And the second thing is in the office, what type of training and professional development are we doing to help drive culture drive engagement, and make sure we have very much chamber execs that are excited to come to work, they know what they’re doing. They have the tools and the resources to be successful. And then that culture with in that office, you know, who was the best fit to drive membership retention, or do sales or do events, those types of things, many of our, our peers in the industry are solo chamber printers, they’re by themselves in the office full time or part time. And we have many out there that listen, that are volunteer run, that are trying someday to become revenue driven to the point where they can have a paid position. So really understanding Do we have the right fit? The right personas at the board representing the community? And then internally, do we have the right fit of individuals with the personas that can drive engagement and innovation inside the office?

Brandon Burton 16:07
So without being too abstract, I mean, is there a couple examples of culture like what comes to my mind it obviously every chamber is different. But just to throw some examples out there. If you create a culture of at our chamber, we show up and support new businesses with a ribbon cutting, or at our chamber, we do an annual, you know, luncheon for the first responders will say, we have a great respect in our community for first responders, and that becomes part of the culture. Is there some examples you can think of that, and I am hesitant, because I don’t want a chamber to listen and say, Oh, I have to do that. Right. It has to be catered for your community. But what would be some real examples of that being too abstract as to what culture could look like?

Josh (JT) Torres 17:02
So one, one example that we share in our association work and we’ve we still unfortunately have in our industry is the lack of welcoming at some that sometimes our luncheon or after hours, just by creatures of habit. And just in most instances by accident, when you have a new prospect that’s trying to join the chamber, or they’re a brand new member, and they come to an event, they don’t know anyone. And then they’re not maybe assign an ambassador or assign a board member to look after them with their on the registration list. That right there is a sense of how you can create an experience based upon the welcoming culture, they walk into a room and an after hours, two things happen, you know, they’ve got to be introduced. And then they’ve got to be able to follow through. So by driving engagement at those events, and making sure you’re inclusive and welcoming to that member, will give them a positive culture experience that will then hopefully drive more of that retention piece for them.

Brandon Burton 17:58
Isaac, do you have any thoughts that come up as far as what culture could look like some examples?

Isaac Lee 18:03
Yeah, so Josh is looking external to the organization, we just did a training last week internal to chambers of commerce, specifically for boards. And I’ll take that angle, we have a culture of your board, there’s usually three different expectations. At some core, there’s these expectations, it’s either the board members offering their time t talent is another T or treasurer. And we’re trying to teach that our staff and our board should understand what the culture is or what the nature is of that board member to have a good mix, it’s very difficult to have somebody who’s only there to offer their treasure, be the one to volunteer at all their events, meaning nations a treasure, but the ones that’s offering up their treasure, there may they may not offer up their time. That’s not what their skill set is. And we shouldn’t expect them to do otherwise, unless it also matches with what their motives are of the treasurer. So it’s the culture that we set within our board or organizations can also matter and have a deep impact on the success of our organization.

Brandon Burton 19:06
Like that. I like that response a lot. As we look at experience, creating a positive experience that helps you have that culture that is going to drive the experience. Isaac, may we start with you on this, you know, going down this path with creating that experience for members or bore me go either direction you want with that, but how do you go about creating that experience?

Isaac Lee 19:33
So one of the things that I recall for myself, when I was at the Defiance area Chamber, I had an experience where I was really paying attention to the relationship of my member and I found out that this local business of mine, there was a husband who was running the organization and assumed because of his title he was he was the go to. It wasn’t the case. Actually, it was a family owned business. And the wife did the books, but in a relationship Yep, it was unique in the sense that I was at an event. With them asking for sponsorships, I had been unsuccessful. But I listened to a conversation between these two individuals about this party that they were getting ready to have in the coming week. And the party was not about a family member was actually about a dog. very daring dog to this family. A couple of weeks later, I had seen the wife and the husband at another event, and something drew me upon the fact I should ask about how the party went. I did. This coincided with an ask of about $3,000, that up until that point, I asked about the dog, I was not successful. So when you think about, you know what it means to really drive home with a relationship, it wasn’t anything else that I offered at the Chamber of Commerce as an executive director, other than the willingness to care and ask about a family pet.

Brandon Burton 20:55
I like that that’s a, that’s huge, just being able to get on a relationship level with them, where I like to say you’re building a relationship of trust, you’re not just coming after them for money for the sponsorship, you’re showing the care and interest in them. So that definitely creates a better experience.

Isaac Lee 21:13
Now there’s follow up there to Brandon. Right. So after that, when I was there, guess who got a birthday card?

Brandon Burton 21:20
The dog? Yes. Awesome. So Jay, to me, from your perspective of creating experience.

Josh (JT) Torres 21:32
So no birthday cards to dogs? I’ll say that I haven’t had that in my tenure. But I really think what drives an incredible experience is when you identify the pain that a said business is having. And identify, again, that chamber provides, you know, chambers have fantastic where, with networking? Well, sometimes we need to up our ante and really understand what’s it What’s that business experiencing? You know, and how do we give them a feature not a benefit, let’s talk features, not benefits. Let’s talk about what feature the chamber we can provide to them to have the ultimate experience. And most quite honestly, if you can solve that pain with a game that may be networking that may be some of the great affinity programs that are out there that may be program and educational work that you provide to them. That may be work that you’re doing in advocacy, workforce development, talent, attraction DNI, whatever that pain is, if you have a game, which I’d like to call a feature, that definitely drives the experience, because then they realize, ah, someone is going to be able to help me. And somebody’s going to be able to guide me through navigating my challenge.

Brandon Burton 22:43
I love that I heard a quote A while ago, and I wish I could remember who it was. But it said something to the effect that if you can identify the pain for your customer, or will say your member better than they can describe it, that they’ll automatically assume that you have the answer that you have to solution. So if you can go about identifying what these pains are, then they’re going to come to you for the feature for the the gain for that benefit that you have to offer to them, and create a positive experience going forward. So I had a while back, I had read a book called you’re invited. And the whole book is about creating experiences for people were added, I can go down a deep rabbit hole with what the books all about. But one of the takeaways that I got from it and relating it to the chamber world is chambers are known for their networking events. Right? Right. And when you open up a networking event for any business, in your membership, people come they’re super uncomfortable, they might grab a drink, once they’re done, they’re out of there, you know, if they don’t have their buddy there that, you know, meet up with that networking can be super uncomfortable. But if you had a carefully curated mixer, say for example, for real estate, and you had title companies and you had banks and you had real estate agents, and they all have a common interest with each other, then all of a sudden, they have a reason to talk to each other, you know, the, the realtor may not have the need to talk to the vet when they don’t have a pet, you know, necessarily so it just creates some more, you know, natural experiences to build upon. And that really struck me as far as creating experience within a chamber is even just looking at it from the point of view of networking events that I’d like to have anybody I have on the show. Think of any any tips or action items as we we’ve got you both on and you both have great experience in the chamber world. So I see this as being like a bonus episode, a two for one. But what kind of tips or action items would you share for the chamber champion listening who wants to take their chamber up to the next level, Isaac, but we’ll go with you first.

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Isaac Lee 25:07
So I think one of the things Josh and I have been talking about and is at the core of chamber life. And what we do in terms of some of the automation is looking at the 90 days prior to an invoice as a great deal of opportunity. Far too often we catch them after they’ve started the invoicing and asking them for money, we need to really work on the relationship, 90 days prior to that invoice being created. That way when they get the invoice, the ability for that company to remember why you’re providing or what you’re providing and why it’s important. It’s a quick recall, it’s a quick payment, you’re not being judged against another invoice, especially for smaller businesses who might be on a shoestring budget, they’re going to recall it a lot quicker so that 90 days prior to an invoice is extremely important in a relationship.

Brandon Burton 25:59
I think that is so valuable. Have you seen metrics of you know, chambers that do implement the 90 days before versus ones that don’t? And what that retention rate looks like?

Isaac Lee 26:08
Yes, so chamber champions out there will probably relate to this, we’ve seen a pretty long, extensive accounts receivable report 90 plus days, right? Yeah, we’ve been able to show some pretty good track record records of reducing that by half, again, you’re still gonna have some folks that just don’t pay or corporations that just take longer 30 to 45 days, we understand that. But those that should be paying right on time, we’ve seen a drastic increase in how fast a chamber will receive its cash. Lauren is a GAO report and allowing us to spend more time elsewhere.

Brandon Burton 26:44
But what I like about that is when you’re building that relationship, or putting more attention into that relationship will say 90 days before the invoice is created, you’re doing the work to meet those expectations for that member before that time comes versus once the invoice is created. And then you’re trying to collect payment trying to see you know, resolve problems. And it’s a whole different skill set on how you approach and handle the the situation. So being able to stay more congruent with what your values are. And mission is as a chamber. That’s that is huge to have more focus on that that relationship 90 days prior. JT, how about you a tip or action item.

