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A Podcast for Chamber Professionals Posts

The Value of Placemaking with Graham Cobb

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I am grateful we had Graham Cobb, President & CEO of the Greater Bentonville Area Chamber to address the topic of placemaking. Bentonville has done an incredible job making their community attractive to new businesses, residents, as well as visitors.

As we know, economic development is multifaceted and the draw for an individual or a business to make a move needs to be very compelling. Bentonville hits on every level to make their argument.

In our discussion, Graham talks about the many things that make Bentonville great. He talks about the museums, the arts, their ties with Walmart, and how they became the mountain bike capital of the world. Just as important as each of these highlights, is the accessibility for everyone to use these great features.

If you would like to connect with Graham about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see his contact information below:

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program. -P.S. Your members will love the savings you can offer them too!

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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The Power of Your Professional Network with Nancy Keefer

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Nancy Keefer, President & CEO of the Daytona Regional Chamber is our guest on the podcast this week to discuss the power that comes from your professional network.

When thinking of your professional network, you might have a rather general first reaction as to what that means. Nancy touches on several aspects of different networks such as your peer network, masterminds, and even creating alliances with other Chambers around you.

There are a variety of networks available for you to tap into if you know what you are looking for. In Chamber world, I believe that it is best to learn from others in the industry, hence this podcast! Nancy shares how she has made some strong and lasting relationships with other Chamber professionals that she can lean on for support or guidance when needed.

If you would like to connect with Nancy about anything she discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see her contact information below:

  • Email: Nancy@DaytonaChamber.com

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program. -P.S. Your members will love the savings you can offer them too!

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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The Modern Chamber with Brandom Gengelbach

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Brandom Gengelbach is a really hard name for me to say, especially when my name is Brandon, but he was a great guest to have on Chamber Chat Podcast. Brandom is the President & CEO of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce.

Brandom and I had an interesting discussion about the modern Chamber and what that means. He focused his comments on three specific areas:

  • Economic Development vs. Membership
  • Merging economic development & membership benefits
  • Storytelling

I also really liked his response to my question about how he sees the future of Chambers of Commerce. Brandom says that Chambers should be looking to solve the problems that are holding their members back.

If you would like to connect with Brandom about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see his contact information below:

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

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Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program. -P.S. Your members will love the savings you can offer them too!

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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Every Member an Ambassador with Alicia Bermes

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Alicia Bermes joins us for this episode from the Niles Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Illinois. Alicia shares an important lesson that she learned earlier in her career as she worked with the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts organization helped her to understand the most effective way to recruit new members.

While trying to attract new members, you can pound the pavement, spend a lot on marketing, beg people to join your organization, or you can do what Alicia shares with us. You can create an experience for your membership that is remarkable. An experience that they will want to share with others and will bring others along to participate with them.

Some of the tactics that Alicia shares with us in this episode are similar to what I covered back in episode 38 when I reviewed Pat Flynn’s book “Superfans“.

If you would like to connect with Alicia about anything she discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see her contact information below:

  • Email: alicia@nileschamber.com

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program. -P.S. Your members will love the savings you can offer them too!

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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The Wisdom of Crowds with Matt Morrow

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Matt Morrow, President & CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber joins the podcast this week to a fun discussion. We all know the old saying that we are stronger together, well Matt shares some deeper thoughts on this idea.

As we discussed topic ideas for this episode, Matt suggested the idea of sharing some thoughts that he learned from a book titled “The Wisdom of Crowds“.

Based on lessons learned from this book, Matt shares some great stories that reinforce the idea that if people can gather with others from diverse backgrounds and experience, then they are better equipped to make good decisions. Chambers of Commerce are uniquely positioned as conveners for their communities and are one of the few remaining organizations that can truly extract the wisdom of a crowd.

If you would like to connect with Matt about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see his contact information below:

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program.

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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Responding to Racism with Matt Largen

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Matt Largen joins us this week for an important discussion about responding to racism. Over the past several months, racial inequality and racism have gained more public attention, especially after the murder of George Floyd. Matt is leading with an example to show how a Chamber of Commerce can play a role in seeing that these racial issues get the attention they deserve.

Matt share with us how Williamson, Inc. led an initiative to have the image of the confederate flag removed from their county seal. Williamson, Inc. has also established a Black Business Coalition to create a platform for voices to be hear and ideas to be shared while providing guidance and support for the members of this coalition.

If you would like to connect with Matt about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see his contact information below:

  • Email: Matt@WilliamsonChamber.com
  • Twitter

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program.

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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5 Year Plan with Allen Smith

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Allen Smith joins us for this episode to discuss some of the recent changes that have resulted in the formation of OneSpartanburg, Inc. which included a rebrand and a mission to create a vibrant community for business, economic and tourism development.

In this episode, Allen shares about the 5 year plan for OneSpartanburg, Inc. and how that played into their rebrand as they move towards the future.

If you would like to connect with Allen about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can email him at asmith@spartanburgchamber.com.

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program.

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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From Relevant to Essential with Casey Steinbacher

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Casey Steinbacher is our guest this week to discuss her new e-book titled “From Relevant to Essential” that will go live on Amazon any day now. As Casey explains in our discussion, this book is more about the “why” and her next book will cover more of the technical “how” answers.

As I visited with Casey, I became very excited about reading this book because it is formatted in a way that “sets the table” for why she is even starting this conversation. Casey is clear about how timely this book is. She hopes that it will quickly become outdated as Chambers learn and adapt from the message that she shares.

Keep an eye out for announcements on the release date for “From Relevant to Essential” so we can learn from Casey together!

If you would like to connect with Casey about her upcoming book or anything she discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see her contact information below:

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program.

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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Horseshoes vs. Chess with Dave Adkisson

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This episode with Dave Adkisson has been over a year in the making. Dave recently retired as the President & CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. When I learned that he would be retiring soon, I reached out to him right away to schedule him as a guest on the podcast. That is when he told me that he was working on this book and we decided to wait until his book was ready to have him on the podcast. I am so glad that we waited!

Horseshoes vs. Chess is the best description that I have seen or heard about what a Chamber of Commerce is or should be. The book gives great examples from Dave’s career working at Chambers of various sizes and he shares many lessons that he has established throughout his Chamber career.

We had a great conversation in this episode as Dave shares a little bit behind the curtain about the making of this great resource for Chamber Champions.

If you would like to connect with Dave about anything he discussed in this episode or to continue this discussion offline, you can see his contact information below:

FREE resources to help you better serve your Chamber members and your community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ChamberPodcastingGuideCover.jpg
Have you considered the many benefits of hosting a podcast for your Chamber? The options, leverage, and possibilities that a podcast offers are virtually endless. Download my FREE Chamber Podcasting Guide to learn how to start your own Chamber podcast!
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Swypit can help you increase your non-dues revenue while also helping your members become more profitable by lowering their credit card processing fees. Click here to learn more about Swypit’s credit card affinity program. -P.S. Your members will love the savings you can offer them too!

As you focus on your Chamber’s mission and purpose, you will find that your publications say a lot about your organization. Community Matters, Inc. is an award-winning Chamber publisher that would like to help your Chamber with your next Chamber Directory, Guide, or Map. Community Matters has a turn-key program that is very simple. In the end, your Chamber has a great looking printed & digital publication that will represent your Chamber very well while providing a smooth source of non-dues revenue. Click here to learn more.

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