Josh (JT) Torres 27:29
So I call it the SW factor SW skilling will. So I think in the world today, we’ve got people that have the skill, and we got people that have the will, if they don’t have one or the other, what do we do to help them. So specifically with chamber staff and the teams that we work with across the state, and across the country with with some of the work we do, we’ve got brand new executives coming in to have the will, but we really want to make sure they have the skill. So it’s really near and dear to Isaac and I to make sure that we set up chambers for success, we just set up executives for success for career pathways for chamber, chamber management, and leadership, quite honestly. And then look at our boards of directors that continue to turn over there’s board burnout, no different than there’s executive burnout. And we find a lot of the times that we have board members that are willing to serve, but they don’t have the skill. They don’t understand what’s expected of them at that board of directors table, they don’t understand what’s expected of their skills, the skills that we can leverage of theirs, to really understand how to govern the Chamber of Commerce, and then you’ve got your members, they’ve got the will. But do they have the skills specifically to network? You know, I think chambers have a huge opportunity to do education attainment in networking. You know, we bring all these people to these events to network, some of are very uncomfortable. But then if networking is one of our number one spaces in some of in chambers, what are we doing to educate that member on how to specifically have the skill to to actually network understand the follow up afterwards, that drives more value for their experience?

Brandon Burton 28:57
I think that’s a valuable resource right there teaching how to network. Again, like I mentioned, can be super uncomfortable and and and it can be perceived you go to that experience. And it doesn’t go well as being a total waste of time. And what value does the chamber have for me, if that’s what their main selling proposition is? So being able to set them up for success, I think is huge. And goes right back to retention as well. So I like asking everyone I have on the show as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future chambers and their purpose going forward? JT, let’s we’ll go with you first this time.

Future of Chambers

Josh (JT) Torres 29:38
So I think the great business startup is happening and we see individuals that have had the skill for many years working for others start working for themselves. So I think entrepreneurialism and driving freelance and the gig economy I think is here to stay. I think chambers need to embrace and, and really empower entrepreneurship in their communities and be at the table with centers that provide that or find a way to quite honestly crowdfund a entrepreneurial community or create that ecosystem or be part of that ecosystem. I think that’s a big deal. Second to that I want and hope that chambers across North America, we, you know, again, we work in different parts of the country, even into Canada. And in the south Caribbean, there are there is absolutely an opportunity in the next five to 10 years and chambers for us to be driving global economy, just your chambers, having more of that virtual reality, the AI with chambers across the globe, having meetups with chambers in England, having meetups with chambers in Hawaii, Maine, chambers in Canada, and having live online networking opportunities that drive more of the global economy and get people really introduced to other parts of the world. I think chambers are positioned to do that fantastically.

Brandon Burton 30:57
I’m glad you touched on that the AI and the virtual experience, because we gained a little bit of that through COVID, learning how to use Zoom and do that sort of thing. But I think as we look to the future, for me, I actually am just releasing a blog post about this right now too. But as we look to the future, I like to look at, you know, the kids that are being raised right now, what are they into what’s their level of engagement, and they’re all playing these, you know, immersive, we would call them the video game, right? Whether it’s fortnight or Roblox or you know, any of these immersive type of games. And it’s not a start and a finish, like they’re living a life within this game. And they’re actually doing commerce within these games. So as a chamber of commerce looking to the future, they really should be looking at what that future generation is doing. And figure out how to get involved with that, you know, virtual commerce that’s that is going on, because it is very real. Isaac, what about you? How do you see the future and purpose of chambers,

Isaac Lee 32:05
I see the future that if you don’t change, you will become irrelevant. And what I mean by that is, most chambers have ran events the same way for a very long time. And there’s not anything wrong with that. But because of demographics, because of generational changes, and the things that the younger population are looking to get out of that relationship. Some of our older events have a tendency to fall by the wayside, declining revenues, declining attendance, they don’t offer the opportunity for them to be virtual, or engaged virtually pre and post the event. So really look at the things that you value within your organization, the events that you do, and find ways to introduce the opportunity to allow those to happen pre and post in a virtual environment, getting all populations involved, both young and old. From all of them different demographics and diversities to make sure that we’re preparing ourselves for what what comes ahead in terms of the way the population looks, it’s going to change, it’s changing now,

Brandon Burton 33:10
right underneath our nose, like that. And obviously, there’s a lot of events that chambers put on. But if you focus on maybe that big event that you do each year, or maybe it’s a couple of events, as you’re sharing that Isaac, I was thinking at ACC conferences here, they had the app people were engaging, you know, week leading up to it. And even a few days after the conference, you know, continuing to have those discussions and network virtually but then when you’re there in person, it was that much better. So great example I wanted to give you both an opportunity to share any contact information for people who’d like to reach out and connect with you and why don’t you share who would be the ideal type of chamber to work with chamber life and who could you best service

Connect with Isaac Lee & JT

Isaac Lee 33:59
Ooh, Josh, you want to go you want me to

Josh (JT) Torres 34:03
so I would say are the best benefit that we can provide for executives is a small to midsize chamber that is really our, our, our sweet spot. We provide a in addition to our automated productivity tool chamber life, we provide chamber moguls, which is a very much accelerated approach to leadership training, not management training for chambers. So we’re really in the business to take managers test and to make them leaders. So our software of course, does that one component piece where we automate the technology to give you more time to go out and build your business your chamber. So I think that that is definitely a our audience, our core audience.

Brandon Burton 34:51
Very good. Brandon, I add on that Isaac,

Isaac Lee 34:54
I was just gonna say I would add to it. In addition to the small and medium sized chambers, there’s really three things that we know our end users who excel in the system are doing, or have done in the past. If you write on post it notes and have them in your office, if you have a journal, and these are not all encompassing, by the way, if you have a journal and you use it actively, or if you have reminders in either Outlook or or Google or any other email services system, chamber life can help you with your organization.

Brandon Burton 35:26
So I think he just hit on everybody there between posted notes, journals, and the those reminders so. So contact information, what would be the best way for these especially small and midsize chambers to reach out and connect with you guys.

Josh (JT) Torres 35:42
So they can go to our website, YourChamberLife.com. And they’ll be able to get our information on there, they’ll be able to book a demo to either speak with us further about these types of opportunities, or take a test drive of our software.

Brandon Burton 36:01
Very good. I will get that in our show notes for this episode. So people can find that easily if they forget to add your to the beginning of that or whatever. So they can just go to the shownotes and find that. But Isaac, JT, I appreciate you guys taking some time to be with me today here on chamber chat podcast and and addressing an important issue of retention. I mean, that’s it’s kind of that stress that’s on top of every chambers. How do we keep these members that keep showing our value and relevancy? So, thank you for sharing your insight and experience with us and I’ve appreciate it.

Isaac Lee 36:38
Thank you, Brandon. We appreciate it. Tim.

Josh (JT) Torres 36:40
Thanks, everyone.

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Accreditation Process with Dewan Clayborn

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Dewan Clayborn. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

Voiceover Talent 0:14
And now your host he believes the best way to get better at something is to put in the reps is my dad, Brandon Burton.

Brandon Burton 0:21
Hello, chamber champions. Welcome to the chamber chat podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton. And it’s my goal on the podcast to help introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Matt Morrow President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber in Missouri to learn how the Holman Brothers provided value to his chamber.

Matt Morrow 0:47
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Brandon Burton 1:09
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Guest Introduction

Our guest for this episode is Dewan Clayborn. Dewan is the president of the League City Regional Chamber of Commerce, and he’s been there since July of 2019. Since Dewan’s arrival at the league City Regional Chamber, they’ve seen exponential growth having some of the most success that their chambers ever had in 60 years, bringing in over 600 new members to date more than 500,000 plus views of the chamber website. multitude of ribbon cuttings and so much more. The ones leadership has seen the league City Regional Chamber of Commerce become one of the fastest growing chambers in Texas and become a four star accredited Chamber of Commerce putting them in the top 3% of all chambers of commerce in the United States, all in less than three years. The one was a 40 under 40 recipient for ACCE as well as for Galveston County in 2021. He majored in Business Administration at the University of Central Arkansas, and he started out in management managerial work upon graduation from college. Don is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas, but made the decision to move to Texas due to the state providing so many business opportunities. Dewan grew up with the love of basketball in business and still plays basketball that is to this day for a male division League. Nuan has worked in the chamber world since 2015. After being laid off from Target during its breach scandal, he became the director of special events at the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce. He fell in love with the mission and culture of chambers. Dewan believes his spiritual gift is serving and cease working at the Chamber is fulfilling his gift and a wonderful way to serve his community. He serves on multiple multitude of nonprofit boards and as a mentor for the Chauncey Glover project as well as a founding member of branch which is brothers renovating adolescents and creating heroes, a membership program dedicated to help him minority children in single parent homes or in juvenile system. He’s also on the board of directors for the African American Marketing Association. Dewan, I’m excited to have you with me today on chamber tap podcast. I feel like it’s been working in progress to get you on the show. And I’m glad we’re making the happen. But I’d love for you to say hello to all the chamber champions and share something else interesting about yourself so you can get to know you better.

Dewan Clayborn 3:45
Sure, of course, though, I thought you’re going to trim down to by longer and longer. But know how long so the world, Dewan Clayborn, President, CEO of the leek city, Regional Chamber of Commerce, and first of all, Brandon, thanks for having me. I’ve been an avid listener to you and I’ve listened to the podcast. I love it. And I’m just excited to finally be here.

Brandon Burton 4:09
I’m excited to have you on here just to I’ll say that an interesting fact is Dewan turned me on to wearing shorts at conferences inside thing beside each other. I think it was at TCC I think. And you know, here I am wearing slacks and this shirt and everything. And I’m like, man, like they did say casual dress. So So then the next conference, I see him I’m wearing shorts and he’s not the only one left me hanging.

Dewan Clayborn 4:41
Next Conference, I wear my shorts again.

Brandon Burton 4:43
There we go there. Yeah. Well tell us a little bit more about the league City Regional Chamber kind of size staff budget type of work do you guys cover just to give us a little bit more perspective?

Dewan Clayborn 4:55
Great. So first off, Lake City is the largest city in Galveston County. There’s over 120,000 as a population, Lake City is a 15, fastest growing city in the US right now. And so we are really smack dab in the middle of, on your way to Galveston to kheema. All of these tourist destinations you have to drive right through league city league city is 48% undeveloped. So I tell people for architects, they can be an artist and draw out the development that they want. And so because of that, it attracts so many different businesses to league city, I was actually blessed to help negotiate bringing Amazon there, which created over 200, over 500 jobs in our community. And because whenever Amazon comes somewhere, of course, other businesses are watching. And so I work very closely with the city’s economic development director, Scott Livingston, and we’re all about recruiting businesses to leak city. But of course, my main goal as the chamber is to business retention and keeping those doors open. And so a lot going on this league city, we’re a Regional Chamber. So we have businesses in Galveston County, Brasilia County in Harris County. And so we’re here to sell ArcSight all businesses no matter what city because we know business is hard. And so we don’t want them to do it alone. And there’s no other way to do it then with one the best chambers in the nation right now.

Brandon Burton 6:25
I love that and that does give a good taste a good flavor of what you guys are involved with at the moment and and like you said, just that rapid growth in your area, which doesn’t happen by accident, you know, I mean, it helps you have undeveloped land that people can kind of dry out and see the vision that they want. But I mean, you guys are doing some things right there and working with the city and economic development to attract those businesses to the area. So great job. Thank you. So our topic that we decided to settle on for our discussion today is going to be around the the accreditation process. And as I shared in the bio, um, you guys are a four star accredited chamber. So I know there’s other chambers out there that are contemplating or maybe going through the process itself. So it’ll be beneficial to hear, you know, from your point of view going through the process and what it was like and to be able to help some of these other chambers be prepared to go through it as well. And we’ll dive into that discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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All right, John, we’re back. So tell us as far as the accreditation process goes, maybe let’s start at the beginning, what made you guys decide that you wanted to go after an accreditation?


Dewan Clayborn 10:16
Well, before I jump in, I have to give recognition or recognition is due. And so you mentioned that started at Fort Bend chamber. And I did, and that was under one of the best leaders in the chamber industry carry Schmidt. And so being there, we were actually a five star chamber. And so I learned about accreditation there, because that’s all we would talk about. And I was like, why do we keep talking about this? And then I started doing research on like, Okay, this is what separates our chambers from the risks. Because we have a saying, in a chamber world, when you say one chamber, you only think. And so that’s when I learned about it. And so as I was there, the chamber is actually for bench and was getting ready for the reaccreditation. Because it’s a distinction for five years. And so on that for fear, you want to gear it up and start mobilizing your leadership to get ready to apply again. And so I just had one little small portion, because while I was there, I was director of special events. So I was kind of over to governance piece. And it was just so intriguing the amount of details. And it really helped me learn more about the chamber more about my role in the chamber. And whenever I got to leak city, you know, they always said, I mentioned that one time on the board me like, Hey, guys, have we ever thought about being accredited? And they say, Yeah, we thought about that, we looked at what it required. And then we never open that book up again. I was like, well, that’s not the right attitude. You got to look at obstacles as an opportunity to grow and to develop as a chamber. And so at that point, I decided that we will be accredited, and we will start the process. And so I believe around 2020, at my board retreat, we reopen all that paperwork. And I had a facilitator there, Dr. Glenn Friedman, one of my mentors, he’s, and he’s actually teaching chamber basics for TCC. II, say, my class and my staff there yesterday. And so he walked us through the process. And so there’s actually some prerequisites for the accreditation. And so it’s like, if you don’t have these five things done for each section, you’re not even ready to apply. And so we had none of that done. So that was our starting point. And so from there, we started our year long year and a half long journey to get ready to apply for accreditation during the pandemic.

Brandon Burton 12:47
Right. Yeah. As if there wasn’t already enough challenges. Right. Right. So as you got started, what are some of the first things that you guys, you know, tackled, as far as overview talked about overcoming obstacles? What are some of the things he had to address early on in the process?

Dewan Clayborn 13:06
Well, the first thing was just, you know, learning the good governance, right. So when this have we had a financial audit? If you’re in just realize I didn’t answer your question. So our budget is around $778,000. And we have a staff of five to six employees. And so essentially, if your chambers budget is over 500,000, then best practice from us chambers to get an audit a financial audit every other year. If your net income is not your net, if your gross income is under 500,000, then best practice is to get a financial have a financial audit every three years. And so at this point, we were actually under that 500,000 mark. And so we were able to, you know, the first thing we need to do a financial audit. So, first off, if you’re a new executive, if you’re taking on a new chamber position, that’s honestly one of the first things you want to do. So that any skeletons that are in that closet, I’m out and you’re not held accountable. Unfortunately, the situation I was in, we didn’t have the financial resources to do a financial audit when I first got there. And so I was excited that that was one of the first steps because I had been wanting to have one every since I arrived. And so when it was time to start that process, that was the first thing that I say, Well, hey, well, we have all this money. Let’s go ahead and get the financial audit done. That way you can really have a good understanding of where we are. And that’s one of the major steps you have to do before you apply for accreditation.

Brandon Burton 14:44
That’s right. No, and I think that’s good advice too, even if you’re not applying for credit. So if you are a new chamber exec coming into a new role at a new chamber, it would behoove you and protect you to have a financial audit done. Out there intimate that’d be skeletons, but it’ll just give you a good pulse of what’s going on in your chamber, what’s the help financially, and be able to help you kind of chart those waters going forward? Yes, please. What are what are some of these other obstacles or things? Yeah, next steps in the process. So so once

Dewan Clayborn 15:18
you actually go through what the minimum standards of accreditation, and you have all of those checked off, then the next piece is really now diving deep into each section. So there’s eight different sections for accreditation, just to name a few. One of them is Board Governance. One of them is program development. Another one is financials. And so start going through each section and literally work your way down and checkbox. And if you’re able to provide that documentation, do it if not, start reaching out to chamber executives that are already accredited and started looking to I call it our od rip off and duplicate, or allow you to file and get get some of their best practices. And so that’s where I then started, you know, for those documents that didn’t have what those policies and procedures, I started looking at some of my neighboring chambers that were accredited and started adopting some of their policies. Now, of course, you want to get your board involved. And so my Board reviewed it, and we made our we made we put our league city twist on it, but work smarter not harder. You know, people have already paved the way the people have already had these documents, sorry about that have have a little

Brandon Burton 16:41
mascot, right.

Dewan Clayborn 16:44
Right. Well, yeah, so somebody is already has that work done, work smarter, not harder, and reach out to them and try to borrow some of those resources? Yeah,

Brandon Burton 16:55
I’d like that just to be able to lean on your other peers in the industry. And there’s no no sense in reinventing the wheel, you know, reach out to your peers. How do you do this? You know, what kind of structure template are you using? Yeah, I see that as being in the podcast space chambers will reach out about starting a podcast and saying, Well, let’s look at some templates that other chambers are doing for their podcast, and see what would fit you and your community the best. And that’s what it’s all about is kind of finding a template and then customizing it towards yourself and what works for your community. So as you went through the process, how was the buy in from your board? From the Staff? What was the overall climate like?

Dewan Clayborn 17:40
Right? So you know, the first thing is, I really had to, like, you know, sell the board on the importance of accreditation, right? Because their first question is, okay, why? What’s the benefit for this for the chamber? And then not even that for the members? So why am I as a top investing five star member? Why do I care about you being accredited. And so as the executive and a leader of the organization, those are the first talking points you want to have, okay, why accreditation is important, because it shows one the businesses that were good financial stewards with the finances, that they invest in our chamber, right best. And that’s through going through the financial audit. Also, in that financial peace, you have to have financial policies, procedures to make sure you have controls over those funds, that businesses are investing in your chamber, you know, because business are given 1000s and 1000s of dollars a year. And so you want to make sure, as a chamber executive, you’re not just saying that you’re a good steward, but you’ve had CPA companies sign off on that you are able to produce financial policies and procedures, if anyone asks, and once you have your financial audit, it shows that you are good stewards with those funds that you’ve been given. And so that was my first message is to allow on our board members to know that, hey, I know a lot of you all are part of a lot of chambers. But if you’re wanting to see which time you should invest in the most, you should look at investing in an accredited chamber, because we have that stamp of approval from the US Chamber of Commerce.

Brandon Burton 19:16
There you go. I like that pitch. Because a and you guys are kind of in a region where you do have a lot of chambers, you know, immediate neighbors even and a lot of your members are going to be members have maybe three or four different chambers. So when they decide where to put their money, you know, put it where it’s going to have the most influence where it’s going to have the biggest impact, right and building a stronger community. So how about to the general chamber member? I mean, I’m sure you guys made some sort of an announcement once you you got your four star accreditation. How did you make that announcement to members in a way that you know, show ODE what it meant to them, even if they’re maybe an entry level member, right? What does that mean for them?

Dewan Clayborn 20:07
Yeah, so what we did is when we finally found out that we reached this prestige distinction, we hosted a four star accreditation celebration, we actually have someone from the US Chamber of Commerce come out from Washington, one of my good friends, uh, you know, I’m John Gonzales, he came out. And so basically, I invited out all past board members, anybody that was a member, one, one month, one year at the chamber and current members to tell them all, because of you, we’ve reached this distinction. And that’s a way for you to know by you investing in the chamber in a community, that’s a great investment. And we have a stamp of approval from Washington now, because of all of our innovative events, because you’re here serving and you came up with this innovative idea to host chatting with the mayor. So I kind of pinpointed some of the events that the US Chamber actually recognized us for hosting and being creative. And I personally recognize those individuals who have come up with those events, because our members actually are the ones who helped us come up with these dynamic events, the chamber, which is here to execute and run the day to day operations.

Brandon Burton 21:21
I think that’s so good. I love that you guys did a party, but then it to specifically call out those people as businesses, organizations that had a key impact, you guys getting this distinction? And being able to say this is a role that you played? And I think that allows other businesses to say, Hey, I kind of do something similar. I can see why that’s important. And it kind of builds that momentum amongst your membership. Yeah, we’re on the right track. This is a good,

Dewan Clayborn 21:48
it builds engagement, right. And it shows people you know, we have a thing at my chamber. I don’t know if you’re, you’re like little younger, but there was a show called cheers back in the day. Yeah. Yeah. And so we tell people, we want to be like, cheers, we want to go where everybody knows your names are going to go.

But no, but that’s where we want people to feel engaged and involved. And hey, we’re here because of you. Because truly an honesty, honestly, you know, we are a membership based organization. So we keep our doors, our doors, open our lights on because of your investment in membership. And that’s really what makes a chamber 501 C six versus 501. C threes, because we’re membership based driven.

Brandon Burton 22:38
Yeah. So just for the record, the next line is, you know, everybody’s glad you came.

I got to last right. So as we start wrapping up here, I wanted to ask you for if you had any tip or action item for a chamber listening, maybe they want to go through the accreditation process, what would be your, you know, advice that you would offer to them.

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Dewan Clayborn 23:06
My advice is just do it, you know, just start the hardest pieces start it is overwhelming when you see all of those sections. When you need the amount of detail that’s require, it is a lot. But remember, there are chamber executives like myself and others that are more than happy to pay for it to be a listening ear and a resource with you. And just know it’s a journey. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. And I’ll just share a quick story with you about me. And for those of y’all that follow me y’all know that I’m pretty kind of straightforward about you know, me and my faith and reasons why I’m operating in my spiritual gifts right now. But because of that, when you go for it, of course, you get, you know, some traction pulling you back. And so, Brandon, what happened to me is we worked on accreditation all year, and I plan to submit by December 31 2021. And tell me why, when we were ready to submit, everything went wrong. I mean, my server shut down, I lost all my files that we’ve been working on all year. The board’s asked me hey, have we submitted have we submitted it? And I’m like, Man, I don’t have I don’t I don’t have any of my documentation. We were actually like going through a switch you know, Outlook has all these tools now was actually Microsoft suite they have all these different tools and so as we were converting over to more of a cloud based structure, all my files are gone. And so here I am December 30 2021. At the chamber really like trying to stick to I’m gonna submit by this year I’ve said is to go you know, to I got to the point where you know, I have another philosophy that you know, clarity is better to speak And so I had to challenge myself and say the one you don’t have enough clarity here, I literally had to start redoing the entire package. And so I was just going through trying to remember the stuff I had and all went and stuff. And it was, it was so much and overwhelming that, you know, I had to go back to one of my philosophies, and I’m like, I don’t have clarity here. So I shouldn’t have be really trying to push in, submit this thing, because, you know, this has been a goal for my board, and me, and I’ve been sticking to it. And so you know, because of COVID, has taught us to pivot. And so I had to have that tough look in the mirror and conversation with myself and say, you know, hey, if we’re gonna do this, we need to do it right. And you’re not ready to submit it, you’ve like really rushed and got through it. But this is not your best work. And so at that point, I had to own it and tell my boy, you know what, it’s not time to do it, we’re going to submit the first quarter of March, and yeah, march 31 2022. And we’re just gonna do it the right way, I don’t feel comfortable. And you know, because they heard that from me, they respected it. And then you did do that. And so around June, July 2022, is when we got the good news that we reached a four star distinction of being a credit. So that long story is just that, hey, you all are gonna run into challenges. It’s just like anything that you’re doing, or why you’re at the chamber when you’re trying to do right, when you’re trying to fight for business, when you’re trying to get you’re structuring your governance, in order for the chamber, as you’re going through that process, just know you’re gonna have challenges is going to happen. And that way you can be more, more challenged, proof and prepare and be more resilient. And, again, feel free to pick up the phone call and call me or someone else that can help get you through that, because it’s tough going through it by yourself, but just know, hopefully, my testimony will help you out that if you are ready to do it, and something happens and you don’t feel confident you feel in your gut that it’s not the right time, it’s okay. It’s okay. Because you don’t want to submit prematurely. You don’t want to do not even get a credit or get three star whatever. And all the quotations are good. Let me not say it that way. But you don’t want to undersell yourself and have that distinction for the next five years, because you were trying to rush and apply. And so in my worst and just be prepared when you’re trying to do good things, that force is gonna try to work against you. But keep that grit keep moving forward, be resilient, utilize your resources. And at the end of the day, you’ll get through it. And you’ll be excited that you went through that journey.

Brandon Burton 27:41
Yeah. And I think like you’re saying in hindsight, had you went ahead and rushed it just to meet that date that you had set that goal date? Right? And yeah, you’d be eaten that year for the next five years that you didn’t put your best foot forward? And it wasn’t it wasn’t a true representation of what you’re

Dewan Clayborn 27:57
learning beyond this podcast.

Brandon Burton 28:04
That’s right. Yeah. So as we look to the future of chambers of commerce, how do you see the future of chambers and their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Dewan Clayborn 28:14
Um, I’ve seen the chamber actually starting back being the authoritative entities in the communities through COVID. The chambers have been in part of big conversations with elected officials, legislative entities, economic development entities, workforce development, we’ve been engaged across the spectrum of different industries, because people are starting to see again, why chambers are so valuable, and why we are here to make the world go around. So I think that right now was big for chambers are focused on those partnerships. You know, right now, I’m reading a book called The CEO excellence, and it talks about the six different mindsets of a CEO. And the one of the interesting things that they say on areas, challenge everything, challenge everything you do, ask why, and be okay with changing things up. And I think that because of COVID, and where we are, in a world, this is the time for chambers to bring back more life to your chamber. Be okay with stopping that program that isn’t profitable. Be okay with creating a more of a work life balance and culture for your staff be okay with having a little bit more fun at work and not stop being so serious, you know, we have to be with our teams with our boards more than we’re with our significant others, so why not have fun with it. And so I think chambers are going to be rising to the top. We have a lot of great chambers currently that are doing some phenomenal things in their communities. And during crisis. We’ve seen chambers step up like never before, and I think that’s just going to continue to happen. And we’re now in that circle and sitting at the table helping make this sages in decisions in order to make our communities survive and thrive, absolutely

Brandon Burton 30:05
love that. So you had a he had put out the invitation there for listeners to reach out with you to give you a call or email to see how you’re doing things, what would be the best way for someone to reach out and connect with you if they wanted to learn more and just get to know you better?

Connect with Dewan Clayborn

Dewan Clayborn 30:21
Thank you. Well, I’m pretty easily fine on social media. So that’s definitely well really more so on Facebook and LinkedIn. And so that’s you can find me there to one Dewan Claiborne’s CLAYBORN or you can always email me at the chamber dewan@leaguecitychamber.com. And then of course, you can always reach out and call our office at 281-338-7339. But yeah, I’m pretty easy to find on LinkedIn, on Facebook, give me a shout. Remember that you are not going through this accreditation journey by yourself. Work smarter, not harder, are od rip off and duplicate get resources from chambers who have already gone through this process. And then once you get it with your board, finagle it, finesse it and make it perfect to fit your chamber.

Brandon Burton 31:18
As perfect. I’ll get your contact information in our show notes for this episode, so people can reach out, you know, connect on on social media or shoot us an email or give me a call. But I think you’ve provided a lot of value today for those listening, especially those who maybe been on the fence of whether or not they want to go through the accreditation process. And whether or not it’s worth it. And I think you put forth a great argument for your bigger investors, and even just the average chamber member about what that value is and how to relate that value back to them and the impact that they’re making on your organization to really stand out and be recognized. So yeah,

Dewan Clayborn 31:56
yeah, if I may, one other thing, you know, what it means for that executive is, I would challenge any chamber executive, that if you have not gone through accreditation, and not just saying you have to submit but going through, like each section, you do not know your business the way you think you do. I don’t care if you’ve been at a chamber for 20 plus years, going through accreditation, from an executive standpoint, I’ve learned so much about my business so much about the chamber, that I can even tell you from a financial standpoint, you know that I am 59% membership with income, and the other percent is non dues revenue. That’s actually one reason I then become a five star, because best practice shows that the US Chamber wants you to be 40%, membership income, and then 60%, non dues revenue. So as I’m getting are gearing up for my next five year, to apply, I need to have a shift in income. And it makes sense because what happened during COVID, people didn’t renew. And so if you’re really heavy, only membership, whenever there’s a crisis, thinking about now, how cripple your chamber could be, which then will have a bad reflection in the community, because you are the one that’s the chamber who are making the community survive and thrive. And so that’s probably my last voice to the executive, the reason why it’s so beneficial for you to do it, because you learn so much. And I mean, even this, like I learned about how much I invest in my stamp of professional development, you know, I was investing around 40 hours a year, but the US Chamber says it should be 60 Plus, you know, that’s what five star chambers do. And so for me, it’s like, wow, I need to, you know, invest more my team. And so I wouldn’t have known any of these numbers if I wouldn’t have gone through the processes. So in order to really know your business, in order to really know your chamber and look at the bones of the organization, I highly recommend any executive to go through that process. Because no matter how long you’ve been in chamber industry, you won’t know your business as well as you will, once you go through the accreditation process.

Brandon Burton 34:11
And I appreciate that perspective of that feedback that you get back Yeah, through this process to say, to become a five star I need to do this and this. And like you said, as far as your dues revenue versus non dues revenue, and I think it would be to your benefit to have even more diversity in that non dues revenue.

Dewan Clayborn 34:31
Yeah, it makes sense. You know, and you never as a chamber executive, we don’t think about it from that perspective. You know, we’re, hey, membership, membership membership. But if you’re able to do a shift in your financial strategy, it makes you more resilient as a chamber.

Brandon Burton 34:48
Absolutely. Absolutely. And relevant going forward to because you’re involved in different things so well, I think this has been a great discussion one I really Appreciate you joining us today on chamber chat podcast and again, I’d encourage anybody has any questions to reach out and connect with you and you can tell you know, Don’s got some some excitements and passion behind this. So they chat and learn more from him but uh, Duan thanks for being with us today. I really do appreciate it.

Dewan Clayborn 35:18
Hi, Brandon. Thanks for having me. Looking forward to coming back any topic you want to talk about? I love it. I want to pivot myself as a regional collaborator. And so I want to share resources I want to help other chambers, and I want everybody to be great and survive and thrive throughout these unprecedented times.

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Presenting Employment Opportunities to the Classroom with Bret Schanzenbach

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Below is an auto-generated transcription of my conversation with Bret Schanzenbach. Because this is auto-generated there are likely some grammatical errors but it is still a useful tool to search text within this podcast episode.

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Brandon Burton 0:00
This is the Chamber Chat Podcast, the show dedicated to chamber professionals to spark ideas and to get actionable tips and strategies to better serve your members and community.

And now, your host. He worked for staples. Well in high school, he’s my dad Brandon Burton.

Hello, Chamber Champions. Welcome to Chamber Chat Podcast. I’m your host, Brandon Burton, and it’s my goal to introduce you to people and ideas to better help you serve your Chamber members and your community.

Our title sponsor is Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions. Let’s hear from Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business in Washington State to learn how Holman Brothers has provided value for him. 

Kris Johnson  

Well, Doug and Bill at the Holman Brothers have been a key ally in growth for my professional career working at three different chambers, a local chamber, a regional chamber, now a statewide chamber. And they’ve been the ideal solution, whether it’s a comprehensive training program, whether it’s working on individual sales growth, quarterly check-ins with the team, the ability to grow members has meaning more assets for the organization, more assets means we can do more things to serve our members. They’ve really been the perfect solution for us, a trusted resource partner and a growth partner for us all along the way. So hats off to Doug and Bill for their great success. They’ll be a great partner for you as they are for us.

Brandon Burton  2:03  

You can learn more about Holman Brothers Membership Sales Solutions by visiting holmanbros.com.

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Guest Introduction

You’re joining us today for episode 191 of Chamber Chat Podcast. We are getting up there in the episode numbers. But for this episode, we have Brett Johnson back with us and Brett is he’s served as the president and CEO of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in California since January 2019. Brett is a native Californian and resident of San Diego’s North County since 1971. He came to the Carlsbad position from the VISTA Chamber of Commerce where he served as CEO for nine years is corporate background before the chamber was in residential real estate and the software industry. In 1992. He helped start the technical difference Inc, a human resource software company. before venturing into the corporate world. Brett spent seven years as a youth minister, Brett graduated from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Steubenville, Ohio, earning a BA in psychology and a BA in theology. He earned his master’s in theological studies from the University of Dallas in 2001. He and his wife Jolene reside in Vista, California, and they’ve been blessed with six children and two grandchildren so far. Brett, I’m looking forward to having you with me on the podcast today. And and I want to give you an opportunity to say hello to all the Chamber Champions that are out there listening and share something interesting about yourself so you can get to know you a little better.

Bret Schanzenbach 3:07
Morning, Brandon, thank you so much for having me as a guest today. I’m excited to be here and have conversation. Something interesting. I mean, you read my bio, so that stole most of the stuff that’s actually interesting about me, I guess I would say one thing that’s interesting is, you know, like a lot of people like backed into the chamber career, I don’t know if anybody truly like goes to college and thinks, oh, I want to be a chamber executive when I grow up, you know, so, and the way I backed into my chamber career was through the real estate industry, I did real estate for eight years and found out that I hated it. And, you know, as you mentioned, my wife and I have six kids and you know, real estate, you have to obviously work on your client’s terms. And so they usually are available on nights, weekends, holidays, you know, things like that. And after a while, I just really did not enjoy that industry. And, but that’s the industry that got me super engaged with my local chamber. When I was a realtor, I had joined my chamber, joined a committee got invited to the board of directors and because of all that, you know, it’s how I got really familiar with the impact chambers could have in a in a community. And when the guy who was the executive of my local board there that I was part of, he decided to move back to the Midwest with his wife. You know, I’m like, Oh, this is great opportunity to get out of this because I’m so done with real estate and I didn’t really know exactly what I was getting into but you know, I so but I backed in. I had I remember having a conversation with him one day when we were talking about him leaving and me possibly applying for the job. And I said Um, I don’t actually know what you do on a day to day basis. What do you

Brandon Burton 5:07
board member? Yeah, what you do?

Bret Schanzenbach 5:10
So, but I threw my hat in the ring. And now I’ve been in the industry for 14 and a half years, I think it is or, or I’m in my 14th year, however that works and love it.

Brandon Burton 5:24
As I say, hopefully it’s going better for you than real estate. So yeah, I really do love it. And maybe that needs to be the question I ask people is how did you find your way into the chamber world? Because everybody has a unique story about how they are? Yeah,

Bret Schanzenbach 5:38
that is so true. You know, one of my neighboring chamber execs. He is one of those guys that came right out of college and got a job at his local chamber and moved his way up and all that jazz. But that is so rare. It’s mostly people who have come from all kinds of different. You do find a lot of people who served at a chamber before they became an exec. But the stories are so different.

Brandon Burton 6:02
Right? Yeah, I always find it fascinating. So thank you for sharing your journey. Absolutely. So tell us a little bit about the Carlsbad chamber just to give us an idea of size staff budget, kind of scope of work to give us an idea of what you guys do there.

Bret Schanzenbach 6:20
Sure. So we are located as you mentioned, in North San Diego County. We’re about 3530 35 miles from the city of San Diego itself. And we our community itself, is about 115,000 people in in our suburb here. But for our part of San Diego County, we’re kind of the economic hub. We have a robust tourism industry, but we also have robust industry in general, which is a nice combination, and at least in San Diego County is pretty rare besides the city of San Diego. We are we’re the number two generator and tourism dollars in our county behind the city of San Diego itself. And and I think we have the third largest industrial park in San Diego County. So both we have this great mix of both, you know, like biotech and high tech and that kind of stuff. And then the tourism side. So that’s great. Our chamber itself, we have right around 1000 members, little over 1000 members. San Diego County has 43 chambers of commerce, and we’re the second largest with the city of San Diego, the Regional Chamber in San Diego being the largest. So we’re the second largest chamber in the county, we have about a $1.3 million budget staff of nine. We do not our community has we have separate visitor Bureau, we have a separate Downtown Association. Our city has its own economic development department. So we don’t have any of those other add ons that some chambers do. But we obviously we work very closely with all of those entities matter of fact, we meet regularly have a great rapport with them. But but we don’t fulfill those, you know, those specific roles, like getting funding to be say a visitor center or a manage the downtown or any of those things. So So yeah, that’s a little bit about us. I have a very large board of directors. That was kind of the biggest, one of the biggest changes coming from my previous chamber where we we had what I thought was a big board at the time, like of 17. And, you know, I have 35 voting members and, you know, for other like, advisory members and then other emeritus members, we have a large board here.

Brandon Burton 8:56
Yeah, they work for a lot of people. That definitely helps paint the picture for sure kind of where you guys sit and the type of work I’m involved with.

Bret Schanzenbach 9:06
I do work for a lot of people. It’s very true.

Brandon Burton 9:11
Well, I’m excited to get into our topic for our discussion. Today we’re we’re going to be focusing our discussion around presenting employment opportunities to youth in the classroom. And we’ll dive more into this discussion as soon as we get back from this quick break.

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All right, Bret, we’re back. As I mentioned before the break, we’re talking about presenting employment opportunities to the classroom today. I know our our scheduling of recording this is being worked around both you and I both volunteering at at church youth camps and so forth. So I know for me, and I may be speaking for you as well, that the rising generation is important to me. And and I think for chambers in general to look at that future employment pipeline and creating a vibrant economy in your community. So I’m excited to have you tell us what the Carlsbad chamber has been doing to introduce these these students, these youth to what a future can look like in your community through the various employment opportunities.

Topic-Presenting Employment Opportunities to the Classroom

Bret Schanzenbach 13:05
Yeah, thank you for that lead in it is a very important topic for all chambers. And I feel like as we go to our conferences, and you know, you attend webinars, and you see this topic comes up more and more and more, because it’s a it’s not just a local issue. It’s a nationwide issue. And if I could, before I explain what we’re currently at, I want to paint a little bit of a picture of what we used to do. That led up to our current initiative and our chamber, like probably many others who are listening in, we’re very engaged at one point or another in trying to bring together the world of work and the classroom, you know, to bring those together as you as you alluded to, and what we had been doing before, we had this program called talent, cities, and we brought eighth graders out on field trips to actual businesses, like different manufacturing type businesses, et cetera, et cetera. And instead of just doing like a tour of the business, we specifically crafted a tour where they would stop strategically at different places at the company that they were visiting, and they would get a little interview with somebody. So a couple of those stops would be like, on a shop floor, for instance. And then a couple of stops would be more like in research and development and marketing and sales, things like that. So there’s always this mix, kind of a, the blue collar, the white collar type things, but we at each stop, they would hear from a staff member and employee who would talk about who they were, what they did, what they liked about it, what was challenging about it, and how they got to this point in their career. And our goal with that bringing those kids out on site was to just broaden their perspective. Have a little bit because what mostly we found is that most students know what their mom and their dad do if they have both parents. And sometimes they don’t even know what their parents do. Because sometimes what their parents do, they just, they just have no way of actually knowing what they do. But beyond that, they just know the big hero jobs like teacher, firefighter, policeman, military, you know, stuff like that. So our goal was to try to broaden their perspectives just a little on what kinds of jobs and career opportunities could be available to them. And when we started that program that we called Talent cities, it was we felt that was successful, like we would actually pull the kids before they would go through with this kind of a tour, field trip, etc. And then we would survey them again, after and we got some great comments, like one that really stuck out in my mind, one of the kids said, you know, I never thought I could use my love of art in, you know, a work setting or a job or a career or whatever. So things like that. That was exactly what we were hoping to do is help them to see a little bit bigger than they had had a chance to up to that point in their life. But we ran into challenges. So that program, when I was at the VISTA chamber, we ran 1,000/8 graders through in like an 18 month period of time. And at least out here in Southern California field trips are challenging for school districts, and all those logistics that they have to go through to make a field trip happen are not simple. And then secondly, I found that I was constantly going back to the same four or five different companies saying, Hey, I got another group of 38th graders or 20, you know, whatever, for you guys to host. And so, you know, it becomes challenging for businesses to interrupt their flow to do that on a regular basis. So all that being said, That was that was the precursor, when COVID hit, obviously, the whole world pivoted towards virtual learning, virtual interaction, et cetera, et cetera. And at the same time, our local hospital out here was working on some initiatives to help their career readiness workforce pipeline get developed. And so they were interested in, in creating some videos to help broaden people’s awareness of career opportunities within healthcare. Most people when they think of healthcare, all they think of as a nurse and a doctor. And obviously, when you have a big hospital, there’s usually something like, I think our hospital has, like 2200 employees. So there’s all kinds of careers, that all the way from marketing, you know, down to techs and an

Brandon Burton 18:00
average janitors, you know, everything Yeah,

Bret Schanzenbach 18:03
you got it, you got it. So there’s, there’s so much diversity within just a company like that. So they approached us and and so what we ended up putting together and one of the things I love about this is, this was a collaboration with three different chambers of commerce here in my area. So we the Carlsbad chamber, our two neighbors directly nearest the Oceanside chamber and the VISTA chamber, the hospital that I just mentioned, and then our regional EDC edge, our Regional Economic Development Council for our area, the five of us together collaborated on this project. And we went out to our local county representative and said, Hey, we have this idea. And so luckily, he bought into the idea that I’m going to share and funded it because this stuff doesn’t happen without some money behind it. But we created a web portal. And it’s called SoCal. And that’s an acronym that I always forget, but it stands for student opportunities for career awareness and learning. SoCal, and the website is called SoCal workforce.org, SoCal workforce.org. And so we created this web portal. And what we did as we were starting to conceive it, and one of the pieces that was really important to us as we wanted to do this in conjunction with our schools, we didn’t, we didn’t want to do this in some silo by ourselves and just do what we thought made sense. So we worked with the three school districts in the three communities that I just mentioned, Carlsbad, Oceanside and VISTA. And we said, hey, here’s this idea we have, we want to make this evergreen portal of jobs and careers, a video library, if you will, that you can use in the cloud. last room to expose students to the real world of work. And they love the idea, we met with them like two or three times during the process of developing it. And, and when we unveiled it in January of this year 2022, they were ecstatic. And so what the web portal has, when you go there, and it’s open to anybody, so it could be like a teacher who’s navigating this or an individual student, or like, anybody who’s in a, looking to change directions in life, right? Anybody can use this, this website, but you can look up job or career opportunities, three different ways, by industry, by company name, or by a job itself. So like industry, you could look and say, oh, what kinds of things exist in my area in healthcare and tech, in, you know, in public safety, or whatever the case might be? Or, Hey, I’ve heard of, in our area that, you know, there’s some big name companies like ViaSat, or Nordson, or, you know, whatever the company is, I’ve heard of that company, what jobs might be, what careers do they even have, I don’t even know what they do. Or you could just go the path of, you know, like, I want to know more about being an engineer or want to know more about being a this or that. So whatever way you navigate, you eventually get down to these three minute videos. And what we did is we shot all the videos on location. At the site where the worker works, we wanted it really, in their workspace in their flow, like all the B roll, we didn’t use any third party just B roll that you can just purchase, you know, anywhere, everything is shot at the actual site where these people work. And we interview these these various workers. And it’s the same kind of interview that I mentioned earlier, who they are, what they do, what do they like about it? What’s challenging about it?

How do they get to this point in their career, if they were adding a staff member to their team, what would they be looking for. And so in these three minute videos, you get a really good snapshot of a real life, you know, place of work, job, career, etc. And, on our portal, another piece that I really like, because we were trying to think of it from the student perspective is, when you get down to the actual job, before you watch the video, there’s a description there, hey, here’s a little bit about the job. Here’s what the average person in San Diego County makes, who, who performs this job, here’s the job outlook for the next five to 10 years for that profession, in our area. And then if, you know, educational resources are like if you need a degree or a certificate or something to do that job, here’s a couple of links of local institutions who offer those certificates or degrees, etc. And so then with all that background, and they can watch the three minute you know, video and and get to know, that particular job, career, etc. And school districts, when we rolled it out in January, we’re over the moon, they love it. Now, it’s not that a school district can’t like if they wanted to bring, oh, let’s let’s look at a day in the life of the engineer. They can they have resources, they can find that that’s out there. But what our school districts really loved about this project was that it’s so localized. So these are companies that they’re, the students may have heard of, these are places that they’ve driven by, I mean, these are right here in their backyard. And it just the teachers were so excited about making it tangible to their students.

Brandon Burton 24:02
So I’m gonna circle back towards some of the beginning of your comments, and you mentioned that students often will only know what their parents have done it Yeah, just funny. When I was in third grade, I drew some attention from the school when I told them that my dad sold drugs because a pharmaceutical sales rep but I would hear him come home talking about the new drug that he’s marketing. So you know, naturally when we talk about what is your dad do for a living my dad sold drugs so that prompted a parent teacher conference and Oh, no that so that was interesting. But so with these, this web portal and video library I love this idea that I love being able to have the different angles being able to filter by industry company and job type. Are you primarily focusing on the bigger companies because they have so many different levels, different types of positions? Or do you have some of the smaller entrepreneurs even that are highlighting what a day in the life of their work is? Like?

Bret Schanzenbach 25:11
Yeah, good question. Um, it is it is intended to be a mix of both. But initially, it was, when we were at the conception phase and trying to get it off the ground, it was a little bit easier to go to some of the bigger companies who have a diversity of roles already, and say, hey, you know, we want to shoot three different, you know, jobs through different roles at your company. But, but we have both some, so we have some large companies, but we also have some, I would say, medium sized companies. And, and when we launched in January, our goal was to get, I think our goal was to have 60 videos on the portal at launch. And we ended up we met that goal. And currently there’s, there’s 80, I’m trying to think through the numbers. Yeah, currently, there’s 80. And our goal by the end of this calendar year is to get to 100. And then obviously, continue to grow it but but yeah, the so we’re trying to diverse, like to your point, we’re trying to diversify as we grow, and get a more industries be more diversity of size of companies and things. The county supervisor who really bought into this initially, he wanted us to have a healthy mix of things that did not require going to get a four year degree. Sure. And as you probably know, there’s, you know, obviously, there’s the big push in the schools for STEM, and, you know, that kind of stuff. So we wanted to have, obviously, that kind of stuff, too. So we worked really hard. So there’s like some, there’s some construction jobs, you know, what I mean, there’s welders and you know, that kind of stuff in the midst of off. So there’s engineers and you know, etc. So we’re worked hard to try to have that kind of diversity in there.

Brandon Burton 27:07
Yeah. And I can see this library just growing over time with expanding the different companies. But there’s always going to be the need for an accountant and a lawyer and a doctor in some of those staples. But then you see new careers popping up to you know, from I’m thinking when the smartphones came out, and you had app developers, and that wasn’t like you had software designers, but now specifically apps and now. So we see technology shifting with, you know, the metaverse and things like that. And, you know, what is the career going to look like 10 years from now, it might look very different. But exposing these students to those opportunities might help them avoid, you know, eight years in the real estate industry if they don’t like that, right.

Bret Schanzenbach 27:53
Yeah, no, you’re but you’re you’re spot on it. I mean, there’s people who have careers right now that five years ago, those things didn’t even exist. So you know, so theoretically, somebody entering college today, you know, might end up in a career a few years from now, that doesn’t even exist as they start college at least. And Title and name like you, like an app developer. At one point, there was no such thing, right? Or what exactly is an influencer again, but making a lot of money at it. I don’t know what that means. You know, so that is a challenge to, but the other thing that we’re doing is one of the challenges we had when, you know, when I was sharing that example, at my previous chamber, where we were working hard to bring the, the classroom world into the real world of work. We were doing it within our given community, you know, I was the VISTA chamber, and these were Vista businesses, and this was the Vista school district and, but at least in our area, and I know, every region could be, you know, have some differences here. But in our area where we are a suburban, you know, area, it doesn’t make sense to do it. siloed but community by community, which is why this regional approach we felt made a lot more sense. Like, I live in community a I work in community b I go to school and community see my churches in community D. I mean, that’s, that’s actually true for me what I just said, you know, so it was really important for us to take a broader perspective, here in Carlsbad. There. 80,000 people come to work every day, but only 20,000 of those actually live in Carlsbad. So that’s a lot of people coming to work from neighboring communities. And so we had that mindset. So now what where we’re at is, since we launched in January, we’ve now added three more communities to our portfolio, San Marcos Escondido Encinitas have all joined us and their school districts as well. So we’re growing it growing the footprint of it geographically. And then as you already were talking about the companies, the jobs, the those kind of operates, the industries are growing as well. And so we eventually see it hopefully being county wide, but that’s going to take a little while, but county wide, and, you know, just continuing to expand the diversity of opportunities to,

Brandon Burton 30:27
I think it goes to show, maybe the definition of community is changing to some degree, you know, between online communities got your physical communities, you’ve got cities that were established before transportation was as robust as it is now, and, and the world just keeps getting smaller and smaller. So as we silo and say, We are the Carlsbad community, you’re really discounting a lot of opportunity from the neighboring areas that, you know, your residents or employers employees are interacting in those cities anyway. So maybe just kind of a reset on what community actually means.

Bret Schanzenbach 31:02
Yeah, I think that’s a good point. You know, we’re, we’re very fluid in this area, and I believe, probably in a lot of areas, and as you pointed out, transportation being, you know, robust, but this, this portal has been, you know, a great collaboration, and I think, in our industry, you know, that’s really important, you know, in the chamber industry to collaborate together, look for me, you know, how can we create win wins, you know, and it, it’s a, it’s been a really great thing for us to collectively work together on and create value for all of our memberships in this in this region. And our, you know, our bigger members who have a tendency to be members of multiple chambers, they love seeing this to, you know, they love seeing our chambers all work together on on big, more enterprise level projects. So, so that’s been a positive, I think our biggest challenge, you know, as we, we initially got that grant, which was super helpful, but, you know, to grow it, there has to be funding so, videography, high quality videography, and editing doesn’t come free. And, and we have done it at a very high level. So we’re at the point where, okay, we’re looking for some more grants and streams of funding. But we’re also going straight to the companies and say, Hey, if you want your company, you know, featured here, we have a path for that. So we’ve created corporate pricing for those that want to be added. It was interesting when we launched some industries that we hadn’t really thought of jumped up and said, Oh, we want to be featured. And so you know, a municipality, their, their water division, they’re like, We need to promote career opportunities in this field. You know, people don’t think about this. And so they jumped on board and sponsored, you know, right away and got some video shot at, at their, whatever water division at their municipality. So there’s, you know, there’s different pockets that we hadn’t really anticipated. And right now I’m working. You know, I mentioned at the outset that we have a strong tourism in Carlsbad. But at the moment, there is no tourism or hospitality listed on our portal at all. So I’m currently in dialogue with them, they they’re really hurting for workforce right now, after the pandemic, it’s been a challenge getting getting staffed back up to the levels, both at restaurants and hotels, and but we just hosted a panel discussion on tourism about two weeks ago, and they were all talking about how they need to, you know, promote careers within tourism. So, so we had a discussion this week about how they could get into our portal. So we’re putting a proposal together for them to to get some video shot at their place. So, you know, I love that, that we have this tool to be able to help serve those who have that need right now.

Brandon Burton 34:05
Yeah, I love that. And thank you for touching on the funding part of it too, because I was going to ask that next about day, how do you make all this happen? And yeah, variety of sources and, and being creative as you go along to and looking for those new opportunities.

Bret Schanzenbach 34:19
Very true. I mean, obviously, there we all in our communities know of some, some go to little, you know, channels where we go after funding for this or that, but eventually, you know, we need business to step up. You know, we were looking regionally at funding sources. You know, our local congressman really liked the idea what so one of the things that’s been that’s come up though, is multiple people have said, hey, it would be great. If your portal could be like a one stop shop for internships, companies who want to host interns, you know, people who want to have an internship and it could be a one stop shop and You know, we’re dealing with all these different jurisdictions now different school districts, and you know, all this stuff. And they all have their own

Brandon Burton 35:08
parameters. And yeah,

Bret Schanzenbach 35:10
exactly. So it’s like, oh, boy, how do we do this? So that’s probably like version three of the portal. Not even version two. But so those are things we’re aspiring to, though and are on our radar to continue to evolve, how this portal can continue to serve the needs of our community now that it’s launched, and it’s getting on people’s radar.

Brandon Burton 35:33
Yeah, I really liked that. But as we start to wrap things up here, I wanted to ask you, for anybody listening? What tip or action item might you share with them to any chamber that’s looking to take their organization up to the next level?

Action Item/Tip for Chamber Champions

Bret Schanzenbach 35:51
Yeah, that’s, um, you know, it’s a great question we talked about here. And, and other people have heard in the industry, that we can’t, we can’t be our grandfather’s chamber. You know, the chamber, the days when you think of kind of like, there was a time where businesses join the chamber, and you can pick a variety of reasons, the chamber was the go to place for networking, that was probably the easiest chamber was the go to place for advocacy, you know, you know, things like that. And we don’t have the market cornered on any of those things anymore. I mean, there’s a million ways to network from meet up and you know, online tools to lead clubs and all that kind of stuff. There’s so many ways to network, besides even just social networking. And then advocacy, every industry has its own, you know, vehicle, you know, their own Association, that advocates just for their specific niche needs, and really watches their back. And I still think chambers are excellent at broad scale advocacy, and networking, and all that kind of stuff. But we don’t have the market cornered on any of those things that used to be kind of synonymous with why you need to join a chamber. So we’re constantly asking, asking ourselves, you know, what is our you know, value proposition? What are we bringing to the table that nobody else is bringing to the table, which is part and parcel with this, this discussion we just had today, this is one piece of it for us, you know. So we’re, we’re involved in workforce development in about five or six different fingers or different ways. This SoCal project was just one of them. But that’s, for us, it was like, nobody, when I left broad scape, broad scale, nobody’s involved in this, nobody can bring to the table what we can and workforce development, the relationship with the companies and the relationship with a schools which already we have, you know, we can we can be this bridge that nobody else can serve. So we’ve, that’s one of the stakes we put in the ground, this is going to be a value proposition that we have for our membership. But looking at those things, what do you bring to the table that not nobody else is, you know, Rotary can’t bring to the table or, you know, some nonprofit in your community can’t bring to the table or some Meetup group can’t bring to the table, you know, what, what is it that’s unique. And so we look for those things we and we have, you know, we’re constantly developing new initiatives, which is a little daunting, to be honest, we have to be careful, we don’t get out of a mission and, and go off on some tangent, but, but, and I think, and one other thing I want to, I want to point out 25 years ago, when people thought of economic development, they primarily thought of, let’s try to get Company X or company wide to come to our city. And they’ll bring good jobs, and that’ll be good for the community. And we even saw it like five or six years ago, like the whole country was tripping over themselves to try and get the next you know, Amazon headquarters, you know, and it was almost comical, but and there’s I’m not saying that’s not valid, but even before COVID We knew and now since COVID We really know that people can be from work from anywhere. Yeah, you know, they don’t you it doesn’t matter where their job is. It’s where do they want to be and so we have to create a community that attracts people that want to be there not because their company’s there. So what does that mean? Well, what attracts people you got to have, you know, low crime rate, great schools, affordable housing, amenities and parks and stuff that people want, you know, a good entrepreneurial environment, you know, business friendly, me all these factors together. There are what make places desirable for people to locate. And, and, and be. So we have to be about all of it. You know, we can’t just be siloed in, we’re a business organization, we are going to work with business. That’s long gone. And so we’re constantly looking at how can we make a positive impact in all those areas, so that we can make our community a great place to, you know, live workplace shop, dying vacation visit, you know, all of that. And so it’s it’s exciting, but it’s daunting. It’s a, the the ways you can engage that are never ending, which wakes me up and gets me excited. And also overwhelms me sometimes at two o’clock in the morning. But that’s what I love about the industry.

Brandon Burton 40:51
Now, and I think something you touched on is, it’s the shift of placemaking. Like it used to be, you’re attracting business, and now it’s attracting those employees, attracting those people that want to live in your community. And I think your response, it may answer my next question, but I like asking everybody I have on the show, as we look to the future chambers of commerce, how do you see their purpose going forward?

Future of Chambers

Bret Schanzenbach 41:16
Yeah, I think that the role that we serve as a hub within the community is so vital and important, and valuable, so valuable, you know, we can pull together stakeholders from so many different things from from public safety, and government, to education and nonprofits and business and we can put them in the same room. And, and sometimes you don’t maybe only need two or three of those fingers for what your initiative is, but, but you can, we can pull together things that nobody else can and, and so we have to, we have to embrace that role. And you know, find the issues within our communities that are meaningful, and, and go after them and be the solution. We don’t have to have all the answers, but be the one that convenes everybody to help create the positive movement for the community. And I think if we wholeheartedly embrace that role will continue to be relevant, and will continue to have a reason to exist. But you know, if we just kind of bury our head, and like, we’re the business community, I think that’s too narrow. And I feel like most chambers have evolved beyond that. But, but I see going forward, just we have to take that up, you know, wholeheartedly and run with that mentality to be community leaders, not just business leaders.

Brandon Burton 42:42
Right. And being that that embracing being a convener is is so important, and you guys are setting a great example with the SoCal program. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing is you’re bringing those those right people to the table to help provide opportunities for the the youth coming up that are going to be the future workforce. Yeah. So Brad, I wanted to give you an opportunity to share any contact information for listeners who might want to reach out and connect with you and learn more about the SoCal program or how you go through all the things in Carlsbad, what’s the best way for someone to reach out and connect?

Connect with Bret Schanzenbach

Bret Schanzenbach 43:18
Sure. I have the easiest email in the world. So one of my emails is ceo@carlsbad.org. And you can email me the if somebody wanted to check out that website I mentioned socalworkforce.org. And you can see more. I’m on LinkedIn, I’m on all those different. I don’t know social media thing is, you know, I respond I actually check messages on LinkedIn. If anybody messages me on the other ones, I don’t check those but but you can connect with people all the time on LinkedIn, especially chamber pros. I love connecting with other chamber professionals. Because I value them and you know, there’s none of us has all the answers in this world of of what we do in the chamber. So I love learning and meeting other people and hearing what’s working in their communities and seeing if there’s any tidbits I can bring back to my community. So yeah, hit me up on LinkedIn. Email me ceo@carlsbad.org. And yeah, love to connect.

Brandon Burton 44:28
Very good. I’ll make sure if we get all that in our show notes for this episode, which will be found at chamber chat. podcast.com/episode 191. But Brad, this has been great having you on the podcast. I appreciate you taking the time to be with us and sharing this great example of what you guys and you know, in collaboration with your neighboring Chambers as well are doing and it’s a great template that others can look to and build upon themselves.

Bret Schanzenbach 44:55
Well, thank you so much for the invitation, Brandon, I really enjoyed it.

Brandon Burton 44:58
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Doing Commerce in the Metaverse

Future of Chambers

As I interview guests on Chamber Chat Podcast, I always ask the same question at the end of each episode.  That question is “how do you see the future of chambers of commerce and their purpose going forward?”.  I get a lot of great answers to this question as it forces us to take a glimpse into the future. Of course nobody really knows what the future holds, but it is a good idea as hall of fame hockey player, Wayne Gretzky says to skate to where the puck is going.

In an effort to gain a better understanding of where the future is going, I believe it is a good idea to look at the habits, trends, and even addictions of the next generations.  One of the biggest trends or addictions that I notice is the widespread adoption of immersive role playing “games”.  I put games in quotation marks because as it may appear to be a game to older generations, the ones who are immersed in these platforms are living another life within that ecosystem.

Traditional Video Games vs. Metaverse Games

When I was growing up, my friends and I would get together to play Nintendo games.  We would play games like Super Mario Bros., Tecmo Super Bowl, and later Street Fighter II.  Each new gaming system would bring along greater capacity for more realistic graphics.  To play these games, we would insert a game cartridge into the gaming system.  We would play until the game was over, we were out of lifes, or until an upset sibling turned the system off.  The games of today are very different.  Today, these games are connected through the internet to other gaming devices and many of these games can be played on a variety of platforms (TV screen, PC, smartphone, etc.). 

Another differentiating factor is that these games don’t necessarily end.  A player has their avatar or character in a virtual world where they “live”.  These avatars have homes, cars, clothes, among other possessions that they can collect, purchase, or trade throughout their virtual experience.  Did you notice that I said purchase?  Yes, these avatars are purchasing goods and services within the virtual world.  They are doing commerce.  

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Metaverse Now

When we hear or talk about the Metaverse, it is really an abstract concept of virtual worlds.  We tend to think about how this might look in the future while ignoring that this is happening NOW!  The next generations are already plugged into the Metaverse and doing commerce there.  

What grabbed my attention around this topic is the annual sales from the top three virtual or Metaverse platforms in comparison to one of the top real goods online retailers.  The combined annual sales of Roblox ($2.206B), Fortnite ($5.8B), and Minecraft ($380M) is $8.386B while Etsy, one of the top online retailers for real goods, has a total annual sales of $2.414B.  These three Metaverse games are out performing Etsy by 4X!  Is that worth taking note of?

Some of the world’s biggest companies and brands are starting to create digital products specifically for the Metaverse.  Nike has even launched virtual shoes.  Many of these brands are tying their digital products to an NFT which is also connected to a physical product.

Doing Digital Commerce

So, again, as we look to the future, if we look at those people who will be doing business and commerce in the future, what can we learn?  We learn that they are already comfortable with conducting business through a screen, a headset, and even an avatar.  We learn that their world is much smaller than the world a traditional business person might be used to.  When we are not limited by geography a whole new world of possibilities opens up.

As a chamber leader, I would suggest you spend some time with your children or grandchildren to learn more about what their virtual worlds look like.  Find out what they enjoy about their virtual experiences.  I believe that soon enough, we will no longer call these virtual worlds or virtual experiences, they will just be integrated into our everyday lives.

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Directories, magazines, maps, and digital…
Consider Community Matters, Inc. for your next chamber publication.

It may be worth your time to bring on an intern who can help to make the connection between traditional business and virtual commerce.  Once your chamber members see that the puck is going in this direction, they will need to lean on their chamber to get up to speed quickly.  Now is the time for you to learn so you can help your member businesses pivot as the ecosystem matures.  There is space for every chamber of commerce in the Metaverse world.  There will also be a huge upside for those who partake in the first mover advantage.

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